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Joann, I was banded by Dr Hohen of SM I could not be happier. The staff is great. I was banded on May 13 and I had my first fill on June 16. I have lost about 15 lbs and I have had no surigcal complications. This is the hohen and hitchcock group, is that who you are working with. It does take time to get through the paper work if you are working with the insurance company but is worth it. It took about 6 months me to get through everything my insurance required but the office staff was great to keep me informed. Keep in touch and stay encouraged. KC

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Joann, I was banded by Dr Hohen of SM I could not be happier. The staff is great. I was banded on May 13 and I had my first fill on June 16. I have lost about 15 lbs and I have had no surigcal complications. This is the hohen and hitchcock group, is that who you are working with. It does take time to get through the paper work if you are working with the insurance company but is worth it. It took about 6 months me to get through everything my insurance required but the office staff was great to keep me informed. Keep in touch and stay encouraged. KC

Hi KC!

Yes, I'm working with Dr. Hoehn at Shawnee Mission Med Cntr. I am a medicare patient and from what I hear, the approval process can be faster with them than some of the other ins companies if you have the documented diet history. At any rate, I'm hoping that is the case. A call from Shelley last week indicated that they are reviewing my file. Then I get to start the psych eval, dietition, and any other evaluations they deem necessary. The waiting is a bummer, but I appreciate that they are very thorough. I'm excited!! and so glad to hear your experience has been good. You are very determined and you are making it work for you.

God Bless!

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Im having trouble, and I hope that somebody can help. I was banded about 2 1/2 months ago and am having trouble losing weight. I'm down 12 pounds, but I know that I can do better. The problem is that,truthfully, and it is so hard to type this...I still rely on food as my God sometimes. For example, anxiety, stress, and hurt feelings are often my triggers to eat. When I feel that sometimes seemingly uncontrollable urge to "eat over " these feelings, often I will stop and offer up a prayer. Sometimes this works, often it doesn't. Although I know that prayer changes/fixes things/lives PERMANANTELY...chocolate makes me feel better within 5-10 minutes. Long story short, food is still a huge addiction for me. I know that this burden will only be removed by God. How can I surrender this to God, while also taking personal responsibility to do allof the things necessary to be successful. For example, I can push myself for days, or maybe weeks on end to exercise...but when I reach the end of myself and feel like I can't go to one more aerobics class, what does surrendering this to God look like. I'm still the one who has to physically drag myself to the gym. Does what I'm asking make sense to anybody? I

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Im having trouble, and I hope that somebody can help. I was banded about 2 1/2 months ago and am having trouble losing weight. I'm down 12 pounds, but I know that I can do better. The problem is that,truthfully, and it is so hard to type this...I still rely on food as my God sometimes. For example, anxiety, stress, and hurt feelings are often my triggers to eat. When I feel that sometimes seemingly uncontrollable urge to "eat over " these feelings, often I will stop and offer up a prayer. Sometimes this works, often it doesn't. Although I know that prayer changes/fixes things/lives PERMANANTELY ...chocolate makes me feel better within 5-10 minutes. Long story short, food is still a huge addiction for me. I know that this burden will only be removed by God. How can I surrender this to God, while also taking personal responsibility to do all of the things necessary to be successful. For example, I can push myself for days, or maybe weeks on end to exercise...but when I reach the end of myself and feel like I can't go to one more aerobics class, what does surrendering this to God look like. I'm still the one who has to physically drag myself to the gym. Does what I'm asking make sense to anybody? I

There is a renewing of the mind that has to take place and it is a process. You have had major surgery.... to give yourself a TOOL to help you lose your excess pounds. BUT, YES, a lot of the work is up to you. YOU have to determine that you are NOT going to give in to the head thing that makes you want to self-medicate with chocolate, etc. YOU have to determine that you are going to get your butt in gear and get to aerobics. You can ask the Lord to give you the strength to do what you need to do, but HE is not going to drag you there against your will.

Was it here that one lady talked about the "God Smack" she got the other day. Now that doesn't happen very often, but she said she was at a 4th of July parade and dived for some tootsie rolls being thrown in to the crowd and fell flat on her face! :)

I suggest you DO NOT keep things in the house that will tempt you. I CANNOT have chocolate in the house. If it's there, it will talk to me and I WILL eat it.

So.... we have NO Cookies, no chocolate, nothing that will tempt me.

Now, while you're beating yourself up, 12 1/2 lb in 2 1/2 mos is pretty okay. The initial post-op period your body is recovering from surgery and weight loss may not be very significant. I started losing better after my first fill. I had three fills in the first three months, then another six months later, and I'm hoping for a little tweak this month at my one year follow up. How many fills have you had? Do you feel like you have pretty good restriction?

You're on your way, Kiddo.

And you CAN do this! Phil. 4:13

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Dear Willbefine: Surrendering to God! It's a lot of hard work on our part. The first thing you have to do is to admit to God that your are POWERLESS to your food addiction. When you are feeling out of control, pray, read your bible, call a christian friend, get on this web site make yourself go for a walk. Phyllis is right, God want take us kicking and screaming. Have healthy things around that you can eat. It is a process and it doesn't happen overnight. I understand your pain, I also walk in your shoes with the same addiction-FOOD!

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Im having trouble, and I hope that somebody can help. I was banded about 2 1/2 months ago and am having trouble losing weight. I'm down 12 pounds, but I know that I can do better. The problem is that,truthfully, and it is so hard to type this...I still rely on food as my God sometimes. For example, anxiety, stress, and hurt feelings are often my triggers to eat. When I feel that sometimes seemingly uncontrollable urge to "eat over " these feelings, often I will stop and offer up a prayer. Sometimes this works, often it doesn't. Although I know that prayer changes/fixes things/lives PERMANANTELY...chocolate makes me feel better within 5-10 minutes. Long story short, food is still a huge addiction for me. I know that this burden will only be removed by God. How can I surrender this to God, while also taking personal responsibility to do allof the things necessary to be successful. For example, I can push myself for days, or maybe weeks on end to exercise...but when I reach the end of myself and feel like I can't go to one more aerobics class, what does surrendering this to God look like. I'm still the one who has to physically drag myself to the gym. Does what I'm asking make sense to anybody? I

True surrender takes only the willingness to do it! The rest is a process that you will go through with God at the helm that may take longer for you than others. Try not to compare yourself to the other weight losses on this website Remember that you are a unique creation and that your struggle is a personal one meant only to be dealt with God and you alone. Dont be so hard on yourself It is that condemnation that will keep from going to God in the first place. God has given you a wonderful tool to help you with your addiction, now you must place your full trust in Him that He will provide for you only the amount of food you need to feel satisfied. Practically, try waiting for for your stomach to signal physical hunger before putting food in your mouth and eat only half of what is on your plate and walk away from the table to busy yourself with cleaning or dishes. This helped me greatly in the beginning when I was struggling with whether or not I was truly hungry. Remember God loves you so much and He is well pleased with you coming to Him with your issue of food addiction. Depend on Him alone HE will supply all of your needs!

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Thank you Phyllser, livin4jesus, and Tink for your kind and encouraging replies. Your words were just the encouragement (reminders) that I needed to hear at this particular juction. To answer your question Phyllser, regarding my fills, I just had my third one last Thursday. Until then I didn't have really good restriction (more some days than others)Even now, I don't think i have the restriction that was promised, but i think I can work with this. My biggest struggle lately is not drinking with my food. Since my last fill, I feel great after 3-4 oz of Protein, but then I go and mess it up by chugging 16oz of Water down, then I'm hungry an hour later(old habit, plus its been hotter than heck in Texas this week). I had another question for everyone. Does anybody fast...I mean for spiritual reasons. I've heard three Pastors speak on the subject in the past few months. In each message the speaker emphasized how fasting is used to break "strongholds" in our lives that we've not been able to break (mine being, of course, an addiction to food).Among other things, they also mentioned it as being a powerful tool when praying for the salvation of loved ones who don't know Christ. Any thoughts on the subject...experiences???

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I just want to add to the picture here too. I am adding in about the exercise. Maybe the aerobic class is not what you should be doing. Maybe that is not your thing, and you are forcing yourself to do it, in the name of exercise. You have to find the one thing that you love to do. I did, and it is now not exercise at all to me, it is something I do because I LOVE, ABSOLUTELY LOVE to do it. I don't think of excuses to not do it, I think of excuses when people or things get in my way of my time to ride my bike. I started out riding 5 miles a night maybe 2-3 times a week. I now have a road bike and ride around 130 miles a week. It has been something I have had to work up to, but I just love it. Someone told me last week, and it hit me as true, that I have found the one thing that I love to do, which is so very important, if you plan on doing it forever. Maybe walking, then getting into a jogging program would be better. Maybe swimming? There are a lot of different things you can do exericising, but find what you love to do and then do it. I know, I started out walking and I was so sick of walking by three weeks post op I thought I would cry. It was boring, seemed to take forever, but I never felt like I was getting anywhere. That is when the biking took place. I have also tried running after I got quite a bit of weight off, but that never clicked with me either.

I hope what I am saying is coming across the right way, I am not critizing you at all, I am just saying that maybe you should find something else to do for exercise, that might give you more encouragement if you actually want to do it instead of have to force yourself to do it.

As for the chocolate, I can't tell you what to do about that. I love chocolate, have always loved chocolate and probably always will love it. In fact, today, I stood in the store staring at it. Looking at all the calories and fat in all the candy bars, and contemplating getting one. It took a good while to come to my senses and leave the store without any candy.

When real restriction comes, and it will, it will be a blessing for you and a lot of food that you really like and crave doesn't seem so important anymore. Hang in there and I hope that I have helped a little bit in this land of confusion.

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I agree with Deanna. I think if I had to face an aerobics class 5 times a week, I'd take up running - the other way just as fast as I could! There are other activities out there. Depending on your physical abilities and/or limitations, maybe you could give something else a try. I will be the first to admit exercise on a regular basis will probably be more of an issue with me than the food I can and cannot eat. I have severe arthritis in knees, ankles, and feet, so I will ease into it and hope that as I begin to lose pounds, it will be easier to find the motivation to keep it up.

In fact, maybe it would be a good idea to do that starting tomorrow... :confused_smile:

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I agree with Deanna. I think if I had to face an aerobics class 5 times a week, I'd take up running - the other way just as fast as I could! There are other activities out there. Depending on your physical abilities and/or limitations, maybe you could give something else a try. I will be the first to admit exercise on a regular basis will probably be more of an issue with me than the food I can and cannot eat. I have severe arthritis in knees, ankles, and feet, so I will ease into it and hope that as I begin to lose pounds, it will be easier to find the motivation to keep it up.

In fact, maybe it would be a good idea to do that starting tomorrow... :confused_smile:

I have arthritis problems, too... knees, feet, wrists, shoulder. In the winter we do Water aerobics and I love that. But right now my exercise is my Wii Fit. I know they're pricey and hard to find, but i managed to find one and I really enjoy this and it's not too hard on my joints. It's not too strenuous, but it does get me out of my chair and moving and I always work up a sweat.

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Thank you for all of your suggestions. And no, Reellady,there was nothing that you said that I would even remotely consider a criticisim. You've really helped me. Believe it or not, I really don't mind going to the kickboxing aerobics class. It actually is the ONLY exercise that I do look forward to. The truth is, when I say I have to drag myself, I'm usually dragging because my life is crazy hectic right now. I work full-time and we have a 3 year old and a 7 month old baby. I pretty much drag myself EVERYWHERE. But, the class is only taught twice a week and the other days of the week I'm stuck on the treadmill WHICH I TRULY DO HATE and HAVE TO DRAG MYSELF TO GET ON. I'd rather walk at the park, but I usually have to take my babies with me when I exercise(the gym has daycare) and the Texas heat is tooo much. Besides, I agree with you comment about walking seemingly taking FOREVER. I think I will take your suggestion and find something that I love that I can do EVERYDAY. Because I do enjoy the kickboxing AEROBICS class, I think I'm going to look into taking a REAL kickboxing or boxing class. I REALLY like the punching and kicking motions that we do in the class. The trouble is.... I can only kick somebody's butt if there is music playing when Im attacked :tongue_smilie: (giggle)

Once again, thank you all for your suggestion, your support and encouragement.

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Hey all I am being banded on the 25th of July. I am a Christian and have read a lot of the posts on this site and I have found them helpful.. because I too wondered how God felt about me having surgery. I agree that he gives us tools all the time and they are there for us to use to better ourselves. I guess I was having a hard time because when I prayed about it I heard nothing. I talked it over with my husband and he agreed with me that there are some things that God leaves up to us. I could have the surgery or I could continue my journey without it and God's ok with both. its my choice.

so I am choosing to do it. I guess what makes me so nervous is I am a mother of a 10 month old. and I guess I worry that something could happen to me in surgery. Also I am still breastfeeding her and plan to continue until at least 12 months and I guess I worry about my milk supply declining after surgery because of the recovery and not being able to get the calories I need. I just feel responsible for her nutrition. I know God is with me but I guess these small worries are bringing on larger ones and I have been getting attacked. Part of me just wishes these 2 weeks would fly by.. so the surgery is over!

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Hi new2me,

I'm new here too and also a mother of two girls. I want to say that you aren't alone in your concerns, but ultimately God is supreme and He will work everything out for our good. I think for you and I, the decision to get lap band surgery is a gift to our children. We are being proactive about our long term health so that we can stick around a little while longer. True, you may have to supplement with formula or even have to give up breastfeeding altogether, but I don't know of any infants who have suffered because of it. They still manage to grow up healthy and beautiful no matter what the breastfeeding police say! ha ha. I couldn't breast feed my first and did my second and they are both just fine. So, don't let Satan take you on a guilt trip. He's nothing but a cockroach and a drama queen!!!!! As for fear of not waking up after surgery, if you are completely secure in your eternal destination, then there should be no fear. Yes, we have the concern of leaving our children behind, but God loves them more than you or I ever could and He will certainly watch over them. On an earthly note, this surgery is one of the safest out there. In over 5,000 surgeries by my doctor's practice, there was only one death and it was with gastric bypass and there were so many other contributing factors that it was hard to say it was the surgery. My sister's dr also has the same statistics. You have a better chance of walking out your front door and getting hit by a car than dying in surgery. We will all be praying for each other and lifting each other up on surgery day. We can do this!!!!!

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Willbefine, after signing up for the "Chrstian Banders" thread, I received a link to this new thread. I too, I have found myself in a similar situation. While not with the exercise but with trying to eat over the feelings, and I'm only five days out from surgery! However, if it's any consolation DON'T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF. YOU WILL GET IT TOGETHER. Take it all in stride as you walk out your faith with each new day with this wonderful gift / blessing in the form of a lapband. Some suggestions if you haven' t already..begin to journal your experiences, your feelings, emotions, struggles, triumphs. Prayer, journaling, working the 12-steps of overeaters anonymous (even if you don't attend the classes - yuu can find the 12-steps online). Print them off and place them where you can see them. God Bless you and be encouraged. All will be well.

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Thank you Angelasma,

I think you are right. After almost 30 years of medicating myself, I cant seem to get it through my head

that I wont be able to stop this craziness (medicating myself with food)overnight.

Earlier I asked"what does surrendering this go God look like." I heard a sermon a few days ago that said that surrender

is wanting what God wants for me(healthy foods and lifestyle) more than what I want(the EASE of comforting myself with my favorite binge foods as a way of coping with life)I've got to come to a point where I am willing to trust God to take care of whatever feelings I am left with, after I stop using my food to medicate myself.

Its like I've been afraid of cutting myself, because I think that God will let me bleed to death. Im still getting use to the idea of not using BAND-AIDS (favorite binge foods) just in case. Wow, that was hard to write. Perhaps something better written in a journal, but I've found that I am much less likely to lie to myself when I post on this site.

Anyway, Angelasma, I will take your suggestion re: the 12 steps. 3 years ago I was very active in OA, but found that the program was too much like a "diet". I couldn't accept that there were things that I could "NEVER" have again (i.e. sugar). I think I WILL re-visit OA online.

BUT, on a lighter note, I have an appointment to take a free martial arts KICKBOXING class tonight. I'm really excited. Pray that I don't accidentally hit myself in the chin like I did in my first Taebo class :blush:



I too was afraid of something happening to me on the operating table. I kept having nightmares about what effects my semi-crazy mother-in-law would have on my children without me being around. Statistcally, the chances of our obesity taking us from your babies is far greater than the risks we face during surgery. I prayed for months about it.. and like you didn't hear anything, other than knowing that God would be with me no matter what. I stuggled with the thought that my decision to have the surgery, was actually a decision to "give up on God" helping me with this.

As you can tell by my previous posts, I am still as dependant as ever...and that's how it should be.

Edited by willbefine

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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