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Are we allowed to share how psych evaluation go?

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Good Lord! Demand a referral to another one immediately!!! That's absolutely terrible. Mine works with my surgeon and her bariatric patients routinely so knows the drill. While I was there, they had 3 other of her patients in the waiting room doing the same thing I was doing!

I'm so sorry you had that experience, but don't put up with that BS! Fire her!

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I had already done one before and I wasn’t treated like that you should never be treated that way ever and now I’m in the process of maybe if having to have the complete bypass done and she has her own in house one who isn’t like that at all! I am so sorry you went through it it’s hard enough to take this road everyone thinks it’s the easy way out but the truth is it’s NOT it’s far from it!

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I had already done one before and I wasn’t treated like that you should never be treated that way ever and now I’m in the process of maybe if having to have the complete bypass done and she has her own in house one who isn’t like that at all! I am so sorry you went through it it’s hard enough to take this road everyone thinks it’s the easy way out but the truth is it’s NOT it’s far from it!

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20 hours ago, TropicalBeachDoll said:

If not , let me be the first 🤦🏽‍♀️. Today I went to my initial psych evaluation and the doctor told me that because my family had previously diabetes high blood pressure and etc. that I was predisposed to have as well and she said that my family did not know how to eat therefore I don’t know how to eat and my children won’t know how to eat .she then went on to tell me that I have poor eating habits .she then told me I should join weight watchers and she made a sarcastic joke saying hey look I’m trying to help you out you’re about to get yourself all cut up

So yeah I figure that I share with you how my psych evaluation went today was quite interesting let alone very him how can I explain it I felt like she was putting her finger in my face. Talk about rubbing salt into a wound


I had a very similar experience with my psych. This psych's entire practice is for bariatrics, but that didn't stop her from telling me that she wasn't sure that having half my stomach cut out and risking intractable GERD was worth it. She criticized my every lifestyle habit, cast doubt in my ability to succeed, and by the end had me feeling like my 27 year marriage was completely dysfunctional.

I left the office completely dejected and after having issues with my surgeon's office staff for failing to refer me to a dietician, I took it as a sign that it just wasn't meant to be for me.

I absolutely wrote my surgeon to tell her about this horrific experience, but received no response.

A few months later, when I hit my bottom (you know....rock bottom), I decided that I was finished with this red tape and was planning on going self-pay in Mexico. It was then that I ran into my current patient coordinator who has really done a marvelous job and my surgery is scheduled for 4/10.

I guess I tell you this is because there are good and bad practitioners in all specialties. Unfortunately, we got a couple of doozies. I strongly urge you to let your surgeon know so that they can reconsider using that psych again.

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I had a very similar experience with my psych. This psych's entire practice is for bariatrics, but that didn't stop her from telling me that she wasn't sure that having half my stomach cut out and risking intractable GERD was worth it. She criticized my every lifestyle habit, cast doubt in my ability to succeed, and by the end had me feeling like my 27 year marriage was completely dysfunctional.
I left the office completely dejected and after having issues with my surgeon's office staff for failing to refer me to a dietician, I took it as a sign that it just wasn't meant to be for me.
I absolutely wrote my surgeon to tell her about this horrific experience, but received no response.
A few months later, when I hit my bottom (you know....rock bottom), I decided that I was finished with this red tape and was planning on going self-pay in Mexico. It was then that I ran into my current patient coordinator who has really done a marvelous job and my surgery is scheduled for 4/10.
I guess I tell you this is because there are good and bad practitioners in all specialties. Unfortunately, we got a couple of doozies. I strongly urge you to let your surgeon know so that they can reconsider using that psych again.

Glad to know I’m not alone. When I left my appointment I felt Like I did something totally wrong. It was really strange. But nevertheless, I’m focused on the end goal If I could bump up my surgery I would .
Are you going to Tijuana Mexico? I met some ladies that went there and the had a wonderful experience. The after care I heard was amazing.

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I had already done one before and I wasn’t treated like that you should never be treated that way ever and now I’m in the process of maybe if having to have the complete bypass done and she has her own in house one who isn’t like that at all! I am so sorry you went through it it’s hard enough to take this road everyone thinks it’s the easy way out but the truth is it’s NOT it’s far from it!

Thank you ! Your absolutely right.

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12 hours ago, TropicalBeachDoll said:

Glad to know I’m not alone. When I left my appointment I felt Like I did something totally wrong. It was really strange. But nevertheless, I’m focused on the end goal If I could bump up my surgery I would .
Are you going to Tijuana Mexico? I met some ladies that went there and the had a wonderful experience. The after care I heard was amazing.

When is tarted making inquiries into having surgery in Mexico the coordinator that I started working for felt that she could get my surgery approved by insurance. So, that's where we are. I'm actually having surgery in Las Vegas. I still have to fly there from my home, but at least I'm not forking out over $10k to have it in Mexico (which my PCP really frowned upon anyway).

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Congratulations in advance for finding something that works for you. Now have it, get better, get thin and healthy so you can mentor me. My road has been so crooked and bumpy I need all the mentoring I can get! But I will do it! I'm in it to win it! I may not be quiet as some people want but you'll still hear the Victory Bells ringing for me. As the old standards song said " It's Only A Matter Of Time"[emoji13][emoji444][emoji13]

Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

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I’m sorry that has happened to you, and it sounds like she is abusive and not doing her job.

I would wonder if she is seeing a therapist herself. Or, I would wonder if she is qualified as a bariatric shrink.

I can assume she is young, because she seems unprofessional? Not implying all young people are this socially inept - she is especially rude.

I feel awful she seems to be guiding your choice for you, because you’ve already selected the best choice in your life for your health. I would go to weight watchers and return to her and ( and this is true for me ) tell her you are not going to start an eating regime that is costly, unhealthy due to high caloric Intake, and will most likely cause you to gain more weight.

I would tell her you have a nutritionist and have made your choice and are comfortable with getting “cut up”, even if it means the trade off is that you are healthier to be more productive as a mother. I would also ask her why she is trying to get you to not have the surgery, and also ask her what her purpose in the psych evaluation is.

I would then tell her that he co-morbidities she listed as possible outcomes for you ( she was correct in what she said but she was still inappropriate) are why you’re having the surgery and that being overweight and having diabetes is genetic and she is making assumptions and accusations that only amount to her opinion.

I would then call my insurance company if she keeps insulting you. And I would write a letter to whomever has employed her and explain briefly what she has said and done without making overt threats. One gets more bees with honey, than with vinegar.

Shes there to ask questions, maybe possibly help you have a few epiphanies, she is there to encourage and build you up, not shake you up or make you feel bad for your choice.

She seems abusive considering the powerful cards she is holding but, she’s also stoppable. She also seems very uninformed about the bariatric process.

I’m so damn crazy that I’d probably have a small tape recorder in my pocket turned on so I could prove she’s not professional.

I’m sorry this happened to you and hope it doesn’t thwart your goals.

Mine was an amazing African American woman who encouraged me and knew five minutes into our talk I was solid for the surgery. I had seen her twice. She merely suggested really great ideas, like doing physical activity rather than dining out with friends after the surgery. She had a fabulous sense of humor and shared her life with me, right down to giving me a fabulous recipe her granny back home had for collard greens. I kid you not. I loved my shrink and feel blessed that even though I had a year and two months worth of classes and seminars, that the people who were holding positions of authority, and would ultimately make the choice for me, well they were compassionate and encouraging... and informed.

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Wednesday April 25 10AM- Noon EDT I go for 2 hour psychology appointment with OSU in-house staff psychologist Dr Kramer. This time I plan to have all ducks in row, take re enforcements if necessary, PCP Tells me to be just relaxed and myself, didn't work before but I can and must succeed to move forward in my quest![emoji626] If it is true -faint heart never won fair maiden then -faint heart and self doubt will not serve me well. Like Don Quixote I go forward to tilt at windmills and slay the dragons in my path. And like Martin Luther at the Diet of Wurms "Here I Stand, I Can Do Naught Else". ,,,,,,,,..,,,Apprehensively ME

Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

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I’m sorry that has happened to you, and it sounds like she is abusive and not doing her job.

I would wonder if she is seeing a therapist herself. Or, I would wonder if she is qualified as a bariatric shrink.

I can assume she is young, because she seems unprofessional? Not implying all young people are this socially inept - she is especially rude.

I feel awful she seems to be guiding your choice for you, because you’ve already selected the best choice in your life for your health. I would go to weight watchers and return to her and ( and this is true for me ) tell her you are not going to start an eating regime that is costly, unhealthy due to high caloric Intake, and will most likely cause you to gain more weight.

I would tell her you have a nutritionist and have made your choice and are comfortable with getting “cut up”, even if it means the trade off is that you are healthier to be more productive as a mother. I would also ask her why she is trying to get you to not have the surgery, and also ask her what her purpose in the psych evaluation is.

I would then tell her that he co-morbidities she listed as possible outcomes for you ( she was correct in what she said but she was still inappropriate) are why you’re having the surgery and that being overweight and having diabetes is genetic and she is making assumptions and accusations that only amount to her opinion.

I would then call my insurance company if she keeps insulting you. And I would write a letter to whomever has employed her and explain briefly what she has said and done without making overt threats. One gets more bees with honey, than with vinegar.

Shes there to ask questions, maybe possibly help you have a few epiphanies, she is there to encourage and build you up, not shake you up or make you feel bad for your choice.

She seems abusive considering the powerful cards she is holding but, she’s also stoppable. She also seems very uninformed about the bariatric process.

I’m so damn crazy that I’d probably have a small tape recorder in my pocket turned on so I could prove she’s not professional.

I’m sorry this happened to you and hope it doesn’t thwart your goals.

Mine was an amazing African American woman who encouraged me and knew five minutes into our talk I was solid for the surgery. I had seen her twice. She merely suggested really great ideas, like doing physical activity rather than dining out with friends after the surgery. She had a fabulous sense of humor and shared her life with me, right down to giving me a fabulous recipe her granny back home had for collard greens. I kid you not. I loved my shrink and feel blessed that even though I had a year and two months worth of classes and seminars, that the people who were holding positions of authority, and would ultimately make the choice for me, well they were compassionate and encouraging... and informed.

Thank you !! She is terribly Old lady [emoji70] that know all lol ! She owns a small practice. You made a good point. I should do just that ! Really good post !!
I hope this Wednesday is our last meeting because u plan to take some of your suggestions and really let her know a thing or two about her unprofessionalism .
I was so conflicted with her that I went straight to grocery store to stock up on veggies which is not a bad thing at all but I felt bullied and judged big time by her.
Funny thing is she told me that she’s a diabetic herself, but had no need to take her meds in 2 months because “she eat right” .
She is not in the best shape her self she could benefit from a sleeve if you ask me lol !
But thanks again for the support & encouragement [emoji173]️.

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Your psych was massively inappropriate and you absolutely should write a letter. Don't spare any detail. Go ahead and attach some references like this: https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/12/7/16587316/bariatric-surgery-weight-loss-lap-band. Your psych is not giving a medical opinion, she's giving a layperson's opinion, and that's ridiculous. "Save you from being chopped up"... good lord.
And I have no bloody idea what you're meant to do in a week of Weight Watchers other than learn how to fill in your booklet, and if she's trying to get you to learn about nutrition? That's what the mandated nutritionist visits are for. Don't go back to this woman. Find another person to conduct the psych eval. You don't like her, she's cold, she's wrong, and she's apparently trying to make you a regular client by steering you towards a weight-loss program with the stated intention of you NEVER getting the surgery. That is not the intent of the eval, it's supposed to be a single visit to gauge whether you're in a good mental space to have the surgery, NOT to try to brainwash you into doing what the clinician wants.

Good point , she claim she see a lot of bariatric clients for evaluations. But gosh she is very opinionated and she telling me what she think I should do and discourages WLS. I was under the impression I was going for evaluation and not judgement.

WW is too much charting and counting points for me and I know few ppl that gain double afterwards.

Thank you so much for your support

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When is tarted making inquiries into having surgery in Mexico the coordinator that I started working for felt that she could get my surgery approved by insurance. So, that's where we are. I'm actually having surgery in Las Vegas. I still have to fly there from my home, but at least I'm not forking out over $10k to have it in Mexico (which my PCP really frowned upon anyway).

Oh that’s great news !! Yaaay !

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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