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Anyone drinking Ketones?

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If your following low carb why are you drinking ketones?

Drinking ketones does nothing but make your pee test positive for ketosis. But if you ate a turn of carbs then drank it sure your pee will show ketosis. But that's because you've just drank ketones. Your not in real fat burning mode ketosis. All you've done is trick your pee to test positive but its not doing anything for your weight loss. And your getting back in real ketosis in the same amount of time.

Why not just trust your plan without drinking that? You don't need any extra drinks to help you succeed. You've have your procedure.


Edited by dreamingsmall

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This drinking keotones fad is one of the worst things I have seen in a long time. It is just marketing and junk science.

Just eat right. You don't need to drink keotones. Don't let people rip you off.

Low carbing is all you need if that is your method of losing weight.

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4 hours ago, OutsideMatchInside said:

This drinking keotones fad is one of the worst things I have seen in a long time. It is just marketing and junk science.

Just eat right. You don't need to drink keotones. Don't let people rip you off.

Low carbing is all you need if that is your method of losing weight.

How do people get sucked back into fad diets after going through such a big procedure? You do not even have to do even a 2 second research to come up with the fact drinking ketones is a load of crap. So what research is people doing honestly? I am not trying to be harsh to the OP but just curious.

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Not bashing OP but just in general


People that treat WLS like another diet, keeping falling into the same pitfalls. If WLS is a complete lifestyle change for someone, this doesn't seem to happen as often.

People who regain get desperate. There is a lot of pressure to maintain weight loss, and when people regain they feel a lot of pressure. Especially people that decide to be WLS poster children.

Science education in America sucks. I do not see as many people in foreign countries with such poor understanding of science and nutrition. Like the 2 guys that tried to debate me on how much a pound of muscle weighs. :lol::lol:

Edited by OutsideMatchInside

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8 minutes ago, OutsideMatchInside said:

Not bashing OP but just in general


People that treat WLS like another diet, keeping falling into the same pitfalls. If WLS is a complete lifestyle change for someone, this doesn't seem to happen as often.

People who regain get desperate. There is a lot of pressure to maintain weight loss, and when people regain they feel a lot of pressure. Especially people that decide to be WLS poster children.

Science education in America sucks. I do not see as many people in foreign countries with such poor understanding of science and nutrition. Like the 2 guys that tried to debate me on how much a pound of muscle weighs. :lol::lol:

I saw that thread, I left pretty quickly it was getting silly. I am wondering if OP is selling this product as she has just returned to this forum and her only 3 posts is mentioning drinking ketones, I get when someones excited about something new.. But not that excited lol.

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Wow you ladies are harsh. To assume is to assume wrong. No I'm not selling the product but I'm seeing great results so no need to lash out at those who are. I'm down 25lbs in 2.5 months and feel great, which I think is pretty awesome. I'm 10 years post op and post 2 babies back to back with a total unfill from csection swelling. I by no means have gained all my weight back but like many gained with having children and needed a refocus hence my return. Perhaps you will understand 10 years post op. I was curious if there was anyone interested in what I'm interested in, you know a community.

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5 minutes ago, KyBandChick said:

Wow you ladies are harsh. To assume is to assume wrong. No I'm not selling the product but I'm seeing great results so no need to lash out at those who are. I'm down 25lbs in 2.5 months and feel great, which I think is pretty awesome. I'm 10 years post op and post 2 babies back to back with a total unfill from csection swelling. I by no means have gained all my weight back but like many gained with having children and needed a refocus hence my return. Perhaps you will understand 10 years post op. I was curious if there was anyone interested in what I'm interested in, you know a community.

Non ones harsh. The ketone drink isn't causing the weight loss the low carb Is the drink does nothing you can't argue with fact that all the drink is make your pee positive. It doesn't make you go into ketosis after eating carbs lol it just says your pee is positive. But you are not in real fat burning ketosis. What is harsh about the facts? If you want to drink for nothing go ahead. But I did ask if your low carb why do you need the drink? The drink doesn't cause weight loss the low carb diet did. I didn't assume I said I'm wondering if you sell the product. What was the assumption there. Your lucky you gotba response stating the facts. Most people know its its rubbish but decided not to respond. We tried to help and got called harsh. I can see why others didn't bother.

Who's lashing out lol ? Why would we lash out ? All ketone drinks do is make wee positive. Nothing else contributing to weight loss. If you drink it without changing your eating habits you wont lose weight. Just carry on doing low carb.

Its a dangerous slidy slope trying all these drinks to get on track.

You came here to refocuse and even though I'm in the hospital in trying to help you. So dont be rude just because we be rude because we are being honest that if you did two seconds of research you'd see what your drinking is rubbish.

Protein first. And leafy non starchy veggies will have you losing weight faster.

I know you had a band. But for a sleep. I eat 4 ounces at a time.

People try to help you and you acuse them of lashint out because you lost weight lol ? Makes non sense at all we are all losing weight.

This is my last response as I'm exhausted on a lot of meds and won't be insulted for trying to tell you that weight loss was done by you not that use less drink.

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On 10/1/2017 at 9:21 PM, KyBandChick said:

I'm trying to get back on track after gaining some of my weight back post babies. I'm drinking ketones and following low carb diet. I feel amazing, wish I started this years ago.

On 10/1/2017 at 9:21 PM, KyBandChick said:

I'm trying to get back on track after gaining some of my weight back post babies. I'm drinking ketones and following low carb diet. I feel amazing, wish I started this years ago.

Those are also a pill.

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So actually, "Nahmy" (Normy the cheers guy as said by Cliff Claven), aside from using ketones after WLS--it's a little known fact that some of the cutting edge research being done on cancer and dietary intervention today is in the area of the application of a ketogenic diet and supplementation with external sources of ketones. Turns out it may not be "full of gump" or hocus pocus. :) ;) This researcher, Dr. Dominic D'Agostino is the one of the shiznits in the keto/low carb community.

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What supplement are you using? To do it properly you need to have a combination of BHB salts and MCT (medium-chain triglyceride). This is why a lot of people who are doing a ketogenci coffee drink bulletproof coffee. Look up Dominic D'Agostino, he is the ketosis guru and many of the supplements on the market are actually his.

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Wow you ladies are harsh. To assume is to assume wrong. No I'm not selling the product but I'm seeing great results so no need to lash out at those who are. I'm down 25lbs in 2.5 months and feel great, which I think is pretty awesome. I'm 10 years post op and post 2 babies back to back with a total unfill from csection swelling. I by no means have gained all my weight back but like many gained with having children and needed a refocus hence my return. Perhaps you will understand 10 years post op. I was curious if there was anyone interested in what I'm interested in, you know a community.

There are dickholes on this app now. Life is life and sometimes it plain sucks. Everybody tries to survive differently. Not a big fan now that all these assholes are in here acting like they havent touched a Kit Kat or a potato chip or God forbid ate something that contained sugar....


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    • BlondePatriotInCDA

      I'm officially no longer "obese" and now classified as "overweight!" Years ago when I was 108 lbs (my old adult holding weight until the last 10 years) would I have ever thought there would come a day that I'd celebrate being "overweight!" 
      I hit my one year surgery anniversary next Wednesday (August 21st, 2023) and just so happen to have my final bariatric clinic check up on the same day. I'm looking forward to seeing my surgeon and being officially released into the wild! 😋
      I'm curious as to what my labs will say, especially since they told me to not take my vitamins a few days before the labs. To be honest, I find this confusing since the whole point of taking vitamins is to keep your stats within normal ranges - to assure they're working as intended, yet since I quit taking them it will show I need to take them..so I'll hear "make sure to take your vitamins!" A vicious circle. Who knows why?!
      Anyway, I have 40lbs to go to meet my goal and I'm really hoping I can do it in the next 6 months (for a total of 18 months post surgery). At my starting weight the charts show only 20% reach their goal within 18 months with a starting weight of 259 the day of surgery. I'd like to add that to achieved goals. Fingers crossed!
      I'm amazed and thankful for everyone here on these forums who've supported me, answered my questions and understood the plight! Thank you all, you know who you are.
      · 2 replies
      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done!

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Thank you! I appreciate the feedback and support.

    • BlondePatriotInCDA  »  Crayon

      Welcome to the bariatric forums!
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      1. Crayon

        Thanks 😊

    • juliie

      Good morning all, how long did it take insurance to approve you?
      · 7 replies
      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Once I completed all the insurance/program requirements - about a week. It seemed fairly quick, but I also contacted my insurance company several times to confirm all the requirements I needed to satisfy there paperwork machine and also nudge (nag squeaky wheel) them 😋 ! Also, my bariatric clinic is/was on top of it.

      2. juliie

        @BlondePatriotInCDA thanks, I have BCBSM hopefully it doesn't take them long to approve me, i just need one more clearance from their requirements. wow a week ? that was fast ,have you had yours yet?

      3. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Yes, my one year anniversary is this Wednesday. It will go quickly, it may not seem like it now..but trust me it will. I have BCBS as well. Good luck, you can do this!

      4. juliie

        thank you I had my Basic nutrition class which was the last one that I needed before it was sent to the insurance for approval, I'm hoping it goes fast, wow a year !! that is great

      5. BlondePatriotInCDA

        It goes real fast!

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    • rsmith2593

      I has my Ru &Y July 7, 2013.  I was 389 lbs on surgery day.  I am now 198.  I feel so much better ! I can keep up with my grand kids ages 3,3,4,8 and 13
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    • Alisa_S

      Long whine alert - I'm really disappointed! I saw my primary Dr last month and told her I wanted WLS and she was all for it. Said that I had to do the 6 month supervised diet for my insurance and a boatload of other tests. Ok. I understand. She started my 6 month diet last month and sent a referral to the bariatric surgeon. MY plan was to do the supervised diet, then at the end of the 6 months in January, do all the other tests...sleep study, endoscopy, ekg, psych, nutritionist, etc. because all of that would get my insurance deductible met, then have surgery in February or March. Since my deductible would be met, I'd only be paying my 20% coinsurance by then. Got the call from the bariatric surgeon's office on Friday and was told that THEY are the ones that will do my 6 month supervised diet. I explained that my primary Dr already had me on it for a month but they said everything will go thru them. Ok. I understand. So I explain about wanting to complete the diet first, then do all the other testing (because I don't want to have to pay my deductible twice by paying for all that stuff now, & then it starts over in January) but she tells me that they do the testing while I'm doing the diet. That means that I cannot even start their bariatric program until January! They made my first appt for Jan 9th & that's when the 6 month diet will start with them & they'll submit to insurance for approval in June & I would have surgery in July. Man!!! That's almost a year from now! All because I don't want to pay $4500 now, than have to pay it again in January. I don't understand why they won't let me diet now & do the other tests at the end.
      · 3 replies
      1. NickelChip

        Before you assume that the testing will take your full deductible, I would make some calls to your insurance. I have a 3k deductible and my portion of the bloodwork was nowhere close to that even though I assumed it would be. I think my copays ended up being around $1k or less for all the preliminary tests. And remember, you will have extensive bloodwork multiple times after surgery, so there may be no way to get it all into one calendar year. Also, you might look into financing options through your hospital. Mine allowed me to put the $3k I owed after the surgery (because yeah, that did max out my deductible for this year) on a 24-month no-interest payment plan. Depending on your options, it may be affordable enough that you can book your appointment sooner and get this whole thing going instead of having to wait almost a full year to have your surgery.

      2. Alisa_S

        I'm not talking just bloodwork tho, Sleep study, EKG, Endoscopy, Nutritionist classes. psych eval, etc. Plus the surgeon consult, monthly weigh in visits for 6 months (he's already mad that we have to drive 2 hours one way for those), & surgery.

        My DED is $4500 & my OOP $9000. Hubby will flip out if I have to cover the DED twice.

        I'm seriously considering going across the border into Mexico and doing it without insurance. Cash price will probably be less than my $4500 deductible, and I live right on the border in southern Arizona. There's a place in Nogales, Sonora Mexico https://bariatricmednog.com/ just 2 hours down the road.

      3. SecretAgentDD

        Maybe you should do it in Mexico! Sounds like financially it might be better. Just keep in mind that you may not get a lot of post surgery support. Each program is so different. Sounds like in your case it’s worth researching.

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