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Considering a lap band - scared after reading this forum!

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I have had my band for 10 years and I’ll be revising to a sleeve next year. I had to have all Fluid removed. My story is not the horror show some have. I don’t have a slip or a port flip that I know of (confirmed via swallow test) and my pouch isn’t stretched that I have been told but for whatever reason, it simply becomes too tight (even now with no fluid ) on occasion and I’m unable to eat solid foods. So I turn to “sliders” because I’m hungry. But sometimes even those come back. The Dr recommended revision and frankly, I’m tired of the “stuck” thing on a regular basis.

If I am asked if I recommend it I have to say maybe but leaning to no. There is a lot of upkeep and so many drs are leaving this technology behind that I simply don’t feel it will continue to be properly supported. But I would also never discourage someone who wanted it - with one caveat.

I think the best thing to do is GET A HANDLE ON YOUR EMOTIONAL EATING because the band *will not* help you with it. In many ways, it’s worse because the “bad foods” like Cookies, ice cream, mashed potatoes, sugar cereals etc all slide right in thru the band. So basically all the crap you turn to when you eat emotionally, yep, that’s going to really go thru. And the stuff you should be eating is what you get stuck on. So if you are really honest with yourself and are a big time emotional eater, you need to deal with that first. That’s actually homework for ANY surgery.

I’ll Also tell you what I told a friend. Start eating the “post op diet” now. Your portions may be larger but see what that post op diet is and eat that way now. You need to know if you can live with it before you have surgery. Lap band means NO carbonated drinks so get sodas, beer and fizzy drinks out of your diet now. All surgeries want you eating Protein first, veggies and then any carbs last. Do it now. Can you be happy eating this way? If you’re a Diet Coke addict you may as well work that out of your life now and not in recovery when you’re dealing with everything else. Can you have the occasional champagne toast or piece of cake? Of course. But notice the word “occasional” meaning a wedding or birthday is an “occasion”. Tuesday or “I had a bad day” is not. If you eat that post op diet and feel like “oh, this is nice. I feel good” it will help bolster your decision. Maybe you will like eating your protein and then a veggie and feel like “nah, I don’t need mashed potatoes”. I know I did and it felt great!! But if the thought of not having soft drinks, or bread or drinking anything with your meal (lapband guidelines state don’t drink with your meal or for 30 min afterwards) makes you want to cry, then this isn’t the surgery for you.

Can you be successful with the band? Sure! I did well for quite a while although I only lost 40 lbs. But the success cases I’ve seen have been from folks who really did their homework and got their heads right remember, they band your stomach, not your mouth. If you eat a whole bag of m&ms because you’re upset, the band can’t stop that.

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Carrie p

That is perhaps the best advice from a veteran to all who consider WLS.
Specifically helpful for banders... it is a life changing decision IF you can reset your response to food like you said.
I have been in “band school” for almost 12 years .... and I find she is a fickle bi*ch at times. I just keep going along... happy about maintaining 85 lb loss... sad because it sometimes feels like an eating cult -like diet .
Please keep posting about your adventures with WLS.
It helps me to read about others’ ongoing treks.

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I love my band. It keeps me in check. If I do something I am not supposed to, like eating too fast, too much,not chewing enough, bread or rice, I get a quick reminder as I run to the bathroom to throw up. I am 6 years out. Kept the weight off because to me it’s about portions and saying no to a couple of foods that I def can’t eat. I eat pretty much whatever I want but very little of it. That’s been fine for me. I also work out quite bit so those occasional “slider” foods are a non-issue. I realize that this is not the gold standard for weight loss surgery but it works well for me so far. Wouldn’t trade.

Edited by Tashaplus3

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That's wonderful. I am proud for you. You are one of the few. Keep up the great work.

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My LapBand was nothing but problems from the very beginning - Everything I was supposed to eat got stuck and everything I should have stayed away from went down just fine. The fill in my band was unpredictable. Some days Water would gurgle, others I could mindlessly eat a huge chunk of chicken or Pasta and slip on through no problem. It would change depending on the time of month and there was no "sweet spot fill" everyone talks about.

To make matters worse, if you ever get the flu or food poisoning it is an EMERGENT issue. (No one ever told me this was a "thing.") If your doctor is only a few minutes away and available after hours, no biggie. (Until you have to move years later or he does.) Mine was a 3 hour drive away. Imagine me heaving for hours upon hours in the backseat of the car after eating bad sashimi - My stomach was in obscene amounts of pain..I could physically feel it trying to come up, only to get stuck under the band. My ordeal started at 4am and didn't make it to the doctor until almost 12hrs later - I'm surprised that much wretching didn't cause a slip. This whole situation scared me so much, it wasn't until over a year later I went back to re-fill.

There are a lot more issues people talk about above I don't have to mention again here and I know it works for some people - But it never did for me. I'm being revised to a sleeve next month and I couldn't be more excited. I want this thing OUT before it causes more damage. My doctor already mentioned he more often than not sees damage from these bands when being removed...It scars the esophagus over time, regardless of complications. My advice, do what's right for you...It is your choice and your body! I, on the other hand, would still never recommend this surgery to anyone!

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Bless you ... All of the above sounds so real and ditto for me as well.
Just tired of being sick and tired! :(
Please keep me posted and let me know how you do with the sleeve revision. Did your Dr. suggest sleeve over By-pass?

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2 hours ago, BeachBish said:

Bless you ... All of the above sounds so real and ditto for me as well.
Just tired of being sick and tired! :(
Please keep me posted and let me know how you do with the sleeve revision. Did your Dr. suggest sleeve over By-pass?

The doctor didn't even mention the sleeve over bypass...And if he did, I'd have looked at him like he was crazy. I just want it out, lol! My goal right now is the sleeve, with the intent to go back in after my next 100lb loss and do the DS part of the surgery. Originally I wanted to convert the band to the full DS in one go, but with my BMI still too high and with the additional time in removing the band and possible repairs, it's just too much trauma and too long for me to be under anesthesia. I will absolutely let you know about my results and if you happen to be on IG, feel free to follow me there. :) (This isn't a shameless plug, I swear! lol!!) It's at the same name "TakingBackChrissy." I'm sooo excited I can't stand it. (Although this pre-surgery diet might literally be murder, hahaha!)

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YAY! I found you on IG!
Following! XOXO

Bless you ... All of the above sounds so real and ditto for me as well.
Just tired of being sick and tired! :(
Please keep me posted and let me know how you do with the sleeve revision. Did your Dr. suggest sleeve over By-pass?

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Realistically, I think the lap-band, is perfect for someone who has 120lb or less to lose. It is definitely not a miracle but it helps.

I have NEVER been able to lose weight, and although I am still relatively new to it, I am loving it. I have changed my emotional attitude towards food, my portion size has definitely decreased and even between fills where I am seeing very little restriction, I am driven enough to control and monitor what I eat.

It's perfect for some, but definitely not everyone.

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I’ve had a lap band and have since taken it out. What a waste of time. You won’t lose any weight and if you do, it’ll be gained really quickly. You will however throw up eating most meals. You will be uncomfortable in public, forever searching for toilets to throw up in, and feeling as though the food is stuck as it goes down. Yes, you can loosen the band and re-tighten it. What a waste of time and one of my biggest regrets. You are much better considering other weight loss surgery of that is the path you have chosen to take... please please please reconsider!!!!! Everyone I know who has had this has a very similar story.

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Just now, Saddy said:

I’ve had a lap band and have since taken it out. What a waste of time. You won’t lose any weight and if you do, it’ll be gained really quickly. You will however throw up eating most meals. You will be uncomfortable in public, forever searching for toilets to throw up in, and feeling as though the food is stuck as it goes down. Yes, you can loosen the band and re-tighten it. What a waste of time and one of my biggest regrets. You are much better considering other weight loss surgery of that is the path you have chosen to take... please please please reconsider!!!!! Everyone I know who has had this has a very similar story.

Lol - The above sounds like a very worse case scenario! Not all stories are such nightmares, many are successes. If you treat the band well, it returns the favour.

I have not once been sick with my band, nor had a head ache, nor heartburn, indigestion, blockages...nothing. You get out of it what you put in and if you balance it with exercise, it will be a success. All the band is doing, is REDUCING YOUR STOMACH CAPACITY AND RELIEVING FREQUENT HUNGER. It is not slapping the food from your fork as you put it in your mouth.

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Have you considered discussing with your surgeon? If you answered that question somewhere else I apologize.

I just had the sleeve 7/26 and the surgeons I met with pre-op said the band did not work as well in the long run. I saw 3 different surgeons at 3 different hospitals.

I have two co-workers who recently had gastric surgery. One had the sleeve in January and is down 117 pounds the other had lap band in April and has lost 12. I myself am down 36 pounds as of today.

I know my co-worker who has the band has not changed his pre op habits and does not exercise. So make sure you can commit to the changes to be successful.

I think an honest talk with your Surgeon and primary care are in order. The surgeries are tools and they all require diet modifications and exercise to max success. Discuss with them and decide which tool gives you the highest chance for success.

Good Luck!

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On 11/02/2018 at 11:57 PM, Julie norton said:

The band is NOT for many.
For all kinds of reasons: placement, fillls, compliance, defects, etc
It is reversible and adjustable.
I appreciated that when I made my decision in 2006.
I understand the sleeve is the most used surgery in the United States.

I really like my band. I do NOT challenge her. I have a fill or a deflate about every 6-9 months..... and it is harder to find Doctors now.
I would do it again in a heartbeat !
Helped me lose 85 lbs., although it does not do it for you. I have kept off 75 and still try everyday.
Best of luck on anyone’s choice of surgery...it is truly a personal journey. And for once... the weight stays off for many!

I’m pretty sure it’s not a race! The slower the weight comes off, the more likely you are to keep it off and the more likely you are to have less excess skin!

Gastric band works perfectly fine for MOST people but like the bypass, it’s not for everyone! Your friend may have lost very little with the band, but I have lost 31lb since 16th July...so your proof is void

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I had my lap band for 9 years. Up to the sixth year I was living life and got down to 160lbs. One morning I woke up and when I ate I just started vomiting. I thought well maybe after something warm it would be better. That was the beginning of my hell. I had moved from Fort Lauderdale to Jacksonville so my insurance was different. They would not pay for anything that had anything to do with the lap band. So I literally suffered. My gastro told me to unfill my band and once I could find a surgeon here to do it I had it unfilled. I still vomited. Between my gastro, primary doctor and my bariatric surgeon they went through hoops with the insurance company because this was a severe medical issue. They wouldn't budge. I just ate at that point what I could get down. Fast forward. I was sleeved 8/17/18. I had my lap band removed and there were so many adhesions it took the surgeon and hour and a half to remove it. It had adhered not only to my liver but other organs. After he sleeved me he had an endo done in the OR and realized I had a hiatal hernia. He went to repair it with even more scarring because my previous surgeon cauterized my hernia instead of repairing it. I am telling you now that lap bands are 80% failure rate at 10 years. Its not to scare you. Its to prevent you from what I just went through. It was horrible. The pain for the first week was horrendous. My surgery that should have only taken 1.5 hours took over 4 hours and a half was just removing scar tissue. Anyone that gets the band gets scar tissue and the longer its in there the more scar tissue you will get. My surgeon refuses to even do lap bands anymore. I don't blame him and if I knew then what I know now, I would never get a lap band again.

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I had a bad experience removing the band as well and have livid abdominal scars to prove it. The most weight lost for me was 64 lbs down from 280. The surgeon refused an instant revision because of the mess I was in with adhesions and embedded band. He then offered me a clip sleeve only. Another surgeon offered me the sleeve or bypass BUT said ALL bariatric surgery is only effective on most people for two years so I refused further treatment. I was fully self- funding throughout.

Since the removal of the lapband I have gained 25 lbs max but on a new diabetic drug have shed 9 recently. High weight gain after removal of the band is normal. For one thing I found a vastly increased appetite. For me the band was a dream that totally failed to deliver.

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