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it appears i've lost my motivation ...

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losing- congrats on getting your fill and for having the courage to post that you are stuck (not in a band kind of way) :) What we are all doing is hard work- it really is and it's fatiguing to work that hard all the time.

I'm beginning to feel these things too- the weight loss is slowing down and it sucks.

Hang in there- people have given you great advice- when you are ready to get back at it you will and likely won't have slid far from where you are now

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Ok, after dropping 50 lbs nearly effortlessly (of COURSE, I was exercising, and eating right), I started sneaking in little treats for myself. An oreo cookie here, a handful of chips there, 2 string cheeses when one would have sufficed, well, this led to eating way more than I needed to, grazing all day, etc, etc... I also just sort of quit exercising, I had tons of excuses.

So for the past 3 months the scale has not moved ONE pound in either direction. At least it didn't start going back up.... I finally decided I had to do something different, because telling myself every morning as I stood there on the scale that today would be different from yesterday was just not working for me.

I asked a friend of mine to be my accountability partner. I don't care if she participates, but here's what I've been doing:

I write down every bite of food that passes my lips, and calculate the calories. I also write down everything I did that day that would count as exercise. I tell her every day what my numbers were for the previous day, and at the end of the week, I give her the papers to look at.

I just have to be accountable to someone besides myself (in my head) or I just eat however much I want of whatever I want.

In the past week, I've lost 5 lbs, so hopefully, I'll be able to keep this up.

Maybe this idea will help someone the way it helped me.

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I dont have that many pictures yet I am just trying to figure out how to do it cause I saw someone elses pic with the transparancy thing over the top and it was so cool seeing my body shrinkas a visual. So I can do it in Photo shop? Cool I will have to check and see if I have it.

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PhotoShop is an expensive graphic program, so unless you remember buying it at the store (or someone else does graphic things on your computer), you likely don't have it.

But it's not hard to do it for someone. If you want you can send to wheet or me to fix it up :)

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I will have to think about it I am not quite brave enough to send off pictures of me in spandex. I havent been naked infront of anyone but my doctor in almost 4 years. So taking pictures is a big risk for me. But I will keep it in mind and do apreciate the offers. You all are the best.

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I use music as a motivator. :music: Usually it is on the treadclimber, but sometimes I just need to hear a pick me up song. Here are the lyrics from one of my favorites:

Lyrics from Bounce by Bon Jovi

I been knocked down so many times

Counted out 6, 7, 8, 9

Written off like some bad deal

If you're breathing you know how it feels

Call it karma, call it luck

Me, I just don't give a

This ain't no game; I play it hard

Kicked around, cut, stitched and scarred

I'll take the hit but not the fall

I know no fear, still standing tall

You can call it karma, call it luck

Me, I just don't give a

Bring it on, I like it rough

In your face, I call your bluff

It ain't karma, it ain't luck

Me, I just don't give a


Bounce, Bounce Nothing's gonna keep me down

Bounce, Bounce Stand up, shout it out

Bounce, Bounce I play hard, I play to win

Count me out, count me in

I'll be bouncing back again:bounce:

Happy banding,


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Wheetsin, where are the pictures that people are talking about? Are they in before and after?

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(((Losingjusme))) - I am so with you on this...and i've only been at it for 6 months!! You maintained your enthusiasm for a year and you did, and still are, doing soooooo great!!

My cheap advice is this: 1) dont buy or store junk food in your house or desk...period. 2) don't expect perfection or even the same level of enthusiasm that you once had...start over with baby steps ...lower your expectations! 3) Pat yourself on the back OFTEN for the things you have done, and are doing, RIGHT! 4) Do NOT leave LBT or let 24 hours pass between posts.

One day at a time. Baby steps. (((HUGS)))

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For me it took about 6 weeks. I was able to maintain during that time, but I didn't lose a thing.

I cant imagine maintaining with the way I was eating. Wayyyy too many cals and too little exercise. I am still on my post fill diet and I am very well restricted, we’ll see if that does it.

Before you know it, you'll want to take off those lbs so your running will be more efficient.

That may be it right there. I burned 14 cals a minute Monday when I was running!! Talk about mega fat loss!!!!

I swear there is some weird place we get, maybe at the halfway mark, where we throw in the towel for a bit. There are many reasons. For one, I bet our subconcious is fighting us a bit. We are leaving our comfort zone. I know being so overweight is not comfortable, but we must have been hiding bit behind our layers and now that we are shedding them, we are WAY more vulnerable.

I totally agree. It’s been a huge struggle since I have hit the ½ way point.

I have been really fat all my life, maybe my brain is just afraid to let me drop more cause he (yes, he – stubborn little ahem) wont know what to do then…???

I get those when I diet normally.

Maybe that’s one of my reasons. SEVERE low carb really drops my weight (20 lbs/month), but what about my mentality? The deprivation?? I’d rather just lost 10 pounds a month consistently.

Oh and if getting skinnier then your sister gives you motivation then use it. Who cares if it's petty


I wish you the best!!

Thank you – all the best to you on your band journey!!

If I want something, I have a very controlled amount of it. I'm happy with my eating.

That’s my issue. Lately – ‘very controlled’ does not satisfy me. Like the “gotta have it” sized ice cream from Cold Stone. It’s pretty much a loosly packed pint … gone in about 15-20 minutes …

I'm still fat, but I'm "normal" fat. Does that make sense? I was almost 400# pre-op. I was the fat person who got the second looks because I was so fat. I was the freakishly fat person. Now I'm fat, but really not much fatter than any other average fat person out there. This has given me an unwanted sense of complacency. Not to be confused with satisfaction. I'm NOT where I want to be. I WANT to lose about 50 - 70 more lbs. I WANT to lose 2 - 4 more sizes.

COMPLETELY!! Yup, I’m fat, but not “enormous” …

We are all hard on ourselves, but honestly, Juslosin....you have come SO far in the past year and inspired so many people on the board and maybe that is pressure too.

Yeah, it is pressure … it was really difficult even posting this because I didn’t want to look like a complete failure.

but you are feeling better and NO it is NOT getting easier... it just gets harder and harder to get off the lbs.

I know that!! I started SOO big that the first 50 or so almost literally fell off me, but after that, I was still so big. Even bigger than other bandster’s starting weights…

We just have to be patient... that is key. and "patient" is the part i have trouble with. I want it all done "now" too

No, not now – yesterday :eek:

Go for it and don't feel so bad ... sometimes petty works!

I hope so, I am sick of being the ‘fat daughter’

I am at the same place myself, I thank everyone of you for taking the time to respond to losing,

I can't seem to put down the chocolate Peanut Butter Chex Mix and the Doritos...

I agree with the others – don’t bring them into the house!!

I still have so many times when my pre-band head gets to me. I spent 43 years learning how to be fat. I hope it does not take 43 years to learn to be fit.

That still does get to me. I don’t think it will take 43 more years, but I think it will take a couple of really strong years to make it completely automatic.

I have always found something inspirational about Rosie the Riviter. She is a lone working woman and even though the slogan goes, "We can do it", it is the individual that achievs the goal. For you, please click the link below...


Keep with it, you can do it,


That was awesome! I printed it out!

(I’m a Marsden bandster as well!)

My solution for these things.. DO NOT HAVE THEM IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even though I repeated your advice, it doesn’t work if you actually drive to the ice cream shop at 830 pm… not that I would know anything about that! :eyeroll:

I remember once -- after having made excellent progress on Weight Watchers -- I decided I deserved to 'coast' a while. All I accomplished was losing my momentum!!!

Yeah, I am thinking I am a more ‘normal’ fat now. I gotta get my head into the “you are STILL fat and need to lose” mentality.

Naked, it is what it is.

BTW, this before pic is WAY before. About 8.5 years before I was banded. It's also me about 50 lbs below my highest weight. Cropped for your viewing pleasure, of course.

GAHHHHHH – running away (not running too quickly though, Jachut :D )

Write out a meal plan, one that worked for you before. Go back to when losing was a little easier.

You’re so right about that! I’ve been logging maybe 20% of my food lately. That accountability does help.

Find new motivations, you are healthier but are you are the healthiest you can be?

I cant run for an hour, so the answer to that would be no. I want to be athletically fit. There is my new goal. Yes, you can be fit and fat at the same time, but IMO not athletically fit …

You are my new running buddy! You were my motivation to start! Don't be discouraged becasue I need you and it is all about me!

:D me too! I’m not going anywhere!!

And losing, I do the naked pics too. I get to see every roll and fold that way.

Soooo wouldn’t want to see myself in all my naked glory …

I'm beginning to feel these things too- the weight loss is slowing down and it sucks.

Yeah, it’s not just “living” anymore. You have to do more and actually work at it… :(

I asked a friend of mine to be my accountability partner. I don't care if she participates, but here's what I've been doing:

I write down every bite of food that passes my lips, and calculate the calories. I also write down everything I did that day that would count as exercise. I tell her every day what my numbers were for the previous day, and at the end of the week, I give her the papers to look at.

I just have to be accountable to someone besides myself (in my head) or I just eat however much I want of whatever I want.

In the past week, I've lost 5 lbs, so hopefully, I'll be able to keep this up.

Great idea. I need to do that. Maybe on my blog (that is currently growing cobwebs).

Great job on the loss!!


I use music as a motivator. Usually it is on the treadclimber, but sometimes I just need to hear a pick me up song. Here are the lyrics from one of my favorites:

Lyrics from Bounce by Bon Jovi

I downloaded the song. I’ll incorporate it into my cardio tomorrow.

4) Do NOT leave LBT or let 24 hours pass between posts.

One day at a time. Baby steps. (((HUGS)))

Ma’am yes MA’AM! ;)

Thanks Terri!!

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Wow, did I need to stumble onto this today! It's only been 6 months and I am tired of every single person asking how MUCH more have you lost? I hate saying just a couple of lbs. It is work, like being married or being a mom or going to work. I think we get burned out just like anyone else. It's not enough to know you are in a rut. It's that age old question of "what will you do with what you know now?? I know I am in a rut but what am I willing to do about it.

Oh well, best of luck to all!


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I am tired of every single person asking how MUCH more have you lost?

I am so with you on that! Almost everyday my Mom asks me if the scale has gone down and most often I have to say no and in a way I feel like she might be disappointed in me. Last week I spoke to my Father-in-law on the phone and he asked me on average how much weight I was losing a week and I told him 1-2 lbs ... so he says to me "OK you better be down 20 lbs by the next time I see you" ... I'm like wtf?? Then yesterday I went to pick up my 16 year old from school, I had a bottle of Water which I added Crystal Light to, to make it pink lemonade, and he takes a drink of it then proceeds to say "Why can't you drink just plain Water, aren't you NOT supposed to have this??" Aarghhh!! I wish everyone around me would stop focusing on my weight and what they think I should or shouldn't have, do or not do blah blah blah!

OK that was my vent ... I feel much better :)

Now losingjusme ... You are such a HUGE inspiration to me, I'm sure to alot of us! I visited your site and looked at your pics ... you have worked so hard, and come so far! Dig deep inside and find that motivation, that drive you had in the beginning because if you can make it this far, you can go all the way! Keep up the good work, and remember we're all here rooting for you! :biggrin1:

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Wow, I've just come across this and it's my story as well. UGH.

May I pretend that all these fine folks are talking to me too?

Keep the faith; it's going to get better. JulieNYC says it will and she's a pro.


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As someone who is not yet immersed in the LB experience (banding scheduled for Nov. '07), yet entirely too familiar with the entire weight / weight loss experience, I just want to take a minute to remind all of you how absolutely fabulous each of you are. I have no reason to lie to you. Amidst all the trials its easy to lose perspective and I know it doesn't solve anything in the immediate but its absolutely true. Thank you for all of your honesty and your posts!

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Ditto.....to all the posts. You inspire the rest of us and it is good to know that you are human!!!! Even your struggles are an inspiration!

Give yourself a pat on the back for all that you have done in a year.....you should be so proud!

Sending warm and fuzzies to ya!


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Great advice above.

LJM we all have those times. Its so hard. I find that now I'm better at reigning them in, but sure they happen. I felt so good when I got back from holidays and then I get home and get back into all the bad habits again - eating all day, not eating meals, eating bad food. Sometimes I feel on top of the world and others I feel like I havent changed one bit, the band is doing it ALL.

What helps me - I keep running. I just keep doing it. I know that that's one habit I can maintain, that the band is not helping me with and that will keep me thinner. Its not negotiable and it does not depend on whether I've eaten well or not that day, I just do it.

And its never ever too late to get back on track.

But sometimes the routine of losing weight gets old.

I really do sometimes have to commit to ONE week in my head. ONE week of perfect eating. Which to me just means 3 meals per day, nothing in between, its nothing too restrictive or impossible. ONE week. It always turns out that if I can do that, then I can get going again. I see a weight loss, I become motivated and I'm good to go for another little while, before motivation wanes again.

I think this will be the cycle for life, once a fat person, always a fat person unfortunately. Although we think all these thin people have no issues, just eat properly all the time when the truth is that probably half the thin people out there are just bloody lucky that their bodies dont put on weight easily - they dont do anything to earn it. They pig out and make poor choices and dont exercise too.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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