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Christian bandsters

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The Lord is surely good to me. Praise His name forever!! I went to the follow up appointment today for my two weeks after lap band surgery. I have lost 16 lbs. He was really pleased. I go back again in two more weeks for labs and my first fill if things slow down. I also found out today that my insurance paid. I wasn't sure if they were going to or not. Thank you Jesus!

Karen C :smile:

starting weight 239 abs.

current weight 223 labs.

84 lbs. to go

banded 12/31/07

Congratulations Karen C. I went today for my first adjustment today and got 3 cc fill. I have lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks and 29 pounds since my journey started 5 weeks ago today. I could not have done it without the Lord. He is so garcious and good. This website has been more helpful than you all will ever know. God bless you all!

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step of faith, Yes, I misunderstood. But, You are on your WAY. I'm so glad for you.

I've been kind of down today. Got into a minor scrap with my daughter. She blamed me this morning because she slept through her alarm and I called out to her to tell her to get up and didn't pursue it. So, when she woke up an hour later, she blasted me for not making her get up, and said it was all my fault.

Things are really mixed up at my house. I've been married for almot 21 years, but for the last year my husband and I have been separated. He sleeps on the couch, I sleep in the bedroom. Neither one of us can afford to move out or get a divorce. My daughter blames me for all of it (she is 20). So, everytime anything goes wrong, I'm always to blame.

And, what did I do? I stopped at the store on the way home and bought reeses. Something I didn't need. Now I know I will pay for it! I know that's not helping me reach my goal.

But, I know it's not the end of the world, and I have to stop feeling sorry for myself. I will start a new day tomorrow, and pray for God to help me be strong and endure what I have to go through.

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I thank God for the band I was banded Jan 7 08 I have losted 23lbs my knees stop hurting so now I can kneel to pray, my back has no pain and it has been only 10 days no sickness at all, my soul is fulled with joy. If I'm faithful in using this tool He has blessed me with my body and mind will be His to use. God has great work for us to do for Him. I belive the banding will make us strong so we can do His will. God Bless all of you, be faithful and God will see you through all things.


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:grouphug:Great stuff everyone. I'm two weeks away from surgery and cannot wait to begin this new journey.

Have a good evening everyone.

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I'm so sorry you've gone through so much but I half to tell you this in love. Dont speak negative in your life the devil is aliar you will not go through any thing tomorrow. I pray that in the name of Jesus the stress and the rebelous spirit will be cast down in the name of Jesus I also pray that you will walk in devine purpose and that you be reminded that the word of God says that where your weak He's strong and that you also know that the weapon of your war fare isn't carnal but mighty in the Lord for the pulling down of strong hold. I pray that the holy spirit will rise up in your house through you because you have decided that on this 16 day of January 2008 the devil will not take not another thing from you because candy God has given you power through Him over the enemy so you be encouraged my sister God has not left you for He promised in his word never to leave you nore forsake you. I pray that satan you take you hands off this family you have no control their any more it ends today your plans to destroy this family has been cast down and throwed into the lake of fire never to exsist again. Be strong my sister you have a prayer partner now and the devi is defeated you will take your life back He has no more control only if you give it back. Now how do you keep this from happening again. You start now reading your word so that when you pray you can pray the word over every circumstance makeing declarations you want your daughter to be right declare it, you want you husband to be your husband declare it, you want to succeed with this weight loss declare it. You have the power and Candy don't you let know devil in hell take it back you start feeling down praise your way out of it right then and their dont wait til later do it then get a song in your heart and you praise your Lord Jesus Christ who is so worthy of the praise for you know that at the name of Jesus satan wont stick around so if you just half to say Jesus, Jesus, Jesus do it my sister for the battle is not ours its the Lords and He asked that you give it to Him He dont exspect you to handle it so for now on give it to him and leave it alone, and what ever your dealing with within yourself ask the Lord to show you how to handle it He will but know that you want stop being tested nore will you stop going through, but you will have the strength to walk it out in love joy and peace because you found out that God carrys us through when we put it in His hands and leave it but remember this is for the righteous so make sure your relation ship is right with God and make sure your living according to his word then you will know without a shadow doubt that God is in control of your situation. I love you my sister and my prayer is that you will speak the right things over your life and know that your a child of a King and He will take good care of you and supply all your needs if you let Him.

Your Sister in Christ

Mrs. Peace (one who loves the Lord)

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candy: ok here's my perspective. You have alot going on in your life. I have been married 27 years. Not easy what you are going through. You have major stress with the husband and you not getting along. Whether your daughter blames you or not --she's 20. Her responsibility to set the alarm and get up. Not your responsibility, nice of you to try once but NOT your responsibility. Nows the time to tell her, daughter- I know you were upset with me the other morning but you know I have alot going on too and since you are 20 this is now your responsibility. I may or may not remind you once. Never count on it. You really aren't mad because I didn't get u up. You may be mad because dad and I aren't getting along but some day you may understand and maybe you won't but that really doesn't have anything to do whether your alarm is set. If she says that has nothing to do with it, say great. candy, you are taking on the guilt because as moms we don't want our kids to be mad and you are overcompensating because you don't want your daughter to blame you for your marital problems. I only say that because I do the same thing- I overdo with my kids trying to win their approval. It doesn't work. You did the band for you. Now no more guilt, start over tomorrow without the reeses and the guilt and her alarm. Do something just for you. You are awesome. I am impressed you did the band for you during such a hard time. You are a strong person. Remember that and lets takek the journey together. You just got a head start!! God Bless You (remember He already has)

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step of faith, Yes, I misunderstood. But, You are on your WAY. I'm so glad for you.

I've been kind of down today. Got into a minor scrap with my daughter. She blamed me this morning because she slept through her alarm and I called out to her to tell her to get up and didn't pursue it. So, when she woke up an hour later, she blasted me for not making her get up, and said it was all my fault.

Things are really mixed up at my house. I've been married for almot 21 years, but for the last year my husband and I have been separated. He sleeps on the couch, I sleep in the bedroom. Neither one of us can afford to move out or get a divorce. My daughter blames me for all of it (she is 20). So, everytime anything goes wrong, I'm always to blame.

And, what did I do? I stopped at the store on the way home and bought reeses. Something I didn't need. Now I know I will pay for it! I know that's not helping me reach my goal.

But, I know it's not the end of the world, and I have to stop feeling sorry for myself. I will start a new day tomorrow, and pray for God to help me be strong and endure what I have to go through.

candy, you are in my thoughts and prayers!

And Ms.Peace, that truly was a great prayer!


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You suggested a really great way for candy to handle that, it is so great that we can come here for help! It really is incredible!

I would also ask for you guys to pray and believe God with me for a way to get the Lap-Band surgery. Thank you.


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Hi, I haven't seen this thread before. At least I don't think I have.

I love the escalator man! WOW what a gift from God!

I have had the band for over 2 years now and it hasn't been easy at times. In the very beginning I had a leak in the band and had to have the whole surgery done over again. But through it all I give him the Glory. This is his gift to me and to you. We all need to remember that.

Welcome to all you new and soon to be bandsters. This is a wonderful journey. Remember to take pictures monthly so you can see for yourself how your doing.

A Christian woman told me when I found out that I was going to have the surgery, to be sure to ask the Lord to let me see the real me when I look in the mirror. We all know how Satan has such a strong hold on us and our bodies. There have been days when I ask him and it's like I see 2 different bodies. So keep that in mind as you go on your journey. He is even with you in the mirror and if we ask he will show us what he sees.

God Bless and Merry Christmas.

Wow, SUnsett, what a great prayer idea, I will certainly do that, although I am not banded yet, I still need this prayer!!

So are there two different Christian bandsters threads going, or what, somehow I got lost in them?!

Does anyone know?


you surely are a blessing to many of us! You had your band 2 years ago and you still come on here to help people, I pray God richly blesses you for your dedication and self-less time-giving! And I look forward to talking with you!

~M :)

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This is the day the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it. I thank God for another opportunity to be able to walk this day out in unity with you all. And thou were not phsically together were spiritually connected and that works out just fine. So I just want to encorage my friends as well as my self that we can do it we will succeed in this day because God has already equipt us for this day so let us in unity walk this thing out and as we do let us tell ourself Lord Im doing this because I want more of you Lord and less of me more of your word and less of mine, more of praiseing you and less of praiseing me, more of your anointing and less of my ways. God wants us to be a bless people theirs know one out their that He cares more for than I He love and care for us all the same. So lets continue to look up as we go through this day because thats where our help come from the Lord. And I pray oh Lord that the stumbleing block that the enemy has set up for this day will be cast down in the name of Jesus and that know weapon according to the word will prosper. Have a bless day in the Lord.

Love you all,

Mrs. Peace (one who love Jesus)

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Hey all. Hope all is well in each of your journeys. I've been praying for everyone on this thread that God helps each and every one of us with our recoveries.

For an update, I cracked the 300 lb barrier last week, on the good side. Then, went up north for my annual "ice fishing" trip with the guys and went back a few lbs. I've worked my butt off this week and again this morning was at 302. I'll have to work a little harder before my next visit next Thur. to the dr. Oh well, I actually don't mind it too much.

Again, I hope all of you are doing well. For those in Siberia with me, hope you stay warm this weekend.:pray2:

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Good morning everyone, Praises be to God, for surely this is the day that the Lord has made and we WILL rejoice and BE glad in it.

candy, I think WE can all relate to set-backs in life. But these are to be expected. God knew this ,so that's why when Jesus went back to heaven, he sent the comforter. The comforter to guide and direct us.

Our children ARE our children, but when they become adults, they are not "children". Your daughter IS grown and she IS responsible for getting herself up to go to school, work, or ETC. Most parents would have wanted their ADULT children GONE. She is so blessed to even have both parents IN the home, let along STILL married (however the sleeping arrangements are). Don't let the devil STEAL your joy.

Do you want your marriage to work? You didn't say. We will all be in agreement with you on any situations that may occur or has occurred. The strong shall bear the infirmities for the weak. Be blessed today my sister and know that today IS a new day, a day to start all over. Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY cometh in the morning.

Chuckles, WELCOME. There is another christian thread, but I don't think many people are on that one. I will be praying for you on your journey to being healthier and happier. I pray that God WOULD give you the desires of your heart. I read that you are going to see DR. H/DR. K in Texarkana. They are an awesome team (husband/wife) of doctors. Dr. K did mine.

Dr. H does my fills. I'm not self-pay. My ins. pd mine. But never fret, God is just waiting to hear you make YOUR request made known. God bless you.

Mrs. Peace, you are truly a prayer warrior.

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Sorry I've been absent from this thread for a while. But I have a bit of a Rant that I thought might be appropriately posted here. It's really nothing serious but I'm having a hard time with my 4 year old at the moment. Ever since he was an infant we have said prayers with him every night and ever since he has been able to talk we have encouraged him to add his own words to the prayers as well. But that isn't my rant. The problem I'm having is that we always end the prayer with "Dear Lord please Brian grow up to be a good strong Christian man." But for the last several weeks he gets very upset with us when we say this. He starts to cry and nearly has a tantrum insisting he is not Christian and doesn't want to grow up to be Christian. We understand that the reason he is saying this is because there is another younger boy in his pre-school class named "Christian" who he doesn't currently get along with very well, and when we say we want him to grow up to be a good Christian he thinks we are saying he will become like the boy in his class and no longer be called Brian. We haven't been able to get him to understand the difference between being a Christian and people who name thier kids Christian. I know its not the other parents fault but sometimes it hard to not wish they would have thought more about how the name they gave their child might effect others as well as their own son.

Now, if I can't get him to grasp the difference soon I will be forced to change a "life-long" tradition with our son and come up with a new phrase to end the prayer with that will show his/our desire he be raised in Christ. If any of you have any suggestions I'm open to ideas.

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Good morning Gh0st,

I understand all so well. When my EX DH and I got divorced, my ds thought when ppl said that he looked like his father, he thought that it meant that he would BE like him. I finally explained to him the difference, but of course he was a little older than your ds.

How ironic because my grandson's name is Christian, LOL.

Maybe you can pray the prayer in a different way like:

Lord, please help me (Brian) to be the man that you created me to be. To be "christ-like" (which does mean christian) and to do your will all the days of my life. Bless his heart, they can be so innocent. Someday, when he's all grown and living for the Lord, you can tell him about this. I'm sure you all will look back and smile about how he was so innocent and precious.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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