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Revised band to sleeve 12 days ago... mini freak out

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So after having my band in for about 5 years, it was removed 12 days ago and while they were in there it was revised to the sleeve. I was 110% gung-ho for this procedure, I've been fighting insurance for almost a year to get it. But now that I have it, I'm kind of freaking out. I am on the liquids and Protein Shakes only phase still, and I keep wondering if I'm ever going to enjoy eating food again like a normal person. I think with the band there was some degree of comfort knowing it wasn't permanent and that I could always loosen it if I wanted to. Now that I've had 80% of my stomach surgically removed, I am just panicking a bit because I want to enjoy my life, enjoy food and drink, and not feel like a freak when I'm out with friends family and coworkers at a restaurant. Am I the only one who's been here mentally, having a mini freak out? :)

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I am also a revision from the Gastric Band and was sleeved 4 weeks ago. I had the same thoughts as you, but have just moved onto the normal foods phase. I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to eat and not have that "elephant's foot feeling" on your chest. I hope that you have the same experience in a couple of weeks time? I think the great thing for us revision patients is that we are already used to not being able to eat large amounts of food - so the ability to be able to eat without pain is a huge bonus in itself. Not everybody can eat every food, so there may end up being things which your new stomach might not tolerate - but you also might be able to eat foods with your sleeve that you had difficulty eating with your band. Hang in there, better days are around the corner for you :-)

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I think it really all boils down to your goals and your personal mindset. For me, I have been overweight or obese (mostly obese) all of my life. I have been on dozens of diets over the years, and had temporary success (even weighing under 200 pounds for about a year when I was 21-22), only to re-gain and be miserable again eventually. Finally, I got to almost 400 pounds. Everything on me was starting to become dangerous (blood sugar, A1C, cholesterol, etc., etc., etc.). I was having trouble navigating at the airport (I travel a lot for my work); I couldn't pee without dribbling on myself because of all of the fat; I had no energy and no sex drive. There's more, but you get the picture. At that moment of harsh reality, I finally decided that food and drink wasn't worth all of that misery -- food is just food, not a way of life. And 15 months later (6 months pre-op diet program plus 9 months post-op), I weigh under 200 pounds, my labs are perfect, my health is secured, I feel like a normal person, and I look great. I am going to continue to embrace a Keto way of eating long-term because I refuse to gain weight back. Being this size is more important to me than any food or drink.

The early days post-op suck. There is no way around it. And things do get better pretty quickly. But it will never be the same as it was before. And, for me, that is a good thing. But you have to decide for yourself what is the most important to you and then design your life around that.

It looks like you have had success with your band. And I'm sure you will have success with the sleeve as well. I wish you the best as you continue your journey.

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I had the same thought! I still think about it from time to time. I just ask myself what I actually liked about eating. Was it the actual taste of the food? Because you can still eat everything....even more than you could with the band because nothing gets "stuck." I really liked the feeling of having control over what I put in my body. If I want to eat 2 pieces of cheesecake, I can because it is my body and I'm the boss! Feeling full of food was comfortable. I am now that ridiculous person that loves to work out. Now I look forward to the sore feeling of accomplishment and the changes in my body. I have replaced my obsession with food with a healthier obsession for working out. I keep myself in check much better with the group fitness classes than I ever did with food. I still like some food, but have found my desires and craving for most food non-existent. I hear that it comes back, but I don't really want it to! Enjoy sleeved life...it is really pretty great! Good luck to you!
P.S. There are still times that I get mad that I can't eat more than a few bites of something, but you learn how to deal.

Banded 2010. Sleeved Dec 2016
137 lbs lost

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I had the same thought! I still think about it from time to time. I just ask myself what I actually liked about eating. Was it the actual taste of the food? Because you can still eat everything....even more than you could with the band because nothing gets "stuck." I really liked the feeling of having control over what I put in my body. If I want to eat 2 pieces of cheesecake, I can because it is my body and I'm the boss! Feeling full of food was comfortable. I am now that ridiculous person that loves to work out. Now I look forward to the sore feeling of accomplishment and the changes in my body. I have replaced my obsession with food with a healthier obsession for working out. I keep myself in check much better with the group fitness classes than I ever did with food. I still like some food, but have found my desires and craving for most food non-existent. I hear that it comes back, but I don't really want it to! Enjoy sleeved life...it is really pretty great! Good luck to you!
P.S. There are still times that I get mad that I can't eat more than a few bites of something, but you learn how to deal.

Banded 2010. Sleeved Dec 2016
137 lbs lost

That's awesome words to hear. Thank you for the response. Now that I'm on at least some mushy stuff, I feel kind of more normal again. Amazing how good a little mashed potato can taste after being on broth and shakes for two weeks! :)

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So after having my band in for about 5 years, it was removed 12 days ago and while they were in there it was revised to the sleeve. I was 110% gung-ho for this procedure, I've been fighting insurance for almost a year to get it. But now that I have it, I'm kind of freaking out. I am on the liquids and Protein Shakes only phase still, and I keep wondering if I'm ever going to enjoy eating food again like a normal person. I think with the band there was some degree of comfort knowing it wasn't permanent and that I could always loosen it if I wanted to. Now that I've had 80% of my stomach surgically removed, I am just panicking a bit because I want to enjoy my life, enjoy food and drink, and not feel like a freak when I'm out with friends family and coworkers at a restaurant. Am I the only one who's been here mentally, having a mini freak out? [emoji4]

I'm right with you! I'm 4 days out and grieving my normally joyous meal times! I had the band from 2009- April 2017 and it's wonderful to hear every bite won't hurt when I start back on food in a few weeks! But like you I've been thinking constantly what have I done? This is so permanent! I'm thinking of eating out w friends too and will I be able to have a cocktail? Overall though i know this will pass and I'm used to nibbling at dinner anyway because my band was too tight and painful for a long time. I just hope I follow the rules this time. I'm not good at food rules if my cravings or appetite are strong. Are you hungry yet? I'm so hungry! I'm pacing myself brought the day and MyFitnessPal app is helping me!

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I'm right with you! I'm 4 days out and grieving my normally joyous meal times! I had the band from 2009- April 2017 and it's wonderful to hear every bite won't hurt when I start back on food in a few weeks! But like you I've been thinking constantly what have I done? This is so permanent! I'm thinking of eating out w friends too and will I be able to have a cocktail? Overall though i know this will pass and I'm used to nibbling at dinner anyway because my band was too tight and painful for a long time. I just hope I follow the rules this time. I'm not good at food rules if my cravings or appetite are strong. Are you hungry yet? I'm so hungry! I'm pacing myself brought the day and MyFitnessPal app is helping me!

That's kind of the weird thing (hunger). I've learned after all these years that apparently there is a difference between head hunger and actual need for food. My head keeps saying "you should be eating something" and "a cheeseburger sounds amazing"
and today "go to taco Tuesday" lol. But my stomach, it's just not wanting any of it. I have not truly felt physical hunger at all since before I had the sleeve surgery 17 days ago. Weird! Because I kind of don't trust my hunger-meter accuracy at the moment, I'm trying to stick with a routine to make sure I don't get dehydrated or malnourished. Every morning I have a Protein Water with a Vitamin greens powder mix, gets most of my key nutrients in right away. Then mid day I'll have a Protein Shake with a banana and some nonfat milk and a little Peanut Butter in it. Mid afternoon I'll have a snack maybe yogurt or Jello. Evening I'll make myself eat something like puréed Soup. Then in the evening I take my chewable multi vitamin. So far that's been working ok. If I get ambitious enough I may try blending tuna and mayo like tuna salad, but have not tried yet. :)

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That's kind of the weird thing (hunger). I've learned after all these years that apparently there is a difference between head hunger and actual need for food. My head keeps saying "you should be eating something" and "a cheeseburger sounds amazing"
and today "go to taco Tuesday" lol. But my stomach, it's just not wanting any of it. I have not truly felt physical hunger at all since before I had the sleeve surgery 17 days ago. Weird! Because I kind of don't trust my hunger-meter accuracy at the moment, I'm trying to stick with a routine to make sure I don't get dehydrated or malnourished. Every morning I have a Protein Water with a Vitamin greens powder mix, gets most of my key nutrients in right away. Then mid day I'll have a Protein Shake with a banana and some nonfat milk and a little Peanut Butter in it. Mid afternoon I'll have a snack maybe yogurt or Jello. Evening I'll make myself eat something like puréed Soup. Then in the evening I take my chewable multi vitamin. So far that's been working ok. If I get ambitious enough I may try blending tuna and mayo like tuna salad, but have not tried yet.

That's great you're sticking to a routine. I've been experiencing physical hunger and growling stomach which is satisfied by a protein shake or pudding up or blended up soup. I was told most people don't have hunger so this has been surprising to me. Also drinking is so easy and i go slow by taking 20 minutes to drink 11 oz protein shake but this is fast compared to most. I hope the surgeon didn't make my sleeve too big.

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That's great you're sticking to a routine. I've been experiencing physical hunger and growling stomach which is satisfied by a Protein Shake or pudding up or blended up Soup. I was told most people don't have hunger so this has been surprising to me. Also drinking is so easy and i go slow by taking 20 minutes to drink 11 oz Protein shake but this is fast compared to most. I hope the surgeon didn't make my sleeve too big.

Before you worry about the sleeve size, wait until you start eating regular food. Yesterday was the first day I could eat like ground beef or turkey. Had a kids mini slider at Chilis with no bread. Couldn't eat it all and was full for many hours. :)

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Same Same Same! Sleeved on June 28. I actually had my band removed in February, but the band had slipped and caused some damage to my stomach that needed to be repaired before the sleeve could be done. I'm so tired and so nauseous. My muscles hurt and my biggest incision still hurts. I have those mini freak outs all the time. I groan rolling over in bed and think "What have I done?!". Part of the appeal of the sleeve for me was the permanence of it...but it is definitely scare when I feel this crappy all the time!

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So sorry to hear this. Have you checked with your surgeon? You should be feeling better by now. I had my band removed and sleeve done 7/10/17 and am feeling very well. No pains, except a little in my throat from the tube. Also, still a little tired. Maybe you have gas build up in your stomach.

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Hi . I am 5 days post op from having my band removed and getting the sleeve . My band was also too tight but it was easy because I could eat whatever I wanted then just get rid of it at times . Not a good habit ... but it could always be adjusted. I am nervous because the sleeve is permanent and I want to eat and drink and be social .

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Just an update so I'm now at about 6 weeks post surgery and I'm feeling so much better. I am eating more normal food like a hamburger (no bun no toppings) - fills me up for many hours. I am not brave enough yet to try steak or chicken, sticking with ground meats and seafood for now. Learning new habits like don't drink and eat at the same time - super hard to do. Also learning that meals at restaurants come with way too much food for me to handle. Skip the Soup salad bread even the side dish and just eat/get the main Protein and work on eating that. I'm 10 pounds from goal weight. Taking my first business trip on the road and flying tomorrow, starting to finally feel somewhat "normal" again. Oh lastly alcohol- it's a whole different thing now for me. Not nearly as enjoyable as it was before. Your mileage may vary. Good luck everybody. It definitely gets better. The first month is the hardest. :)

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I like your UN "sleeved traveler"...I had my surgery on July 10th. Still on shakes etc; I see my surgeon on Wednesday. I had the lapland for 7 years. I was getting so uncomfortable. I was pleasantly surprised when I was approved for the sleeve even though I was only about 15 lbs from a normal BMI. I travel a lot and enjoy my meals. I plan on continuing to eat like I did with the lapland. (Except a lot of things, i couldn't tolerate, or would take 1 bite and get stuck etc). I am very social and that includes eating. I always maintained all that I lost with the lapland. I got restricted so did not overeat. I am hoping the sleeve works similar without all those problems. Naturally, I know portion sizes (from band) and plan on staying on course regardless. I am anxious to get into exercise, something I haven't done for a while. Presently, I really don't have any cravings etc; but am missing some food. lol I am now 9 lbs away from my goal. I am glad I had the surgery, but have to block out any thoughts about what it really entailed. When I'm reading and people relate, 80% of my stomach was taken, yes, I freak out. lol I can already tell the sleeve is wonderful compared to the band. I know there won't be restriction, but there will be satiety. I am use to eating very slow and never have overindulged in slider foods etc; even with the band. However, my husband and I travel a lot. We enjoy sharing meals and I don't limit myself to a rigid diet. Rigid Diets never worked for me, I was never successful, and so now I utilize guidelines and common sense. Yep, I will be enjoying a drink, and, or a french fry from time to time.

congratulations on doing such a good job.

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