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Hi I'm writing this post for all those who are about to get sleeved, are in the middle of there journey , struggling through there journey or at the end.

My Name is Z,

I am 28 years old, I have always been a bigger girl, At my heaviest weight I was 117.7kg's I am 157cm so I was OBESE. I have spent my whole life bouncing from different weight but always on the more solid side. What made me fat? genetics, the struggle we all call life, I never really ate incorrect food ( except lollies I use to love lollies). But honestly I was over constantly extreme dieting to then putting it back on.

So I had never heard of a gastric sleeve before I spoke to a girl named raelee, I had heard of Bands but not sleeves. I was complaining about the weight struggle and she was telling me about her journey and how even though she had been to hell and back with a bansd and was going to have to get either a bypass or a sleeve. She was happy with the choice she had made for herself .

So the first thing I said to her after she blessed me with knowledge she had, "I don't think i am big enough for weight loss surgery" (DENIAL). I then said when she educated me on the process of a sleeve "OMG so it's not reversible???" She said to me one of the most life changing word "why would you want to reverse it?" And that is the moment my Journey Started.

" I had an amazing doctor, really educated me on all the factors that brought me to the point of being "FAT" ( he used the word fat so loosely I had never been flat out called FAT to my face Multiple times. I use to describe my self a curvy or chubby) . I had all my bloods done and thought for sure I would be diabetic or something would be wrong but apart from the Morbid Obesity I was actually really healthy my doctor described me as a "healthy fatty ".

From my initial Consult to Surgery was about 3 months. I applied for super withdrawal and the rest was covered by private health insurance. I had to quit smoking :(

I never ever thought the procedure was classed as a major surgery until I was lying getting prepped. I read multiple post and story and watched youtube videos with all these different sort of situation and descriptions of there Journey and for the most part it was positive. I spoke to the one person I knew who had been sleeved and honestly the stories the advise were all sunshine lolly pop and gave me a unrealistic expectation of what was to come.

I AM GOING TO SAY THIS AND HOPE IT HELPS SOMEONE... EVERYONE JOURNEY IS DIFFERENT. What we all have in common is we were not happy with who we where so we took a step to change our lives. Honestly there is no point in fixating on others experience's, differently take it in and discuss but you may have a different road ahead.

1 week before my surgery I was speaking to someone who was 12 months post op and they said to me "OMG THIS IS THE BEST THING I EVER DO" ... But that not what I was really needing to hear I needed to know :-

that eating a drink at the same time would not happened for a long time, That 1000mls of liquid is what you goal will be and it can be hard to reach. I needed to know that scully a bottle of drink when I was thirsty wasn't coming back for a long time. I needed to know how everything would taste and smell different. I went from being a sweet tooth to craving salty foods. eggs and Seafood are still a no no. I needed to know it would take time, I needed to know that the doctor would glue me back together, I needed to know that I may not drop weight just like that. I will be honest I thought I would be in an out of hospital 3 days max, weight would just fall off. I learn't it the hard way, you have to work hard, retrain your mind and body. I am so grateful to have had a not so perfect experience. Its taught me to appeciate it more.

I was in hospital for 7 days and could not drink more the 300mls and was on a drip for 7 day . I now have to wear glasses cause I lost my ability to see far away . I vomited everything i ate for about 3 months and felt like I had nausea and at 4 months gave up on food (ONLY THING THAT STOPPED THE NAUSEA WAS SMOKING :( ) . My body eventually adjusted and I can eat. I only vomit when I over do it but that me being greedy lol. I don't know what my goal weight will be.

I was asked multiple time when I was always vomiting do you regret my choose , I never said yes ( FEAR cause i had done it and had to accept this was life) what I wish i had know is everyone's journey is different.

I lost 13kgs in my first 3 months post op and I was so devastated reading peoples 25kg loses and 40kg loses. I was 101kgs on my surgery day and have 40% muscle composition. I lost 16.7kgs prior to surgery. My dietian told me from the start not to have crazy expectations. I do Keto diets and exercise everyday and I'm not down to 67.5kgs with I think my goal being 60kgs but I re-asses every 3 months. I have lose skin but not crazy amounts.

I have BAAD stales that can be demotivating its usually between the 10's the first happened at 92kgs then at 84kgs and then at 72kgs now it was happening at 69kgs. Your body will get use to the lack of food and the weightloss will slow down. Just keep at it or do something to shock the system. :)The second last thing I wanted to mention or discuss is the do I tell people or do I not. I am very open about my sleeve and I have found that I have have sleeve sisters and we help each other out. All who were doing a hidden journey. By being open and honest ten people have approached me from my work alone about their Journey and now we have a walking club on thursday's . Again we have all had very different Journey's , It seems like everyone has a sleeve hehehe. Its nothing to be ashamed of at all. And I have found with the amount of people who have had some form of weight loss surgery you actually look a little silly when you claim it just happened in 9 months and you only eat 900 calories. Cause when you meet another sleevey you know. and if you don't change your

Lastly Please treat you sleeves right, and remember life before you sleeve, your body will get you use to the change

life stylel, YOU WILL PUT IT BACK ON. I have meet 5 people who have been sleeved and rebounded at the two year mark some are now considering bypasses. If you heart breaks when you jump on the scale and it doesn't move, or you jump on and there is 200 grams gain and you think oh no. Or if you weigh yourself every chance you get cause of the excitement of seeing the weight come off. If you have tried duromine, xenical, starvation, oh an lets not forget skinny tea (aka painful laxative). Don't take 10 steps forward to take 30 steps back. You have taken the first step to changing your life.

And always remember we are all beautiful at every size. Your doing this for you and noone else. I liked my life before but I love life now, I am content and happy and most important Healthy. I hate running but everyday that I go walking my body wants to run.

AND YOUR JOURNEY IS NOT A RACE so don't get discouraged by others weight loss be happy for them and know you will get there too . :)

I apologies for writing a novel but wanted to share my experience and if it helps even one person through there journey I am happy.

P.S ensure your taking your Biatrics Vitamins ;)

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Hi I'm writing this post for all those who are about to get sleeved, are in the middle of there journey , struggling through there journey or at the end.
My Name is Z,
I am 28 years old, I have always been a bigger girl, At my heaviest weight I was 117.7kg's I am 157cm so I was OBESE. I have spent my whole life bouncing from different weight but always on the more solid side. What made me fat? genetics, the struggle we all call life, I never really ate incorrect food ( except lollies I use to love lollies). But honestly I was over constantly extreme dieting to then putting it back on.
So I had never heard of a gastric sleeve before I spoke to a girl named raelee, I had heard of Bands but not sleeves. I was complaining about the weight struggle and she was telling me about her journey and how even though she had been to hell and back with a bansd and was going to have to get either a bypass or a sleeve. She was happy with the choice she had made for herself .
So the first thing I said to her after she blessed me with knowledge she had, "I don't think i am big enough for weight loss surgery" (DENIAL). I then said when she educated me on the process of a sleeve "OMG so it's not reversible???" She said to me one of the most life changing word "why would you want to reverse it?" And that is the moment my Journey Started.
" I had an amazing doctor, really educated me on all the factors that brought me to the point of being "FAT" ( he used the word fat so loosely I had never been flat out called FAT to my face Multiple times. I use to describe my self a curvy or chubby) . I had all my bloods done and thought for sure I would be diabetic or something would be wrong but apart from the Morbid Obesity I was actually really healthy my doctor described me as a "healthy fatty ".
From my initial Consult to Surgery was about 3 months. I applied for super withdrawal and the rest was covered by private health insurance. I had to quit smoking
I never ever thought the procedure was classed as a major surgery until I was lying getting prepped. I read multiple post and story and watched youtube videos with all these different sort of situation and descriptions of there Journey and for the most part it was positive. I spoke to the one person I knew who had been sleeved and honestly the stories the advise were all sunshine lolly pop and gave me a unrealistic expectation of what was to come.
I AM GOING TO SAY THIS AND HOPE IT HELPS SOMEONE... EVERYONE JOURNEY IS DIFFERENT. What we all have in common is we were not happy with who we where so we took a step to change our lives. Honestly there is no point in fixating on others experience's, differently take it in and discuss but you may have a different road ahead.
1 week before my surgery I was speaking to someone who was 12 months post op and they said to me "OMG THIS IS THE BEST THING I EVER DO" ... But that not what I was really needing to hear I needed to know :-
that eating a drink at the same time would not happened for a long time, That 1000mls of liquid is what you goal will be and it can be hard to reach. I needed to know that scully a bottle of drink when I was thirsty wasn't coming back for a long time. I needed to know how everything would taste and smell different. I went from being a sweet tooth to craving salty foods. eggs and Seafood are still a no no. I needed to know it would take time, I needed to know that the doctor would glue me back together, I needed to know that I may not drop weight just like that. I will be honest I thought I would be in an out of hospital 3 days max, weight would just fall off. I learn't it the hard way, you have to work hard, retrain your mind and body. I am so grateful to have had a not so perfect experience. Its taught me to appeciate it more.
I was in hospital for 7 days and could not drink more the 300mls and was on a drip for 7 day . I now have to wear glasses cause I lost my ability to see far away . I vomited everything i ate for about 3 months and felt like I had nausea and at 4 months gave up on food (ONLY THING THAT STOPPED THE NAUSEA WAS SMOKING ) . My body eventually adjusted and I can eat. I only vomit when I over do it but that me being greedy lol. I don't know what my goal weight will be.
I was asked multiple time when I was always vomiting do you regret my choose , I never said yes ( FEAR cause i had done it and had to accept this was life) what I wish i had know is everyone's journey is different.
I lost 13kgs in my first 3 months post op and I was so devastated reading peoples 25kg loses and 40kg loses. I was 101kgs on my surgery day and have 40% muscle composition. I lost 16.7kgs prior to surgery. My dietian told me from the start not to have crazy expectations. I do Keto diets and exercise everyday and I'm not down to 67.5kgs with I think my goal being 60kgs but I re-asses every 3 months. I have lose skin but not crazy amounts.
I have BAAD stales that can be demotivating its usually between the 10's the first happened at 92kgs then at 84kgs and then at 72kgs now it was happening at 69kgs. Your body will get use to the lack of food and the weightloss will slow down. Just keep at it or do something to shock the system. The second last thing I wanted to mention or discuss is the do I tell people or do I not. I am very open about my sleeve and I have found that I have have sleeve sisters and we help each other out. All who were doing a hidden journey. By being open and honest ten people have approached me from my work alone about their Journey and now we have a walking club on thursday's . Again we have all had very different Journey's , It seems like everyone has a sleeve hehehe. Its nothing to be ashamed of at all. And I have found with the amount of people who have had some form of weight loss surgery you actually look a little silly when you claim it just happened in 9 months and you only eat 900 calories. Cause when you meet another sleevey you know. and if you don't change your
Lastly Please treat you sleeves right, and remember life before you sleeve, your body will get you use to the change
life stylel, YOU WILL PUT IT BACK ON. I have meet 5 people who have been sleeved and rebounded at the two year mark some are now considering bypasses. If you heart breaks when you jump on the scale and it doesn't move, or you jump on and there is 200 grams gain and you think oh no. Or if you weigh yourself every chance you get cause of the excitement of seeing the weight come off. If you have tried duromine, xenical, starvation, oh an lets not forget skinny tea (aka painful laxative). Don't take 10 steps forward to take 30 steps back. You have taken the first step to changing your life.
And always remember we are all beautiful at every size. Your doing this for you and noone else. I liked my life before but I love life now, I am content and happy and most important Healthy. I hate running but everyday that I go walking my body wants to run.
AND YOUR JOURNEY IS NOT A RACE so don't get discouraged by others weight loss be happy for them and know you will get there too .

I apologies for writing a novel but wanted to share my experience and if it helps even one person through there journey I am happy.

P.S ensure your taking your Biatrics Vitamins

Thanks for your honest approach. I’m 3 months out and have lost 49Ibs but that includes pre op diet. I have lost 14lbs between month1 and month 3 post op and my doc is underwhelmed but I’m happy as haven’t exercised due to knee injury. I’ve also had some cheat days but back on track to lose more! Keep up the good work and I hope to God I will see more pounds fall off!!!

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Loved this and can’t believe I actually read the whole thing haha maybe because I can relate. I was sleeved 14 months ago and my journey was also a rocky one. Couldn’t eat and had dehydration problems for 2 months. Lost an unhealthy 52 pounds so early. Eventually I was off Ivy’s and was able to sip and get my own Water in. Had problems eating, throwing up, feeling nauseous until about month 6, or 7. Even now I am still very careful with what I chose to eat. Unfortunately I can eat Doritos and other Snacks like it’s nothing, but it’s just something I have to really work on. My biggest struggle even now is getting Protein in but I will never regret getting my sleeve!!

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Sined, Don't let your doctor put you down 49lbs is amazing I am clapping. Like i said its not a race, and if the weight doesn't come of in ridiclous chunks you can try and prevent lose skin.

I have a philosophy not to use word like cheat days .You ate a piece of food you enjoyed. I have what I call treat days when I reach a weight goal. Your not cheating on anyone your enjoying in moderation. Make sure you do start getting some 30 min walks in it helps with the skin and will help the kilo's drop. :)

Thank you for reading my novel. If you honestly ever need anything just message and we can have a chat.

Congrats too.

Golden Barbie, Have you had a Composition scan??? You should try a full Keto diet. Its amazing i do it every 3 weeks. I am not sure if you have every heard of Biltong that helps me it like a beef Jerky but nice and addictive in a good way 100grams packet gives you 27grams of protien and only less than 2grams of carbs and if you about 120calories in a pack if i remember correctly. If you snack on it through the day you will keep your metabolism going. There is also flavor free Protein Powder you can put in drinks. I have 2 cups of vanilla rooibos tea with some fake sugar and my benefibre so I am regular and a scoop of the flavorless Protein and that get me to 60 grams a day with no worry. Try alternatives. :)

well done on getting through the struggle and being optimistic. What was your starting weight share you success :)

Thanks for reading too. I started typing and just couldn't stop lol

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Sined, Don't let your doctor put you down 49lbs is amazing I am clapping. Like i said its not a race, and if the weight doesn't come of in ridiclous chunks you can try and prevent lose skin.
I have a philosophy not to use word like cheat days .You ate a piece of food you enjoyed. I have what I call treat days when I reach a weight goal. Your not cheating on anyone your enjoying in moderation. Make sure you do start getting some 30 min walks in it helps with the skin and will help the kilo's drop. [emoji4]
Thank you for reading my novel. If you honestly ever need anything just message and we can have a chat.
Congrats too.

Golden Barbie, Have you had a Composition scan??? You should try a full Keto diet. Its amazing i do it every 3 weeks. I am not sure if you have every heard of Biltong that helps me it like a beef Jerky but nice and addictive in a good way 100grams packet gives you 27grams of protien and only less than 2grams of carbs and if you about 120calories in a pack if i remember correctly. If you snack on it through the day you will keep your metabolism going. There is also flavor free Protein Powder you can put in drinks. I have 2 cups of vanilla rooibos tea with some fake sugar and my benefibre so I am regular and a scoop of the flavorless Protein and that get me to 60 grams a day with no worry. Try alternatives. [emoji4]
well done on getting through the struggle and being optimistic. What was your starting weight share you success [emoji4]
Thanks for reading too. I started typing and just couldn't stop lol

Thank you I will deff check them out! The only Protein Shake I can tolerate is premiere so it’ll be good to try different things! I was 316, and I am currently 170 I was sleeved on 12/14/16

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Great job! You look incredible!

SW 350 (11/15)
BSW 260 (10/17/17)
CW 216.1 (2/4/18)
RGW 199
GW 175

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On 2/13/2018 at 3:39 PM, missz said:

Hi I'm writing this post for all those who are about to get sleeved, are in the middle of there journey , struggling through there journey or at the end.

My Name is Z,

I am 28 years old, I have always been a bigger girl, At my heaviest weight I was 117.7kg's I am 157cm so I was OBESE. I have spent my whole life bouncing from different weight but always on the more solid side. What made me fat? genetics, the struggle we all call life, I never really ate incorrect food ( except lollies I use to love lollies). But honestly I was over constantly extreme dieting to then putting it back on.

So I had never heard of a gastric sleeve before I spoke to a girl named raelee, I had heard of Bands but not sleeves. I was complaining about the weight struggle and she was telling me about her journey and how even though she had been to hell and back with a bansd and was going to have to get either a bypass or a sleeve. She was happy with the choice she had made for herself .

So the first thing I said to her after she blessed me with knowledge she had, "I don't think i am big enough for weight loss surgery" (DENIAL). I then said when she educated me on the process of a sleeve "OMG so it's not reversible???" She said to me one of the most life changing word "why would you want to reverse it?" And that is the moment my Journey Started.

" I had an amazing doctor, really educated me on all the factors that brought me to the point of being "FAT" ( he used the word fat so loosely I had never been flat out called FAT to my face Multiple times. I use to describe my self a curvy or chubby) . I had all my bloods done and thought for sure I would be diabetic or something would be wrong but apart from the Morbid Obesity I was actually really healthy my doctor described me as a "healthy fatty ".

From my initial Consult to Surgery was about 3 months. I applied for super withdrawal and the rest was covered by private health insurance. I had to quit smoking :(

I never ever thought the procedure was classed as a major surgery until I was lying getting prepped. I read multiple post and story and watched youtube videos with all these different sort of situation and descriptions of there Journey and for the most part it was positive. I spoke to the one person I knew who had been sleeved and honestly the stories the advise were all sunshine lolly pop and gave me a unrealistic expectation of what was to come.

I AM GOING TO SAY THIS AND HOPE IT HELPS SOMEONE... EVERYONE JOURNEY IS DIFFERENT. What we all have in common is we were not happy with who we where so we took a step to change our lives. Honestly there is no point in fixating on others experience's, differently take it in and discuss but you may have a different road ahead.

1 week before my surgery I was speaking to someone who was 12 months post op and they said to me "OMG THIS IS THE BEST THING I EVER DO" ... But that not what I was really needing to hear I needed to know :-

that eating a drink at the same time would not happened for a long time, That 1000mls of liquid is what you goal will be and it can be hard to reach. I needed to know that scully a bottle of drink when I was thirsty wasn't coming back for a long time. I needed to know how everything would taste and smell different. I went from being a sweet tooth to craving salty foods. eggs and Seafood are still a no no. I needed to know it would take time, I needed to know that the doctor would glue me back together, I needed to know that I may not drop weight just like that. I will be honest I thought I would be in an out of hospital 3 days max, weight would just fall off. I learn't it the hard way, you have to work hard, retrain your mind and body. I am so grateful to have had a not so perfect experience. Its taught me to appeciate it more.

I was in hospital for 7 days and could not drink more the 300mls and was on a drip for 7 day . I now have to wear glasses cause I lost my ability to see far away . I vomited everything i ate for about 3 months and felt like I had nausea and at 4 months gave up on food (ONLY THING THAT STOPPED THE NAUSEA WAS SMOKING :( ) . My body eventually adjusted and I can eat. I only vomit when I over do it but that me being greedy lol. I don't know what my goal weight will be.

I was asked multiple time when I was always vomiting do you regret my choose , I never said yes ( FEAR cause i had done it and had to accept this was life) what I wish i had know is everyone's journey is different.

I lost 13kgs in my first 3 months post op and I was so devastated reading peoples 25kg loses and 40kg loses. I was 101kgs on my surgery day and have 40% muscle composition. I lost 16.7kgs prior to surgery. My dietian told me from the start not to have crazy expectations. I do Keto diets and exercise everyday and I'm not down to 67.5kgs with I think my goal being 60kgs but I re-asses every 3 months. I have lose skin but not crazy amounts.

I have BAAD stales that can be demotivating its usually between the 10's the first happened at 92kgs then at 84kgs and then at 72kgs now it was happening at 69kgs. Your body will get use to the lack of food and the weightloss will slow down. Just keep at it or do something to shock the system. :)The second last thing I wanted to mention or discuss is the do I tell people or do I not. I am very open about my sleeve and I have found that I have have sleeve sisters and we help each other out. All who were doing a hidden journey. By being open and honest ten people have approached me from my work alone about their Journey and now we have a walking club on thursday's . Again we have all had very different Journey's , It seems like everyone has a sleeve hehehe. Its nothing to be ashamed of at all. And I have found with the amount of people who have had some form of weight loss surgery you actually look a little silly when you claim it just happened in 9 months and you only eat 900 calories. Cause when you meet another sleevey you know. and if you don't change your

Lastly Please treat you sleeves right, and remember life before you sleeve, your body will get you use to the change

life stylel, YOU WILL PUT IT BACK ON. I have meet 5 people who have been sleeved and rebounded at the two year mark some are now considering bypasses. If you heart breaks when you jump on the scale and it doesn't move, or you jump on and there is 200 grams gain and you think oh no. Or if you weigh yourself every chance you get cause of the excitement of seeing the weight come off. If you have tried duromine, xenical, starvation, oh an lets not forget skinny tea (aka painful laxative). Don't take 10 steps forward to take 30 steps back. You have taken the first step to changing your life.

And always remember we are all beautiful at every size. Your doing this for you and noone else. I liked my life before but I love life now, I am content and happy and most important Healthy. I hate running but everyday that I go walking my body wants to run.

AND YOUR JOURNEY IS NOT A RACE so don't get discouraged by others weight loss be happy for them and know you will get there too . :)

I apologies for writing a novel but wanted to share my experience and if it helps even one person through there journey I am happy.

P.S ensure your taking your Biatrics Vitamins ;)

I just have to say......THANKS FOR THAT! I LIKE YOU!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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