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My first official R&R...Bandsters who dont know a damn thing about banding

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I am new here so this topic may have come up before. But one of the frustrating things for me on any band forum (or in real life) is lap band recipients who seemingly know nothing about this piece of silicone that they had implanted in their bodies. I am not talking about the newbies who are trying to educate themselves. I am talking about ignorant individuals who know nothing months out of surgery. The band slip rate has gone up and so has erosion rates....(not to mention revision surgeries)....do you think maybe its because of some people refusing to learn how to live with their bands? There are legitimate reasons some have band complications that are beyond their control...but I wonder how many end up with problems because they are simply tuned out and in denial that they are responsible for their success. What started this rant is an individual on another forum who is doing something dangerous daily and when we all post that she should stop she says her doctor knows what she is doing and we are all liars, because we must do it too. Thats as specific as I am going to be...I have decided to pass all those threads by from now on....if they want to screw up their bands thats their choice.

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People are alarmingly ignorant about all aspects of their bodies and health, not just the band. But, the band too, for sure. :)

Not that long ago I was exchanging messages with someone else here who, like me, tends to confront the myths and excuses. We were both surprised (maybe I should say dismayed) by how easily people will believe what they read/hear when it comes to their own well-being, and how generally ignorant some people are happy to stay about their health.

I think there is a strong correlation between slips and restriction. Maybe not, I haven't seen the current literature, but it makes sense to my not-a-doctor brain. I routinely talk to people who have gone 3, 4 months of daily PBing, but will not seek an unfill because they like their rate of loss, or "someone told them" that that's what happens with the band, you PB every time you eat, so they "didn't know anything was wrong." I know these people, in real life, and they're not stupid in general, so why are they so stupid and thick-headed when it comes to this?

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Thats as specific as I am going to be...I have decided to pass all those threads by from now on....if they want to screw up their bands thats their choice.
Forgot to finish before I posted. :)

Often, people are looking for someone to validate what they want to hear. I see this a lot with the band. And I'm going to use messageboards because it's an easy example, but it could be anything.

For example, let's say that someone is PBing with every meal, since I already used that in my earlier post. They post "Help me I'm PBing with every meal" (BTW, if anyone out there has actually posted that, it's purely coincidental). The poster doesn't want an unfill because they're afraid of their own accountability if they are not that tight. Already you know they're posting with a motive. They're seeking something, and will seek until they find it.

99 of 100 people reply "get an unfill, that's not natural."

1 person replies, "Me too, my surgeon said that's normal."

They latch on to that one reply, and virtually ignore the others, because all it took was one other anonymous & random voice to give them the validation they were looking for.

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Very true wheet, but like you said, that applies to all aspects of life, not just the band :)

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I am new here so this topic may have come up before. But one of the frustrating things for me on any band forum (or in real life) is lap band recipients who seemingly know nothing about this piece of silicone that they had implanted in their bodies. I am not talking about the newbies who are trying to educate themselves. I am talking about ignorant individuals who know nothing months out of surgery. The band slip rate has gone up and so has erosion rates....(not to mention revision surgeries)....do you think maybe its because of some people refusing to learn how to live with their bands? There are legitimate reasons some have band complications that are beyond their control...but I wonder how many end up with problems because they are simply tuned out and in denial that they are responsible for their success. What started this rant is an individual on another forum who is doing something dangerous daily and when we all post that she should stop she says her doctor knows what she is doing and we are all liars, because we must do it too. Thats as specific as I am going to be...I have decided to pass all those threads by from now on....if they want to screw up their bands thats their choice.

I think I know the post you are referring to, and it is the second one in a short time where the bandster is proud of the daily dangerous habits. It really concerns me, because we all know that federal approval for any medical device can be yanked if there are enough reactions to it. Even those reactions brought on by the patient not following established guidelines.

This is MAJOR surgery, costs one heck of a lot of money, and requires a lifestyle commitment. I have always tried to be supportive, but like you, I have started avoiding these posts. They aren't asking for help as they only want validation, and any response I can provide will not be appreciated.

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People are alarmingly ignorant about all aspects of their bodies and health, not just the band. But, the band too, for sure. :)

Not that long ago I was exchanging messages with someone else here who, like me, tends to confront the myths and excuses. We were both surprised (maybe I should say dismayed) by how easily people will believe what they read/hear when it comes to their own well-being, and how generally ignorant some people are happy to stay about their health.

I think there is a strong correlation between slips and restriction. Maybe not, I haven't seen the current literature, but it makes sense to my not-a-doctor brain. I routinely talk to people who have gone 3, 4 months of daily PBing, but will not seek an unfill because they like their rate of loss, or "someone told them" that that's what happens with the band, you PB every time you eat, so they "didn't know anything was wrong." I know these people, in real life, and they're not stupid in general, so why are they so stupid and thick-headed when it comes to this?

You are so right. People can be ignorant about all apspects of their health. I wonder if when it comes to banding most ignorance comes from not wanting to deal with obesity issues? I mean its easy to blame the tool instead of ourselves if things are not going right. I have seen someone who pb'd daily too, and thats when they got to their lowest weight..they eventually got an unfill and gained some weight back and were not happy about it. Have you heard of the "chew & spew" habit? Where you would deliberately chew your food and then spit it out so you dont get the calories? I have seen that posted on the boards. Obesity is such a ingrained part of our psychological make up that its a tremendous battle to overcome. (or put in remission) Some of these behaviors (including denial and purposeful ignorance) are a testament to how hard it really is.

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I think I know the post you are referring to, and it is the second one in a short time where the bandster is proud of the daily dangerous habits. It really concerns me, because we all know that federal approval for any medical device can be yanked if there are enough reactions to it. Even those reactions brought on by the patient not following established guidelines.

This is MAJOR surgery, costs one heck of a lot of money, and requires a lifestyle commitment. I have always tried to be supportive, but like you, I have started avoiding these posts. They aren't asking for help as they only want validation, and any response I can provide will not be appreciated.

So true Chelle, I actually deleted my response after I saw how she was reacting to what others tried to helpfully point out.

Interesting point about the FDA approval ...that would mean that unsucessful bandsters...(for sake of this argument... purposeful unsucessful bandsters) bad habits and lack of education could affect us all. I know they affect the stats which is a bummer..thats where you hear of most bandsters only losing 50% of their excess weight etc.

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So true Chelle, I actually deleted my response after I saw how she was reacting to what others tried to helpfully point out.

Interesting point about the FDA approval ...that would mean that unsucessful bandsters...(for sake of this argument... purposeful unsucessful bandsters) bad habits and lack of education could affect us all. I know they affect the stats which is a bummer..thats where you hear of most bandsters only losing 50% of their excess weight etc.

I met someone today whose friend was banded over a year ago and hasn't lost anything. The bandster said the band restricts how much she can eat an any time, so the grazes all day long. ...sigh...

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I have to put in my $.02 because, 1) I'm a moderately educated newbie, and 2) I was "educated" by looking into the internet, and by speaking to people who have had different types of WLS.

1) I thought I was fairly understanding of problems and issues until I went through it. My doctor has been great and answers questions that I ask openly and willingly. However, I'm sure his only reference for what's "normal" is what his patients are telling him. Which, could mean they're telling him they PB every meal, etc.

2) Researching anything on the internet is tricky. You never know what to believe. I've been to the nutritionist and will go again until my head catches up to my band. But, everyone seems to be different. Latching on to the 1 out of 100 that replies that they are like you, should be a BIG RED FLAG that something is wrong. So, I completely agree with the 2nd motive in those posts. At the same time, I can see where it's comforting to find someone who's having those same issues. I don't think that should ever replace doctor's advice/instructions, but sometimes a person may just want sympathy, support, and solidarity right then and there.

Also, it may take someone months before they realize they really are responsible. I know I heard and read everywhere that this is not a miracle, it's a tool. But, I really didn't believe it until I was in it. I still thought it was going to be easy. But, the challenges of weight loss are still there, only now I can't give in or I'll be sick. I don't like being sick, so I'm being very careful of what I eat (mostly...I have caved here and there and learned a hard lesson!)

Unfortunately, the ones being discussed here are probably not reporting their mis-band-behavior to their doctors, so the reports going out about the band are skewed. I think as long as the successful ones are out there promoting it and maybe talking to their doctor about the things learned on these sites (good and bad), then maybe not too much harm will be done.

And, more posts like this helps nix the ignorance. I know I've learned so much by reading the success stories here.

Okay, so that's more like my $2.00 - Inflation's a bitch, ain't it?

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I am new here so this topic may have come up before. But one of the frustrating things for me on any band forum (or in real life) is lap band recipients who seemingly know nothing about this piece of silicone that they had implanted in their bodies. I am not talking about the newbies who are trying to educate themselves. I am talking about ignorant individuals who know nothing months out of surgery. The band slip rate has gone up and so has erosion rates....(not to mention revision surgeries)....do you think maybe its because of some people refusing to learn how to live with their bands? There are legitimate reasons some have band complications that are beyond their control...but I wonder how many end up with problems because they are simply tuned out and in denial that they are responsible for their success. What started this rant is an individual on another forum who is doing something dangerous daily and when we all post that she should stop she says her doctor knows what she is doing and we are all liars, because we must do it too. Thats as specific as I am going to be...I have decided to pass all those threads by from now on....if they want to screw up their bands thats their choice.
That's definitely one of my pet peeves. There was a member posting not too long ago about the "truth about the lap-band." And of course, her "truth" was that she spent the majority of her time in the bathroom, PBing and vomiting. She got corrected, but she didn't like the correction. She didn't like being told that what she was experiencing WASN'T normal bandster behavior.

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It's not just banding, it's everything. People would be floored at the number of people that complain about suppositories being painful. Nobody told them to remove the foil wrapper first.

If one pill works well, 10 will work 10x better.

They take this same logic and apply it to their band. I recall a post where someone barfed and had minimal swelling. I told what my doc suggests after a barf, nothing by mouth for six hours. NOTHING. Then finish the day with full liquids. There was an experienced bandster that insisted that couldn't possibly be a good thing as they would be dehydrated going for six hours without Water. ???

There is one person here (not on this thread) that is a very slow loser. That's fine, to each his own. But anyone that posts a question she gives the absolute WRONG advice and then refers to how great her own weight loss is. Well, quite frankly it's slow and I'm pretty sure it's slow for a reason. She's been banded and reading posts for over a year, you'd think she'd know better than to tell someone it's okay to bump up the post op diet because her doc said she could.

ORRRRRRRRRRRR! My biggest pet peeve of ALL message board topics. "I just ate fried chicken and I had surgery four days ago. Did I hurt anything?"

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH The post op diet is soooo critical for future use of the band. Why not ask before eating the fried chicken?

How about this one, "I just got a fill today and I'm really tight. I know eggs are hard for some people and I just ate scrambled eggs. Do I need an unfill?"

Or better yet, "I take big bites, I don't chew well enough, and I KNOW I eat all the wrong foods. Do I need an unfill?"

How about another favorite, "I've been banded for two years, I'm having chest pain and my shoulder and arm hurt too. It's hard to breathe, what should I do?" How about getting off the computer dumbass and dialing 911 on your telephone? The thought never crossed their mind.

I have a long list, I should stop.

And I will after one more... the myths! OMG how stupid are the weight loss myths? If I eat 800 calories a day I won't lose weight but if I eat 1500 calories a day I will lose faster. HELLO?? Common sense wouldn't hurt. Since when does the human body count calories and use critical thinking skills deciding it will "hold on" to excess weight for fear of being normal size?

Okay, another one. "I just don't know if I want a band because I might have excess skin." ??? You already HAVE excess skin, it's merely filled with fat now.

I can understand the concern of giving up favorite foods, been there done that. But damn, I never made the claim, "I will die a long and horrible death if I can't drink soda again!"

And loose and lose are not words one can use either, it's one or the other damnit!

Wrk, you started me down a baaaaad path today. I could go on for the rest of the day.

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It's not just banding, it's everything. People would be floored at the number of people that complain about suppositories being painful. Nobody told them to remove the foil wrapper first.

If one pill works well, 10 will work 10x better.

They take this same logic and apply it to their band. I recall a post where someone barfed and had minimal swelling. I told what my doc suggests after a barf, nothing by mouth for six hours. NOTHING. Then finish the day with full liquids. There was an experienced bandster that insisted that couldn't possibly be a good thing as they would be dehydrated going for six hours without Water. ???

There is one person here (not on this thread) that is a very slow loser. That's fine, to each his own. But anyone that posts a question she gives the absolute WRONG advice and then refers to how great her own weight loss is. Well, quite frankly it's slow and I'm pretty sure it's slow for a reason. She's been banded and reading posts for over a year, you'd think she'd know better than to tell someone it's okay to bump up the post op diet because her doc said she could.

ORRRRRRRRRRRR! My biggest pet peeve of ALL message board topics. "I just ate fried chicken and I had surgery four days ago. Did I hurt anything?"

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH The post op diet is soooo critical for future use of the band. Why not ask before eating the fried chicken?

How about this one, "I just got a fill today and I'm really tight. I know eggs are hard for some people and I just ate scrambled eggs. Do I need an unfill?"

Or better yet, "I take big bites, I don't chew well enough, and I KNOW I eat all the wrong foods. Do I need an unfill?"

How about another favorite, "I've been banded for two years, I'm having chest pain and my shoulder and arm hurt too. It's hard to breathe, what should I do?" How about getting off the computer dumbass and dialing 911 on your telephone? The thought never crossed their mind.

I have a long list, I should stop.

And I will after one more... the myths! OMG how stupid are the weight loss myths? If I eat 800 calories a day I won't lose weight but if I eat 1500 calories a day I will lose faster. HELLO?? Common sense wouldn't hurt. Since when does the human body count calories and use critical thinking skills deciding it will "hold on" to excess weight for fear of being normal size?

Okay, another one. "I just don't know if I want a band because I might have excess skin." ??? You already HAVE excess skin, it's merely filled with fat now.

I can understand the concern of giving up favorite foods, been there done that. But damn, I never made the claim, "I will die a long and horrible death if I can't drink soda again!"

And loose and lose are not words one can use either, it's one or the other damnit!

Wrk, you started me down a baaaaad path today. I could go on for the rest of the day.

OMG!!!!! I am laughing so hard....all those topics you mentioned get people on my to-stupid-to-respond-to-list. I am not laughing at their stupidity...that is (how did wheetin put it.....dismaying) I am laughing because someone else feels the same way. I could never be in the health care profession...how do bariatric docs stop themselves from calling some of their patients dumbasses?

And my equivalent of loose and lose..is advise and advice...or sliming and slimming.

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Okay, another one. "I just don't know if I want a band because I might have excess skin." ??? You already HAVE excess skin, it's merely filled with fat now.

OMG - this has to be one of my very favorite pet peeves.

And to be totally fair, I publicly disagreed with your most talked about person when she said that ALL people who lose a lot of weight will have excess skin that can only be removed with plastic surgery. I've been riding a recumbent bike since surgery, and my skin is very tight. One advantage of slower loss. Now the girls have allowed gravity to defeat them, and in the spring I plan to return them to their proper location on my chest. But the rest is fine. Genetics and exercise....

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I too recall the post on OH. I actually responded and told the poster:

1. I have never had a fill. This to me means that my experience with the band is different from someone who has gotten fills. I don't post on those questions at all. Yet, I understand about the mucus.

2. I have allergies and use a CPAP. I have always had mucus when I wake up and believe you me, there is nothing in my pouch when I go to sleep and it's not acidic.

3. I would talk to my surgeon and PCP about it. I have always had this happen and my cousin isn't banded and this happens with her also. Either I blow my nose or it comes up when I'm brushing my teeth. I have always attributed this to my allergies and my CPAP.

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OMG!!!!! I am laughing so hard....all those topics you mentioned get people on my to-stupid-to-respond-to-list. I am not laughing at their stupidity...that is (how did wheetin put it.....dismaying) I am laughing because someone else feels the same way. I could never be in the health care profession...how do bariatric docs stop themselves from calling some of their patients dumbasses?

And my equivalent of loose and lose..is advise and advice...or sliming and slimming.

I was in the waiting room waiting for my doc once. There was a person there for a fill and she swore up and down she was only eat less than 150 calories daily and she was gaining weight. I was restraining myself and I merely suggested she tell the doc that and see what he says. She also swore she was doing hard cardio daily so of course, I encouraged her to explain that as well.

Suffice it to say when she came out they were both glaring at me. :rolleyes: She told him I suggested she talk to him about that one in detail. I laughed, I couldn't help it.

I did ask him how he refrains from telling these people they are fibbing dumbasses and he sighed and said something about using it as an opportunity for an educational experience. Yeah, I bet the word "dumbass" still goes through his mind even if he doesn't say it.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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