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Any MAY sleevers???

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Thank you for the pep talk I am almost feeling like i need another two weeks as the reality sets it ...its such a big surgery. <_<

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33 minutes ago, Taoz said:

*hugz* Hang in there ladies and gentleman, we have almost made it to our MAY DAY surgical rescue. :65_mask:

My surgery is this Wednesday, 2nd May! (half a day ahead of the US here in Aussie land) and I hope to post as soon as I"m able to once I'm post-surgery (probably late 1st or very early 2nd May US time). Today is my last day for a while having solids, so I plan to REALLY enjoy my meat and veggies tonight. Tomorrow I have to do full fluids, then fasting from midnight Tuesday (but continuing with Water until I arrive at hospital 8:45).

My weight loss slowed down a bit last week so I won't be making my overly optimistic pre-op weight loss target of my husbands current weight (106kg) but I"m currently between 111 and 112 which I think is pretty good down from 119kg just over 2 weeks ago.

I have already shrunk out of most of my pants I was wearing, and today picked up a few last things at the shops (a sleep/eye mask, a size 20 pair of track pants with drawstring waist (which I could put on today but is still a little tight), and some warm fleecy PJs for the kids now that cool nights are finally setting in.

Oh, I also bought a little teacup and saucer set (which will be my soup/purees bowl and plate for a while) plus a couple of mini "dipping sauce" bowls that I think will hold about a third of a cup serving of soup/liquids.

I still need to make and freeze small portions of cauliflower Soup tonight.

Never seems to be enough time to get everything done! I did at least get the rest of my onion seeds and smaller garlic (to eat as garlic greens over winter) planted and deeply watered in yesterday, so my veggie patch should be ready to chug along on it's own until winter now.

I've also just realised that I'm having much less trouble swallowing my formulite Meal Replacement shakes at lunch, and that it is probably because it now tastes a lot more bland to me than it did initially (I assume my taste buds have adapted to it?? fingers crossed it goes down as easy post op once I hit full liquids).

I bought some small appetizer plates and baby spoons and forks to help me keep my portions small, along with one and two oz. containers for my post op week liquids/jello. My surgery is at 9:00 am on May 7th and I'm excited to start this new life! Hubby drove me to the hospital so we know exactly where we're going on the big day. They want me there at 7:00 am. Would you believe I got big-time butterflies as soon as we got there?? :51_scream:

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Old dinner plate and Soup mug versus new dinner tea saucer and tea cup (and tiny bowl for early purees/soup)


Edited by Taoz

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2 minutes ago, Taoz said:

Old dinner plate and Soup mug versus new dinner teacup and tea mug (and tiny bowl for early purees/soup)


That reminds me that I alwo bought a few tiny glass bowls that I can use in the microwave or the oven. I'm trying to cover all the bases! :)

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May 2nd for me too. I did the summer to winter wardrobe rotation today now the weather getting a little cooler and I was folding up my size 18 - 20 summer dresses etc then thought about it and it sunk in that they’ll be much too big by next summer. It was a bit nerve wracking but I then threw a lot of stuff out. I did keep some things as I literally can’t imagine being slim ever but I know From all the you tube videos I’ve watched that the surgery is effective. It’s hard to trust myself I guess after so many years and so many broken diets. Anyway here is a photo of me the last time I was really slim. I was 32yrs old and then I started gaining slowly but ballooned after 35yrs old. I was 60kg here and I am going to aim for that again. Hey I won’t even complain if I only get to 65kg.


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I made my cauliflower and aged chedder Soup tonight... omg yum. I have 36 small servings currently freezing in kmart giant ice cube trays, and will freeze another dozen or more tomorrow with the remainder of the soup. I look forward to being able to have some when I am onto full liquids post op!

I've updated the original recipe to list how I made it (omitting the celery and Worcestershire sauce, increasing the chicken stock from 6 cups to 8 for a thinner soup, and I used about 180g of a 200g block of ALDI 36 month aged chedder (hubby ate the last bit)).

I am limited to full liquids with no veggies tomorrow ahead of surgery Wednesday.

Cauliflower Cheddar Soup.docx

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Jules and Taoz you Aussie girls are such neat buddies in this Weight War. Love your postings. Was laying on my bed, 9AM and I confess I'm listening to one of Australia's nicer products, Men at Work. We have a saying in the American West, if we really fancy a chap we say " he can put his boots anytime under my bed" well Russell Hitchcock for me sure could. Sure he's older, chubby and white-haired, ah that voice melts me into a puddle of warm chocolate. Yes I am allergic now to real chocolate now but if he sang "Making Love out of Nothing at All" to me I'd walk blindly into a shark-infested ocean. Absolutely no problem whatsoever!
Ah enough of my misplaced lust. Now up to eat my oatmeal porridge with 1% milk and face the day. Taoz your cauliflower cheddar Soup sounds absolutely luscious, but then I do like cheese. Fluffy Chix keeps preaching,about it being fat-laden maybe it is, doesn't keep me away. I love Gouda, I love Havarti, I love Cheddar especially. I even like limberger. Viley stinky stuff, few people admit to eating it, let alone relish it, well I do. Started eating it when I was a tinier person. Slather it on rye or pumpernickel bread with sliced onions. If you eat one of my sandwiches I promise to eat Vegemite without flinching. Yes I have tasted it, one year at our Ohio State Fair New South Wales had a booth, probably to stimulate tourism "Down Under". Well they had brought jars of the stuff, the bloke behind the counter said "Try it, Aussies eat it like you do Peanut Butter!" nobody could accuse me of not being game, especially when it comes to food. Usually tried to convince people I come from a long line of winter hibernators until somebody pointed out I'm not a bear, I don't require this layer of fat.
So I opened my little mouth and swallowed a heaping spoonful down. Hmmn, maybe if I'd eaten it frequently as a child? He laughed so hard I thought he was in danger of wetting himself. Said,most Yanks try to spit it out, do I have the figure to have abstained from food? I probably don't need Water wings, I'm buoyant enough already. I might even eat witcthy grubs. know that is not correct spelling but for once this phone didn't correct me. I have maintained all along English is not this phone's first language so I am sure Australian English really mystified it .
I've started recording my diet in My Fitness Pal, guess the bariatric staff wants to check what I'm eating. Yesterday I took in less calories than I burned, can I do equal today? Well to,paraphrase an old song "The is young and I'm so beautiful" guess we'll see how it all goes. May skip a regular meal today and implement a Protein Shake. Better find tastes I like before I end up relying on them. Ta Ta I'm off to the kitchen, trying to avoid the fridge and pantry. Keep Posting, I get a thrill hearing about your preps -!makes me feel a part,of it all and I yearn to soon join you both.🙆😜

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On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 12:03 PM, Frustr8 said:

Remember your pen name-you are now ready for the new me! You won't need to write out your will, people don't and won't die from such a surgery,these days. Darlin' I'm 72 if anyone is going to have a chance of dying,it would be me not you! I'm not scared so you surely should NOT be. Surgery now, unlike the "Bad Old Days" which I am old enough to remember is like a stroll in the park. I have had multiple surgeries, since 2014 I have had 5 and my bariatric one still to go. So if anyone can give you testimony c'est moi!
Okay since you're still scared s***less, let's just relax a little. Now you've met your surgeon, I am going to assume a good he or she doctor. Surgeons, although they can act certainmy a little pushy at times, are very very smart doctors. Their pushiness is nothing more than educated bravery, you have to be brave to cut people open and sew them up again. Let's hope you've developed a level of friendship and trust. Okay this friend will,do their level best to be make sure you have a smooth safe surgery. You want it, they want it so you know it's going to happen just that way. Okay, the night before you may not sleep well, perfectly normal, your mind will be working overtime, happens to all of us.You are going to be NPO from midnight on, no drinkee, no eatee. What I have done and I bet you will too- I go around and kiss everyone while they sleep. Yes you are doing this surgery for YOU but also so you can be still here for them. You're a mom.,this is what you do. Get some rest, in the morning go to the hospital or clinic, put a smile on your face and tuck hope into your heart. You will meet a,lot of nurses and techs, everyone of them kind c and nice people. Change into a gown, go tinkle one more time, I always need to every time, curl up. on your bed, relax, keep that darn smile on your face. I worked in and on the edges of nursing for 25 years, yes they will still take care of you but a pleasant acting patient gets all the perks, those nurses appreciate it. They will come start an IV, they are super good at what they do, but if you have what I have, veins that "roll" gently warm them Once they had to use an " airplane" needle to keep mine secure. These are used normally in pediatrics for scalp veins on small kids, they have a little plate so they lay flat. But I'm diverting from my subject, aren't I? You may start to get sleepy now,but maybe you're still alert. Pretty soon you'll be rolling down the hall and off to your Date with Destiny. Now Operating Theatre are as a rule cold-ish. I accused my ortho one time of doing it deliberately. You may see your surgeon before you go to sleep, you may not. I've had it both ways. You may remember sliding over into the table, you may not. One of mine, I had a broken limb being surgically reduced, they told me to pull myself over, I responded that if I could do that, I wouldn't be there. Last thing I remember was them. stretching my arms to the side and securing them. I mention this because they may do that for you. Sometimes the anesthesiologist asks you to count backwards, often you're already going to sleep. Didn't mind my arms being secured, made me feel they were keeping,me safe.
And then you go smoothly to sleep, the next thing you remember is waking up,in recovery. Remember to ask for an anti nausea patch behind your ear, it does help. Your tummy may feel tender, but it may not. Everybody has a different story at this point. There will be a lot of techs and nurses scurrying around but right now you are the star and they'll take super good care of you. When you are recovered and stable enough you'll go back to your room, you may have an cathetet, you may not. If not get up, move around, go to the bathroom, you'll start on your walkies, sippies and still smile,as much,as possible. You've made it through and everything will get better day by day. And that my,love, is just how it's going to be! Feel a little less nervous? Goody! Now remember to post as soon as you feel like it, we love to be updated and we all will Celebrate with you. And when my Bariatric Day comes as it will in a month or so you'll be able to nod your head and say "I remember That!"
Hugs and a kiss on the cheek for the future. your friend Frust8

thank you for taking the time to write this. as i read I literally had a calming voice with some few giggles. thank you for walking me through it. big hugs back at you and thanks again

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Having bypass on May 7 @ 3:15. Start my clear liquid diet on Friday. I’m getting super nervous!

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5 hours ago, Taoz said:

I made my cauliflower and aged chedder Soup tonight... omg yum. I have 36 small servings currently freezing in kmart giant ice cube trays, and will freeze another dozen or more tomorrow with the remainder of the Soup. I look forward to being able to have some when I am onto full liquids post op!

I've updated the original recipe to list how I made it (omitting the celery and Worcestershire sauce, increasing the chicken stock from 6 cups to 8 for a thinner soup, and I used about 180g of a 200g block of ALDI 36 month aged chedder (hubby ate the last bit)).

I am limited to full liquids with no veggies tomorrow ahead of surgery Wednesday.

Cauliflower Cheddar Soup.docx

I am definitely going to make some of that soup when back home next week. I’ll be glad of something tasty when I get to stage 2. I confess I was very bad with my diet last night. Knowing it was my last chance in a long time I got a takeaway for dinner. I went for super spicy and tasty and got chicken vindaloo. I enjoyed every bit of it but am now stressing about being found out about my poor preop dieting attempt on Wednesday when the surgeon sees my liver. 😞

It is what it is now and I’m sure he won’t close me up and send me off to do preop diet again.

anyway onto the thin smooth soup tomorrow after lunch and that is hopefully the last day I will feel very hungry for a long time.

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I've received my approval as well and scheduled for surgery 5/14/2018. Today is my first official day of the two week pre-op diet. I am mostly excited but I would be lying if I didn't say that I am also a bit scared of the whole issue. I have great respect and confidence in my surgeon but the fear of the unknown is taking over. I know it is the best thing for me and my family. I was happy to find this forum. It helps to know we are all going to be going through this together. Best of luck to all!

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I just found out from my insurance company that I was approved! They told me the date of 5/15...I am guessing that is my surgery date? I haven't heard from the doc office yet! I am on the lower end of the BMI..
HW: 202
CW: 199
GW: 130
BMI: 35
Height: 5'3"
I am excited for my journey to start to get my health back on track and start anew!

Mine is on the 15th too! [emoji2]

Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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