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IRAQ WAR your thoughts

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I guess that IMO, my post spoke more to the fact that we, as AMERICANS, should stand behind the decisions of our country's leaders. We put them there, the majority of people elected them, and now we must, or at least should, support them. Surely, we have the right not to agree. That is part of this great country. But, when all is said and done, our support should and must be behind the decisions that they make. Do you people remember 9/11?? Is it so far in the past ALREADY that you have forgotten the pain, grief and agony that this great country endured? How can that be? We have a duty to the victims of this ATTACK to ensure that it never happens again, and we need to remind the people who stood behind the man who instigated it all that we WILL NOT stand back and let it happen again! No, I guess I don't "agree" with everything that has happened with the war in Iraq, however, I KNOW that I will say and do ANYTHING to feel safe in this country, my home!


So, people aren't true Americans, if they don't stand idly by while their leaders pump them full of lies about WMD, in order to rush their country into war with another country THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11????!!! The closest Saddam Hussein came to terrorism, other than his own people, was giving a $25k bounty to the families of Hamas suicide bombers. That's still not worth killing thousands of people (it's worth killing him over though). I remember 9/11 plenty. I remember having friends killed, I remember the numb feeling of driving by that day on the NJ side of the river and not seeing the towers there and the smoke rising, and I remember the acrid smell of those still burning twin towers, when I visited downwind from the area a week later. I remember it so freaking much; I HATE THE FACT WE STOPPED MAJOR OPERATIONS IN AFGHANISTAN WHERE THE REAL TERRORISTS STILL ARE.

What do you mean who stood behind the man who instigated it all? You don't possibly mean Saddam Hussein supporting Bin Laden do you? Bin Laden HATED Hussein for being an infidel and wouldn't have pissed on him, if he was on fire.

We should have single shot Saddam Hussein with a Barrett .50 and been done with it, if we wanted him gone so bad. However, it has been proven again and again that he had nothing to do with Al Qaeda. Now, our "buddies" the Saudis? That's a whole different story.

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106th Congress

2d Session

S. CON. RES. 95


March 9, 2000

Whereas on March 16, 1988, Saddam Hussein attacked the Iraqi Kurdish city of Halabja with chemical weapons, including nerve gas, VX, and mustard gas;

Whereas more than 5,000 men, women, and children were murdered in Halabja by Saddam Hussein's chemical warfare, in gross violation of international law;

Whereas the attack on Halabja was part of a systemic, genocidal attack on the Kurds of Iraq known as the `Anfal Campaign';

Whereas the Anfal Campaign resulted in the death of more than 180,000 Iraqi Kurdish men, women, and children;

But we are the ones killing thousands? You have that mixed up. So are we the ones killing innocent civilians with car bombs? If a country that has fought for freedom and stands for freedom can not stand up against tyrany then we are not worthy of being what we are.

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Yeah? and Palestinians in Gaza and Paterson, NJ had similar posters and celebrated too...it doesn't mean they had anything to do with it. It makes them people with despicable views. That's just a propoganda photo for Saddam to placate his base. Like I said, he deserved a shot to the head; the entire country did not need to be embroiled in conflict. Some here may have misread my intent. I don't like war, but if pushed to it, then don't do it half-assed. Torture? There shouldn't be anyone left to torture. If they stand on the battlefield, then they die. No prisoners. Non-combatant fatalities? Don't want to die? Flee...our declaration of war should have been warning enough. Having a half-assed war is like having sex with a wetsuit on. Get down and dirty or don't bother. That's what I have a major problem with, and that's what is different from the Iraq occupation (not a war) and our greatest generations' war. They were given the go-ahead for unfettered military force because they had the moral high ground...they had war declared on them, by a country, not a band of radical a-holes, not the other way around. We've got guys on the ground today who can't fire into a mosque after watching combatants run into it. Look at some pictures of some of the churches of WWII...not a lot of them came out unscathed. Combatants run into a mosque? Shell the entire grid square. Fighting a war with one hand tied behind your back is asinine, therefore it should not happen.

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Yeah? and Palestinians in Gaza and Paterson, NJ had similar posters and celebrated too...it doesn't mean they had anything to do with it. It makes them people with despicable views. That's just a propoganda photo for Saddam to placate his base. Like I said, he deserved a shot to the head; the entire country did not need to be embroiled in conflict. Some here may have misread my intent. I don't like war, but if pushed to it, then don't do it half-assed. Torture? There shouldn't be anyone left to torture. If they stand on the battlefield, then they die. No prisoners. Non-combatant fatalities? Don't want to die? Flee...our declaration of war should have been warning enough. Having a half-assed war is like having sex with a wetsuit on. Get down and dirty or don't bother. That's what I have a major problem with, and that's what is different from the Iraq occupation (not a war) and our greatest generations' war. They were given the go-ahead for unfettered military force because they had the moral high ground...they had war declared on them, by a country, not a band of radical a-holes, not the other way around. We've got guys on the ground today who can't fire into a mosque after watching combatants run into it. Look at some pictures of some of the churches of WWII...not a lot of them came out unscathed. Combatants run into a mosque? Shell the entire grid square. Fighting a war with one hand tied behind your back is asinine, therefore it should not happen.

:omg: after reading your posts I have come to the conclusion that I am wasting my time.

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It was a decision that over 80% of the population agreed on doing. Now when things don't go as planned and look tougher peoples minds change. I agree we may have rushed a little quick into it and should have spent more effort in Afghanistan but we are there now and nothing is going to change that fact. I don't believe in cutting and running as some would suggest we do. I think that we are there and must see we do our jobs until Iraq can fend for itself. Do I think we will ever totally leave Iraq. Highly unlikely. I think we will have some presence there for years to come. Just ask Korea, Japan and Germany. The oil is not the reason. After 9/11 we all felt threatened and felt we needed to take action against anyone who may threaten ours and our allies stability. So we carried a big stick. If Saddam would have complied with the UN none of this would have happened. He didn't and now he is dead. I honestly feel there were weapons over there. I think the were moved to Syria in the build up to the war. To anyone who thinks they couldn't have just ask yourself how we are constantly finding weapons from Iran over there. The borders are very porous and things get smuggled through all the time.

Exactly, people forgot about 911 very quickly....unfortunately....

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Exactly, people forgot about 911 very quickly....unfortunately....
No, we haven't forgotten about 9/11. We just know that Saddam and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

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Chris: Thank you for sharing your beliefs and also thank you (as well as some others here) for being willing to serve your country. You are all heroes! My son is currently in Afghanistan and he sees the difference we are making there. Hopefully Iraq will turn out better than it appears at this point in time.

cj ole: I appreciated the long article you posted. I am old enough to remember when society was more like that. It did seem like a more moral time, though not perfect. I enjoyed remembering! Thank you for posting.

Agreed...and my respect to your son as well! I know the majority are happy and proud to be there.

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I guess that IMO, my post spoke more to the fact that we, as AMERICANS, should stand behind the decisions of our country's leaders. We put them there, the majority of people elected them, and now we must, or at least should, support them. Surely, we have the right not to agree. That is part of this great country. But, when all is said and done, our support should and must be behind the decisions that they make. Do you people remember 9/11?? Is it so far in the past ALREADY that you have forgotten the pain, grief and agony that this great country endured? How can that be? We have a duty to the victims of this ATTACK to ensure that it never happens again, and we need to remind the people who stood behind the man who instigated it all that we WILL NOT stand back and let it happen again! No, I guess I don't "agree" with everything that has happened with the war in Iraq, however, I KNOW that I will say and do ANYTHING to feel safe in this country, my home!


I don't get tired of saying that....have people forgotten about 911? Unbelievable..... I totally agree with your post.

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No, we haven't forgotten about 9/11. We just know that Saddam and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

In my opinion, Sadam not only had a lot to do with it, but he was no better than Bin Laden, and I don't care if they hated each other, they were both scum and should Sadam would have complied with the UN, then we wouldn't be there now, he deserved it, has this Iraq war, or call it whatever they want to call it, has it worked out perfectly, maybe not, was it worth it, heck yes! and those who are serving joined our army voluntarily, and most of them are very proud and happy to be there serving, while we are here complainting about the war, the president and everything that we can find to complaint about....

Actually, everything that goes wrong with our country, or even outside our country, Bush gets blamed....it's darn funny, absolutely everything that may go wrong, don't look further, it's George Bush's fault, funny stuff....stupid also... I personaly am to the point that I just laugh about it..... it gets old and then the first ones to start the whole complainting thing are our "celebrities" people that are so darn far from living reality, gee, for all I care, they shouldn't have the right to vote.... they are totally out of touch with reality ....

I'm pretty much sick and tired of them, the media and the blaming Bush for absolutely everything that doesn't go right.... it is simply ridiculous... my opinion only here...

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No, we haven't forgotten about 9/11. We just know that Saddam and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

But al qaeda was in Iraq. Israel are our allies and Saddam was funding money to suicide bombers family's.

Those who support terrorism are terrorists. I feel the same about Iran and Syria.

I have a few questions:

Do you feel Gays should have rights? I would hope so

Do you believe in oppression? I would hope not

Do you think people should have never fought the civil war to free slaves? I would hope you agreed in the civil war.

Do you think we should have never had the Revolutionary war? I would hope you would have supported it

Then why shouldn't we help out our fellow man enjoy these same freedoms?

IMO the fabric of American society has lost its guts to do anything worthy anymore. Do we still not believe in "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" anymore? Do we not feel they are worthy of the same things? Are all men not created equal ? By the sounds of people they are selfish and only feel we are worthy of that.

Remember this................


French, British and Russian intelligence believed it, Bill and Hillary believed it, and even Hans Blix did, plus our own CIA. If Saddam had just listened to the previous 17 or so UN resolutions none of this would have happened.


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I don't get tired of saying that....have people forgotten about 911? Unbelievable..... I totally agree with your post.

I will never forget 9/11. I stood with the rest of the world in shock and horror and the deepest sympathy for the plight of NY and America, just as I am sure that you and your fellow Americans did with Britain when the IRA had their terror campaign against us.

The FACT of the matter is that Saddam and Iraq had nothing to do with 911 so that comment isnt really relevant to whether or not we should have invaded them.

Imagine this if you can.......... A group of far-right Christians bomb China's capital, and as a result of that, China ,who for there own reasons are p*ssed with America, decide to invade your country because you have weapons of mass destruction, you are all Christians and one of the terrorist recieved training in the hills of Virginia...

Would you want the world to stand back and cheer them on?

This isnt a war, it isnt recognised by the UN as a war, it is an act of revenge.

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But al qaeda was in Iraq. Israel are our allies and Saddam was funding money to suicide bombers family's.

Those who support terrorism are terrorists. I feel the same about Iran and Syria.

I have a few questions:

Do you feel Gays should have rights? I would hope so

Do you believe in oppression? I would hope not

Do you think people should have never fought the civil war to free slaves? I would hope you agreed in the civil war.

Do you think we should have never had the Revolutionary war? I would hope you would have supported it

Then why shouldn't we help out our fellow man enjoy these same freedoms?

IMO the fabric of American society has lost its guts to do anything worthy anymore. Do we still not believe in "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" anymore? Do we not feel they are worthy of the same things? Are all men not created equal ? By the sounds of people they are selfish and only feel we are worthy of that.

Remember this................


French, British and Russian intelligence believed it, Bill and Hillary believed it, and even Hans Blix did, plus our own CIA. If Saddam had just listened to the previous 17 or so UN resolutions none of this would have happened.


Oh, brother. That argument gets older every time I hear it. The US government doesn't give a damn about other people's rights. If it did, we'd be fighting almost every country in the world, including many of our allies. Hell, if the presence of al-Qaida was an instant trigger for war, we'd be fighing those same allies, too. Yet we're still buddy-buddy with the Saudis, aren't we?

No, everyone did not believe that there were WMDs. Bush wanted an excuse and he wouldn't take "No" for an answer.

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Oh, brother. That argument gets older every time I hear it. The US government doesn't give a damn about other people's rights. If it did, we'd be fighting almost every country in the world, including many of our allies. Hell, if the presence of al-Qaida was an instant trigger for war, we'd be fighing those same allies, too. Yet we're still buddy-buddy with the Saudis, aren't we?

No, everyone did not believe that there were WMDs. Bush wanted an excuse and he wouldn't take "No" for an answer.

So you don't believe the truth then? It only gets old to people like yourself who don't like to hear it.

Yet we're still buddy-buddy with the Saudis, aren't we?

Your point on that is baseless. The Saudi government is not a supporter of terrorism and fights it there. Actually the terrorists hate there leaders also.

No, everyone did not believe that there were WMDs. Bush wanted an excuse and he wouldn't take "No" for an answer.

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002

United States House of Representatives

Party Yeas Nays PRES No Vote Republican 215 6 0 2 Democratic 81 126 0 1 Independent 0 0 0 1 TOTALS 296 133 0 3

United States Senate

Party Yeas Nays No Vote Republican 48 1 0 Democratic 29 21 0 Independent 0 1 0 TOTALS 77 23 0

Seemed that most did .....................

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