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Well my beloved friends, thank God I think my stall may be over!![emoji322][emoji323][emoji322][emoji323] I have lost an additional 3 lbs. for a total of 12 lbs. in exactly 17 days since my procedure. All of your advice was extremely useful. Thanks Tex for all of the tips on getting in the Protein and I love the muscle milk as well. That has become my go to shake. Amy, it was the Water. I was not drinking enough and when I starting to be more vigilant about my water intake that’s when I got over my stall. Thank you for reminding me about the most basic rule! Thanks Mel for your constant and unending words of encouragement. You told me to be patient and stick to the plan and I will break through the stall and I did.
Thanks to everyone!I have come to depend on you all for this journey so stay with us and keep posting about your progress. I still have a long way to go and need you all to stay with me please.
Im going to post my #s, only because I’m finally at a point where I am comfortable enough to say those huge #s are a thing of the past and I hope for good!!!
Female, 43 years old, 5’5” tall
HW—201lbs. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Sw— 200 lbs.
CW— 188lbs.
GW— 155 lbs.
Can you please post your #s as well so I’m not the only one exposed? [emoji15][emoji51]

I was just looking at your stats and I just want to say that I am super pumped! I am 40 5’4” and around the same start weight...I have my first appointment on Monday. So glad you are doing so well! So glad I found this site. I have learned so much and it’s given me more tools to explain to skeptic family and friends about the surgery. Thanks all! [emoji1373]

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4 hours ago, PCOSSUCKS said:

I was just looking at your stats and I just want to say that I am super pumped! I am 40 5’4” and around the same start weight...I have my first appointment on Monday. So glad you are doing so well! So glad I found this site. I have learned so much and it’s given me more tools to explain to skeptic family and friends about the surgery. Thanks all!

Hi there PCOSSUCKS. I had my procedure on February 6 after months and months of looking for information about ESG. You are definitely right that this forum can provide so much information and support for all of those in the pre and postop stage. I’d be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. I remember being exactly where you are right now, looking for advice and guidance.

The procedure itself, at least for me, was not very painful at all. The recovery was quick and I would say I was “back to normal” by the evening or afternoon of the day after the procedure which I found pretty amazing. ESG does help curb your appetite tremendously but you do have to do your part as with any WLS. The further out you are the more work you have to put in but as of now, I am like 3-4 weeks out, it is doing the job. I can feel the restriction and feel full with a much smaller amount than before the ESG.

We’re here for guidance, support, or advice whenever you need it. Welcome to the group!!

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Hope4momof4, no worries, it took me a while to figure it out too!

1) Near the top band of the screen you will see your name with a click down arrow to the right of it, click on the drop down arrow

2) select "My tickers" (under settings)

3) you can select "Edit Tickers" lower left to choose the style of ticker you want, when done with this select "Add to my signature" on lower right

4) for the ticker to be up to date in your signature you need to add your weight info to your profile. You can do this be going back up to your name on the top of the page and clicking the drop down arrow to the right

5) select "My surgery"

6) Select "Progress" with the graph icon

7) on the Progress page update your current weight, goal weight, starting weight etc. You can choose to keep your weight private and just show excess weight loss if this is more appealing. I just did the full weight, it's mine, I own it and this has been part of my accountability process to share this information on the ESG forum.

Hope this is helpful, really appreciate the continued sharing it is helping me to stay the course and keep moving towards my goal. Thanks to all, GREAT support from ESG forum!! B)

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Hey there TexSlim! You may think it's weird but I felt like you were my big brother when I asked how to add the ticker. That's the kind of thing I'd ask my older brothers about when I can't figure out how to work something. Anyway, I digress, I have figured it out and it is actually really cool how you can choose the icon and marker!!

I wanted to ask you another question or more like I'm asking you for some wisdom, big brother, lol, I need help getting through a stall again and I'm not sure how to work through it. The last time Amy Alexis reminded me to up more Water intake which I did and I got through it. Now, however I'm stalled again and it's getting frustrating!!! What am I doing wrong? Here's what my day looks like now, more or less, remember I'm still on puree or soft foods.

Breakfast--- green smoothie (protein shake with green veggies and berries added in with water and some almond milk)

Lunch-- 3-4 egg whites with broccoli

Dinner-- one of the following--- lentil Soup, 4 oz, baked salmon, chicken strips with veggies stir fried, chili, or a small portion of the dinner my family had--- has to be soft because I'm still in the puree stage

Snacks throughout the day--- nonfat greek yogurt, sugar free jell-o, sugar free popsicle, Bone Broth, sugar free fudgesicle, occasionally sugar free pudding but not often because it sets off my sweet tooth

I only drink Protein premier clear Protein Drink, water, sometimes crystal light.

I do cardio exercise 3-4 times a week for about 35-40 minutes each time.

Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks for all the help and support you've provided me so far!

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Hi there PCOSSUCKS. I had my procedure on February 6 after months and months of looking for information about ESG. You are definitely right that this forum can provide so much information and support for all of those in the pre and postop stage. I’d be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. I remember being exactly where you are right now, looking for advice and guidance.
The procedure itself, at least for me, was not very painful at all. The recovery was quick and I would say I was “back to normal” by the evening or afternoon of the day after the procedure which I found pretty amazing. ESG does help curb your appetite tremendously but you do have to do your part as with any WLS. The further out you are the more work you have to put in but as of now, I am like 3-4 weeks out, it is doing the job. I can feel the restriction and feel full with a much smaller amount than before the ESG.
We’re here for guidance, support, or advice whenever you need it. Welcome to the group!!

So my surgeon thinks bypass is the best choice for me since I have bad acid reflux and heartburn. I was a little taken back but I think it will be ok...any thoughts?

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23 minutes ago, PCOSSUCKS said:

So my surgeon thinks bypass is the best choice for me since I have bad acid reflux and heartburn. I was a little taken back but I think it will be ok...any thoughts?

Hi there. I can’t really give you advice about having a bypass, I really wish I could. However, in all my endless hours of research about all types of WLS I do know that the bypass is considered the “gold standard” in weight loss. This means that you will see excellent results almost guaranteed. In addition if your surgeon advised it as your best choice you can get it covered by insurance and he/ she being a professional knows what’s best for you. There are so many I’ve read about who have had the lap band or even the gastric sleeve and have written that they wish they had done the bypass instead because of the steady and considerable weight loss. You will be fine my dear as you should trust what your doctor recommends for you.

Keep in mind that we who have had the ESG still struggle with hunger. Our stomachs were not removed like the gastric sleeve and the gherlin hormone is still there nagging at us all day. We also struggle with stalls that can last for weeks and can really impact you on a mental level. I am happy with my ESG but it does take a lot of work on my part. I am not saying you will have it easy but a bypass is what most bariatric surgeons know is a proven and effective procedure for long term weight loss. It has been done for many, many years and there is a ton of data on it.

I wish you the absolute best of luck on whatever you choose. Please know that we are always here to listen to you regardless of the procedure you choose. Please keep us posted.

With love and support.

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On 3/5/2018 at 9:57 AM, hope4momof4 said:

Hey there TexSlim! You may think it's weird but I felt like you were my big brother when I asked how to add the ticker. That's the kind of thing I'd ask my older brothers about when I can't figure out how to work something. Anyway, I digress, I have figured it out and it is actually really cool how you can choose the icon and marker!!

I wanted to ask you another question or more like I'm asking you for some wisdom, big brother, lol, I need help getting through a stall again and I'm not sure how to work through it. The last time Amy Alexis reminded me to up more Water intake which I did and I got through it. Now, however I'm stalled again and it's getting frustrating!!! What am I doing wrong? Here's what my day looks like now, more or less, remember I'm still on puree or soft foods.

Breakfast--- green smoothie (protein shake with green veggies and berries added in with Water and some almond milk)

Lunch-- 3-4 egg whites with broccoli

Dinner-- one of the following--- lentil Soup, 4 oz, baked salmon, chicken strips with veggies stir fried, chili, or a small portion of the dinner my family had--- has to be soft because I'm still in the puree stage

Snacks throughout the day--- nonfat greek yogurt, sugar free jell-o, sugar free popsicle, bone broth, sugar free fudgesicle, occasionally sugar free pudding but not often because it sets off my sweet tooth

I only drink Protein premier clear Protein Drink, water, sometimes crystal light.

I do cardio exercise 3-4 times a week for about 35-40 minutes each time.

Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks for all the help and support you've provided me so far!

Hope4momof4, thanks for the compliment!! Really like the ticker!!

Your diet looks pretty good to me, very similar to mine. Your exercise routine is also really good. How long is the stall this time and what was the rate of weight loss before it? It's frustrating I know, I'm in another one now, I've been at 265 lbs for a week and hoping to drop some this weekend or next week. I would keep going with water and/or crystal light for fluids intake.

Only thing I can suggest is to think about stopping the Protein Drinks. As I was at my 6 week appointment I was still doing the liquid diet and my Dr. really challenged me to get off Liquid Protein and go to all solid food. His thought process was that these liquid calories (140 - 200 per drink box) are very easily ingested and the stomach pocket doesn't fill when you eat, this doesn't help the feeling of satiety (being full). He was really adamant that liquid calories were to be avoided as much as possible, even if lean Protein.

One other observation about the protein drinks (this may be TMI for some) when I was drinking 2 or more them in a day my lower GI wasn't really processing them that well (kind of being constipated on a long term basis). As I stopped drinking Protein Drink about week 8 I noticed that I became more regular and the volume of waste increased.

If you stopped the protein drinks you could consider going to 2 whole eggs to get more protein instead of the egg whites. "Food for thought" Haha!

Let me know how it goes and what works, Tex

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Thanks for the advice Tex. I think you’re right about the Protein Drinks. They do carry a reasonable amount of calories that I could now do without since I’m out of the liquid stage and almost done the purée stage. My stall has lasted for about a week now and I think I need to focus on my Water again. It doesn’t help that our area got slammed with snow and my younger two have had two snow days back to back. The weather and being stuck indoors has made me feel hopeless but I’m hoping as the weather improves so will my mood and determination. Winter weather always gives me the blues. I hope my next post will be more positive.

I will keep fighting, you do the same Tex—you’ve come so far!!

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Yikes two kids and snow days, how do you spell C-A-B-I-N F-E-V-E-R!! Hang in there winter is the worst, at least the days are getting longer, hopefully you get some nicer weather and can get outside to walk around a bit.

Take care! Tex

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1 hour ago, Tex Slim 66 said:

Yikes two kids and snow days, how do you spell C-A-B-I-N F-E-V-E-R!! Hang in there winter is the worst, at least the days are getting longer, hopefully you get some nicer weather and can get outside to walk around a bit.

Take care! Tex

Aww Tex you always know how to make me feel better. I thought I was just whining. Yes you are right Spring is coming and the days will get longer and I’ll feel more like getting out and walking and just being outdoors. I hope you break your stall 🤞🏻Please post when you do and I’ll do the same. I know we can get through this stall. Patience and staying the course.

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Hi guys, sorry it's been some time since I last checked in. I am officially 6 months post esg and have lost almost 17kg. Adding my initial 3kg loss that makes me 20 kg less than this time last year. I have been working hard at the gym to build muscle mass so probably look like I have had a bigger weight loss than 20 kg and have gone down 3 dress sizes.

Life post esg is great. I would still like to lose another 5-8kg over the next 6 months but am really just starting to see how different I am to a year ago. I am in no real hurry to lose the remaining weight and am putting more focus on nutritious food and exercise over dropping the pounds.

Im so glad to see our esg favourites doing so well. Hope4 and Tex, happy for you both that you continue to make progress and are feeling the benefits of your esg's.

mel xo

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2 hours ago, Melesg said:

Hi guys, sorry it's been some time since I last checked in. I am officially 6 months post esg and have lost almost 17kg. Adding my initial 3kg loss that makes me 20 kg less than this time last year. I have been working hard at the gym to build muscle mass so probably look like I have had a bigger weight loss than 20 kg and have gone down 3 dress sizes.

Life post esg is great. I would still like to lose another 5-8kg over the next 6 months but am really just starting to see how different I am to a year ago. I am in no real hurry to lose the remaining weight and am putting more focus on nutritious food and exercise over dropping the pounds.

Im so glad to see our esg favourites doing so well. Hope4 and Tex, happy for you both that you continue to make progress and are feeling the benefits of your esg's.

mel xo

It’s great to hear from you Mel!! Outstanding results and your commitment and resolve are what are even more impressive. 20 kgs is my goal as well and I’m hoping to reach it by my 6 month mark. The weight is coming off slowly but I’m satisfied with that because it’s teaching me healthier eating habits that I can follow in the long term. I’m also going to the gym now at a steady 5 times a week. I’m seeing more of a difference in how my clothes fit. I’ve gone done a size and just overall feel more confident and happier now. I’m hoping to just continue to lose even if it’s ounces rather than pounds. As long as my scale moves down I’m happy with the results and still feel motivated.

As always the best to you my dear!!

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2 hours ago, patriciaholland said:

wow mel thats great so happy for you. and you dont know how i need to hear this. 1week pre esg for me now and i really really want it to be over im so scarred and nerveus. But this is really what i want and need greets from holland

Hey there Patricia! Wow you must be excited about your esg in one week! I wouldn’t be scared or nervous. The procedure itself is not very difficult at all. Your will recover very quickly and you’ll be on your way to a healthier and thinner you. Just do as the doctor instructs. Take all the meds he or she tells you to take and it will be a piece of cake. You’ve got this! I know you’ll do great and you’ve properly prepared so just don’t let your nervousness take over. We’re all here for you and are rooting for you. Good luck!!

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hey everyone.. I am getting ESG 03/28/2018 everyone's stories are great reads.. Anyone have Dr. Sharaiha? How are feeling or were feeling post opp and any regrets doing the surgery?

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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