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Wanted to pop in here and wish all you HAPPY BANDVERSARy!!!!!!!

Tonya: I have the 4cc band and I had 4.3cc's in for a month and a half and was miserable!!!!! finally succumbed to an unfill earlier this month.. they took .3cc's out (equivilant to my last fill) and it has made the total difference between eating Soup and eating food..... AMAZING.

I really enjoy watching everyones progress because I know I'm a few months behind

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Tracy, so glad you popped in, I've been watching your progress too! Your before & after shots look great!

Baby - I'm not sure, but I think the port is also held in by fat? I'm going to ask the doc that question when I go see him on 2/12.

I'm still holding in there, avoiding the scales and just trying to make good choices.

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I had the endoscope to see how things looked from the inside out.

Cindi - good news and no stretch! And it sounds like everything is doing great, the band is working - and you are certainly working hard on your exercise! So, I think this is where "patience" comes in. I know, something we all do not have, I certainly don't. But hang in there, 7 lbs in 3 months - I would take that at this point. It has been 6 months since I have lost any weight! Yes, 6 months! So, I know your feeling of frustration. :D.

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Okay, Alex is going to attach my pictures for me because I'm an idiot!! Hopefully this works and by tomorrow they will be on here somewhere.....

Thanks Alex!!





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But hang in there, 7 lbs in 3 months - I would take that at this point. It has been 6 months since I have lost any weight! Yes, 6 months! So, I know your feeling of frustration. :tt1:.

OH my, I feel for you! I would be tearing my hair out. You have the patience and right attitude...something i obviously lack. My frustration builds to stress, then I become self defeating.

I want so badly NOT to believe that this is all there is. They assure me it's not. If I think back, I remember not even trying bread or pasta...because of fear of getting stuck. Small things like that, that I have learned over a year don't actually bother me that much. So what am I doing? Eating them! Not a lot, but there's no denial going on there! If I want a bite of bread, rice, Pasta, I know I can eat it, without problems. But what do they say....Just because you can doesn't mean you should!

These small slips into old habits are most likely what has been keeping the weight from coming off. And in reading my own rants, I can see that the culprit for me is bad carbs.

I know exercise won't make the weight fall off. It helps in many ways, is the right thing to do, and makes me feel great, physically and mentally...but it doesn't make me shed pounds. There has to be some additional policing and accountability for what I put in my mouth.

I resist "dieting" in the conventional way. My doc said I wouldn't need to, just smaller amounts, good choices, Portion Control. But with current problems, it appears some old fashioned grill this, steam that is gonna be what it takes, because my band is not helping me lately. Pray for endurance! Because my willpower is, well it isn't there.

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Lisa - look at you go girl! You look GREAT! You have come a long WAY!

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OH my, I feel for you! I would be tearing my hair out. You have the patience and right attitude...something i obviously lack. My frustration builds to stress, then I become self defeating.

I want so badly NOT to believe that this is all there is. They assure me it's not. If I think back, I remember not even trying bread or pasta...because of fear of getting stuck. Small things like that, that I have learned over a year don't actually bother me that much. So what am I doing? Eating them! Not a lot, but there's no denial going on there! If I want a bite of bread, rice, Pasta, I know I can eat it, without problems. But what do they say....Just because you can doesn't mean you should!

These small slips into old habits are most likely what has been keeping the weight from coming off. And in reading my own rants, I can see that the culprit for me is bad carbs.

Cindi -I am not too upset that I haven't lost weight in such a long time, mainly because I don't blame the band, I blame myself. I have made poor food choices. First, I went on vacation, ate whatever I wanted, while on vacation, I fell - came back home, my house had flooded, completely flooded and ruined almost every room in the house. I also had to have surgery on my knee. So, with all this going on, exercise stopped, eating began. Everyone from my church was bringing food to my family, we moved in with my mother in law, and ofcourse she cooked for me too. I was having a pitty me party!

Well, my house is back order - (looks better than it did), my knee is finally healing, but I still want to eat all the junk. I'm battling the head hunger, but I'm about to win the battle I think. I'm getting better and better at saying "No thank you!". I'm also avoiding bringing in the junk into my house.

So, even though I haven't lost weight in 6 months, I feel like I learned a valuable lesson. I know that I must take control and not resort back to my old habits. The other thing I have learned is I don't think I will ever weigh over 200 lbs again! Even though I haven't lost weight, I haven't gained either. I might have gained 5 lbs or so, but nothing like I had done "pre band". Normally a 6 month eating binge would bring on 50 to 75 pounds, no problem. I can live with a 5 or 7 lbs weight gain. So, I love my band. It's a wonderful tool, the problem is I haven't been using it as a tool.

Now, I've got my head screwed back on like it should be, I am making better choices, I am actually planning my meals out. If it is not written down on my plan, I am avoiding it. Even when we went out for Mexican Sunday, I chose grilled chicken, and I counted out 5 chips and put them on my plate. I ate them very slowly so I wasn't eating a bunch of chips & salsa like normally. No one noticed I wasn't eating.

Anyhow, its all about choices and attitude with the band. We have to utilize it as a tool and not let it do all the work, we have to do work, but the band will help us if we follow the rules. This is the lesson I have learned and it was a valuable lesson for me!

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Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone. I had my ultrasound today and got to see my little tadpole's heartbeat! Pretty cool! So, I am officially 7 weeks and 4 days preggo! My restriction is still hanging in there. I've noticed that I'm having some tight moments again, so I have a feeling that another unfill is imminent. I'm hoping I can hold off for at least another two months. I haven't gained anything yet, despite actually being able to eat, so I'm VERY happy about that!


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Lisa! You look absolutely FABULOUS! You should be so proud! Definately worth the wait (no pun intended) for the photos! How cool are those? You're an inspiration!

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Maria, sono's are so cool...evidence of new life! An exciting time to be sure, and I hope all goes well weight - wise for you. I remember my "license to eat" days....you are on top of it! It was a shock (for the doc) when I had my sonogram at 7.5 months...doc thought I was gaining way too much weight. The technician ran out of the room, only to come back and announce it wasn't triplets, just twins. They did not know that it was a multiple birth until then (when listening for heartbeat, they'd hear one, then quit listening)! I knew it was the minute I got out of bed, if you catch my point! Sono's were controversial way back then, so I didn't have one early in the pregnancy.

Tonya, I had no idea you've gone thru all that! I have a bad memory, sorry I missed it. Oh my gosh, you have been thru so much and done amazingly well! Glad all is back on track for you. I want your determination should rub off on me!

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Thanks everyone! I still have a ways to go (50 #'s), haven't been doing well since Thanksgiving. Got another fill on Monday and am eating bandster style again. It's amazing how much better I already feel!!!!

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Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone. I had my ultrasound today and got to see my little tadpole's heartbeat! Pretty cool! So, I am officially 7 weeks and 4 days preggo! My restriction is still hanging in there. I've noticed that I'm having some tight moments again, so I have a feeling that another unfill is imminent. I'm hoping I can hold off for at least another two months. I haven't gained anything yet, despite actually being able to eat, so I'm VERY happy about that!


Oh that is so exciting! Are you going to find out what it is? I am so happy for you!

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Okay, put on my jeans today - they are loose again! Yay. I was wearing a juniors size 11, but they got tight, so I switched to my Juniors size 13 and today they are baggy and I can fit comfortably back into my 11's. So, even though I've avoided the scales, I know that I'm losing inches again. Exercise is the key for me - without I don't lose. Also, making the right food choices does help too.

I'm staying away from sweets still. I found this website for anyone interested for the pouch test, its supposed to get your tool working for you, I think its geared for all people who have had WLS. Here is the website - Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test

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I finally received my call from the hospital to schedule my fill - YAY. I am so glad that the doctor that does fills has started doing them more than 1 day a week now. He used to do them only on Fridays, and it would take 2 months to get in to see him. Now he is doing them on Tuesdays and Fridays. From my last two fills, having them done on a Friday and having to go back to the hospital on a Saturday was not working out, so I made sure I got this one scheduled for the Tuesday. So I get to go back Feb. 12!

Also, I forgot to mention that something weird happened to my port. I have been having this horrible pain off and on where my port is. I posted some under the complications thread, but it actually felt like my port was ripping away from my side, I figured it was muscle spasms, I get those a lot when I get low on potassium, so I was eating bannans and that still wasn't helping. Anyhow, when I got this last fill, the doctor said my port was laying side ways, it is trying to flip. He was still able to get my fill in by pushing on it, however, last night, I felt some more ripping, so I sure hope when I go for my fill he is able to get one in. The problem he said is that I don't have much fat around my stomach area, and I've lost so much weight, it is a common problem. If it creates problems, they will have to relocate it. I'm hoping I can get this fill in and then won't really need another fill, so I'm a bit worried about having a flipped port.

Sula - I've noticed that I cannot lose weight if I go above 1000 calories, I have to stick to around 800 to 1000 in order to lose, anything about 1000 usually stalls me. Even when I'm exercising.

BGB - glad to see you online, I've been wondering where you have been. I've started my exercising again, but I would love to have a personal trainer. I'm thinking that in March I might get one. I'm trying to pay our cruise off first, (still owe $5K) and then I can have some extra money for a personal trainer. I would love to be able to wear a bikini on my next cruise (June 29th).:tt1:

Jen - hang in there, I do think that sometimes our bodies just refuses to let go of our fat. I was watching the Biggest Loser (I'm totally addicted to this show) and these people are working out 5 to 8 hours a day, with personal trainers, and some weeks they may lose 10 lbs, other weeks, 0. The trainer said sometimes the body just refuses to let go. I also have learned from experience that inches usually come before the scale will move. It sometimes takes 8 to 9 weeks of exercising and eating 100 % perfect and then the scale starts moving. So don't give up, I think a lot of us are struggling - it must be the 1 year curse? lol.

I have an appointment today with my opthamologist to check my eyes out, I'm hoping my vision has improved even more. My eyes are still pretty dry, but are getting better. I can see pretty clear, just having a slight blurred vision in the distant, but this is common, my DH experienced it to, and by 1 month post op, he was 20/15 and no side effects. He still has a little dry eyes,but he had them before surgery.

Well, gotta run...................

The port issue is the problem I had. My port ripped up from the muscle. The pain was slight over time, and then became excruciating, which ended me up in the ER. That was the day the stitches must have actually come up. The initial pain was just leading up to the inevitable, I suppose. I had the revision surgery in August, but um, I don't think the stitches held that time either...shocking lol. I have little dumb problems ALL THE TIME. I figure I don't want to mess with the port much because it is somewhat of an advantage, in the event I want to have the band removed in time, I have an argument for insurance to cover the procedure. The pain is mild and irritating, but nothing debilitating.

Next problem...why do I think my bad slipped? I hope I am being a hypochondriac (I am sure I didn't spell that right, but too lazy to spell check). Anyhow, the last few weeks I have difficulty getting even liquids down. Lately, with solid food, some time after I eat it, if I am sitting down it seems that the food has been broken down into a more liquid form and I begin to regurgitate and choke. And I suffer a lot of heartburn. I googled all these symptoms...and I find band slippage. GREAT!!! I see my not-so-helpful doctor on Friday. Um thank God it isn't an emergency! I'll keep you guys posted. 7....more....lbs. That's it lol

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Thanks for the info on the 5 day pouch test. I've been reading it for the last hour. I intend to try it Monday for 5 days and see what happens. It sounds great. It will be nice to really full that tight feeling in my pouch!



banded 1/8/07


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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