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Mexico Vs. The US

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Everyone has the freedom to make their own choices in healthcare, my personal preference is to have a doctor trained in schools from my own country whose primary language is the same as mine. I dont go for the ol' all the doctors in Mexico trained all of the American surgeons routine. There are lots of doctors in the states with good reputations and reasonable self pay charges.

To each his own though what is right for someone else may not be right for you.

Does that mean if someone was born in Mexico, raised in Mexico, and came to the US for medical school you wouldn't go to him?

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Does that mean if someone was born in Mexico, raised in Mexico, and came to the US for medical school you wouldn't go to him?

I think she is saying for her it makes her much more comfortable to be in the confines of the US boundries and that she is able to communicate easier.

I don't think she means anything bad by it cause I kind of got her underlying meaning.... when I myself love different cultures and such I do see where she is coming from as that is part of my fear as to end up going to another country with so many other laws that if something were to go wrong it could go horribly wrong.

I am sure the chances are so minor but hey I am on anxiety meds so I am sure that I see too much into some things.

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Yeah, think they were just not comfortable going abroad. There are folks who ONLY shop at Walmart...afraid to venture to Target, and vice versa.

There are those who are afraid to the US...for any reason while many flock overseas.

Nothing wrong with it, just one way of doing things.

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I think she is saying for her it makes her much more comfortable to be in the confines of the US boundries and that she is able to communicate easier.

I don't think she means anything bad by it cause I kind of got her underlying meaning.... when I myself love different cultures and such I do see where she is coming from as that is part of my fear as to end up going to another country with so many other laws that if something were to go wrong it could go horribly wrong.

I am sure the chances are so minor but hey I am on anxiety meds so I am sure that I see too much into some things.

But that isn't what she wrote. She wrote about wanting someone that English is their primary language and there are many US trained docs that were not born in the US. Thus, the clarification.

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Does that mean if someone was born in Mexico, raised in Mexico, and came to the US for medical school you wouldn't go to him?

If they came to the US for medical school and then had a practice in Mexico that was not regulated by the US and there were plenty of US doctors who could help me then NO I see no reason to risk it. I also do not feel comfortable having a staff take care of me after surgery that can only communicate with me by making hand gestures. God forbid something was happening and I am trying to tell a nurse who knows no English. I wasn't criticizing your decision I was just explaining mine. As I said before what is right for you may not be for me and thats okay.

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But that isn't what she wrote. She wrote about wanting someone that English is their primary language and there are many US trained docs that were not born in the US. Thus, the clarification.

I think I was pretty clear in what I said you choose to read between the lines looking for an argument. I am not racist and yes I do prefer my doctor to have a staff and their own English skills be so good I would think it was there primary language. This surgery is optional and I have the luxury of choosing a doctor and full staff who speak the same language as me and I dont feel bad for that. Its whats important to ME. I realize this is not important to everyone and thats fine, I was expressing why I would not go to Mexico (especially with US doctors that have comparable pricing!)

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All of Dr. Huacuz's nurses spoke English. I had no problem communicating. They were really nicer and more attentive than I had ever found in the US.

And I have found NO US Dr.'s who have comparable pricing. As you said each to their own.

I have lost 15 lbs and feel great and did not have to spend $15,000 to $20,000. A lady who had been banded by Dr. Huacuz flew there with me. I was the 19th person she had gone back with. I would recommend it to anyone who is self-pay and can't afford surgery in the US.

Huacuz Surgical Center

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I dont know, I'm not sure if its the same thing as we have here with Australians flocking in droves to Malaysia and Thailand for cosmetic surgery.

I have absolutely and utterly no doubt that in Malaysia and Thailand there are qualified plastic surgeons who can do a fantastic job and I have no doubt that they have world class hospital facilities.

What I do doubt is when this sort of thing becomes a "trend" and many Aussies are desperate for cheap cosmetic surgery, how many unscrupulous surgeons get in on the act to make a bit of cash by capitalising on people's vulnerabilities? That happens in Australia too of course, but its easier, far easier to investigate these things more thoroughly in your own country, to access your doc for pre op consultation and follow up care and to have someone at call for any problems afterwards.

Of course we all hear the stories about how many Australian surgeons have had to fix up the hack work of asian docs, but I think that's as much self defence as it is truth, of COURSE they'd say that wouldnt they?

I'd imagine its the same with Mexico - good doctors, good hospitals, perfectly possible to get a great experience and good result. Just some unscrupulous people cashing in on the action and a fair bit of trouble and inconvenience if something goes wrong afterwards.

I'd hesitate to make a judgement though because the health care system is so different in general and I'd feel differently if f I had to go through what you all have to to get what is your right. We dont here, its simply a money saving venture so perhaps its different.

I do know my conservatve nature would mean I'd never do it personally, I'd want my doc to be nearby, mine is only half an hour away and I'd never put myself in the hands of a surgeon (or practice) I couldnt access easily in the years after the procedure.

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I was banded by Dr. Ortiz about 7 years ago in Tijuana. If I had it to do again, I would have had it done in the US. Nothing against Dr. Ortiz, he was professional, speaks perfect English etc. For me, there was a difference between medical care in Mexico vs. the US. For instance, I had to tell the nurses and lab tech to please put gloves on when they were taking blood from me. At the time, that wasn't standard protocol in that clinic (it may be now). Also, the nurses would come in to give me a shot, when I would ask them what it was, they didn't know. Obviously I didn't take the shot until someone could come in and tell me what they were injecting. We're spoiled here in the US. Everything is very sanitary and professional, for me there definetely was a difference. ALso, fills are a hassle as I have to go back to him. Hence, I've only had 1 fill since my banding. Luckily I've always had good restriction. However, I'm experiencing complete restriction now. Just started on Monday, so I'm trying to work with Kaiser in hopes that they can correct whatever is wrong. So, if I had it to do over again, I would have had it done here. I was self pay as I was a low BMI patient, but I think it would have been worth the extra money. Just my two cents.

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At the end of the day, we will all have to sleep with our own decisions! lets hope that each of us has made or will make one that we rest easy with. Is'nt the reason we are all here to help each other make informed decisions. I am also a low BMi patient, so self pay is my only option. i wish i could have my surg in Canada unfortunatly not in the buget!! However i believe my decision is an informed one. my experiance will probably not what i would have had here but i am going into this with open eyes and an open spanish as a second language book! lol we all know that going to another country for surg is a scarry decision!! lets hope it's a positive one.

I set my date for surgery last night it's on Nov/15/07 with Dr. Rumbaut and reality has just set in, that i leave on Nov/13/07 That is only 18 days away !

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Hmmm , I have the opposite veiw in some ways, though I am in the UK so cant compare US to Mexico.Whilst I was banded in the UK - self pay, looked at the risks, weighed up that it is pretty in and out surgery and factored in the fills - there is noooo way that I would use even a private plastic surgeon from the local choice here for the Tummy Tuck, breast lift etc that I have got booked!!!

Have you seen the problems that we have over here with MRSA and all the other superbugs?????

I searched the world for my PS and chose him for skill and aftercare pure and simple, in the UK I would be out in 24 hours with paracetamol, with my PS in France I will be an in patient for 7 days, he lectures in the US etc etc.

Language barrier maybe a bit of a problem but compared to the negatives about staying in the UK................ I guess it just comes down to what you are comfortable with when you have weighed it all up!

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...For me, there was a difference between medical care in Mexico vs. the US. For instance, I had to tell the nurses and lab tech to please put gloves on when they were taking blood from me. At the time, that wasn't standard protocol in that clinic (it may be now). Also, the nurses would come in to give me a shot, when I would ask them what it was, they didn't know. Obviously I didn't take the shot until someone could come in and tell me what they were injecting. We're spoiled here in the US. Everything is very sanitary and professional, ...
(emphasis my own)

You are taking one experience with one doctor and basing a decision about an entire country. I am of the opinion that is not fair.

What you are describing happens in the US every single day. Are you aware that the infection stats are higher for US hospitals vs. Mexican hospitals?

I'm sorry you didn't have the experience you had hoped for. But to make it sound like an entire country is like your experience is painting with a very wide paintbrush and quite unfair.

You are complaining about being an inpatient for 24 hours in Mexico vs. 4 hours in the US. You are complaining about paying half the standard price in Mexico vs. double that in the US. You are complaining about having the teacher (Ortiz) vs. the student (ANY US doc at that time).

I worked at our county hospital here in Phoenix, I only lasted three months. I couldn't hack it, it was horrible. A mother was sitting with her dying two year old. This child was not going to survive, he was dying. Not a thing in the world we could do about it. The child's nurse went in to ask Mom to sign a DNR so we wouldn't prolong this childs suffering by putting him on equipment forcing his body to live longer than it wanted to. Mom refused. The nurse was annoyed and told Mom that was ridiculous, the kid was going to die anyway! I'll bet you your bottom dollar Mom would have preferred to be under the care of Ortiz at that moment.

A resident at mayo clinic decided to give a patient IV antibiotics. Problem is, that particular drug doesn't come in IV form and the patient was in ICU and in a coma. The nurse kept explaining that the drug is not made in IV form. The resident insisted he knew better. He took the oral suspension, drew up the dose in a syringe and proceeded to inject the patient's IV. The nurse went running to get the clinical pharmacist but it was too late, as they ran into the room the resident had just finished giving the dose IV. The clinical RPh ask the resident a question, since when does an IV drug come in bubble gum flavor and in a non sterile form? I'll bet that family wishes that patient would have been under the care of your doc vs. Mayo Clinic.

A neonatal nurse gave a two pound NICU baby an adult dose of a heart drug. While they were trying (without success) to bring the baby back to life she sighed and said the child wasn't going to live anyway so what's the point? I'll bet that child's Mom wished her child was under the care of your doc at that time.

I've been in medicine since I was 16. I'm 45. That's a lot of years. Sometimes I swear I've seen it all. You have NO clue what goes on in hospitals today. The mistakes, spreading infection, the horrible attitudes, shortage of nurses, nurses that are so burned out on nursing they hate their patients.... each and every one of them. The lack of care and consideration for a patient, the unprofessionalism, it's mind boggling.

I could go on all night long. But I believe I have made my point. Just because you were not happy with one experience out of millions within Mexico does not mean the entire country is somehow less qualified or that the US is superior. We most certainly are not superior in many aspects, we just choose to pretend it doesn't exist. We make nice, tell everyone we are the best and we've repeated it so many times we actually believe that line of crap. We believe we are superior in just about every aspect of our lives in comparison to other countries. We are too stupid to realize that places outside the US laugh at us for a variety of reasons. They don't want to be like us, they don't want to behave like us, they don't really want anything to do with us. Yet we sit smugly and arrogantly claiming we are the best.

Again, I am very sorry you were not happy with your overall experience but to base ONE experience and claim the US is better because your nurse probably didn't know the English name of the drug she was giving is simply not right. You are the one that was in Mexico, when in their country speak their language. When in the US speak English. Not difficult. Perhaps it is you that was in error for not studying the Mexican names of common drugs.

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ok, so I never reply to many threads, I am very new at being banded(oct 1st) so I dont feel i have much to add to the experienced folks here...

but, I can sure puyt my 2 cents worth in on this one!

I am VERY happy to say that I chose to go to Mexico and was banded by Dr. Aceves and the staff there are remarkable.

I had no problems understanding anyone there, they knew what I needed and what I was asking for at all times.

I have had several health problems in the past and have spent some time in and out of hospitals in my area.

Not to say that there are not some great US hospitals and wonderful US doctors, However, I have never been spoiled in the manner as I was when i was banded.

I actually felt "cared for" and not just another "problem" they had to deal with until shift change.

Of course I was self pay- BUT was told bu my husband who paid for my surgery that i could find a dr wherever I felt comfortable at, and he would come up with money, I called several places and never got the responce, and answers to all my questions like I did when I spoke to Nina.

I live in a small east tx town and due to my mothers illness wont be able to go back to get my first fill there, and I have found dr.s in this area that will do my fill and a few I called were down right Asses to me.

but i have found on very close that is very nice and I think I will like.

But Not because I Dont want to go back to mexico, just because I cant right now.

but I plan to go back and I hope that anyone that reads this thread will do what they feel is good for them....Mexico was great for me and the very well english spoken staff was wonderful to me..

Sorry to anyone that wasnt as lucky as me....

well, that is all I have to say about that! LOL


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oh come on, nobody is condemning an entire country. I think this is why some people are afraid to post. This person was asking for opinions. That was my opinion. Give me a break. Again, MY opinion, not yours. Doesn't make you wrong and me right, or the other way around. The world is about different people with different views. I (me) personally would have had my surgery in the US if I had it to do over again. You obvisouly wouldn't. How does that besmerch an entire country? Everyone has different opinions. I've had surgeries in the US and 1 in Mexico, for me there is no comparison. Again (for me).

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oh come on, nobody is condemning an entire country. I think this is why some people are afraid to post. This person was asking for opinions. That was my opinion. Give me a break. Again, MY opinion, not yours. Doesn't make you wrong and me right, or the other way around. The world is about different people with different views. I (me) personally would have had my surgery in the US if I had it to do over again. You obvisouly wouldn't. How does that besmerch an entire country? Everyone has different opinions. I've had surgeries in the US and 1 in Mexico, for me there is no comparison. Again (for me).

Perhaps I misunderstood you, I thought that due to experiences you didn't care for in Mexico you would have preferred to have it done in the US vs. any other Mexican doc. If that isn't what you meant, my apologies. BUT, to say everything here is "very sanitary and professional" simply isn't true. Just like your experiences in Mexico many in the US have the SAME experiences. Just because we are the US doesn't mean everything is better.

I'm not knocking your choice to have it done in the US if you had it to do over again, I'm knocking the statement that you would have it done in the US BECAUSE everything is sanitary and professional. We have the same problems as Mexico, people aren't perfect and stuff happens.

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