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I won't follow the herd any more...

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It has been a really long day, followed by a dinner out with multiple margaritas, so I am ready post my first LBT Rants and Raves post.

I won't follow the herd anymore. Ever. I stopped doing that years ago when I realized that I made every decision based upon how I could make the most people happy (or prevent conflict). That's simply not healthy. And it takes all the fun out of life.

I hate absolutes. Absolutely hate them. :) I can't stand to lump a group of people together for any reason. All people at LBT are not sweet and perfect. All people at OH are not cheerleaders and ***** supporters. All Muslims are not extreme radicals. Not all of us Texas women are Southern Belles (ok so that one is debatable). All women are not subservient (ok I know you ladies agree with that one). We are all, quite simply, just people.

I don't want to be told I have to do something because it is the Christian thing to do. Are you my priest? My rabbi? My high priestess? Where do people get off on judging other people????? I don't freakin' get it. Each of us have own spirituality or lack of it. Each of us have our own moral core - although some are harder to identify than others. Don't attack me because I don't agree with you - hire a yes-man for that job - it doesn't pay enough for me to take it. And don't push your personal belief system off on me.

I like most people. Really I do. And I get along with most people. Some people just get to me, and I don't have to like them. There is no rule about that. There is only one person on my bad list at the moment, and if I ever get a personal apology that person will come off the list. You and I don't have to like the same people or have the same ideas to be friends. I prefer friends who are different from me. If I wanted everyone to be like me - well then I would become a hermit(ess) and just have ME for companionship.

I love our differences. I love the passion in which so many of us debate what we believe in. I just hate the herd mentality that says we all have to believe the same thing, or like the same people, or hate the same people....because ya know what? We don't. We are different. Our differences make us unique and teach us more about life than any book will.

And one more thing. I rarely drink and I really love Margaritas! :whoo:

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It has been a really long day, followed by a dinner out with multiple margaritas, so I am ready post my first LBT Rants and Raves post.

I won't follow the herd anymore. Ever. I stopped doing that years ago when I realized that I made every decision based upon how I could make the most people happy (or prevent conflict). That's simply not healthy. And it takes all the fun out of life.

I hate absolutes. Absolutely hate them. :) I can't stand to lump a group of people together for any reason. All people at LBT are not sweet and perfect. All people at OH are not cheerleaders and ***** supporters. All Muslims are not extreme radicals. Not all of us Texas women are Southern Belles (ok so that one is debatable). All women are not subservient (ok I know you ladies agree with that one). We are all, quite simply, just people.

I don't want to be told I have to do something because it is the Christian thing to do. Are you my priest? My rabbi? My high priestess? Where do people get off on judging other people????? I don't freakin' get it. Each of us have own spirituality or lack of it. Each of us have our own moral core - although some are harder to identify than others. Don't attack me because I don't agree with you - hire a yes-man for that job - it doesn't pay enough for me to take it. And don't push your personal belief system off on me.

I like most people. Really I do. And I get along with most people. Some people just get to me, and I don't have to like them. There is no rule about that. There is only one person on my bad list at the moment, and if I ever get a personal apology that person will come off the list. You and I don't have to like the same people or have the same ideas to be friends. I prefer friends who are different from me. If I wanted everyone to be like me - well then I would become a hermit(ess) and just have ME for companionship.

I love our differences. I love the passion in which so many of us debate what we believe in. I just hate the herd mentality that says we all have to believe the same thing, or like the same people, or hate the same people....because ya know what? We don't. We are different. Our differences make us unique and teach us more about life than any book will.

And one more thing. I rarely drink and I really love Margaritas! :whoo:

I ditto that. Especially about the long day. Got an email from my advisor, wanting me to come see him and give him an update on my thesis work. The problem is that I haven't actually worked on it since April. Yep, you heard right, APRIL. I'm pretty screwed.

And I prefer Sex on the Beach or pina coladas to margaritas. Too sour, for me. And too much of an alcohol taste, for that matter.

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I ditto that. Especially about the long day. Got an email from my advisor, wanting me to come see him and give him an update on my thesis work. The problem is that I haven't actually worked on it since April. Yep, you heard right, APRIL. I'm pretty screwed.

And I prefer Sex on the Beach or pina coladas to margaritas. Too sour, for me. And too much of an alcohol taste, for that matter.

As long as the drink is fruit based, I am sure it is healthy.

And that should be a pretty quick update!

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As long as the drink is fruit based, I am sure it is healthy.

And that should be a pretty quick update!

Oh hell, I'm gonna lie, of course. Well, I'll tell him that I'm a little behind where I wanted to be, but that it's just because I had health problems last semester, had surgery over the summer, and worked for my parents over the summer 'cause someone didn't get funding for his grad students. Which is all true, but didn't really affect me actually doing the work. I just didn't feel like it.

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It has been a really long day, followed by a dinner out with multiple margaritas, so I am ready post my first LBT Rants and Raves post.

I won't follow the herd anymore. Ever. I stopped doing that years ago when I realized that I made every decision based upon how I could make the most people happy (or prevent conflict). That's simply not healthy. And it takes all the fun out of life.

I hate absolutes. Absolutely hate them. :) I can't stand to lump a group of people together for any reason. All people at LBT are not sweet and perfect. All people at OH are not cheerleaders and ***** supporters. All Muslims are not extreme radicals. Not all of us Texas women are Southern Belles (ok so that one is debatable). All women are not subservient (ok I know you ladies agree with that one). We are all, quite simply, just people.

I don't want to be told I have to do something because it is the Christian thing to do. Are you my priest? My rabbi? My high priestess? Where do people get off on judging other people????? I don't freakin' get it. Each of us have own spirituality or lack of it. Each of us have our own moral core - although some are harder to identify than others. Don't attack me because I don't agree with you - hire a yes-man for that job - it doesn't pay enough for me to take it. And don't push your personal belief system off on me.

I like most people. Really I do. And I get along with most people. Some people just get to me, and I don't have to like them. There is no rule about that. There is only one person on my bad list at the moment, and if I ever get a personal apology that person will come off the list. You and I don't have to like the same people or have the same ideas to be friends. I prefer friends who are different from me. If I wanted everyone to be like me - well then I would become a hermit(ess) and just have ME for companionship.

I love our differences. I love the passion in which so many of us debate what we believe in. I just hate the herd mentality that says we all have to believe the same thing, or like the same people, or hate the same people....because ya know what? We don't. We are different. Our differences make us unique and teach us more about life than any book will.

And one more thing. I rarely drink and I really love Margaritas! :whoo:


I agree with you. I am not part of "us", "them" or "those people over there". I am an individual. Nobody tells me what to think, who to support, or who to be friends with, or who to NOT be friends with. Please don't "pigeon-hole" me into what you think I am. I might surprise you!

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I agree with you. I am not part of "us", "them" or "those people over there". I am an individual. Nobody tells me what to think, who to support, or who to be friends with, or who to NOT be friends with. Please don't "pigeon-hole" me into what you think I am. I might surprise you!

I have the most fun in life when someone realizes that I am not the lemming they thought I was.

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It has been a really long day, followed by a dinner out with multiple margaritas, so I am ready post my first LBT Rants and Raves post.

I won't follow the herd anymore. Ever. I stopped doing that years ago when I realized that I made every decision based upon how I could make the most people happy (or prevent conflict). That's simply not healthy. And it takes all the fun out of life.

I hate absolutes. Absolutely hate them. :confused: I can't stand to lump a group of people together for any reason. All people at LBT are not sweet and perfect. All people at OH are not cheerleaders and ***** supporters. All Muslims are not extreme radicals. Not all of us Texas women are Southern Belles (ok so that one is debatable). All women are not subservient (ok I know you ladies agree with that one). We are all, quite simply, just people.

I don't want to be told I have to do something because it is the Christian thing to do. Are you my priest? My rabbi? My high priestess? Where do people get off on judging other people????? I don't freakin' get it. Each of us have own spirituality or lack of it. Each of us have our own moral core - although some are harder to identify than others. Don't attack me because I don't agree with you - hire a yes-man for that job - it doesn't pay enough for me to take it. And don't push your personal belief system off on me.

I like most people. Really I do. And I get along with most people. Some people just get to me, and I don't have to like them. There is no rule about that. There is only one person on my bad list at the moment, and if I ever get a personal apology that person will come off the list. You and I don't have to like the same people or have the same ideas to be friends. I prefer friends who are different from me. If I wanted everyone to be like me - well then I would become a hermit(ess) and just have ME for companionship.

I love our differences. I love the passion in which so many of us debate what we believe in. I just hate the herd mentality that says we all have to believe the same thing, or like the same people, or hate the same people....because ya know what? We don't. We are different. Our differences make us unique and teach us more about life than any book will.

And one more thing. I rarely drink and I really love Margaritas! :whoo:

Hmmm... lots of thoughts running through my tired brain at the moment.

When I originally wrote the cheerleader comment it really was true. I was asked several times specifically who the cheerleaders were and I refused to come up with a specific list. I really felt that those that behaved as such knew who they were and if they didn't, my telling them wasn't going to help. The list was actually created by someone else, I just coined the "cheerleader" and "coven" names. The "coven" term I retracted.

It never really mattered to me who they were, just the ultimate behaviors that were annoying to me. There were just too many people (most concerning were the newbies) that were being chased away for a variety of reasons. One gal recently PMed me (just 2-3 days ago) telling me that due to all the BS on OH she just couldn't stomach the band board anymore over there and she started hanging out at another section of OH and she either ended up getting a different procedure or she's going to. I forget if she had surgery or not. But instead of banding, she's getting a sleeve.

Now, I realize that the type of surgery is clearly her choice but honestly, I hate to see anyone choose a more invasive and risky procedure just because she couldn't stand reading the band boards. She went to the sleeve board, got to know a few people, and they convinced her that a sleeve was better. She never really got a good dose of what banding can do. Her choice, yes. But I don't like that people don't feel comfortable posting there.

I don't think anyone has claimed that LBT is all sweetness and light and OH is evil, but there are significant differences between the two forums. On OH I think one problem is that people are not permitted to work out their differences because the threads are deleted at a whim. I mean com'on, your mods really really suck donkey dicks over there. Our mods are pretty cool, I don't think we could have better mods over here. Perhaps if people were able to duke it out to the end they would resolve issues and instead they stew in their issues until they are out of control.

There really is a pack mentality over there. Protein shakes? Anyone?? :) Rules vs. guidelines?

I double dawg dare you to go over there with a dreaded sock puppet and go up against Sandy on an issue. Protein Shakes are a good example. Watch your PMs grow... oh my goodness, the PMs you'll get from newbies and lurkers are amazing! They are afraid to post their thoughts and opinions if they disagree with Sandy. Why is that? Don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself. Just try it. Granted, it would be sneaky and a bit underhanded but see for yourself the sheer number of people that will thank you for doing what they don't have the guts to do. To go toe to toe with Sandy.

Obviously, that has never been a problem for me. I kinda enjoyed it and especially when I knew full well I was right and she was merely trying to discredit me.

Better yet, make your sock puppet a nurse that goes up against Sandy. Then she'll really attempt to slam dunk you. Of course, she's reading over here so she'll be on to it. But if for no other reason just see the lurkers that PM you thanking you for daring to disagree with Sandy.

BTW, what is the disclaimer Sandy has under her sig? She's not even licensed, what does she need a disclaimer for? If anything the disclaimer should be that she's unlicensed and a pain in the ass so take her attitude with a grain of salt!

Back to the topic. There are certain problem issues within OH and there simply is no denying that. Everyone blames a single individual but really, if you look at history that doesn't prove to be true. When Sandy goes on vacation and really DOES leave the boards for a few days the drama would always die down. I'm not talking about when she claimed to be gone and really had sock puppets posting instead but when she truly wasn't posting. The drama dropped to almost nothing. She comes back and it starts all over again.

She is a bit too rigid in her thinking and groups all bandsters in one group and they all have to do it her way or they won't lose weight and keep it off. Quite frankly, that's just an egotistical load of crap. Plenty of people do things and they aren't her way and they do quite well. I'm an example. My biggest complaint about her is that she doesn't consider that people are unique and individual and they have different needs than everyone else. All those things need to be taken into consideration before posting rigid rules that she has.

She posts these studies and let's face it, a study depends on the one doing the study. I can point you to tons of studies that completely disagree with one another. One study says NutraSweet is an evil horror and you'll die using it and the next study says they can't find a single problem with it. Sandy posts a study to defend her claims and then states that "most" doctors agree with that study. Well, most docs agree with a given study.... says who? Who is calling these docs and verifying this information on what they do and do not agree with? She just makes wild claims to defend her stance on an issue.

But Sandy isn't the only problem. Her cheerleaders agree with everything she says. If they do disagree, I never saw it on the boards. A cheerleader will disagree with me in public but if they disagree with Sandy they take it to PM. Why is that? Why not disagree in public like they do with everyone else?

I've posted wrong info before. Everyone who posts any amount of time does. When it's brought to my attention or when I realize I gave wrong information I have no problem going back and explaining that I screwed up. I post the correct info and admit I learned something. Do you think Sandy could do the same? Most can, but Sandy can't. Yet the cheerleaders still take disagreements to PM with her and it's public with everyone else. I don't get it. We are all human and we all screw up. So be it, that's life.

I've never been a follower before when it comes to my opinions and thoughts on things. When I go to OH I make it clear who I am regardless of ID, I'll agree with people if I happen to agree, I'll disagree when I happen to disagree. I don't care who they are. There was an issue a long time ago that Sandy was getting blasted for and in fact, she was right. Someone emailed me a link to the thread so I could watch Sandy get beaten up and it was wrong, Sandy was quite correct. I defended her.

I don't do a bloody thing because Wendell tells me to. Quite frankly, Wendell knows me better than to even suggest telling me what to do. He doesn't even ask me to do things. I make my own decisions and my own choices in life. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong but I own them, they are mine.

Dee is another example, she annoys the snot out of me but I disagreed with how she was being treated. I've explained that one before. But the point stands, I don't like her and I don't agree with her but what was happening was wrong.

I am my own person and I do what I believe is right. I hope that never changes.

I have a hunch that if we all met in real time (over Mexican Rum and yes, I share!) we might end up having a lot of really good laughs and a little fun. There is something about disagreements and the internet, sometimes it is hard to work through them. In person things seem to work a little easier.

Maybe what we need to do is have phone chats here and there. Really get to know one another. Sometimes you understand a person better if you see or hear them vs. their words on a computer screen.

I don't know, I guess I just did it again. I wrote another book. I'm tired and wordy tonight.

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Insert WASa's very long post here.
I agree completely. It has been either outright said or implied that we're Wendell's patsies. We're not. He doesn't ask us or tell us to do anything. I got involved in all of this because of two things. One, Sandy annoyed the crap out of me and I was sick of the fawning she got, even though she was highly unethical and obviously a hack (I can post examples, if you want). Two, I happened to speak up for Dee. Now, Dee and I highly dislike each other. In face, I eventually blocked her on OH because she was harassing me. Ask WASa, if you don't believe me, we've talked about it and bitched to each other many times. But the way she got treated was horrible. This was a woman that was obviously (OBVIOUSLY, for Pete's sake) unstable. We all knew it. Anyone who had even an ounce of brains and spent any time at all on the boards at OH (or here, before she was banned) knew that she wasn't all there. Again, I didn't like or trust her one bit, but that doesn't mean I condone the way she was treated. She was harassed and teased and provoked. You guys know how people are talked about on OH. Their names are never mentioned outright because that would get the thread deleted, but everyone knows what and who you are talking about. (How many ways can people insert Dee into words? Hmm, let me think....) Now, I'm not saying she was an angel. Obviously, she wasn't. But damn, the woman was mentally ill. The rest of the people posting didn't have that excuse. But of course, no one could speak up for her without being attacked by everyone in sight. That leaves a very bad taste in someone's mouth for other people. So basically, that's how I got put on Team Wendell.

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She posts these studies and let's face it, a study depends on the one doing the study. I can point you to tons of studies that completely disagree with one another. One study says NutraSweet is an evil horror and you'll die using it and the next study says they can't find a single problem with it. Sandy posts a study to defend her claims and then states that "most" doctors agree with that study. Well, most docs agree with a given study.... says who? Who is calling these docs and verifying this information on what they do and do not agree with? She just makes wild claims to defend her stance on an issue.
That's not the only thing she does, concerning studies. She'll copy and paste the abstract, add on to the conclusions section, and then make a thread saying the authors made conclusions that they didn't. Then, she'll back-step and wiggle around when confronted about it. THAT is what first made me doubt her qualifications. There is no reputable peer-reviewed article author in the world that would do that to another author's article or abstract. That made me start wondering what else she lied about.

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That's not the only thing she does, concerning studies. She'll copy and paste the abstract, add on to the conclusions section, and then make a thread saying the authors made conclusions that they didn't. Then, she'll back-step and wiggle around when confronted about it. THAT is what first made me doubt her qualifications. There is no reputable peer-reviewed article author in the world that would do that to another author's article or abstract. That made me start wondering what else she lied about.

I don't think I have ever encountered anyone that had such a driving need to be right all the time regardless of facts. Sometimes I read her posts and just slowly shake my head.

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I don't think I have ever encountered anyone that had such a driving need to be right all the time regardless of facts. Sometimes I read her posts and just slowly shake my head.
It's like she doesn't realize that other people actually read articles, too. Does she think people are idiots? That they won't notice that, "Hey, there's an extra sentence added to that abstract! WTF, it's grammatically incorrect and it states a conclusion that wasn't there when I read the abstract 20 minutes ago!"?

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I agree completely. It has been either outright said or implied that we're Wendell's patsies. We're not. He doesn't ask us or tell us to do anything. I got involved in all of this because of two things. One, Sandy annoyed the crap out of me and I was sick of the fawning she got, even though she was highly unethical and obviously a hack (I can post examples, if you want). Two, I happened to speak up for Dee. Now, Dee and I highly dislike each other. In face, I eventually blocked her on OH because she was harassing me. Ask WASa, if you don't believe me, we've talked about it and bitched to each other many times. But the way she got treated was horrible. This was a woman that was obviously (OBVIOUSLY, for Pete's sake) unstable. We all knew it. Anyone who had even an ounce of brains and spent any time at all on the boards at OH (or here, before she was banned) knew that she wasn't all there. Again, I didn't like or trust her one bit, but that doesn't mean I condone the way she was treated. She was harassed and teased and provoked. You guys know how people are talked about on OH. Their names are never mentioned outright because that would get the thread deleted, but everyone knows what and who you are talking about. (How many ways can people insert Dee into words? Hmm, let me think....) Now, I'm not saying she was an angel. Obviously, she wasn't. But damn, the woman was mentally ill. The rest of the people posting didn't have that excuse. But of course, no one could speak up for her without being attacked by everyone in sight. That leaves a very bad taste in someone's mouth for other people. So basically, that's how I got put on Team Wendell.

Wendell followers....Sandy followers..... Way more similarities than differences. I would love to say more but I am not interested in groupies attacking me this early in the morning.:faint:

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Wendell followers....Sandy followers..... Way more similarities than differences. I would love to say more but I am not interested in groupies attacking me this early in the morning.:faint:

I don't think anyone has attacked you since you've been here. Did I miss something?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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