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Slow weight loss / gym

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Hello. So after breaking my stall- I’ve lost about 5 lbs.. but last week nothing.. I’m following all diet and Water guidelines. I haven’t started the gym yet. I’m active some days with errands or go for a walk without friend- but nothing consistent. I was going to wait until I’ve really plateaued to start gym.

Has anyone noticed a difference in weight loss with exercise consistently? Will it help me lose more weight per week if I go 4-5 days?....

I’ll do whatever it takes to speed things up a bit. In November I only lost 10... I lost 38lb my first month! So I’m a bit bored with how slow things are moving.. I’m hoping it’s not going to be 10lbs per month going forward as I have lots more to lose! Yes, any loss is good- but I need to stay excited. I recall breaking a stall when I was at a wedding and danced a lot- and didn’t eat too much that weekend. I’m a lot hungrier now- so I won’t eat less, but can definitely hit the gym.

SW: 250

CW: 202

GW: 130

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2 hours ago, SGirl35 said:

Hello. So after breaking my stall- I’ve lost about 5 lbs.. but last week nothing.. I’m following all diet and Water guidelines. I haven’t started the gym yet. I’m active some days with errands or go for a walk without friend- but nothing consistent. I was going to wait until I’ve really plateaued to start gym.

Has anyone noticed a difference in weight loss with exercise consistently? Will it help me lose more weight per week if I go 4-5 days?....

I’ll do whatever it takes to speed things up a bit. In November I only lost 10... I lost 38lb my first month! So I’m a bit bored with how slow things are moving.. I’m hoping it’s not going to be 10lbs per month going forward as I have lots more to lose! Yes, any loss is good- but I need to stay excited. I recall breaking a stall when I was at a wedding and danced a lot- and didn’t eat too much that weekend. I’m a lot hungrier now- so I won’t eat less, but can definitely hit the gym.

SW: 250

CW: 202

GW: 130

You are doing fantastic! Stalls and plateaus are going to happen. I've never seen anyone a consistent straight linear drop in weight. It's not how fast the weight comes off it's the fact the weight is coming off. We all have different body physiology. Try not to compare your weight loss with others ...It will make you crazy

Yes, Working out will help your weight loss.

I had a large stall in my third month. I sold my treadmill and bought a gym membership. My weightloss seriously sped up. I got to goal in six months.

I think we are all stronger than we give ourselves credit for. You can take this weight loss opportunity and take it as far as you want.

I was a true couch potato. I hated working out in the beginning. I never would have believed I could finish a full marathon. Especially because I'm in my late 40's

Working out has been my replacement for stress/emotional eating. I used the time to process issues and take out my stress from work etc. It's time for myself. I don't let anyone call or interrupt me at the gym.

I discovered I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie. I can crank up my play list while doing cardio and become a badass breaking a serious sweat. I get a high from it.

With rapid weight loss, most of us burn muscle. It was an unhealthy look for me. Weightlifting is a game changer for transforming your body. The muscle has filled some of my loose skin (only plastics will get rid of it)

Go get it girly! You may hate going to the gym some days. You won't leave the gym regretting that you went.

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You are doing fantastic! Stalls and plateaus are going to happen. I've never seen anyone a consistent straight linear drop in weight. It's not how fast the weight comes off it's the fact the weight is coming off. We all have different body physiology. Try not to compare your weight loss with others ...It will make you crazy
Yes, Working out will help your weight loss.
I had a large stall in my third month. I sold my treadmill and bought a gym membership. My weightloss seriously sped up. I got to goal in six months.
I think we are all stronger than we give ourselves credit for. You can take this weight loss opportunity and take it as far as you want.
I was a true couch potato. I hated working out in the beginning. I never would have believed I could finish a full marathon. Especially because I'm in my late 40's
Working out has been my replacement for stress/emotional eating. I used the time to process issues and take out my stress from work etc. It's time for myself. I don't let anyone call or interrupt me at the gym.
I discovered I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie. I can crank up my play list while doing cardio and become a badass breaking a serious sweat. I get a high from it.
With rapid weight loss, most of us burn muscle. It was an unhealthy look for me. Weightlifting is a game changer for transforming your body. The muscle has filled some of my loose skin (only plastics will get rid of it)
Go get it girly! You may hate going to the gym some days. You won't leave the gym regretting that you went.

Thanks for the encouraging words. I just left the gym but was exhausted after 30 min (2.5mile) Walk, due to the fact having carrots and 30 cal cheese for breakfast.. I’m so happy to hear the gym totally sped up your weight loss! Gives me major motivation as I’m entering my 3rd month now! I’m kind a couch potato too and watch movies if I’m not working. But you’re right- I never regret hitting the gym. I do need to lift weights too. Just thought I’d do it when I’m smaller so the scale moves In the right direction at this time.. luckily I have pretty good skin elasticity being a darker girl. I don’t look tan in my profile pic- but I am .. lol need to update it

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You lose muscle at approximately the same rate you lose fat. Lifting 3x a week will not "bulk" you up and reverse your weight loss. Especially if you are not a lifter- all those giant weight lifters eat 6000 calorie diets and do nothing but lift heavy heavy weights for long periods every day. Lifting in your/our circumstances only helps limit the amount of existing muscle mass you lose. On this extreme low calorie diet even lifting won't keep you from losing muscle mass, but it can protect what you have and keep you from getting that "skinny fat bobble head" look. Plus it's fun, and you get to play on the big boy side of the gym.

Full disclosure: I love lifting. If I could only lift and never worry about cardio stuff I would.

I'm two and a half weeks out, and I feel you on the exhaustion from even basic walking. I set aside 30 minutes a day to walk, no excuses. Some days I'm wheezing at 30 minutes, but today I walked for an hour and it was tough but I felt amazing. It's about making the habit as much as being active.

(And 2.5 miles in 30 minutes is 5 mph... That's really, really fast walking. Don't "sweat" being tired. Couldn't resist the pun!)

Sent from my SM-G900V using BariatricPal mobile app

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You lose muscle at approximately the same rate you lose fat. Lifting 3x a week will not "bulk" you up and reverse your weight loss. Especially if you are not a lifter- all those giant weight lifters eat 6000 calorie diets and do nothing but lift heavy heavy weights for long periods every day. Lifting in your/our circumstances only helps limit the amount of existing muscle mass you lose. On this extreme low calorie diet even lifting won't keep you from losing muscle mass, but it can protect what you have and keep you from getting that "skinny fat bobble head" look. Plus it's fun, and you get to play on the big boy side of the gym.

Full disclosure: I love lifting. If I could only lift and never worry about cardio stuff I would.

I'm two and a half weeks out, and I feel you on the exhaustion from even basic walking. I set aside 30 minutes a day to walk, no excuses. Some days I'm wheezing at 30 minutes, but today I walked for an hour and it was tough but I felt amazing. It's about making the habit as much as being active.

(And 2.5 miles in 30 minutes is 5 mph... That's really, really fast walking. Don't "sweat" being tired. Couldn't resist the pun!)

Sent from my SM-G900V using BariatricPal mobile app

Yeah- I usually walk a slow 2.5-3.0 miles per hour but for some reason today I felt like it was way to slow. But I know had I had a better breakfast- I would’ve rocked the workout. You’re right- I’ve done lifting before and lost afraid I guess. Back when I was 150- and doing p90x- my thighs and arms got thick. And the scale didn’t move- even on a 1600-1800 cal diet- but now things are far different. So I can sure try arm and leg weights. Luckily i don’t have bobble head look. Lol I’ve always had a more muscular “ fat girl” look. Never any skin in my face or arms or legs.. just mostly my stomach. Although who can’t use toning up?? We all can. :) thanks for the funny words of encouragement. You guys keep me happy and going. Xoxo

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Try adding more Protein in the morning, also include 3-4 times a week workouts..

try doing split workouts ie

15 min weight training

5 min running interval

15 min weight training

5 min running interval

20 min bike or HIIT workout

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Try adding more Protein in the morning, also include 3-4 times a week workouts..
try doing split workouts ie
15 min weight training
5 min running interval
15 min weight training
5 min running interval
20 min bike or HIIT workout

I do eat cheese in the morning - but that’s about it. Maybe I’ll eat my bar in the morning? Those timed workouts are a headache and half for me to do. Never been good at tracking them correctly. But I can do interval training via treadmill and heart rate

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I do eat cheese in the morning - but that’s about it. Maybe I’ll eat my bar in the morning? Those timed workouts are a headache and half for me to do. Never been good at tracking them correctly. But I can do interval training via treadmill and heart rate

Try Protein Shakes tho.. as far as timed work outs.. you get use to them.. just give it a try.. you need to “hack” your body with different routines.. if you do same work outs your body gets used to it..or at least change your workouts daily.. just a thought.. good luck

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Try Protein Shakes tho.. as far as timed work outs.. you get use to them.. just give it a try.. you need to “hack” your body with different routines.. if you do same work outs your body gets used to it..or at least change your workouts daily.. just a thought.. good luck

Yeah I know all about this stuff. Most of it is common sense. I studied it in college. I hate Protein shakes . I won’t do them for a while. But when I can Digest fruit in them maybe I’ll make tasty ones. I was just asking due to curiosity on bypass patients and results. That I didn’t study and or have no experience with.

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Dang. Let me just say...I walk 2.2 mph on the treadmill and am Ms. Huff n' Puff doing it. In 30 minutes, I'm barely over 1 miles and I'm completely whipped LOL! So congrats on doing 5mph for 30 minutes. That seems like a crazy huge goal to even attain! Isn't that running?

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Dang. Let me just say...I walk 2.2 mph on the treadmill and am Ms. Huff n' Puff doing it. In 30 minutes, I'm barely over 1 miles and I'm completely whipped LOL! So congrats on doing 5mph for 30 minutes. That seems like a crazy huge goal to even attain! Isn't that running?

Thanks! It was more like 4.0 I must’ve gotten something wrong in my explanation. But the next night at the gym- I was tired at 3.5 mph.. 5.0 is running yeah. I don’t huff and puff due to the fact that I’ve been active most my life and was a runner back in my fit days... but I do get tired in the gym. I do better out in nature. Being distracted is key!! But I’m committed to only weekly weigh ins and 5 nights a week of gym... see if I can get things losing again

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big drops, when they occur, are usually just the first month. You're lucky you had one - drops of 30+ lbs the first month happen, but they're not all that common. Most people seem to lose in the 15-25 lb range the first month. After that, 10-12 lbs a month is pretty normal. You're not going to see another 30+ lb drop. But just stick with it. I lost 16 lbs my first month and 10-12 lbs a month for the next six months or so (and it dropped off even more at about the 6-7 month mark), but I still lost over 200 lbs. Just stick to your program, and it will come off.

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big drops, when they occur, are usually just the first month. You're lucky you had one - drops of 30+ lbs the first month happen, but they're not all that common. Most people seem to lose in the 15-25 lb range the first month. After that, 10-12 lbs a month is pretty normal. You're not going to see another 30+ lb drop. But just stick with it. I lost 16 lbs my first month and 10-12 lbs a month for the next six months or so (and it dropped off even more at about the 6-7 month mark), but I still lost over 200 lbs. Just stick to your program, and it will come off.

I certainly don’t expect to lose 30 more pounds in one month- but my surgeon told me to expect a huge drop my first month. I didn’t even have much more than 100 pounds to lose to begin with, so I know it slows down. I’m always going to stick to plan .. I wouldn’t ever ruin a good thing. Especially since all my health problems are already mostly gone. Plus I can’t digest much, so there’s little to no way I can “ cheat”... I’ll throw it all up. Congrats on your weight loss. :-) I’m learning patience is a virtue

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