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What's normal eating post surgery ??

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On 10/31/2017 at 1:31 AM, trailtramper said:

Geez, that is a new one for me. That sounds a bit high, but it sounds like you are doing well. I guess it was worth it.

I think it was a total rip off. LOL I could have read the manual and then if I had ?'s I could have asked them. The reason I feel like it was a rip off as I went thru the class and my hubby went thru it with me. That was July 2, 2013. Then in Sept of 2013. We had to pay another $500 for him to go thru it. I also went thru it with him. It was exactly the same manual. Bummer deal if you ask me. Oh well, its all done now. They sure can't take it back, can they. LOL

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I think it was a total rip off. LOL I could have read the manual and then if I had ?'s I could have asked them. The reason I feel like it was a rip off as I went thru the class and my hubby went thru it with me. That was July 2, 2013. Then in Sept of 2013. We had to pay another $500 for him to go thru it. I also went thru it with him. It was exactly the same manual. Bummer deal if you ask me. Oh well, its all done now. They sure can't take it back, can they. LOL

I’m with you.

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After surgery pain

I am 2 days post surgery. I am having pain when I swallow Water or broth. It is making it difficult to get the required liquids down. Anyone experience this?

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I was sleeved 5 months ago. My foods are evolving. I can eat most foods without issue. Sandwich meat and hot dogs are an exception as they still upset my sleeve. I can eat steak, bread (I may have an open faced burger once a week), grapes, raisins. I tried a couple of bites of rice...no problems. Haven't tried Pasta.< br>I eat 3 to 4 ounces at a meal.
In the beginning I struggled to finish the 2.7 oz package of tuna. Now, I can eat the tuna pack and some veggies.
I can go out with friends or family to eat. I will split an item or take some home.
I do best when I eat at home/make lunch for work. I measure and know my volume, macros, and limit my salt.
You can also allow yourself to basically snack all day. So, there are ways to get around the reductions.
You have to be willing to put in the time and effort to make changes and decisions to help with the long haul.

Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

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On 30/10/2017 at 4:45 AM, comtngirl said:

Will I never be able to eat a sandwich again? No potatoes or Pasta ever? I know change is inevitable but how hard is it to adjust to this?

I'm wondering how much reading and research you have done before this battery of questions.

You will be buying into a lifestyle change that will, HOPEFULLY, end problems with diabetes and hypertension and the medications (and the expense) that they entail.

You will be feeding a body that will be set at your goal (or within a few pounds or kilos of it). You'll probably need only 1350 calories or so to feed a 115 pound body mass.

You will need to drop the old trigger foods or SEVERELY CURTAIL THEIR CONSUMPTION if you want to stay at goal.

My surgeon and his clinic have said that, for my future, expect to eat very few fried foods and to consume zero or very little soda (soft drinks) including the diet or zero sugar varieties.

He also said that I'll be having next to no french fries, chips, packaged snack foods.

I will have to curtail at least 75% of my former bread consumption. There'll be next to no crumbed foods. There'll be very few, if any processed foods.

I'll be eating leaner meats or Proteins.

I'll be eating more green vegetables. (This one is NOT a problem for me as I already am a big veggie consumer.) Fewer potatoes, lesser amounts of carrots and corn.

Once I get from 174.6 kilograms to 74.6 kilograms (385 pounds to 164.5 pounds), I don't aim to go back to the life of yo-yo dieting ever again. This gastric sleeve is a big investment in $$$ ... and I don't want to waste any of m spending.

The sleeve has been my opportunity to sidestep all the heartache I have had over 25+ years fighting to stay a reasonable size and failing diet after diet.

I want to reset my willpower SO THERE WILL BE SACRIFICES.

Fewer sandwiches and smaller ones! Meals that fit on a side plate rather than a dinner plate. Meals with more Protein and more good fats and fewer simple carbohydrates and sugars.

Would you like some links to what my clinic and surgeon have told me?

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On 10/29/2017 at 0:45 PM, comtngirl said:

I know that gastric by-pass is probably the best for me since I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes and have hypertension. But I'm scared about how I'm going to eat again....Will you always have to eat like a bird....tiny portions? Of course I know that you cant eat like you use to but I picture little pieces of Protein, some veges and little fruit. or do you get to eat all foods you enjoy in a lot smaller doses? Will I never be able to eat a sandwich again? No potatoes or Pasta ever? I know change is inevitable but how hard is it to adjust to this? Also, what about my wine once in awhile? Is that totally off limits for the rest of my life? Maybe someone who is post op for a year or longer can give me some advice. Thank you!

So, no judgement here--just an observation--cuz maybe you haven't thought about this yet...In the early days of research I was like you...dayum! Am I gonna have to break up with mah food? Cuz, you know, I'm not jiggy with that! And now, because I've had a Vulcan mind-meld or shift in the tectonic plates or something, I'm like, "DAYUM!!! I can't WAIT to be satisfied eating tiny portions and btw, I hope that lasts forevs!!!!

Cuz, think of the food savings! Right? Think of the decrease in metabolic disease cuz of natural calorie restriction. One thing I look at is I watch skinny peeps eat. Most of the ones I know, eat very "thin-like"-- super healthy, small portions, small servings of carby shenanigans...and I'm like. I WANT that!!! I want to eat like them. :D

So, maybe along with your research, maybe you will consider beginning shifting your relationship with food. Will you still find joy and pleasure in a good meal? Sure! Why not!? Life is made for happiness in all areas. You just won't and shouldn't super-size it any longer!

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One thing that has amazed me is how many substitute products there are now that fit in with our needs and still satisfy the old urges. For example, I've gotten a high-protein oatmeal (it's about 10 grams a serving and still high in carbs, so I don't have it more than about once a week). Even better, I've found a high-protein Pasta that's made with yellow lentils--and today I saw a number of other types in the grocery store. I had some in a Soup and it was fine--I didn't feel deprived at all.

I'm living with someone else for a few months and I'm surrounded by stuff I shouldn't eat--and I'm embarrassed to admit that I have eaten way too much of these things. I can't wait until I'm living alone again and simply don't have these things around. Yes, I should be able to resist temptation and just make the right choices . . . but I admit I'm human and weak at times. Thank goodness my sleeve restricts the amount I can eat--I was taken to a Chinese buffet today and ate about a quarter of the plate of food I had. Still not the greatest choice, given the sauces on the chicken, but at least not much.

dinner was watermelon and cottage cheese--a much better meal, actually.

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The one thing that's always fascinating to me is how MUCH other people can eat and how little we actually NEED to live on. I mean, I used to eat those massive portions, too! Now it almost makes me sick to watch.

I maintain on 1200 calories at almost 4 years post op. I eat mostly meat, fish, nuts, fruits and veggies. Yup, that's 80% of my diet. I choose to eat that way because one:

I feel great when I limit sugar and simple carbs

And two: I maintain my weight fairly easily sticking to that stuff without having to track, weigh and measure everything because I HATE to! ;)

Oh, the other 20% of what I eat? Yogurt, cheese, whole grains and chocolate. Oh, and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

I eat like someone who is mostly health conscious who hasn't had surgery. Except I can only eat around 10 oz of food in a single meal, maybe less.

Edited by BarbieVSG14

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I'm 3 months post VSG, and can eat just about everything BUT I don't. The amount I can eat has increased. A month ago I could only eat 2oz,and now I can eat a whole 3.5oz [emoji23]. For me surgery was an extreme step,and I considered it the last. So, I will not go back to old habits. I eat Protein first then if I have room veggies. If I need something sweet I have some halo top, but I make sure I stick to one serving. I do get hungry every 3 hours or so, and try to eat 5-6 small meals a day.

Before surgery I loved food, and always craved different foods all day. I'd see fast food commercials and want that food. Now I just don't care, and when I see those commercial they almost make me sick. I eat when I'm hungry, and for the nutrients. It was a difficult adjustment, but it's great now! Food is no longer the center piece of my life, and I feel free!

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Listen to your body, you might fancy trying a sandwich but your stomach might think otherwise and will let you know. I’m like everyone else in that I eat Protein, veg then a few carbs, but I do have a glass of wine now and again or a low calorie g&t. Only a small one and it takes a couple of hours to drink it 😂. I struggle to eat more than 800 calories a day so I make sure it’s the things I really like but also doesn’t have many carbs. I don’t care if I never eat another sandwich if it means I can feel like I do now, I feel normal, I feel healthy and I feel proud and I pray each day that I will keep loosing. 😊

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Listen to your body, you might fancy trying a sandwich but your stomach might think otherwise and will let you know. I’m like everyone else in that I eat Protein, veg then a few carbs, but I do have a glass of wine now and again or a low calorie g&t. Only a small one and it takes a couple of hours to drink it [emoji23]. I struggle to eat more than 800 calories a day so I make sure it’s the things I really like but also doesn’t have many carbs. I don’t care if I never eat another sandwich if it means I can feel like I do now, I feel normal, I feel healthy and I feel proud and I pray each day that I will keep loosing. [emoji4]

Great advice!

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On 10/30/2017 at 3:46 PM, dreamingsmall said:

It depends on the plan given to you by your doctor. I can't tell you about your plan , Ask your actual surgeon if your allowed bread potatoes or Pasta on your plan. But I am allowed to eat what I want in a balanced way all those things, but it makes me feel like crap ( Tried bread and potatoe not pasta) . I do not physically want most of the things I used to love. (3 months post sleeve)

Again wine, is it allowed on YOUR plan|?. It is on mine after 3 months, others are told to never drink again, some are told afte 1 year etc. Many variations. But I am happy with my plan and I am fine with how I eat, I only hated the puree stage.

I drink wine, Jack Daniels and beer on OCCASION, that's the key, ON OCCASION not part of my regular diet...Do the doctors tell you not to drink again? Sure, some doctors do, but the whole point to this is to lead a normal life and having the occasional social drink is part of a normal life.

I tend to eat everything in a balanced way and in moderation. Smaller more frequent meals in my go to routine, so instead of 3 meals a day I do 6 to 8 meals but smaller in size and balanced. I try and get my sugars/carbs in by mid day and lean out the eating as it gets later in the day..

Part of a successful journey will be finding what works for you and what is SUSTAINABLE for life, not just for 6 months. Remember anything you do now is better than whatever it was you were doing before surgery , you just need to fine tune it and find what works for your body type. My body type and muscular frame will not allow me to eat 3 only times a day, its just not possible for me, I need to fuel myself..

I did all the math and if I were literally 0% body fat I would still weight 180lbs, and 0% body fat is not even possible, at 15% which is fairly lean I would still be 210lbs, so if I ate like I was 180 I would go nuts...So you need to figure out the right eating for YOU and what is sustainable for a life long commitment and not follow a cookie cutter diet plan given to you by a surgeon that is using BMI index charts from the 1940's.

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On 11/21/2017 at 1:07 PM, FlyFatA$$Fly said:

I'm 3 months post VSG, and can eat just about everything BUT I don't. The amount I can eat has increased. A month ago I could only eat 2oz,and now I can eat a whole 3.5oz . For me surgery was an extreme step,and I considered it the last. So, I will not go back to old habits. I eat Protein first then if I have room veggies. If I need something sweet I have some halo top, but I make sure I stick to one serving. I do get hungry every 3 hours or so, and try to eat 5-6 small meals a day.

Before surgery I loved food, and always craved different foods all day. I'd see fast food commercials and want that food. Now I just don't care, and when I see those commercial they almost make me sick. I eat when I'm hungry, and for the nutrients. It was a difficult adjustment, but it's great now! Food is no longer the center piece of my life, and I feel free!

You will be able to eat a little bit more at 9 months to a year, so just be conscious to make those choices healthy ones. One food i find very filling and low in calories is tuna Steak I get from Aldi's. I can barely eat one 4oz steak and a bite or two of salad. Learn to eat lean, and clean and the cravings go away. Before I couldn't pass a Dunkin Doughnuts!! Now I can care less, I rather eat a few pieces of steak or chicken... Fast food is a thing of the past, I have no urge to eat it..And I too eat 6 to even 8 small meals a day, but i train VERY hard, if I dont train Im not as hungry...

In fact,on my Leg days I can eat like a champ!! I probably get in 2000 to 2200 calories a day now, I had metobolic testing done a few years ago that said I need 2700 calories a day and 3600 a day on the days I excercise, allegedly...3600 calories is a TON of food..Probably impossible to eat for us without triple chocolate peanutbutter cake...lol

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On 11/9/2017 at 6:37 PM, shedo82773 said:

I think it was a total rip off. LOL I could have read the manual and then if I had ?'s I could have asked them. The reason I feel like it was a rip off as I went thru the class and my hubby went thru it with me. That was July 2, 2013. Then in Sept of 2013. We had to pay another $500 for him to go thru it. I also went thru it with him. It was exactly the same manual. Bummer deal if you ask me. Oh well, its all done now. They sure can't take it back, can they. LOL

We had to pay 300 dollars one time fee for lifetime support. So if we ever need to go back to them for nutrition advice and help it is always there, and support groups are included in there. I live 2 and a half hours away so the support group part really does me no good, unless I could go early in the day.

Edited by GoddessMoon

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It may help to go to a WLS hospital support group in your area so you can ask questions and hear how others eat. To be successful you really do have to change your eating habits dramatically for a long time. That is more difficult psychologically than some people realize. Once your healed and a few months out you'll be able to digest anything so it's not a matter of whether you can eat something but how you can fit it into your plan. The first few months are hard if your not prepared for the amount of restriction. It's easier with time. Now I feel in control of my eating and don't want to go back to my old ways. I'm 10 months post op and down almost 80 lbs.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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