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Daily Menu Thread for the Wk 11.05.17-11.11.17

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1 hour ago, shedo82773 said:

Not TGA approved in Australia as yet.

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This is a big family weekend and I'm going to try to stick to my plan. food is gonna be wayyyy caloric and carbalicious. So I will really have to remain on guard and try my best not to go completely off the tracks even though this is a semi food funeral.

Friday Menu

B-cottage cheese, yogurt, pomegranite, GS apple, almonds, cinnamon

MS-psylli tea

L-2oz BBQ Beef Rib, 2oz smoked turkey, 1/3 link beef sausage, 3oz green Beans (Black's BBQ Lockhart TX)

Cocktails-2oz Queso w/pork rinds, 1 Michelada (12oz Miller Lite, 4oz Tang's BM Mix, 2 lime wedges, ice)

Dinner-3oz grilled flank steak, 2oz roasted acorn squash with 1 tsp butter, 1 1/2 cups Caesar salad (no croutons), 5oz cabernet sauvignon

Daily Totals: 1501cals; 77g prot; 75g fat; 92g carbs; 16g fiber; 76g net carbs

Saturday Menu

B-cottage cheese, yogurt, pomegranite, GS apple, almonds, cinnamon

MS-psylli tea

L-1 bratwurst w/German mustard, 2oz sauerkraut, 12oz Miller Lite (WurstFest)

Cocktails-1oz Manchego cheese; 2 Triscuits, 12oz Miller LIte

D-1cup chopped salad with 3Zeros dressing, 4 Daddy's Meatballs & Sauce, 5oz zoodles, 1/2 tbsp Parm, 5oz cabernet sauvignon

Daily Totals: 1511cals; 60g prot; 60g fat; 105g carbs; 24g fiber; 81g net carbs

I will have to work Sunday's up that day. Maybe we will just keep this thread going for next week? I don't want to clog up the "Recent Posts" area with lots of menu threads. Is that ok with you guys?

Thanks and have a great weekend!

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1) espresso with skim milk; 400mL fruit smoothie (early)

2) 75g ham, 50g egg, 100mL egg whites (mid morning)

3) TWO 140g strawberry yoghurt (noon-1pm)

4) Vanilla-flavoured Protein shake with 50g raw egg, 125mL egg whites & 100mL skim milk (2:30pm-3:30pm)

5) 25g lean pork mini-rissole, 25g veal mini-rissole, 75g shredded chicken breast covered with 170g Mamia Lamb Casserole baby food pouch (5:30pm-7pm)

6) TWO 21g slices extra tasty cheddar; half ISOWHEY caramel shake & 50mL egg whites & fibre supplement (9pm-10pm)

Water consumed throughout day = 1775mL

Proteins=136g Fats=38g Carbohydrates=161g Fibre=29g Sugars=84g


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23 hours ago, FluffyChix said:

Wow! Today is filled with really interesting and fairly SAD food choices. Had the surgeon's appointment this morning and it was a crap sandwich on a paper plate. :( My schedule was completely thrown off--up at 4:30am to get ready to go, back late this afternoon, now getting ready for a big weekend. My mood is totally tanked cuz of the DR. visit. I have a raging Headache, no time to cook and nothing planned for tonight because the day was not supposed to Iron out this way. "Why am I eating today" is about hunger, comfort, emotional eating. By working through my emotions I was able to channel a dinner derailment via Wendy's to a much better choice of take out blackened fish, veg and salad.

11.09.17 Daily Food

Brunch-3 egg white veggie omelet (mushrooms, double spinach, 1/2oz swiss cheese, rbp, onion) + 2 pieces bacon + 1/4c cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, decaff coffee (black no creamer)

L-1.75oz GS apple, 14g walnuts, 1 string cheese (mozz)

AS-28g Sabra orig hummus, 1.5oz baby carrots, 1 HEB light cheese wedge (smoked gouda)

D-whew! My rational brain took control back from my lizard brain! New dinner. Still a huge dinner. Will use mindfulness to eat only until the hunger abates, but not stuffed.

9oz blackened pangasius fillet, broccoli in olive oil and garlic, 1 cup side salad (romaine, grape tomatoes, red onion, blue cheese dressing)

BS-8g Lily's SF dark choco chips, 8g toasted almonds

Daily Totals: 1501cals; 74g protein; 94g fat; 86g carbs; 17g fiber; 69g net carbs

Hey, great job getting back into control!! If you look at your post you really didn't do bad!! Give yourself a break. Look at it this way, you were thrown for a loop but got it back and finished great. Pat yourself on your back!! Kudo's kido

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1) 50g lean pork mini-rissole, 25g veal mini-rissole, espresso coffee on skim milk (early)

2) 50g ham, 50g egg, 50mL egg whites; ginger & turmeric skim latte (mid morning)

3) ISOWHEY chocolate Protein Shake, 125mL egg whites; 65g lean chicken breast (noon-1pm)

4) 500mL pineapple & mint juice; 45g lean chicken breast (2:30pm-3:30pm)

5) 50g ham, 50g egg, 85mL egg whites; (5:30pm-7pm)

6) ISOWHEY Chocolate Protein shake made on 260mL skim milk; 5g beef Jerky (9pm-10pm)

Water consumed throughout day = 1700mL

Proteins=157g Fats=25g Carbohydrates=102g Fibre=8g Sugars=59g


This was a good day ... about 200 calories fewer, more protein, less fat, less sugar. Sadly, I needed more fibre than I had on the day but (thanks to the huge juice at lunch) my BM was okay for the day.

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Applebees steak and bean Soup

Chik fil a grilled chicken patty

6oz cottage cheese

5oz sweet potato

4oz beets

1 cup 2% milk

750 cals. 70g prot.

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1) 50g lean rare roast beef, 75g lean chicken breast, 140g pouch strawberry yoghurt (early)

2) 55g lean rare roast beef, 118g lean chicken breast,; ginger & turmeric skim latte (mid morning)

3) 500mL fruit smoothie (noon-1pm)

4) ISOWHEY chocolate Protein shake made on 175mL egg whites & fibre supplement (2:30pm-3:30pm)

5) 75g pork/veal rissole, 140g pouch blueberry yoghurt; skim milk espresso (5:30pm-7pm)

6) 80g lean rare roast beef, 140g pouch strawberry yoghurt (9pm-10pm)

Water consumed throughout day = 1690mL

Proteins=197g Fats=26g Carbohydrates=168g Fibre=22g Sugars=113g


This was a very good day for Protein but a bit O.T.T. for carbs and sugar.

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Rainbow.. you are only 4 weeks postop. What does your plan say about goals for Protein and calories, and meal size?

I'm also picking my jaw off the floor at the quantity of meat you can consume at a time. At 4 weeks postop, I was eating 56g cottage cheese or 1 egg, not 173g (6oz!) lean protein.

I'm concerned because your stomach isn't completely healed yet...

The other thing is your body can only assimilate 30g of protein/amino acids at a time (about 114g meat). Eating more than that isn't meeting protein requirements, your body will just use it the same way as it uses carbohydrates.

30g protein, 3 times a day, separated by several hours, will more than meet your protein/amino acid needs.

The reason bariatric patients eat 6 times a day is because they can only eat 50-100g at a time. If you are able to eat 200g at a time, then you only need to eat 3 meals a day. (If you are still hungry and want Snacks, those snacks should just be extra veggies since you can meet your protein requirements in the 3 meals).

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Hi everyone! I'm back from the blowout weekend at WurstFest. All things considered, I was fairly good for a blowout weekend. LOL. But, despite everything, I'm still up about 2.8lbs to 233lbs this morning. Some of that is Fluid in my ankles from travelling. God, I will be glad when I don't get that anymore! It's a real drag. I hope to hear that the insurance is approved and I get my Nov. 28th surgery date today. That would mean I would start my pre-op liquid diet tomorrow. :o:blink: Oh my!

Here's my menu from yesterday! If y'all don't mind, let's just keep this thread until the end of November, then we can start a December menu thread? I'm still concerned about filling up the Recent Posts area on the right side of the screen with the Menu Threads. I didn't think the diet/nutrition area showed up in the Recent Posts area. So a daily thread would be terrible in my opinion. Nobody wants to sort through eleventy billion menu threads to get to the real juicy stuff! :D

Sunday Menu:

B-1 brisket egg taco with cheese and avocado, 3oz sauteed spinach with garlic

L-Kreuz's Market BBQ (1oz turkey, 3oz moist brisket, 1 sausage link, 1 jalapeno, 1oz onion, 5 pickle slices, 1oz cheddar cheese) WOW!

D-1 bowl Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Granny Smith "gruel" (1/4c yogurt, 85g 2% cott cheese, 1oz skim Fairlife milk, 1oz GSapple, 1oz pomegranate seeds, 5g toasted slivered almonds, 5g Fiber One Cereal, cinnamon)

Daily Totals: 1507cals; 78g protein; 97g fat; 70g carbs; 22g fiber; 48g net carbs

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In case I get to start my liquid pre-op diet tomorrow, I'm going to have one of my favorite meals--low-ish carb pizza. Compared to the real deal pizza this is restrained. I doubt I will be able to eat the whole thing, but am budgeting for it anyway! LOTS of food today. And PT. Have 3 days of back to back PT this week and the oncologists appointment Thursday. *big gulp* *nerves* as per my usual.

Monday Menu

B-2egg + 1 eggwhite omelet (1clove garlic, olive oil spray, 1/4 c turkey sausage crumbles, 2oz froz chop spin, 1oz rbp, 1 jalapeno fresh, 1/2oz red onion, 2tbsp cilantro, 3/4oz BH lacy swiss, 2tbsp fresh salsa)

MS-28g hummus, 1.5oz baby carrots

L-green Protein smoothie (16g Isopure banana prot powd, 2oz froz chop spin, 32g froz blueberries, 5g psyllium husks, 12 fl oz unsweet vanilla coconut milk)

AS-psylli tea

D-3c chopped salad (2oz romaine, 1oz baby spin, 1/2oz rbp, 1/2oz red onion, 1/2oz grape tomatoes, 1oz avocado, 2tbsp blue cheese dressing); 1 Lite Flatout Pepperoni Pizza (1 Lite Flatout wrap, 1/8c marinara, 2oz part skim mozz, 1oz BH pepperoni, 1/4c sauteed mushrooms, 1 slice applewood smoked bacon, 1/2oz parmesan-grated, red pepper flakes)

BS-1oz pomegranate seeds, 6g SF Lily's dark choco chips, 6.5oz toasted almonds

Daily Totals: 1501cals; 76g prot; 92g fat; 82g carbs; 32g fiber; 50g net carbs

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5oz 1% cottage cheese

1 egg and 3oz kidney Beans with salsa

3oz rotisserie chicken thigh

6oz sweet potato with 4 brazil nuts

2 cups 2% milk

Totals: 1061 cal. 73g Protein

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Fluffy.. this has always confused me. When you chop up "1/2oz red onion" to use in a recipe, what do you do with the rest of it? If it were just an onion, sure, you have a little container in the fridge to store the rest. But from your ingredient list, you must have 10 containers of partially-used ingredients. How do you keep track of it all and use them up before they spoil?

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Hi everyone! This is our first thread for daily menus. I borrowed this concept from another support board and it's a very popular thread. I am hoping it may help us with accountability and also help other to help us when we may get stuck or have food issues to work through. To begin we will just do a weekly thread and anyone can join regardless of their surgery status or type of surgery. Just follow your own plan as given to you by your doc according to where you are in your journey. To participate, just hit reply and type in the day's menu. You may want to take part in the discussion that goes along with it.
Here's an interesting article in the Bariatric Times about Mindful Eating and Bariatric Patients.
For the next few weeks, I thought it would be fun to look into the concept of Mindfulness as it applies to bariatric patients! I don't know about you, but that's one of my top rules from my surgeon and nut. I must eat MINDFULLY. I can't eat in front of a tv, standing up at the counter, in front of the computer, while talking, etc. I have to be present and focused on the bite of food in my mouth. It's harder than it sounds! I've been practicing Mindful Eating since May and it has really helped me hone in on only eating set meals each day per my RD. Per the RD and surgeon, they want me eating 3 meals and 3 organized Snacks daily. Wow! That's a lot of eating, but it's on a set schedule and is helping me prepare for my post-RNY life.
Ok everyone! Let's get started. Please feel free to post your menu for each day. (Each day of menus will be a new reply to post entry for each of us.)
So here's the QOW (Question of the Week): Mindful Eating: Why do you eat?

Yikes Im feeling like a huge failure after reading your post. I am 100% guilty of NOT eating mindfully. I have been forcing myself to eat and/or just eating what is handy (eggs, canned chicken breast, hummus are my "go to's". )
Starting tomorrow I will begin eating mindfully. I think this is a great idea and wish Id have known about it.
Thank you!!!

5' 5"
HW: 259
CW: 235
GOAL: Healthy and hard 140-ish?

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To answer the question "Why do I eat"? I eat because I need to het my Protein and nutrients in and to stop hunger pains. I often eat while watching TV.... after reading your post its clear that is a bad thing! I def learn something new every time I read this forum. Thanks fluffy! [emoji23]

5' 5"
HW: 259
CW: 235
GOAL: Healthy and hard 140-ish?

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1 hour ago, Berry78 said:

Fluffy.. this has always confused me. When you chop up "1/2oz red onion" to use in a recipe, what do you do with the rest of it? If it were just an onion, sure, you have a little container in the fridge to store the rest. But from your ingredient list, you must have 10 containers of partially-used ingredients. How do you keep track of it all and use them up before they spoil?

I eat pretty repetitively, so use the same ingredients in many many different recipes: red onion, rbp, jalapeno, cilantro gets used fairly quickly. Plus I also cook for Mr. Fluffy.

But, one thing I love to do is to get the smallest size of "anything" I'm buying. When I use it the first time, I chop all of it. I put it on a small plate or cookie sheet. I cover the plate or sheet with plastic first so stuff doesn't stick. Then I freeze it and put it a baggie or container. I label and date it. Then I can go in and grab what I need. On one cookie sheet I can get all of my red onion and rbp. Also if you don't like to chop, they have pre-chopped frozen that works great. When I'm cooking, I put the pan or a plate on my scale and just weigh and then tare after each ingredient. So it's super simple to grab my ingredients and quickly weigh it all out. Then I usually saute in Water or chicken broth to keep cals lower. For fresh like in salads, I will just keep out like 1/4 of the veg and wrap tightly in plastic wrap. It will keep for a week like that. If I see the fresh is starting to look sad, I will chop and freeze, then start over.

:) Me=super frugal, so I have almost zero food waste. Everything gets repurposed and combined and frozen before going bad. I always date and label so I know what's frozen. Makes meals 10 minutes--15 max--even slightly more complex ones.

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