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Banded in 2009 went from 252lbs to 149lbs in 3 years. Then I started having problems.......

  • food intolerance
  • Heartburn
  • Suspected slippage

However I began a battle with infertility at the time and didn't care about my band even a little. Now that my son is old enough I need to get my band taken care of. I have a consult Friday for a gastric sleeve revision. I'm a little nervous about the whole idea.

Anyone else in a similar situation. Oh and I've gained like 50lbs back. I am currently bouncing back and forth between 195lbs and 200lbs. :huh:

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I just wanted to add the suspected slippage is because in 2015 I had surgery to remove a fallopian tube and my surgeon said "I took a look at your band it something doesn't look right".

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I had my band removed about a month ago due to a prolapse and slippage. It was unfilled for over a year because of issues I was having with swallowing and pancreatitis flair.

I had a very small amount of Fluid added and well that didn't work out well and the band slipped and it was just time to have it removed before I had any further issues with it. I was banded for about 4 years, and it really never worked with my body. I think my body was just rejecting it from the beginning. I was sick for 2 out of the 4 years.

I have to say I am feeling 100% better since having the surgery to remove the band. I am able to eat and drink without being sick for days, and the surgical site is healing very well.

I am working on all the requirements for revision to the sleeve, however I am still unsure about my feelings for another surgery. Knowing how sick I was for so long...and that if I have another surgery and there are issues, there is no "fix" for it. They can't just go in and take out the equipment to make it better....this time my body has to accept the change and adapt like it didn't with the band.

I'm maintaining my weight, and haven't gained a whole lot since surgery, but I know that possibility is right there....so that's why I am moving ahead to meet the requirements for revision.

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I'm in the same boat..... I had my band placed in March 2013, and now going to have it removed with a revision to a gastric bypass (most likely).

My main band issue is horrible reflux. My throat and voice box are so inflamed from acid, my voice is hoarse all the time and I wake up coughing and try to swallow (what feels like) a glob of something in my throat. But there isn't anything to swallow; it's swelling from acid.

Over the past year I've slowing had all of the Fluid removed from my band, with the hope that the issue would resolve. It has not. I saw my surgeon yesterday to discuss all of my options. With reflux as the main issue, the sleeve isn't an option because reflux typically worsens. I was never interested in the sleeve, so I'm okay with that. I was originally scheduled for a bypass, but chickened out at the last minute and went for the band with plication. I did well initially; lost 70 pounds, but gained back about 30 over the past 3 years. My only regret is that I didn't go through with my original plan; to have a gastric bypass.

My options are, to have the band removed and see what happens over the next few months. Or, to have one surgery; band removal, plication taken down and have the bypass done at the same time. I am really scared about having a bypass, but I'm also fearful that I will continue to gain back all of my weight; maybe more over time. I'm 5'1" and currently 185 pounds. It's just too much weight for my frame. And I'm 62, so there are other issues at this point in life. I'm all over the map on the pros & cons; dealing with my fears on both sides of the fence. Ugh..... I cannot believe that I'm still dealing with this issue!

Lisa, I remember you from the Lap-band forums a few years ago. We were both banded in 2013. I'm so sorry to hear that you're having issues and the band never really worked out for you. Being sick all the time is NOT fun and I completely understand your fears about going to another surgery. It's a lot to think about :mellow:

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I was always hopeful that it would pass. Only in the last month before I had the band removed was reflux an issue for me. Mostly it was just constant inflammation going on inside as my body kept trying to reject the band.

I would have gone right for the bypass or the sleeve at the same time if it was an option for me, but like you I am also fearful to a degree of what to expect after. My body does not seem to take well to outside interference, didn't like the band being in there, and it even started pushing out the internal sutures that were used in the surgery to remove the band! So I wonder how it will adapt to rerouting and changing the internal process....I just want to be healthy and happy. I'm not so focused on the "weight" of the issue...though so many doctors blame weight as the reason for everything that ales you that it becomes the focus.

I have been having issues with my heart since I was 17 years old and I was at a normal weight and post pregnancy is when the issues started after a heart attack during child birth. So today at 46 I have an arrhythmia that causes tachycardia in my pulse rate all the time with a normal sinus rhythm which is a good thing it means I'm not actually having a heart attack at the moment, but having a heart racing all day as if I were doing sprints makes one quite tired. Mostly they happen at night and keep or wake me up so that's not fun either.

Of course the Dr.'s all say well if you lose weight this will get better...but will it? It hasn't in all these years...and I am getting older not younger...so forgive me if I don't think weight is all to blame for my health.

I'm thinking of putting some questions together for the Dr. and see what kind of feed back they can provide.

One question is:

1. Why would you recommend the sleeve over the bypass for me?

2. I have heard that those revising from band to sleeve do not lose as effectively as those who have never had a bariatric procedure because they are not able to make the sleeve small enough due to scar tissue. Do you find this to be a valid insight? What has your experience with patient revisions been?

3. Have you seen patients who have rejected being sleeved after the surgery? What type of rejection symptoms have been displayed?

food intolerance? (to be expected?)

Inflammation of stomach/other organs? (what could be done to prevent and/or remedy this?)

What other questions do you think....? It might help us both with our decision :)

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I had the band in Mexico when I was 20 in 2003. I lost all the weight Dow to 130lbs on average and maintained that healthy weight for all these years . I also had 4 kids in that time. Until this last year my little band issues became severe band issues. Especially acid reflux and back pain . I hadn't had Water in 4 years. Only soda could go down. I had my band I filled 3 months ago and have gained big time. I'm now 167lbs . In 3 months:(

my revision band to sleeve surgery is October 3. My endo is this Monday then liquid diet for 2 weeks. I totally get how you are feeling. All the what ifs and fear and tired of band complications.:(

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22 minutes ago, lisacaron said:

I was always hopeful that it would pass. Only in the last month before I had the band removed was reflux an issue for me. Mostly it was just constant inflammation going on inside as my body kept trying to reject the band.

I would have gone right for the bypass or the sleeve at the same time if it was an option for me, but like you I am also fearful to a degree of what to expect after. My body does not seem to take well to outside interference, didn't like the band being in there, and it even started pushing out the internal sutures that were used in the surgery to remove the band! So I wonder how it will adapt to rerouting and changing the internal process....I just want to be healthy and happy. I'm not so focused on the "weight" of the issue...though so many doctors blame weight as the reason for everything that ales you that it becomes the focus.

I have been having issues with my heart since I was 17 years old and I was at a normal weight and post pregnancy is when the issues started after a heart attack during child birth. So today at 46 I have an arrhythmia that causes tachycardia in my pulse rate all the time with a normal sinus rhythm which is a good thing it means I'm not actually having a heart attack at the moment, but having a heart racing all day as if I were doing sprints makes one quite tired. Mostly they happen at night and keep or wake me up so that's not fun either.

Of course the Dr.'s all say well if you lose weight this will get better...but will it? It hasn't in all these years...and I am getting older not younger...so forgive me if I don't think weight is all to blame for my health.

I'm thinking of putting some questions together for the Dr. and see what kind of feed back they can provide.

One question is:

1. Why would you recommend the sleeve over the bypass for me?

2. I have heard that those revising from band to sleeve do not lose as effectively as those who have never had a bariatric procedure because they are not able to make the sleeve small enough due to scar tissue. Do you find this to be a valid insight? What has your experience with patient revisions been?

3. Have you seen patients who have rejected being sleeved after the surgery? What type of rejection symptoms have been displayed?

food intolerance? (to be expected?)

Inflammation of stomach/other organs? (what could be done to prevent and/or remedy this?)

What other questions do you think....? It might help us both with our decision :)

Wow, Lisa......I'm so sorry about your heart issues. And that you had an attack during childbirth! You are already coming into this with some serious potential issues, so you do need to make sure that you're not jumping from the pot into the fire. Though there are no guarantees either way, there is something reactive going on in your body, so you need to be SUPER careful. And I agree, no, I do not think that ALL issues are weight related. Weight does put a strain on so many things and causes other health issues, but it's not EVERYthing.

I've done so much research on this; pre-surgery and now looking at a revision. With the bypass, the biggest (common) food issue is sugar. If you have a sweet tooth and eat a lot of it, you might get very sick (dumping). My next door neighbor had a bypass many years ago, and though she tolerates just about everything, certain things are hard for her to eat.......like popcorn. I guess everyone has to find their own balance once the surgery is done and we're back on regular food.

As for the sleeve, if reflux is or has even been an issue, the sleeve isn't a good option. Reflux gets worse, and even those who never had it, get it. For me, there isn't enough long term data on that procedure, and I'm always afraid of the possible leakage from the staples. Though it doesn't happen often, if it does, you can be in the hospital for several weeks/months. I'm self employed, so that would pretty much put me right out of business. Since the bypass has been the gold standard for many years, I guess I'm just more comfortable with it.

I've also heard that revisions don't lose weight as quickly/easily as "surgical virgins". I've heard this with both the bypass and sleeve. People lose, but it's a different experience over first timers.

I think for you, given what you've said about your history, it might be a good idea for you to see your cardiologist to discuss. The heart issue is concerning and I'd want his/her take on putting your body through another bariatric surgery. This is serious stuff! But with that aside, you have to ask yourself the questions we always have to ask..... Will your weight continue to climb if you don't have surgical intervention? Though weight isn't the beginning and end all, I can tell you......as you get older, the health issues increase. From my 30 pound weight gain, I'm back on blood pressure meds. I had knee surgery in March and my knees are still painful. Ultimately, I will have knee replacement, but that is something I won't do unless my weight is down. The artificial joints have about a 15 year life, but with extra weight, even less. If I keep gaining weight, I'll probably end up with pre-diabetes/diabetes. When I was younger, all I cared about was how I looked. Now, it's all about the way I feel and staying healthy. No, I'm not thrilled seeing the extra weight come back on, but feel worse physically and have other health issues that are exacerbated by the extra stress on my body.

You question about possible rejection to the sleeve is a good question. Honestly, because once the stomach is gone, what then? The bypass can be reversed, though I don't think it's as simple as removing a band. My doctor said he does about 4 reversals a year. He also said that band revisions are now about 20% of his practice. He rarely places them anymore; it's old technology. He seems to prefer the bypass over anything else.

I will think of other questions, too. My doctor told me that I worry too much about things I don't need to worry about. Easy for him to say! Surgeons.....nothing is a big deal to them. But it is to me/us :mellow:

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When I had my band, the first bite of every meal was greeted by a stabbing pain. Once that was over, my stomach was wide open and I could eat just as much as before I had the band. It never worked for me. I couldn't eat chicken, broccoli, or carrots because they would get stuck and hurt like hell to eat. I didn't lose weight. I've never felt better since it was removed. Love my DS. Best decision ever.

Edited by Strivingforbetter

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Banded in 2009 went from 252lbs to 149lbs in 3 years. Then I started having problems.......
  • food intolerance
  • Heartburn
  • Suspected slippage
However I began a battle with infertility at the time and didn't care about my band even a little. Now that my son is old enough I need to get my band taken care of. I have a consult Friday for a gastric sleeve revision. I'm a little nervous about the whole idea.
Anyone else in a similar situation. Oh and I've gained like 50lbs back. I am currently bouncing back and forth between 195lbs and 200lbs. :huh:

Yes, I will be having revision surgery to gastric bypass if all goes well with the insurance co. My lapband was removed due to pain and reflux. My band was placed in 2009, so I had it for a while. It was great until I started getting adjustments in order to lose weight.

Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

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Has anyone had the band removed and put back in?

I had mine taken out due to a slippage because I got sick from another surgery. I want the band back because it worked amazing for me but I don't know how to go about getting it back.. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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Your bariatric surgeon would be the one to tell you if it's possible. I don't see why not, unless there are other health issues or insurance won't cover it.

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4 minutes ago, mrsto said:

Your bariatric surgeon would be the one to tell you if it's possible. I don't see why not, unless there are other health issues or insurance won't cover it.

Unfortunately I don't live in TX anymore I'm in Ma would you recommend the surgeon who took it out or my PCP?

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I'm guessing that your PCP doesn't do bariatric surgery. You could start there, but it might be a good idea to start with the surgeon who placed your band; ask for his/her advice. If you have the same insurance as you did in Texas, you'll have to follow whatever protocol they mandate for this type of surgery. Maybe, look for a bariatric surgeon where you live now, and have a consultation.

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