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I'll see the 'three week stall' and raise it to 'two months solid stall', then start yur 'biiootching'....tsk tsk as I eat my 2oz of tuna w some avocado squished in and a radish chopped in a red lettuce leaf lunch ladies. Or is it lady's lunch where are my gloves and hat and manners!?!

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That was a fairly epic rant this mroning, Fluffy! :D

But seriously, I fear the stall after reading your post, 'cause it'll happen to me, too.

Now have you checked your measurements?

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1 minute ago, Sosewsue61 said:

I'll see the 'three week stall' and raise it to 'two months solid stall', then start yur 'biiootching'....tsk tsk as I eat my 2oz of tuna w some avocado squished in and a radish chopped in a red lettuce leaf lunch ladies. Or is it lady's lunch where are my gloves and hat and manners!?!

Dang lady!!! I had no idea!!!! Whydoncha come bellyache here more often? ((Hugs)) I'm SO DAMN sorry to hear about that!!!! OK, but wait. Why in Sam Hill are you 4 months out and only eating 2oz of Protein per meal? Your body is prolly tellin you to feed it more! How much are you getting in a day in protein/cals/carbs/fats? TYTYTY! You should be eating 3oz of protein per meal and 1oz for 1-2 Snacks. Just sayin'... :rolleyes: ((hugs))

3 minutes ago, Apple203 said:

That was a fairly epic rant this mroning, Fluffy! :D

But seriously, I fear the stall after reading your post, 'cause it'll happen to me, too.

Now have you checked your measurements?

Ha! Look at me! I'm the big cheese! I just learned how to double quote in a single window! Woooot!!! Yes, it was ENTIRELY epic wasn't it? :D It did make me feel better after. Isn't that silly? Yes. well, I've only been measuring 1 thing and that's my waist. I've gone from a 40.5waist pre-op SM. Today it is 40waist. But, it's hard to attribute that to weight loss, cuz it probably isn't. It has more to do with surgical inflammation and swelling going down. LOL. You know? And day of surgery I was full of poop...so that wasn't even an accurate measurement. LOL :lol:

So. Yeah. There's that. Bahahahahaha!

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9 hours ago, FluffyChix said:

Update: 4weeks Post Op - 210.6lbs (-11.8lbs from SW of 222.4lbs)

Okey dokey...so 4 long weeks; 1 month post-op. What a trip. I'm coming to you from somewhat of a Negative Nancy (Disgruntled Daphne) perspective due to the dreaded 3 week stall/pox upon the land that is still with me. Sigh. I've now lost about 2.75lbs/week since surgery. No offense, but being average bites great big green ones.

For those of you who are not post-op and who have not experienced a stall post-surgery, I can NOT describe the mental trauma the stall inflicts. Seriously, having a stall during regular weight loss makes you feel like gnawing off a limb just to see a drop on the scale. LOL. But having a stall after you've cut out 90% of your stomach and about 2m of intestines is EXCRUCIATING!!!! It's a mind fu*k the likes of which you've never known. It DOES feel like, this is the end of it. I will be the ONLY person on the face of the earth for whom the surgery did not work. LOL.

On top of worry about that, you know, the whole calorie restriction thing that comes as part of the volume limitations in a tag-team one-two punch that adds insult to injury. Cuz I don't know about you, but I'm thinking, "FU! I've done all of this and am eating 450-500cals/day and I've lost 2.75lbs per week and nothing in over 7 days?" LOL, this is how fu*ked up my head is right now...last night, I had Bigtime Billy Badass rebellion and so I ate 1 1/8 ounces corned beef + 1 1/8 ounces corned pork + 1 1/2 oz "fried" cabbage and I felt GUILTY cuz my calories went over 550cals for the day! Let me repeat, I felt guilty for eating too much at dinner and for having the daily nuts of: 581cals; 69g protein; 29g fat; 19g carbs; 5g fiber; 14g net carbs; 3g nat occurring sugar for the day. How insane is that? ROFLMFAO!!! AND I walked for 1 hour yesterday on bursitis hips that hurt like a MOFO! *snort* *indeed*

I'm whipping myself into high dudgeon and indignation. LOL. Can you tell today you should all call me Ms. Cranky McCrankypants?

I don't wish for complications. But I honestly do NOT understand how every doc on The YouTube says I should be getting full on 3-4 bites (about 2Tbsp of food) at 3-4 weeks post-op and I'm like, dudes. Have you EVER had surgery? You're nuts! I can eat 1/2c - 3/4c of food COMFORTABLY! Hells I could prolly eat 3oz of dense Protein right this instant. I could prolly eat 2 eggs. TWO eggs! LOL. I could tear it up!!!

*le sigh*

It is my fervent hope that my visit with the surgeon this week and with the RD right behind her appointment will give me the answers and tools I need to relieve me of the ginormous asshat I am currently laboring to wear. It weighs a ton, is uncomfortable, offers poor visibility and the flies are a liability.

The End.

kserrynotserry this couldn't have been a rainbows and unicorns thread. But this 3 week stall sucks huge green donkey dicks and if I could shoot it in the face with something I would! There. I said it. Bite me.



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@jenn1 Good lort, I sparkleheart you girl!!! Thanks for listening and for making me bust a gut laughin!!!! :780_sparkling_heart::257_dromedary_camel::395_shaved_ice:

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Update: 1 Month Post Op Check-up - 209lbs (-13.4lbs from SW of 222.4lbs)

The highs and lows of post-bariatric life are ginormous. I had a great check-up yesterday and was released back into the wild for another 2 months. Next check-up will be in 2 more months. I can dig that. She said I looked great, could start working out with resistance training and could start adding foods -- slowly. LOL. So I am! :)

She did say that it is very possible to stretch your pouch--especially early after surgery as it's healing. Healing might take weeks or months even. So she said eating to a precise volume right now is very important. And eating consistent amounts is important. She said the pouch will dictate how much I eat on any given day, but if I can find a set amount, relatively, I'd do better.

So then I went to the RD. And she was so pleased at my progress. I've lost 20lbs since I last saw her and she told me she could really tell. And that I needed to buy new pants that actually fit me. G'bye magic pants. I'm thrift store bound tomorrow.

So although my RD didn't have an issue with me eating 2oz Protein + 1oz veg at each meal, she did think I'm eating ahead of the curve for volume right now. And she also reinforced the need to try to establish communication with my pouch. She did NOT want me to add more food in at this point or for the next month. She said to stay around 1/2 cup to 5/8 cup of volume.

But, she did say that now I can start adding in more dense, chewy, solid foods as I resume my regular diet. So basically, kill the canned meats and go to real cooked meats. That solid muscle will provide more satiety than ground or canned. And to go back to under cooking my veg to al dente rather than cooking the crap outta them! She said that probably texture and Fiber were the things that would help the food stay in my pouch longer.

So I started yesterday! And went to lunch with Mr. F. and Sis at a Chinese Food place. I had lightly steamed chicken and broccoli with a tiny bit of hot oil. And had about 4 spoons of wonton broth only, and a couple bites of the guts of a potsticker (no pasta). I had maybe 1/4c to 3/8c food and I was done. Just done. Not stuffed. Not still hungry and jonesing for food, just ok, no more. :) This made me VERY happy. Such a simple elegant solution for the volume blues--add texture and fiber to the same quantities.

Last night, the same thing! I made stir fry turkey Italian sausage with broccoli, mushrooms and onions. And the veg were quite al dente. Instead of 2 oz of turkey, I only had about 1.5oz. :) And I had about 1.25oz veg all total. It fit at about 1/2c of food by volume. Score!!!

This morning, I made lightly sauteed spinach and Tomato with my new "Egg Sandwich" made on my low carb tortilla "cracker" to replace the toast I'm allowed. So for 2 net carbs, I get an "egg mccracker." Oh happy happy joy joy! Real live food with texture and crunchability! I'm satisfied taking longer to eat. Feeling the fullness. And am happy!

Oh and I "think" my stall broke yesterday! Yeeehaw!!! I'm down to 209 lbs this morning!!! Yippee!

So it's great news all around!

Here's piccys of my Breakfast sandwich--the egg mccracker.

Serves 1

8g low carb tortilla cut out with a cookie cutter shape

1 slice Hillshire Farms Naturals Black Forest Ham

1 large egg

1/2 tbsp Water

1oz baby spinach

1 grape tomato

Nutrition: 120 cals; 11g protein; 6g fat; 6g carbs; 4g fiber (yay me!); 2g net carbs; <1g sugars



Edited by FluffyChix

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Update: 1 Month Post Op Check-up - 209lbs (-13.4lbs from SW of 222.4lbs)
The highs and lows of post-bariatric life are ginormous. I had a great check-up yesterday and was released back into the wild for another 2 months. Next check-up will be in 2 more months. I can dig that. She said I looked great, could start working out with resistance training and could start adding foods -- slowly. LOL. So I am! [emoji4]
She did say that it is very possible to stretch your pouch--especially early after surgery as it's healing. Healing might take weeks or months even. So she said eating to a precise volume right now is very important. And eating consistent amounts is important. She said the pouch will dictate how much I eat on any given day, but if I can find a set amount, relatively, I'd do better.
So then I went to the RD. And she was so pleased at my progress. I've lost 20lbs since I last saw her and she told me she could really tell. And that I needed to buy new pants that actually fit me. G'bye magic pants. I'm thrift store bound tomorrow.
So although my RD didn't have an issue with me eating 2oz Protein + 1oz veg at each meal, she did think I'm eating ahead of the curve for volume right now. And she also reinforced the need to try to establish communication with my pouch. She did NOT want me to add more food in at this point or for the next month. She said to stay around 1/2 cup to 5/8 cup of volume.
But, she did say that now I can start adding in more dense, chewy, solid foods as I resume my regular diet. So basically, kill the canned meats and go to real cooked meats. That solid muscle will provide more satiety than ground or canned. And to go back to under cooking my veg to al dente rather than cooking the crap outta them! She said that probably texture and Fiber were the things that would help the food stay in my pouch longer.
So I started yesterday! And went to lunch with Mr. F. and Sis at a Chinese Food place. I had lightly steamed chicken and broccoli with a tiny bit of hot oil. And had about 4 spoons of wonton broth only, and a couple bites of the guts of a potsticker (no pasta). I had maybe 1/4c to 3/8c food and I was done. Just done. Not stuffed. Not still hungry and jonesing for food, just ok, no more. [emoji4] This made me VERY happy. Such a simple elegant solution for the volume blues--add texture and fiber to the same quantities.
Last night, the same thing! I made stir fry turkey Italian sausage with broccoli, mushrooms and onions. And the veg were quite al dente. Instead of 2 oz of turkey, I only had about 1.5oz. [emoji4] And I had about 1.25oz veg all total. It fit at about 1/2c of food by volume. Score!!!
This morning, I made lightly sauteed spinach and Tomato with my new "Egg Sandwich" made on my low carb tortilla "cracker" to replace the toast I'm allowed. So for 2 net carbs, I get an "egg mccracker." Oh happy happy joy joy! Real live food with texture and crunchability! I'm satisfied taking longer to eat. Feeling the fullness. And am happy!
Oh and I "think" my stall broke yesterday! Yeeehaw!!! I'm down to 209 lbs this morning!!! Yippee!
So it's great news all around!
Here's piccys of my Breakfast sandwich--the egg mccracker.
Serves 1
8g low carb tortilla cut out with a cookie cutter shape
1 slice Hillshire Farms Naturals Black Forest Ham
1 large egg
1/2 tbsp Water
1oz baby spinach
1 grape tomato
Nutrition: 120 cals; 11g protein; 6g fat; 6g carbs; 4g fiber (yay me!); 2g net carbs; ham-egg-cracker-spinach-tom-week4_web.thumb.jpg.e8c9265aeeac67cfbd40e154ef3ef185.jpg

Yay...I'm so happy for you. You are doing an amazing job! By the way, your breakfast looks delicious! [emoji2]

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Thank you hon! I know I'm trying with laser forkin focus! Ha! And excruciating attention to detail. Hope these posts don't drive you all batsh*t cray!

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Awesome news! Glad you got a gold star at Dr! Super glad the stall is broken! Breakfast looks yummy!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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