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4 Weeks post op - I don’t want to do this anymore [emoji25][emoji25][emoji25]

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Oh sweetie!! I am so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can do this, it WILL get better, you are struggling and this is so hard, you are probably being a hero at every moment because you have to handle your health issues and keep your life afloat. I know how hard that is.

Are you taking Prilosec twice a day? I had horrible acid reflux and my doc had me take one in the AM and one in the PM. I still do for periods of time and I'm 15 months out.

I want you to know it took me 12 weeks to get to the pureed stage. I just took longer to heal as I had a lot going on, i had my gallbladder removed, a massive hiatal hernia repair and the VGS. I wasn't back on my feet in full swing for MONTHS. And I'd read here where people are like "Wow, surgery yesterday, back to work today, feeling great!" and I was SOOO jealous. I also had a LOT of regret. I was a reluctant Sleever, I had a lot of major medical issues and was very close to dying so this was my choice - Sleeve or Die. That's what my doctor actually said to me. But my post surgery complications were difficult and my emotions were at their lowest. It is SOOO hard.

Have you tried the Unjury chicken broth Protein Soup? I was like you and nothing stayed down well and I was in a lot of pain. The Unjury CHicken Broth soup saved me. Sure, I was loading up on Sodium but I didn't care at that point. Maybe it will work for you?

Also, I was unable to drink anything but Water till 14 months out. I also could only eat really soft chicken for the first 12 months. Even now I just mostly eat chicken or pork, I can't eat beef, I can't eat veggies, I can't eat sugars as I get a dumping syndrome. But I am SOOO happy now and I feel amazing. Here is a post I made a few months ago for a young girl who was scared to have the surgery. On it I list the things I used to keep me motivate. Maybe it will help you??
I am so sorry, I am sending you a Word Hug. You got this, even if you think you can't.
This is my previous post:

#1 - absolutely allow yourself to feel that sense of loss. You need to deal with it, get to a place of acceptance. So it's totally OK to feel that way.

#2 - you need to create a list of all the things you CAN do now and that you will be able to do. For me my list looks a little like this:
  1. Don't need seat belt extender on an airplane anymore
  2. Can ride a rollercoaster with ease
  3. can walk past a mirror or window and like/love what I see
  4. Can shop at the mall in a regular store
  5. I can buy that novelty T-shirt all my friends have as well
  6. I can run, jump, leap, move with ease and joy
  7. I hug so many of my friends and loved ones now because I am not embarrassed by my body
  8. I say YES to many social activities now. I used to say no all the time cause of I was mortified of my own body
  9. I can ice skate now. and ski, an rollerskate, all the activities I was way too big for before
  10. I can wrap my hands around my own wrist and have extra room
  11. I wear a size 10 about to be a size 8
  12. I look f**king fabulous in tight jeans, a cute tight top and sandals
You might not be able to eat that stuffed potato skin, you might not be able to eat all those chips and dips with your friends, but you know what you can do with them? EVERYTHING ELSE. [emoji3]

You are amazing, you are so strong and courageous to do this. It is TOTALLY normal to feel sad and left out, but please remember that this is a trade off, you are giving up one thing you love, food, for ALL the other things that will help you build an amazing, wonderful and FREE life. Free from all the pains and sorrows a life being overweight brings. You are too young to know this but many of us wasted entire lives waiting to be this free, you have a gift in front of you, it's hard to fully appreciate it at the beginning. You are gonna do wonderful, Little One, just absolutely wonderfully.

Thanks for all of the advice. I take my PPI twice a day as well. I’m going to switch to nexium to see if that will help. I’m also ordering the unjury today in the chicken flavor and unflavored. I have tried so many different clear Proteins and my body just won’t accept them. They won’t stay down.

I’m trying to stay positive, but you know how it is when you’re just tired of being tired, weak from vomiting, and trying to maintain a normal self while working. It drains all of your positive vibes.

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I know you said that you were nervous to convert from a sleeve to a bypass, but it could save you from the side affects of the GERD. I'd highly consider doing a conversion, IF the problem doesn't resolve SOON. My doctor said that if you have even the occasional acid reflux, that the sleeve is not an option for you. Bypass has A LOT LESS chance of having this problem. I'm sorry you are going through this, but it make take additional steps to correct the situation. I'm having my surgery to get off of all medications, not add ones! Just ask your self, what do you have to loose? You are still on an a liquid diet. You are in constant agony, from the sounds of it. You are already dealing with malnutrition. I think from here, the only place you have to go is UP.
Here is a quote from a study by the National Institutes of Health.
"Roux-en-Y gastric bypass was considered an effective method to alleviate symptoms of GERD, whereas laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy appeared to increase the incidence of the disease."

Well other than the complications I went through post op with the sleeve another reason I’m hesitant for surgery is because my company was bought out and our medical Benefits changed. I’m on a high deductible plan so affording another procedure is tough. In the end if it is the only resolution then of course I’ll have it done.

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Just now, Brandi. said:

Well other than the complications I went through post op with the sleeve another reason I’m hesitant for surgery is because my company was bought out and our medical Benefits changed. I’m on a high deductible plan so affording another procedure is tough. In the end if it is the only resolution then of course I’ll have it done.

I understand, I hate insurance changes! Our company keeps raising the rates. I'm thankful that my husband's insurance is wonderful. Hang in there! I hope your doctor can offer some kind of solution that will help.

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16 minutes ago, Brandi. said:

Thanks for all of the advice. I take my PPI twice a day as well. I’m going to switch to nexium to see if that will help. I’m also ordering the Unjury today in the chicken flavor and unflavored. I have tried so many different clear Proteins and my body just won’t accept them. They won’t stay down.

I’m trying to stay positive, but you know how it is when you’re just tired of being tired, weak from vomiting, and trying to maintain a normal self while working. It drains all of your positive vibes.

I'm concerned that your surgeon is not more concerned. It seems to me you are exhibiting severe side effects and they should be doing more testing on you to see if your sleeve has a stricture or something else is going on - have they checked you for a hiatal hernia?

Also, you said your gallbladder has sludge in it and you may have to have it removed - did you know that nausea, vomiting and pain can be signs you are having a gallbladder attack? It could be your gallbladder is causing these problems as well.

I highly recommend you go back to your surgeon's office, calling them I mean, and tell them your life is almost unbearable right now and you need help figuring out what is wrong. IF they aren't willing to help you than you need to see your GP ASAP.

I honestly believe that, based on what you are describing, you could easily end up back in the hospital due to dehydration. Please try to be more of an advocate for yourself with your surgeon. You need to tell them that you are at the end of your rope and can't continue to function like this. I called my surgeons office crying, freaking out, scared, etc. They didn't fire me as a patient, they had me come in. Good luck, I'm worried for you.

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39 minutes ago, Brandi. said:

Hey there. My PPI is Prilosec, but I’m going to switch to nexium to see if it helps

Oh man, duh. I'm sorry...I used to take over-the-counter Prilosec and it did nothing for me. Didn't realize there was a prescription strength. Are you on the prescription strength? I know that Prilosec OTC is for occasional heartburn only.

I agree that trying a different ppi might be a good idea. Hope that will help you.

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I'm concerned that your surgeon is not more concerned. It seems to me you are exhibiting severe side effects and they should be doing more testing on you to see if your sleeve has a stricture or something else is going on - have they checked you for a hiatal hernia?
Also, you said your gallbladder has sludge in it and you may have to have it removed - did you know that nausea, vomiting and pain can be signs you are having a gallbladder attack? It could be your gallbladder is causing these problems as well.
I highly recommend you go back to your surgeon's office, calling them I mean, and tell them your life is almost unbearable right now and you need help figuring out what is wrong. IF they aren't willing to help you than you need to see your GP ASAP.
I honestly believe that, based on what you are describing, you could easily end up back in the hospital due to dehydration. Please try to be more of an advocate for yourself with your surgeon. You need to tell them that you are at the end of your rope and can't continue to function like this. I called my surgeons office crying, freaking out, scared, etc. They didn't fire me as a patient, they had me come in. Good luck, I'm worried for you.

I understand what you’re saying. When I saw him last week I told him I couldn’t function like this. He basically told me everything you just said that it could be all these things, but he believes that I’m too early to test for all of those things since I was only 3 weeks out at the time. I have a follow up on Wednesday, maybe sooner if I can get it in, and I plan on letting him know that I can’t do this much longer.

The reason I know about the sludge in my gallbladder is because I went to the ER on 12/28 for dehydration and that’s when they did the ultrasound on my liver/gallbladder.

I’m doing the beat I can at getting help and relief from my surgeon. I feel like it’s not a big concern for him because I’m so fresh out of surgery.

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2 minutes ago, Brandi. said:

I understand what you’re saying. When I saw him last week I told him I couldn’t function like this. He basically told me everything you just said that it could be all these things, but he believes that I’m too early to test for all of those things since I was only 3 weeks out at the time. I have a follow up on Wednesday, maybe sooner if I can get it in, and I plan on letting him know that I can’t do this much longer.

The reason I know about the sludge in my gallbladder is because I went to the ER on 12/28 for dehydration and that’s when they did the ultrasound on my liver/gallbladder.

I’m doing the beat I can at getting help and relief from my surgeon. I feel like it’s not a big concern for him because I’m so fresh out of surgery.

Ok, I think this last line is the most important. Keep that at the top of your mind when you go in next week - hopefully sooner!!! Because the fact that you've already been in the hospital for dehydration makes me even more concerned. Just and FYI, you can skip your surgeon's office completely and just go to the ER. You could be having a gallbladder attack as we speak and they would probably be much more concerned and perform tests right there. I have some serious doubts about the quality of your surgeon based on what you are telling me he's conveyed to you. You've already been in the hospital for dehydration and he's not more concerned????!! I'm still stunned at that.

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Oh sweetie, so sorry for all your suffering (((hugs))). Go to your primary care doctor if you can't get your surgeon to hear what you are saying about these issues. Best of luck hang in there...

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3 hours ago, Brandi. said:

Hey there. My PPI is Prilosec, but I’m going to switch to nexium to see if it helps

Nexium is the best for GERD.

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Hey everyone. This morning I woke up with that extreme nausea feeling. When I vomited it tasted like blood. I took a picture, if anyone could help me determine if it is blood I will message the picture to avoid grossing people out. I just don’t know whether to add this to my list of symptoms or not.

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1 hour ago, Brandi. said:

Hey everyone. This morning I woke up with that extreme nausea feeling. When I vomited it tasted like blood. I took a picture, if anyone could help me determine if it is blood I will message the picture to avoid grossing people out. I just don’t know whether to add this to my list of symptoms or not.

Ok it's tough love time...

It's time to see a doctor. If the hospital that you had your surgery is close by go there..If it isn't go to the local ER and they can transort you there if necessary...


The complications of this surgery can be fatal. Even something as simple as dehydration and malnutrition from vomiting can be fatal...

Run don't walk

From mother to mother..please go now.

Edited by Prevanwarrior

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Please follow the advice above! I may be longer out, but my dr has tried everything he can to try to help me feel better. My acid reflux was bad, but nowhere near as bad as yours. I am on protonix 40 mg 2x a day and carafate 4x a day. I just had an upper GI during the week, and see him Wednesday (I was sleeved 10/17) Did you have reflux before? I did, especially at night, so I was on 40 mg of protonix in the evening. They did an EGD and I was sent to a specialist who performed another, and was ok’d for surgery. I did not have a hiatal hernia and had my gallbladder removed in 2005.
Please either threaten your surgeon that you are going elsewhere for healthcare if he doesnt try something. How does he expect you to function for yourself, let along your family? My surgeon and his office have been wonderful any time I had a question or concern they have addressed it immediately! I had issues after surgery, couldnt keep anything down, nausea all the time. He personally came in 3x a day to address the situation and to personally know exactly what was wrong and to see if he could figure out why. I did not do well on cold items. If I sipped super slow room temp stuff, it eventually got better. His head nurse would call every evening for my first 2 weeks to see how things went that day. I also had her pager number and his. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I am praying your surgeon or some other medical professional can get to the bottom of this quickly. I can not even imagine feeling like that 4 days out, let along 4 weeks. Please keep us posted.

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I called the doctors office and left a message through the answering service. The on call dr called me back. He is going to try to direct admit me tomorrow. He said I probably need the upper GI done and will see about putting a camera in to see what is going on.

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I haven’t had the sleeve yet but the past few months I have been very sick with what I thought were reoccurring stomach viruses. The pain hit at night and it was terrible. I had diarrhea, vomiting, horrific stomach pain, and then by daytime I was ok. I finally had enough and saw my doc, and it was my gallbladder causing all of it. I feel a million times better now that it is out. I wonder if that is what you are feeling?

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On January 14, 2018 at 9:10 AM, Brandi. said:

I called the doctors office and left a message through the answering service. The on call dr called me back. He is going to try to direct admit me tomorrow. He said I probably need the upper GI done and will see about putting a camera in to see what is going on.

Glad to hear it, good luck

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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