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GAINED 4LBs....8 weeks post.

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I stuck to my plan.

I never met my Water goals as was struggling with that, the last 3 days I have met my fluid goals, as people say it helps with weightloss.

So, its 10am , I drank about 31 ounces this morning.

Get on the scale, I am up 4lbs, is this a joke???

I was already annoyed as I have been maintaining, so been really focusing on Protein , only eating protein veg and a string cheese at snack time.

I heard stalls are normal . nothing about gaining being normal lol

I am so unlucky if someones going to fail clearly it has to be me. I have actually stuck to the right things.

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Eat brunch :4 ounce steak diced peppers and onion ( That is four ounce total with everything) No oils etc just put in the oven.

snack - pepperami stick ( yes prossessed junk better than the crap i used to eat) its like 0.something ounces and one cheese stick.

lunch 2 ounces of chicken that i made in the oven some cucumber and tomatoe to total 4 ounces.

snack - 2 ounce of chicken

dinner 2 ounce of sausage cucumber and tomatoe to total 4 ounces.

72 grams of Protein

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Well, it sounds like you weighed yourself after drinking 2 pounds of Fluid, so that wasn't a "real" weight anyway. Always weigh first thing in the morning after using the toilet.

Part of stalls IS small regains. Different times of the month, exercising more, changing how much salt you consume.. all these things can make the scale go up for a few days. It's Water, not fat.

Keep to your program and all will be well.

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1 minute ago, Berry78 said:

Well, it sounds like you weighed yourself after drinking 2 pounds of Fluid, so that wasn't a "real" weight anyway. Always weigh first thing in the morning after using the toilet.

Part of stalls IS small regains. Different times of the month, exercising more, changing how much salt you consume.. all these things can make the scale go up for a few days. It's Water, not fat.

Keep to your program and all will be well.

I can't say on here what I am really thinking, but a round about way of saying, i am not happy about this lol thanks for replying, i saw your post of you weighing like food and just ticking of when you have them maybe il try that i am getting so obbessive i knew i would , its getting stressful. weigh 4 ounce if i weigh 4.1 ounce i have to pour it out cut it all up and pour it back in, then i think **** my scales might be wrong i should weigh out 4 ounce remove one ounce, so if my scale is wrong then i wont be thinking im weighing 4 ounce but actually eating one 5 ounce. cut it up weigh it pour it out do the whole thing again. kill me now.

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Umm.. whoa.. stop and take a breath.




I'm hearing major trust issues right now. You don't trust your body, or the process, or even your kitchen scale.

It's a good time to take a moment and think through what is happening. Surgery, healing, diet, stressing about hopes and dreams... etc etc.

Super low carb diets are notorious for causing emotional instability. That is part of the reason I brought more carbs on board (for me it was helpful.. but it's a personal decision).

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6 minutes ago, Berry78 said:

Umm.. whoa.. stop and take a breath.




I'm hearing major trust issues right now. You don't trust your body, or the process, or even your kitchen scale.

It's a good time to take a moment and think through what is happening. Surgery, healing, diet, stressing about hopes and dreams... etc etc.

Super low carb diets are notorious for causing emotional instability. That is part of the reason I brought more carbs on board (for me it was helpful.. but it's a personal decision).

Well i didnt have to do low carb :( but i am supposed to have something from each food group i was told not to do low carb but i have no space after i eat my Protein first i am told to eat protein first, so i didnt know if i am supposed to eat a vegetabel as a snack?

I am emotionally unstable anyway i reckon.

I dont trust human beings, i dont trust myself, i dont trust my body, i dont trust my scale for weighing humans i dont trust my scale to weigh my food, i dont trust my damn food. f** i cant even trust myself to measure the Water im drinking so i cant drink out of like half bottles so if the bottle is not full the water i drunk doesnt COUNT!!! so have to make sure i am drinking whole bottles full to the top so i can measure it accurately .

Your hearing is very sharp . my hopes and dreams?i am not even wasting my time thinking about it because though i know my sleeve is wonderful i am very happy about it, its me thats the problem :) i do need more carbs i dont know were to put it

i need help this is how my team explain it a few spoons from protien few spoons from carbs and then starch wtf is that?

just someone tell me what to eat and il eat it . eerytime i open this stupid plan i want to throw it out the window.

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12 minutes ago, Berry78 said:

Umm.. whoa.. stop and take a breath.




I'm hearing major trust issues right now. You don't trust your body, or the process, or even your kitchen scale.

It's a good time to take a moment and think through what is happening. Surgery, healing, diet, stressing about hopes and dreams... etc etc.

Super low carb diets are notorious for causing emotional instability. That is part of the reason I brought more carbs on board (for me it was helpful.. but it's a personal decision).

I trust the process for everyone else. You know , I am the first to say relax its okay stay calm it will happen. But I am about to quit this whole thing and go back on a liquid fast. Old school days. But with that, when i start I cant stop i want to just keep going for unlimited amount of days it works. but messes my head up

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I even asked. " you dont want me to do low carb you want me to do a normal balanced diet but how does this work if i have to eat Protein first" reply : " Oh it will figure it self out as you get further out from your sleeve"

so. what about now lol i am on normal whole food. i need a plan lol

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22 minutes ago, Berry78 said:

Umm.. whoa.. stop and take a breath.




I'm hearing major trust issues right now. You don't trust your body, or the process, or even your kitchen scale.

It's a good time to take a moment and think through what is happening. Surgery, healing, diet, stressing about hopes and dreams... etc etc.

Super low carb diets are notorious for causing emotional instability. That is part of the reason I brought more carbs on board (for me it was helpful.. but it's a personal decision).

Sorry i forgot to say my emotional instability might not be from low carb lol i have diagnosed ocd which gets worse under stressful situations but that was why my surgeon and nurse and nut told me to not start weighing food too often and not at all if i can and just eat in a small container but i could not help myself because everyone says thats what you need for success.

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Ok, so you are right about getting full. I do too, and so I don't combine my food, I eat one thing at a time for the most part.

Since the scale is a problem for you, it IS a good idea to get rid of it for daily use.

Taking a day to do some reorganizing prep work will pay off.

My main dish I use all the time is an 8oz bowl. See if you have a container that size. Use your scale for this. You want the container to hold 8oz of Water comfortably; full, but not right up to the brim.

You can practice putting 4oz of various foods into this container to learn what 4oz looks like. Then put the scale away.

If you usually eat out of this container, then you will always know how much to eat. If it is a little less or more than 4oz, it doesn't matter. Your stomach will tell you when you are done.

If you want help creating a meal plan, PM me and I'll be happy to go over some ideas.

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Just now, Berry78 said:

Ok, so you are right about getting full. I do too, and so I don't combine my food, I eat one thing at a time for the most part.

Since the scale is a problem for you, it IS a good idea to get rid of it for daily use.

Taking a day to do some reorganizing prep work will pay off.

My main dish I use all the time is an 8oz bowl. See if you have a container that size. Use your scale for this. You want the container to hold 8oz of Water comfortably; full, but not right up to the brim.

You can practice putting 4oz of various foods into this container to learn what 4oz looks like. Then put the scale away.

If you usually eat out of this container, then you will always know how much to eat. If it is a little less or more than 4oz, it doesn't matter. Your stomach will tell you when you are done.

If you want help creating a meal plan, PM me and I'll be happy to go over some ideas.

Thank you i will pm you , you want to know how stupid i am? i eat out of the same four ounce containers EVERYDAY lol and still weigh it , ive now started using two ounce containers just to be on the safe side lol.

like make chicken or steak for a few days and weigh them into 2 ounce containers, eat one two ounce take a break see if i am still hungry then maybe have the other 2 . you know with all the " 4ounce of one food not being the same in 4 ounces of something else" im exausted lol

thank u for your help i keep repeating whenever i want to tell my mum im finding things tough i always end with " but i dont regret my sleeve im happy with it" and shes like i know you dont regret it you dont need to keep saying that bit its okay if things are not easy.

I am sooo happy i did this surgery. but im putting so much preasure on myself

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Ok, so I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but I don't have OCD. I honestly have no idea what it is to live with such a difficult dx :( I'm sorry you are having to deal with this.

I'm really trying to see the pitfalls of our typical recommendations. Usually I can tell someone.. ok.. eat 3.5oz Beans. And they can take out the scale and weigh 3.5oz beans, and they are satisfied that they have met the requirement, eat their beans, and go on with their day.

But if your thoughts keep intruding.. saying "what if the scale is wrong, what if that wasn't REALLY 3.5oz beans? Should the beans be completely dry? Should I rinse them?" Then it's impossible to know whether telling you to eat 3.5oz of beans is the right thing after all.

Or my saying, hey, just guestimate 1/2 of an 8oz container, and that will be fine.. well, obviously the "guestimate" MIGHT be more anxiety-provoking than simply weighing the stuff out to begin with (since you never can actually be sure HOW much you just put into the container).

So, these are all the thoughts that I'm having, when trying to sort through what you might be experiencing.. so it's good if we can get to the bottom of what will WORK for you with the least second-guessing and anxiety.


1. Weigh or measure everything. Usually goes along with a restricted "menu" of foods that is repeated daily.

2. Eat only "permitted" foods that are difficult to overconsume. Lean meats and non starchy vegetables are virtually impossible to overeat, so weighing and measuring aren't required.

3. Combined 1 and 2. Don't weigh your meats and veggies, but do measure starches, dairy, nuts, etc.

It's good to try and figure out now what will work (and what works at 8 weeks may change to something different at 8 months.. this is all a learn-as-you-go situation.) What makes you more comfortable? Do the 2oz containers work for you? Will they work long term?

Each of us has to figure out what works for us, and it can definitely be trial-and-error. There is no one-size fits all in this journey.

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1 hour ago, Berry78 said:

Ok, so I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but I don't have OCD. I honestly have no idea what it is to live with such a difficult dx :( I'm sorry you are having to deal with this.

I'm really trying to see the pitfalls of our typical recommendations. Usually I can tell someone.. ok.. eat 3.5oz Beans. And they can take out the scale and weigh 3.5oz Beans, and they are satisfied that they have met the requirement, eat their beans, and go on with their day.

But if your thoughts keep intruding.. saying "what if the scale is wrong, what if that wasn't REALLY 3.5oz beans? Should the beans be completely dry? Should I rinse them?" Then it's impossible to know whether telling you to eat 3.5oz of beans is the right thing after all.

Or my saying, hey, just guestimate 1/2 of an 8oz container, and that will be fine.. well, obviously the "guestimate" MIGHT be more anxiety-provoking than simply weighing the stuff out to begin with (since you never can actually be sure HOW much you just put into the container).

So, these are all the thoughts that I'm having, when trying to sort through what you might be experiencing.. so it's good if we can get to the bottom of what will WORK for you with the least second-guessing and anxiety.


1. Weigh or measure everything. Usually goes along with a restricted "menu" of foods that is repeated daily.

2. Eat only "permitted" foods that are difficult to overconsume. Lean meats and non starchy vegetables are virtually impossible to overeat, so weighing and measuring aren't required.

3. Combined 1 and 2. Don't weigh your meats and veggies, but do measure starches, dairy, nuts, etc.

It's good to try and figure out now what will work (and what works at 8 weeks may change to something different at 8 months.. this is all a learn-as-you-go situation.) What makes you more comfortable? Do the 2oz containers work for you? Will they work long term?

Each of us has to figure out what works for us, and it can definitely be trial-and-error. There is no one-size fits all in this journey.

You are realy helpful taking the time to really help me , how you explained it is how it really is so you really understand, I like the idea of what you do weighing a certain amount for the day in the mornig, instead of weighing constantly through the day? if that makes sense.

I also think if i eat the same food everyday that will help so actualy you saying eat x amount today will help , i do love my 2 ounce containers and my four ounce containers. And yes I do not quite trust my guesing right now, but i think when the scale starts moving again things will be less of a storm in my mind.

Hmm thats a great idea too with only lean meat and the veg allowed.

So many good ideas , may have to try one and see how i get on an then try another :)

I have had a nap as i felt so exausted i woke up and im still tired lol but feel better thank you

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8 hours ago, Berry78 said:

Umm.. whoa.. stop and take a breath.




I'm hearing major trust issues right now. You don't trust your body, or the process, or even your kitchen scale.

It's a good time to take a moment and think through what is happening. Surgery, healing, diet, stressing about hopes and dreams... etc etc.

Super low carb diets are notorious for causing emotional instability. That is part of the reason I brought more carbs on board (for me it was helpful.. but it's a personal decision).

Maybe that explains why I was a crazy, emotional b***h to my boyfriend the last couple weeks...low carb diet...lmao

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38 minutes ago, sleevedshereen said:

Maybe that explains why I was a crazy, emotional b***h to my boyfriend the last couple weeks...low carb diet...lmao

What is your daily eating like?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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