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Well I recently wrote about me having my surgery May 1, 2017 and I thought I was feeling fullness or gas. Well it was not neither, for my two weeks of me being home and doing my liquid diet I was unable to tolerate everything I tried to eat or drink. I could not even take down a 1/2 cup of broth it would take me all day to finish and still at night I would throw it out, Jello was not even sticking, popsicles, Protein Shakes, and a 16.9 oz bottle of Water would take me two days to drink. I would experience pain so bad and fullness from anything and me thinking it was fullness I didn't even think about going to the doctor yet knowing my first appt was coming up on May 11th but each day I was getting weaker and light headed, dizzy and just didn't have any energy at all. The past Tuesday I didnt make it out of bed at all. I slept all day and was freezing cold just not one bit of energy but I noticed I was losing weight everyday and of course that was me thinking I'm doing good. I literally lost 18lbs in a week. Finally on Wednesday I was getting worse I felt like I was floating on air when I walk, or even sit in the chair. I was so dry and light headed that when I stood up I fell back down thats when I called the doctor to ask what I could take. He was saying since my appt was the next day at 1:00 just come in that morning at 8 am and get some Gatorade to help me get my electrolytes flowing. I thought ok maybe 5 minutes later he called back and told me to go to the ER cause he knew I was dehydrated and he would see me tomorrow. So I had my husband take me and told him I would call him when I was done thinking I was just getting some fluids and I would be on my way NOT.. I got in there they took my vitals temp 103.1 blood pressure 159/114 heart rate high they immediately put in a IV heart monitor, EKG just rushed to my aid took so much blood work, chest xrays, and finally a cat scan and that's when it showed I had a leak and had Fluid sitting outside my stomach on 5/11/17 that's the day I felt like I failed they took me down to radiology and pulled the fluid out which was painful all I could do is cry and think the worse. They didn't want to perform any surgery they felt it would be best to go back to my surgeon and let him take over since he performed the surgery. They took the fluid out 4cc and sent it out for testing then they transported me by EMS back to the facility where I had the surgery where they admitted me again and now I have to be monitred, can't have anything by mouth everything through IV. I'm in so much pain my head hurts, I'm extremely thirsty, and still having the fullness feeling which I know is just coming from the leak I just hate myself for having the surgery when my family was against it and I feel like I failed them and myself. Now I'm antibiotics thru the iv Tylenol for the headaches thru the iv even they feeding me and giving me nutrients thru the iv and this morning I have to have a procedure when the find a vein that's going from my arm to my chest and that's how I will be getting everything I need. Then they will be placing a stint in my stomach and a tube which will hopefully fix what's going on and if not I will have to have another surgery and they will be doing the gastric bypass. I asked the doctor what did I do wrong he said it wasn't me its all technical and it's just something that happens to 1 out of 100 people and I had to be the 1 it happened to. I'm scared to death I cry and pray that I get out of here I just put it all in Gods hands cause I know he will take care of it all. Just asking everyone who reads this to say a prayer for me cause I can sure use it. I'm sorry to have kept going on and on but I just wanted to share my story please don't let my story scare you if anyone is planning on getting the surgery do it everyone is different I know once they fix me back up I will be back on getting myself back healthy and so looking forward to a healthier lifestyle, and being able to move freely without all the aches and pains that I had before due to all the weight on my knees and feet. Well I'm going to end now just want to tell everyone who will be having surgery or has already had the surgery good luck to you all, and to keep up the good work.. God bless you all[emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using BariatricPal mobile app

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So sorry this happen to you and my prayers going up for you.

My surgery was 3/27....no complications at all other than dehydration. Thus week I have been feeling very tired and.l notice I have a small leakage in my naval and it has an order. Don't know this is normal or not. Calling Dr today.

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WOW! Sorry that happened to you. I am however happy that you were smart enough to call your surgeon and he told you to go to the ER. Prayers being sent your way. Try to keep a positive attitude.

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Well I recently wrote about me having my surgery May 1, 2017 and I thought I was feeling fullness or gas. Well it was not neither, for my two weeks of me being home and doing my liquid diet I was unable to tolerate everything I tried to eat or drink. I could not even take down a 1/2 cup of broth it would take me all day to finish and still at night I would throw it out, Jello was not even sticking, popsicles, Protein Shakes, and a 16.9 oz bottle of Water would take me two days to drink. I would experience pain so bad and fullness from anything and me thinking it was fullness I didn't even think about going to the doctor yet knowing my first appt was coming up on May 11th but each day I was getting weaker and light headed, dizzy and just didn't have any energy at all. The past Tuesday I didnt make it out of bed at all. I slept all day and was freezing cold just not one bit of energy but I noticed I was losing weight everyday and of course that was me thinking I'm doing good. I literally lost 18lbs in a week. Finally on Wednesday I was getting worse I felt like I was floating on air when I walk, or even sit in the chair. I was so dry and light headed that when I stood up I fell back down thats when I called the doctor to ask what I could take. He was saying since my appt was the next day at 1:00 just come in that morning at 8 am and get some Gatorade to help me get my electrolytes flowing. I thought ok maybe 5 minutes later he called back and told me to go to the ER cause he knew I was dehydrated and he would see me tomorrow. So I had my husband take me and told him I would call him when I was done thinking I was just getting some fluids and I would be on my way NOT.. I got in there they took my vitals temp 103.1 blood pressure 159/114 heart rate high they immediately put in a IV heart monitor, EKG just rushed to my aid took so much blood work, chest xrays, and finally a cat scan and that's when it showed I had a leak and had Fluid sitting outside my stomach on 5/11/17 that's the day I felt like I failed they took me down to radiology and pulled the fluid out which was painful all I could do is cry and think the worse. They didn't want to perform any surgery they felt it would be best to go back to my surgeon and let him take over since he performed the surgery. They took the fluid out 4cc and sent it out for testing then they transported me by EMS back to the facility where I had the surgery where they admitted me again and now I have to be monitred, can't have anything by mouth everything through IV. I'm in so much pain my head hurts, I'm extremely thirsty, and still having the fullness feeling which I know is just coming from the leak I just hate myself for having the surgery when my family was against it and I feel like I failed them and myself. Now I'm antibiotics thru the iv Tylenol for the headaches thru the iv even they feeding me and giving me nutrients thru the iv and this morning I have to have a procedure called a pick line when the find a vein that's going from my arm to my chest and that's how I will be getting everything I need. Then they will be placing a stint in my stomach and a tube which will hopefully fix what's going on and if not I will have to have another surgery and they will be doing the gastric bypass. I asked the doctor what did I do wrong he said it wasn't me its all technical and it's just something that happens to 1 out of 100 people and I had to be the 1 it happened to. I'm scared to death I cry and pray that I get out of here I just put it all in Gods hands cause I know he will take care of it all. Just asking everyone who reads this to say a prayer for me cause I can sure use it. I'm sorry to have kept going on and on but I just wanted to share my story please don't let my story scare you if anyone is planning on getting the surgery do it everyone is different I know once they fix me back up I will be back on getting myself back healthy and so looking forward to a healthier lifestyle, and being able to move freely without all the aches and pains that I had before due to all the weight on my knees and feet. Well I'm going to end now just want to tell everyone who will be having surgery or has already had the surgery good luck to you all, and to keep up the good work.. God bless you all[emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using BariatricPal mobile app

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using BariatricPal mobile app

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Well I recently wrote about me having my surgery May 1, 2017 and I thought I was feeling fullness or gas. Well it was not neither, for my two weeks of me being home and doing my liquid diet I was unable to tolerate everything I tried to eat or drink. I could not even take down a 1/2 cup of broth it would take me all day to finish and still at night I would throw it out, Jello was not even sticking, popsicles, Protein Shakes, and a 16.9 oz bottle of Water would take me two days to drink. I would experience pain so bad and fullness from anything and me thinking it was fullness I didn't even think about going to the doctor yet knowing my first appt was coming up on May 11th but each day I was getting weaker and light headed, dizzy and just didn't have any energy at all. The past Tuesday I didnt make it out of bed at all. I slept all day and was freezing cold just not one bit of energy but I noticed I was losing weight everyday and of course that was me thinking I'm doing good. I literally lost 18lbs in a week. Finally on Wednesday I was getting worse I felt like I was floating on air when I walk, or even sit in the chair. I was so dry and light headed that when I stood up I fell back down thats when I called the doctor to ask what I could take. He was saying since my appt was the next day at 1:00 just come in that morning at 8 am and get some Gatorade to help me get my electrolytes flowing. I thought ok maybe 5 minutes later he called back and told me to go to the ER cause he knew I was dehydrated and he would see me tomorrow. So I had my husband take me and told him I would call him when I was done thinking I was just getting some fluids and I would be on my way NOT.. I got in there they took my vitals temp 103.1 blood pressure 159/114 heart rate high they immediately put in a IV heart monitor, EKG just rushed to my aid took so much blood work, chest xrays, and finally a cat scan and that's when it showed I had a leak and had Fluid sitting outside my stomach on 5/11/17 that's the day I felt like I failed they took me down to radiology and pulled the fluid out which was painful all I could do is cry and think the worse. They didn't want to perform any surgery they felt it would be best to go back to my surgeon and let him take over since he performed the surgery. They took the fluid out 4cc and sent it out for testing then they transported me by EMS back to the facility where I had the surgery where they admitted me again and now I have to be monitred, can't have anything by mouth everything through IV. I'm in so much pain my head hurts, I'm extremely thirsty, and still having the fullness feeling which I know is just coming from the leak I just hate myself for having the surgery when my family was against it and I feel like I failed them and myself. Now I'm antibiotics thru the iv Tylenol for the headaches thru the iv even they feeding me and giving me nutrients thru the iv and this morning I have to have a procedure called a pick line when the find a vein that's going from my arm to my chest and that's how I will be getting everything I need. Then they will be placing a stint in my stomach and a tube which will hopefully fix what's going on and if not I will have to have another surgery and they will be doing the gastric bypass. I asked the doctor what did I do wrong he said it wasn't me its all technical and it's just something that happens to 1 out of 100 people and I had to be the 1 it happened to. I'm scared to death I cry and pray that I get out of here I just put it all in Gods hands cause I know he will take care of it all. Just asking everyone who reads this to say a prayer for me cause I can sure use it. I'm sorry to have kept going on and on but I just wanted to share my story please don't let my story scare you if anyone is planning on getting the surgery do it everyone is different I know once they fix me back up I will be back on getting myself back healthy and so looking forward to a healthier lifestyle, and being able to move freely without all the aches and pains that I had before due to all the weight on my knees and feet. Well I'm going to end now just want to tell everyone who will be having surgery or has already had the surgery good luck to you all, and to keep up the good work.. God bless you all[emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using BariatricPal mobile app

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using BariatricPal mobile app

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Praying you get better soon! One day you will look back on this & it will be so far behind you :)

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So sorry you are having these issues. I am glad you are at the hospital.

You cannot blame yourself for a 'technical' issue which sounds like a surgical error to me!!! Did they do a fluoroscopy? I would ask to see test results, point out where this leak is!!

Don't freak out over the drain tubes and a picc line, my 13 yr old granddaughter had to have that when her appendix leaked during the appendectomy and she was on two antibiotics and it was 11 days in the hospital, and it is all fine, and that certainly wasn't her fault.

And ask how the RNY is the solution.

Keep us updated.

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I had a cat scan where they found the leak and the size of it they also drained out the Fluid. They moved me back to the hospital where I had the surgery done and I met with the attending surgeon last night about what they will be doing for the next couple days. I just really didn't want to hear him say that if the antibiotics and drain tubes don't fix the problem then I have to undergo another surgery the gastric bypass I feel this is to much. I left the hospital from having the surgery wondering how come this wasn't found before I left. I actually stayed a extra day due to me not being able to eat on my second day cause of pain and they let me go on the third day cause I ate one spoonful of broth and didn't complain I should have been checked to see why I couldn't take the food. I guess the should of and why they didn't is to late now cause I'm back in here for the leak. I just pray they get it fixed where I won't have to undergo another surgery. But I sure will ask why I would I have to go through another surgery to fix this. Thanks for the support.

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30 minutes ago, carlita42 said:

I had a cat scan where they found the leak and the size of it they also drained out the Fluid. They moved me back to the hospital where I had the surgery done and I met with the attending surgeon last night about what they will be doing for the next couple days. I just really didn't want to hear him say that if the antibiotics and drain tubes don't fix the problem then I have to undergo another surgery the gastric bypass I feel this is to much. I left the hospital from having the surgery wondering how come this wasn't found before I left. I actually stayed a extra day due to me not being able to eat on my second day cause of pain and they let me go on the third day cause I ate one spoonful of broth and didn't complain I should have been checked to see why I couldn't take the food. I guess the should of and why they didn't is to late now cause I'm back in here for the leak. I just pray they get it fixed where I won't have to undergo another surgery. But I sure will ask why I would I have to go through another surgery to fix this. Thanks for the support.

Hopefully you won't, I mean I have heard of someone who had leak ans needed a total gastrectomy. I'm glad they found it now though because I have heard of leaks at 7 months out. I feel you will be healed and won't need a revision to bypass!

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Hang in there sweetie, I will say a couple prayers.

Just keep asking questions (how big is this leak, where is the leak, how will it heal, will it cause scar tissue inside the stomach that will cause an issue down the road, can you go in and fix it after the infection settles down, will I go home with a drain tube, how will you check after it heals, etc)

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So sorry to hear of your recent surgery complication. You by far did the right thing. You first prayed. Prayer always succeed. I haven't had the surgery yet, but I thank you for sharing your story wth us. Keep faith alive and I know you will do great after your recovery. Please keep us posted on your progress.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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