C.Todd 2 Posted September 29, 2017 Hi all, i am in for surgery on tues 3rd oct, I know why I'm having a gastric sleeve and what I will do if I don't have the surgery. I have met 2 great mentors on here that have been great for advice and what they have been through ect, But don't want to keep bugging them, I am just scared now. I have had a full spectrum of emotions from the day I decided to go ahead with surgery. I have research for a good year, tried alsorts in the mean time and found a great team and surgeon in the uk. I am 12 weeks off finishing a nursing degree and all the time I am faced with health promotion to patients yet i feel a fraud each time I do it. I am a mother of 2 and have a partner that supports me fully, he has never struggled with food like I do and over the years together has seen and felt my personal struggles. The fear I believe comes from the unknown, I have talked to others and been amazed at their achievement yet I feel that will never happen to me and I even feel after this I will be the same and never be 30lb lighter. I have done a pre op but not much of one as my surgeon has allowed me now to just eat veg and lean meat and am fine with what I will be having for the next 4 weeks until the purée diet kicks in. I have been given so much information about my surgery from my consultant, so it's not through lack of that information, I guess it's all something we have never had before until we have done it (sounds silly when I read this but it's what's going round in my head). Catherine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites