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I’ve regained ALL the weight back 😢♀️

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I saw someone online who's had 4 wls surgery's and was seeing if there was anything else she could do as she couldn't control her eating so she wanted another surgery...just think If she used that money for counselling maybe two surgeries ago she would have been successful. So heavy on the surgery being the cure. Our minds are in control. We need to nurture it. Help it grow as we all make mistakes.dont run away from underlying issues. Face them.

If it was that easy no one on here would be heavy. If we could change our mind like a switch, don’t you think we all

Would??? It’s not as easy as willpower, not even close. Even having the stomach removed isn’t enough for some people.

And now to the op- your body lost a ton of weight from a fast starvation type diet (weight loss surgery is just a forced state of starvation) then you got pregnant with a wrecked metabolism and a starved body- and your body sent your cravings through the roof and slowed your metabolism to a crawl to grow your baby, and heal the damage. When we diet our bodies believe that we are in a famine. And they are smarter than us and built to survive- that is how weight gain from dieting happens.

My advice is to take the opportunity to explore other ways of losing weight /weight maintenance other than surgery. Consider eating disorder therapy and a dietician that specializes in eating therapy to help you rebuild your metabolism.

Being thin isn’t everything. It really isn’t anything. Youre a new mom, you need food and you need health and you need to free your mind from feeling like a failure so you can focus on your baby. You are not a failure in any way and you are beautiful whether you are bigger or smaller. Therapy can really help with these negative self image issues we all have. You are not a criminal for wanting to eat fast food.

There are many ways to be healthy. Eating wholesome food to satisfy yourself, getting exercise every day, treating yourself to a new haircut, new clothes, figuring out what you really enjoy eating without guilt or shame, and loving your body the way it is. That’s health. Self care and self love is health. If you want to be healthy on the outside, you have to get healthy on the inside. Rebuild the trust in yourself.

I highly recommend Intuitive Eating to you as an option.

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12 minutes ago, bellabloom said:

If it was that easy no one on here would be heavy. If we could change our mind like a switch, don’t you think we all
Would??? It’s not as easy as willpower, not even close. Even having the stomach removed isn’t enough for some people.

And now to the op- your body lost a ton of weight from a fast starvation type diet- then you got pregnant with a wrecked metabolism and a starved body- and your body sent your cravings through the roof and slowed your metabolism to a crawl to grow your baby, and heal the damage. When we diet our bodies believe that we are in a famine. And they are smarter than us and built to survive- that is how weight gain from dieting happens.

My advice is to take the opportunity to explore other ways of losing weight /weight maintenance other than surgery. Consider eating disorder therapy and a dietician that specializes in eating therapy to help you rebuild your metabolism.

Being thin isn’t everything. It really isn’t anything. Youre a new mom, you need food and you need health and you need to free your mind from feeling like a failure so you can focus on your baby. You are not a failure in any way and you are beautiful whether you are bigger or smaller. Therapy can really help with these negative self image issues we all have. You are not a criminal for wanting to eat fast food.< br />
There are many ways to be healthy. Eating wholesome food to satisfy yourself, getting exercise every day, treating yourself to a new haircut, new clothes, figuring out what you really enjoy eating without guilt or shame, and loving your body the way it is. That’s health.


I knew you'd come along with a problem. How about if what someone says you don't agree with you scroll past and write your own ? I see why people had issues with you now. I don't need a lesson from you. Were did I say it was easy ? I'm not even going to bother getting into it with you as I've seen you around. You can argue with a brick wall. I'm on this journey too and never did I call it easy. And you just contradicted your self "having your stomach removed isn't enough for people " erm.. that's what I said! So if having your stomach removed isn't enough for people having stuff rerouted thinking that will work isn't going to work either. It's the mind that makes it work all together. I stick by what I said. I won't be addressing you further so please feel free to put words in my mouth. When someone said this to me it worked for me. Luckily I wasn't talking to you so.. some people on here are like vultures .. jump onto anyone who doesn't say what they would say. I said we all make mistakes. And actually many people who couldn't do it before manage after with blips along the way. You don't like what I said. Fine. But I still stand by it. . People were saying all kinds of things about you on that other post and I felt bad for you.. hmm. Bye.

Edited by dreamingsmall

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I knew you'd come along with a problem. How about if what someone says you don't agree with you scroll past and write your own ? I see why people had issues with you now. I don't need a lesson from you. Were did I say it was easy ? I'm not even going to bother getting into it with you as I've seen you around. You can argue with a brick wall. I'm on this journey too and never did I call it easy. And you just contradicted your self "having your stomach removed isn't enough for people " erm.. that's what I said! So if having your stomach removed isn't enough for people having stuff rerouted thinking that will work isn't going to work either. It's the mind that makes it work all together. I stick by what I said. I won't be addressing you further so please feel free to put words in my mouth. When someone said this to me it worked for me. Luckily I wasn't talking to you so..

You haven’t experienced what the op has gone through. You haven’t experienced pregnancy post wls. You are still in early days and think it’s all smooth sailing. And it’s all about choices. I’m sorry to tell you, it isn’t that simple. In a few years things will likely be different for you too.

I hear a lot of fear in the tone of your posts and I understand it is scary that maybe what you are getting out of surgery right now won’t last, and you may regain. It’s terrifying. It terrified me and scares me still at times. But being crude and rude to people on here isn’t the answer. If you are having success, good for you. But it’s a good idea to listen with an open ear because some day you may be struggling too. Wls is not a permanent solution. The restriction most people get is temporary. Somenever get it at all.

No matter how much weight you have lost- it doesn’t give you the right to judge others. The op is on here asking for support not to be told she’s a failure by her own lack of willpower. I’m sure she is trying as hard as she can.

For some reason your statement “I’ve seen you around Bella bloom!!!!” Makes me chuckle. I’m like, the dark specter of bariatric pal... lurking...around...every....corner... with .... :) a smile.

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6 minutes ago, bellabloom said:

You haven’t experienced what the op has gone through. You haven’t experienced pregnancy post wls. You are still in early days and think it’s all smooth sailing. And it’s all about choices. I’m sorry to tell you, it isn’t that simple. In a few years things will likely be different for you too.

I hear a lot of fear in the tone of your posts and I understand it is scary that maybe what you are getting out of surgery right now won’t last, and you may regain. It’s terrifying. It terrified me and scares me still at times. But being crude and rude to people on here isn’t the answer. If you are having success, good for you. But it’s a good idea to listen with an open ear because some day you may be struggling too. Wls is not a permanent solution. The restriction most people get is temporary. Somenever get it at all.

No matter how much weight you have lost- it doesn’t give you the right to judge others. The op is on here asking for support not to be told she’s a failure by her own lack of willpower. I’m sure she is trying as hard as she can.

Bla bla bla. Not reading all that. Make all the assumptions you like. Who said it was smooth sailing.You don't have to experience what everyone's gone through to comment on a post lol get a grip. I'm not judging anyone. Anyway I can't take you seriously seen as everyone on the other post said everything you say is a lie and you crave drama. You won't get it of me lol keep talking I only read the first two lines. None of what your saying is making sense lol the op isn't a failure no one said she is. As I said people warned people about you so I'm not biting. How about you stop making posts about you and focus on the op lol. Your just trying to be a bully and it doesn't phase me . Counselling is good for everyone. Me.. op.. and for sure you. Wish for me to fail all you like lol

Edited by dreamingsmall

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Bla bla bla. Not reading all that. Make all the assumptions you like. Who said it was smooth sailing.You don't have to experience what everyone's gone through to comment on a post lol get a grip. I'm not judging anyone. Anyway I can't take you seriously seen as everyone on the other post said everything you say is a lie and you crave drama. You won't get it of me lol keep talking I only read the first two lines. None of what your saying is making sense lol the op isn't a failure no one said she is. As I said people warned people about you so I'm not biting. How about you stop making posts about you and focus on the op lol. Your just trying to be a bully and it doesn't phase me . Counselling is good for everyone. Me.. op.. and for sure you.


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Good luck op you will be fine. Congrats on your little one. Take each day as it comes and try and focus on dense Protein . You haven't failed at all. I feel like these things are a lesson so we can figure out what we need to do to make it work you still have your tool. All the best!

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23 hours ago, BigViffer said:

I think I found your problem.

Which is why I’m asking if a pouch reset will shrink my stomach or am I too far gone? I’m fat for reason and I understand why because of my poor choices in food.

In the past with my weight loss journey I eventually did end up changing my eating habits due to the restriction but unfortunately when I became pregnant and was very sick until 32 weeks carbs were the only thing that would help settle my stomach, now I can’t seem to break that habit again.

At least with a restriction in place it means the less crap I can eat.

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On 21/11/2017 at 2:04 AM, jenn1 said:

I'm sorry you are feeling out of control with your weight.

Set up an appointment with your surgeons office. Get their opinion if you have stretched your stomach. They can help you get back on track. Another option to consider is counseling/therapy. It will help address your mindset with weight loss.

food choices and grazing will cause significant weight gain.

Grazing is the consistent, day-long consumption of low value food items, in other words: snacking. For example, mindlessly finishing your child’s Breakfast Cereal, stopping at mcdonalds, popping two donut holes into your mouth at the office, eating a Protein Bar mid-afternoon and a strawberry Greek yogurt with granola at night.

The best way to address grazing after bariatric surgery is to employ preventive measures prior to the onset. That said, many patients will not succeed preemptively and must therefore deal with the problem of grazing only after it presents.

Should you find yourself in the habit of grazing after bariatric surgery, the obvious resolution is to break the habit. This is no doubt easier said than done, but consider all that you have achieved to this point.

The first step is to ask for help. It is unlikely that you can resolve your maladaptive eating alone. So simply ask for the help. Use your support network and those professionals who are currently among your inner circle.

Begin to monitor yourself closely. Write down or log your food in MYFITNESSPAL all that you eat or drink for a period of three days or so, and then compare your notes with the nutrition plan from your bariatric surgeon’s office to note how much they do or do not correlate.

Learn the different types of hunger, specifically head, eating out of boredom and physical hunger.

In addition, cut out all junk food. Sit when you eat, and mindfully enjoy the meal. Eat meals that contain Protein and Fiber in the form of fresh and lightly cooked or raw fruits and vegetables because they make you feel full. Drink plenty of Water over the course of the day except at meal time.

WIshing you the best,


I’m just going to have to find the time to start meal prepping again. Write out my weekly meals and cook them all up, that’s what I did before I had a baby because I had the time. My health needs to be a priority too and Hooefully doing a pouch reset will work.

Thanks Jenn for all your advice.

Edited by wouldntmindasandwich

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The "pouch reset" is actually only a exercise in habit reform. You most likely did not stretch your sleeve. I say "most likely" because it is a very rare thing for a properly performed VSG to stretch. The esophageal sphincter or the pylorus will weaken long before the sleeve will stretch enough to cause tears that heal back with a larger volume over and over again. Or if someone had bypass, the opening created in the intestine could be stretched which would allow food to go through too quickly.

The pouch reset is a name given to reverting back to the post-op basics. Fluids for a short time, then soft foods, then dense Proteins. It is an exercise designed to train your mind to recognize the sensation of fullness.

So are you too far gone? No, of course not. The only question is how important is it to you to make the change that is necessary. Don't think about eating less crap, think of not eating that crap at all. There is no need for it. I will admit that I miss the convenience of fast food, but I do not miss anything else about it. I am actually quite proud of myself that I have not had a fast food sandwhich in almost 3 years.

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I agree with big viff that you didint likely stretch your sleeve. I’m not sure that’s even possible. For example, I eat carbs and fast food and large amounts of food all the time, but I still have restriction when I eat foods that’s are non-sliders.

What you have done is figured out a way to “eat around” you sleeve. Carbs are mostly sliders and you can eat a lot more of them than of Protein. If you want to go back to the dieting, than my advice is to begin by eating your protein first. Focus on low carb and higher protein meals with veggies.

Your body will crave carbs because your body needs carbs. But by putting those last instead of first you can take advantage of your stomach restriction again.

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I'm only 4.5 months out, but I am a life-time dieter, so I can offer something about getting on track with weight loss! How about pulling out your doctor's eating guidelines from when you were 3 months post-op and sticking strictly to that? I always find that having strictly defined rules helps me to get back on track with healthy eating, especially when I am out of control with carb consumption. I am so sorry you are struggling. It's an awful feeling. Believe me, I know. Best of luck to you!

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I am 2 years out from gastric sleeve. I’m not gaining weight but still have about 70 lbs to go and need to refocus and return to strict guidelines. It’s easy to slip into old ways and I also find that strict guidelines and emotional support is crucial. I can tell you that it’s the 1 year plus that I find to be the most difficult because it’s easy to get complacent. The most important thing is acknowledging that you need to get back on track and moving on from it. No one is perfect NO ONE. You’ll get there! Good luck with everything!

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I also downloaded a timer that is very easy to use and lets you click if you are and then a timer starts so that it helps you not eat and drink at the same time which can also be a problem. Use every support and technique you’ve got in your arsenal and don’t be afraid to see your nutritionist or surgeon for support too! I know it’s hard but they are your best resources and trust me have had many in the same situation as you and would rather hear you say things aren’t so great and try to help you than not know and have you struggling!

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13 hours ago, wouldntmindasandwich said:

Which is why I’m asking if a pouch reset will shrink my stomach or am I too far gone? I’m fat for reason and I understand why because of my poor choices in food.

In the past with my weight loss journey I eventually did end up changing my eating habits due to the restriction but unfortunately when I became pregnant and was very sick until 32 weeks carbs were the only thing that would help settle my stomach, now I can’t seem to break that habit again.

At least with a restriction in place it means the less crap I can eat.

I love your honesty. And you really explained it perfectly how it can happen so easily.

I know this isn't going to be a popular suggestion, but have you thought about trying a weight loss drug? I know some bariatric surgeons and even General Practice doctors will prescribe them under close supervision. Maybe something like phentermine is just the jump start you need? I look at them as just another tool in the toolbox to help is fight the life long battle of obesity.

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I’m 8 years out from surgery. Highest weight was 399 and today I’m 168. Throughout those years I’ve lost and gained. Emotional eating was paramount during stressful times. However, surgery is a tool as expressed earlier. It’s making the decision to accept what’s important to you by any means necessary. If getting your eating under control is a struggle, then take a week or so to reflect on what the core cause is. Are you eating trigger foods? Is the stress of being a new mom taking over (congrats and welcome to motherhood). Put yourself first and really get down to the root cause. Even if that means booking an appointment with a therapist. It takes time so be patient with yourself.

When I feel like back peddling I call my accountability partner and food vent or I go to IG and just read the profiles of those who inspire me.

Go back to the basics. As you’ve stated plan your meals ahead of time. It’s a pain to do but once done, it makes it easier to stay on track. Work to move your body every day. Be very mindful of why and what you’re eating. And make changes slowly. The tool works if you work it right. Sending positive vibes your way. [emoji177]

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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