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Any Central Iowa Bandsters?

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I am having surgery Sept 2 with Dr. Glascock in Cedar Falls. After almost two years getting insurance approval and all the testing, we are good to go. A couple more hoops but simple compared to the past.

I was excited that I don't have sleep apnea so didn't need the CPAP machine after 2 nights in the sleep lab. What a ride this has been.

I have wondered how much of this pretesting they do for other people for elective surgeries? Do you need a sleep study before plastic surgery?

Anyway, I am thrilled to get going with this and have a group of positive friends and family for support. Actually someone from my work had a R-N-Y last year so she knows all the good Proteins and foods that work. That helps, too.

If you are in the DM/Ankeny area check out the Nutri-shop in Ankeny. He is really nice and has gotten me good info on proteins. You can sample them, too, he will make them right there.


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Hey thanks for the info on the shop in Ankeny. Always looking for some new stuff. Where is it located? Good luck on your surgery!

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I was banded by Dr. LaMaster in the same clinic on August 14th. I have only good to say about the clinic and about the process. I am very pleased. I see Dr. LaMaster for my post op check in the morning. As you get closer to your surgery date if there is any way I can be supportive please let me know. I live in Des Moines. You can reach me at cacol54@yahoo.com. I wish you the best.


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We meet with the surgeon tomorrow, I hope all the ducks are finally lined up!

Does anyone have suggestions for right after surgery? Should you jump right into a little Protein? Stick with water/ice? How did the first day go for you? How long were you in the hospital?

I am hoping/expecting to go home on Wednesday after they check the band.

How long before you were back to work?

Any favorite Proteins or bars you like? Where can you get them? My friend Cindy likes a bar she found at Walmart, it has a pretty good carb/protein balance she said.


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Follow what your doctor tells you after surgery. I think of my diet as a prescription. Ice chips and sugar free popscyles were good as I had a sore throat from the tube down my throat during surgery.I spent the night because I am slow to wake up after surgery always. I was a little dehydrated so got extra fluids. I only needed tylenol after surgery. Laying down and getting up is a little tricky. Using a pillow under my left side when I slept helped me. I went back to work two half days on days 7 and 8 after surgery and then full time the next week. I have been very tired the first part of this week but better as the week goes on. My surgeon says it is all normal. I ate cream Soups, Protein Drinks, sugar free pudding, sugar free Jello, applesauce, Water, Crystal light, yogurt. I was not hungry as long as I had enough Protein. I have lost 17 lbs which feels really good.I moved on to mushies at 14 days for the next two weeks.

I hope your surgery goes well. You are very courage to take this action to improve your health.


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Thanks for the info and encouraging words. I will be glad to have it done and be back home! I am going to stay overnight, this surgeon requires it, which seems like a good idea. They do an x-ray the next morning and if all is good you are discharged. It will be a busy weekend, which is good.

Congratulations on your weight loss! What a great start!!!


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Well, we are back home, and all is well. a week tomorrow post surgery. Went back for the one week check today and they thought everything was going fine. Hard to stay on the liquid diet now, but its important not to strain the stitches that are holding the band.

Anyone who is thinking of doing this, I highly recommend Dr. Glascock and his team. They have been doing this surgery and the other one for 5 years. He is very experienced, confident and totally committed to making this work for his patients. The staff in the office and in the hospital (tiny Sartori in Cedar Falls) was great, very friendly and encouraging. I was discharged Wednesday afternoon after the Tuesday surgery. The Roxicet liquid pain meds work great. The incisions don't look as bad as the missed IV marks on my arm!

The Anesthesist was very friendly, young female with 4 kids! She did a spinal injection that worked for 24 hours or a bit more and it was really nice.

A bit startling was that when I weighed myself after I got home I was up 15#! Back to where I started now, and hope to lose quickly on this liquid diet. I am keeping up the recommended liquids and exercise. Can't drive till I am off the Roxicet, but hope to have that tapered back by the end of the week.

If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Glascock the website is www.obesityhelpiowa.com If you want to talk to me more about this I am happy to answer questions. I really liked the small hospital feel, friendliness of the staff, quite an intimate setting. Private room, too.


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Want to start a Lap Band Support Team Group in Central Iowa

Hi There,

I was banded 12-21-07 and would like to start a group within central Iowa with others who have been banded within 2006 or are still waiting to be banded. Questions, answers, health issues, problems and or accomplishments will be shared, along w/food ideas, exercise tips and more! I am so excited! This group is to support each other on our journey to successful weight loss and to continue by staying within our successful feeling of weight range. I will start by seeing how many others are out there and are interested and we will go from there. I would like a survey filled out to help with how to involve more and a meeting place and such.


Male or Female


Single, married, divorced, separated or teen

Banded date or expected banding date

Weight before banding

Your Town

Where you plan to be or where were you banded and who was or will be your DR.

What size is your band if you have been banded

What would you like to know or share before or after the band?

Do you work? FT or PT (Hr's of work? Days/Nights you work? You can also just address when the best days of the week and times you would be available to meet with others for this group. This is to provide the best times this interest group might be able to meet.?)

What health problems did you or do you have before being banded? If you have been banded, has your health improved?

What are you hoping to achieve after banding? If you have been banded have you achieved what you wanted before you were banded or do you have more expectations now?

Hope there are lots of people here in Central Iowa just waiting for this type of group to get started. Hurry, The sooner I receive a reply, the sooner we can get this going.

Also, if you just know of others contemplating or would like to know more information, ask them to sign on to this thread and join this group as well. I will start this group, as soon as I get enough for a group.

Feel free to ask any other questions you may have.


Posted on the Thread of Lapband Forum

Poll for starting a Lap Band Support Group

Poll Preview

Are you interested in knowing more about Lap banding? If so, please answer the below.


1. How to go about getting started? Yes/No

2. What does it take to be a candidate? Yes/No

3. How long does it take to be accepted as a candidate? Yes/No

4. Are you a smoker? Yes/No

5. Are you a drinker? Yes/No

6. How much caffeine do you consume in a day? _cups/_cans/_mg.

7. Do you take a Multivitamin daily? Yes/No

8. Other Vitamins or supplements? Name them___________

9. Are you? Single/Married/Divorced/Separated

10. Age Group? Teen/20's/30's/40's/50's/60's/older

11. How much do you need to lose to be healthy? Les then 50lb's/51-75lbs/76-100lbs/101-150lbs/151-200lbs/more

12. Do you exercise? Never/Rarely/weekly/daily/sometimes?

13. What are your favorite types of food groups? Meats/Vegetables/Fruits/Nuts and Grains/Dairy/Junk Food/Variety

14. List 3-6 favorite Foods/Drinks consumed daily?

15. Do you think there is a need for this type of group in this in Central Iowa? Yes/No

16. Would you sign up for this group? Yes/No

17. Would you like information on complications w/this procedure and post operative? Yes/No

18. What location in Central Iowa would be best for you to travel to?

19. How many miles would you be willing to travel to join this group? 10miles or less/up to 25 miles/up to 50 miles/or more?

20. Would you be willing to share your experiences with others? Yes/No

21. Would you be willing to share recipes/samples w/others? Yes/No

22. Would you like your group to be small-15 people or less, medium 30people or less or large-more than 30 people?

23. Would you prefer to be in the same age group type? Yes/No/Doesn't matter

24. Would you prefer to be in Men's only/Women's only/Teen's only/Doesn't matter?

25. Would you prefer to be in a single's group/married group/divorced group/separated group/doesn't matter?

26. Are you willing to pay to go to such a group to help cover costs of materials/start-up costs/speakers/food samples? Yes/No

27. How long would you like such a group to meet? 2hr's or less/3-4hr's/all day including lunch & breaks/other?

28. Do you need assistance w/daycare/familycare or transportation to attend such a group? Yes/No

29. Optional:If interested please list your name___________

30. If you would like to be contacted about such, list a phone number you can be reached at__________________

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I just had my consult with Dr Eibes, it appears I am a candidate for the surgery....but I will have to be self-pay....$17,000 Not happy about this but my insurance BCBS of IL requires 2 comorbidities and I only have 1....diabetes. I am 39 & just under 5'7 and 230lbs. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and am just really tired of the fight. My hubby has agreed that it is worth the money if it improves my diabetes and all that comes with that. I see the shrink tomorrow...and go from there I guess...not sure what is left....since I am a self-pay. Does anyone know?:wink2:

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You could have to go through many more testings and Dr's visit's before getting this done. I am not sure how the IL regulations of BCBS work, but here in Iowa, you will be excepted and it would be covered as long as you go along w/your Dr. and why you need this completed. A background of all of the diets you have tried, how it is affecting you emotionally and physically, any other medical concerns ( I would think by being overweight, you would be a candidate of pre mature heart attack, have you let them know all of your family history of medical issues? In Iowa they like you to be at least 100# overweight, have tried every diet imaginable and has to be recorded by a Dr., have other medical issues going on or could potentially start, due to the overweitness, why are you wanting this done, they want your body fat here to be at least 40%, which is extreme, but I was at 41%. I was 5'3", 257#, with alot of breathing issues and early heart diseaes in my family and so many other issues. A single woman that had been w/the same man for 24 yr's, who couldn't stand me fat and divorced me 7 yr's prior when I wasn't even this heavy. My children were grown, so that was ok, but our home belonged to his family, so I allowed him that and all of his personal property plus some of mine. Found an apt. and for the first time in my entire life I was independent and on my own-like it or not. I had a respectable job, I had just started almost 1 yr prior which has been my soul savior to independence and going from a few rentals, and even back to his place once, to another rental to buying my first home of choice ever in my life! You will be so proud of yourself after a period of time for following through.If there's anyway you can find a Dr. in your area or across the line to Iowa that will support you I would much rather see that then take that much of your family savings to pay for this during this rough recession. If money is no problem go for it, but if I could pay like $3400. vs. 17,000. I think that's worth doing a little more research. Remember, you can always have your Dr's information sent to whomever you wish for free! I wish you the best of luck and if you have other questions, please write. Keep in contact anyway, so I know how you are doing!


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Thanks for your reply! I hope you will keep in contact, and we can all meet who respond to my bandster start-up information! Congrationlations on the major first round. It is a life changing event and I hope you had great Dr.'s that explained all of this to you! Any questions, email, I'll be there!


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Hey There,

Yes, I have suggestions and my best one is to follow Dr's orders. With my health condition I ended up having to stay 3 days. Tghe 24th of Dec. is when I got released, our family Xmas meal was at Rube's steakhouse. It was a blizzardy night, my first night out of the hospital (I was in great pain and anxiety) but survived. Use a blender of some sort to puree or eat baby food everything you choose to put in that stomache that has just gone under major surgery, without causing yourself pain or your stomach to have major issues that could include more major surgeries. Then ween into soft types of food. One thing mainly to avoid to continue to lose weight is carb's. Keep them out of your diet completely! They will cont. to bring on more weight gain than any other food! Eat all the meat (Protein), Veg. and Fruits, plus drink some type of Protein drink which containds 60-80mg. a drink up to twice dailey. This will help your body and emotional level to becomew more stable, keep you from losing your hair, give you energy if taken in accordance w/your Dr.'s other recommendations. Always take Folic Acid, Elctra Vit. C, D, E and several of the B Vitamins., now I also add Bee Pollen, Calcium D, and Norwehian Cod Oil. You can follow this and see how it leads you, or let me kow what you are doing for yourself and how this is working.


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Thanks Deb for the advice, the psych appt went well this morning. I go back in 2 weeks for the follow up. We are going to submit all of this to the insurance company just in case they do approve me...but are planning on the self pay so we are ready. Have a great day.:smile:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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