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Tulip - bend over and I'll give you a kick - lol.

This is the time of the year we all kinda get into a slump, its cold outside, there is food everywhere, we've been doing good for so long, etc etc etc.

Now, the good news is, YOU STAYED THE SAME! Think about the previous years, how much did you gain? If you were like me, I would gain 20 lbs during the holiday season. Sometimes more thru the winter. How many New Years resolutions have you made that "This year I'm really going to lose weight".

The commitment you made for yourself with the lapband is for life, so what if you haven't lost in awhile or going thru a slump. You've got a helper so just jump back in and start making better choices. The good news is, you don't have to lose the additional weight that most people gain during the holidays. This was something that really hit me big time when I was in my slump. Here I was eating whatever I wanted for 3 entire months! I was shocked that I didn't gain 20 to 40 lbs because in the past I always did! It is so great to know when we "don't try", that we still don't Gain huge amounts. This was such a big revolution for me. It made me feel for the first time that I would never ever be morbidly obese again!

Tulip, you have lost 50 lbs! You are only 24 lbs from goal!! Think of your slump as time to let your body "catch up". Sometimes I think a stall is just that. Now, get back to the gym. lol. (I am saying this to myself too - I really need to do this).

That is so horrible about the lady in Houston! I hadn't heard about that. I'm sure the media will take it and start saying "Lady died after Lap-Band surgery". The fact of the matter is, sounds like ANY surgery she would have had she would have died. That is so sad, I feel so sorry for her family. Thanks for sharing.

Okay, gotta get to work, Hope all is going well with everyone else.

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Today's local newspaper had an obituary for a 33 year old beautiful lady that died yesterday. My husband called to let me know that she died in Houston during lap band surgery. I did not know her but this is very upsetting! It wasn't the lapband, but an allergic reaction to general anesthesia. I am waiting to find out who her surgeon was.

Oh gosh - that is awful! Which paper did you see that in? I think you and I are in the same area (I am in League City) . . .

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Good morning all,

I've been craving food bad!! I just roamed the house looking for munchies last night... I finally made some popcorn. Fortunately I don't have much to eat in the house, but wonder what is going on here!! I gotta get a grip..or not go grocery shopping till this passes!

I'm also very tired. The dogs kept barking at something, so at 4:30 last night I got dressed to go investigate. I think an owl had gotten a goose or something. I couldn't find anything but walked around and think I scared the owl off. At least the dogs quieted down but it took me a while to get back to sleep. Yawn!

That is too bad and very sad for the lady and family in Houston. That is just one of the risks of any type of surgery. I will send them some good thoughts for peace in their hearts. What a loss.

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Tonya, thanks for the reminders of all the good things that have happened because of my lap band. You are so right about those New Years resolutions, and I do feel like I will never be morbidly obese again. I accept the kick in the behind and will take it with movitation. thanks

Lynn and sula, the paper (Brazosport Facts) did not list the cause of death. My husband heard about her death when he was at work through some of her friends that work at the same company. You are right though, the reaction to anesthesia could have occured with any surgery.

Thank you for lifting me up today. I feel better.

Hey Enterprise, are you feeling okay?

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My prayers with those in Houston. What a tragedy to loose someone this time of year. This week, I've been 'touched' with three deaths of people known to my family and friends. Two on thanksgiving, one the day before. It forever ruins the holiday for those left mourning. Before my surgery, I worried, for sure about not waking up. But I think the thought that haunted me even more was while under the anesthesia - about 'feeling' it. There is a trailer running now for a new movie coming out with Jessica Alba "Awake". That is a fear of mine.

I'm battling head hunger today. I keep thinking "What can I eat". Thankfully, I've not been successful with anything more than some turkey salad that I have here in the fridge at work. But I keep looking for something. Thinking about noshing. But I've also questioned myself if I'm hungry - answer is no…but that's not stopping me. DAMN this head hunger!!! The week before TOM, I've always been a bottomless pit! Thankfully the band stops my ability; but the mind doesn't stop.

If I bend over - can someone kick me too?

Actually looking at the new year as another 'new start'. Last year, I looked toward the band and loosing weight - did that/doing that. Now…comes the work out dedication. Amazing how I KNOW that with how little I eat, if I just step up my game a bit - I'll drop weight faster than a hot potatoe. But I just don't push it like I should. Does THAT tell you how much I hate working out?? Sad, but true.

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Well, I ended up going to the ER around 5:00 on Thanksgiving, by the time I got to the ER, my head felt like it was going to explode, and I couldn't remember what my middle initial was to my name?? I knew something was wrong. They tried to hook me up to IV'S but my veins kept blowing - they said because I was severely dehydrated. To make a long story short, they admitted me into the hospital, I spent the night and this morning, my doc was there and took my fill from 4.0 to 3.0. I tried to talk him into leaving more, but he said I was really swollen and he wanted me to heal first.

So, I just got home from the hospital and I am starvin'. I'm supposed to stay on mushies today and call his office Monday and schedule another fill. He said he wanted to wait about 2 weeks before he filled me again.

Thank you guys so much for urging me to go in, they said there was no way I could have waited until Monday, and my doctor said the only thing I did bad was not call sooner.

I feel soooo much better now, I was throwing up all night last night too, and they gave me some med to calm me down. My stomach is still a little queesy, but at least I can swallow my own saliva now.

I just hate it that I have no restriction again. But, I tell you, I would rather have very little restriction than too tight! Being too tight was not fun at all!

I am so sorry to hear about what happened!!!

That is exactly why I don't want to be tighter than I am at 3cc's.

I didn't have enough fill to lose but enough to still get stuck and pb occasionally. I lost the rest of my weight with the QuickSlim30.

I don't plan on getting another fill again.

I hope you are better now!

I wasn't able to get here until today!

I feel so out of the loop.

My husband signed us both up for a personal trainer 2 times a week and he is motivating me to go. I am at 146 but the trainer says I should shoot for 135. I think maybe 140 since muscle is heavier than fat, but I will see how it goes.

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To be honest, I don't feel anything. But I know its working, but I don't get jittery at all. I bought mine from Audree (Babygotback). I had the same problem, every diet pill I had taken made me depressed, jittery and moody. My DH banned me from taking them lol. I was a witch. But with the Quickslim30, I don't feel that way at all. They are capsules, but they are not real big and I haven't had any problems at all taking them.

I also was thinking they don't curb my appetite that much, but then like tonight, I have no restriction, and I was eating and I got full really really fast. I ate just as much as I do with restriction. So they keep me from overeating. Also, they help me with my sugar cravings I think.

I have noticed that to. I don't realize how good it works until I don't take it!! It curbs my appetite, makes me get fuller faster somehow.

All I know is I lost the weight with it!! I am a happy camper!!!

Did you use the Patches? Useing the pill and the patch at the same time has stronger results.

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Well, I got a call from the hospital today and I could not get in to get my next fill until January 18th! BUMMER! I really wanted to get it in December. I'm also getting my next fill on my 1 year Band Anniversary.

The scale is up.....but I bet it is because they pumped so much Fluid into me at the hospital. So I'm not too worried about it.

I've managed to stay "pretty" clean today. I did have a few bites of pumpkin cheesecake, but only 2 bites. The rest of the day was grilled chicken and baked chicken.

Hope everyone is doing good. Didn't you think this Thanksgiving was so much different than last years? Just think how much you would have eaten had you NOT had the band. Even if you splurged, it was not as much as you would have eaten PRE band.

Yeah, this was the first year I hardly ate at all!!!

I had a very small plate of food and a couple bites of dessert.


I normally gain but maintained!!!!

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Did you use the Patches? Useing the pill and the patch at the same time has stronger results.

Yes, I have used the patches twice now. I didn't start using them until Monday, I was so sick last week that I didn't take anything - couldn't swollow anything anyhow.

I tried 1 on Monday and did another one on Wednesday night. Where do you order them from? I didn't see them on your website? Are they the same price as the pills?

It's so weird, I'm not losing weight, but I swear I'm smaller! But I'm kinda a one week weight loser. What I usually do is go for about 3 weeks and not lose anything, then I will drop 3 to 5 lbs overnight. I've always been that way. So I'm expecting to lose really soon.

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My prayers with those in Houston. What a tragedy to loose someone this time of year.

I tried to find a story about the death but I couldn't find anything. I googled it but didn't find anything. Yes, 33 yrs old is such a young age to lose your life. It just goes to show you how serious any type of surgery is.

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Okay, I'm kicking myself. My deal is that I have to prep myself in my head before I am ready to tackle something. I should have been working on an exercise challenge for December....I'm not motivated. But I need to get with it. So, I'm going to start the self-talk and try to shoot for a monday rendevous with the elipital. WAY too cold to go outside. -6 below when I got home tonight. It is run, run run to feed the six horses and bring the dogs inside.

Hey, you guys remember the kitty I found...now known as Callie...well, life is rougher at my house than being dumped in the country. The other dumped cat bit her on the leg and then one of the bird dogs nailed her. I took her to the vet the Friday after T-day and she had $200 worth of fixin up. She is fine now...fitting in nice when you rotate the dogs in the house with the cat in the house. I'm not sure about a cat in the house, but she was partially shaved and had a drain in her side, way too cold to be in the garage. Poor thing. But she is doing quite well, except for having to stay in a dog crate when the dogs are inside. She gets free range when they are out.

My busy life. I say to myself...at least I don't have to send a kid to college, when I write another check to the vet :confused:

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I tried to find a story about the death but I couldn't find anything. I googled it but didn't find anything. Yes, 33 yrs old is such a young age to lose your life. It just goes to show you how serious any type of surgery is.

Maybe Tulip will share some more information if it becomes available to her. I just think this is so sad for everyone involved.

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Hello everyone! Sound like we are all keeping busy!

I'm still on a plateau, but hopefully not for long, as I've actually managed to exercise twice this week -- and plan to continue.

I found out my cholesterol is UP 15 points from when I had surgery, so really the only thing to do is exercise and quit eating like crap! I'm also going on metformin soon for PCOS, so that should keep the sugar out of my mouth.


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Yes, I have used the Patches twice now. I didn't start using them until Monday, I was so sick last week that I didn't take anything - couldn't swollow anything anyhow.

I tried 1 on Monday and did another one on Wednesday night. Where do you order them from? I didn't see them on your website? Are they the same price as the pills?

It's so weird, I'm not losing weight, but I swear I'm smaller! But I'm kinda a one week weight loser. What I usually do is go for about 3 weeks and not lose anything, then I will drop 3 to 5 lbs overnight. I've always been that way. So I'm expecting to lose really soon.

A lot of people report the same, in the shrinking. It happened and is happening to me still!! I can buy the patches also, just don't have them on my site yet. I wanted to use them first myself and gave away the free samples to see how others liked them first before I added them. I have really enjoyed the results and so have the others that have used them.

They sell for $45. I think I can send an invoice by email for now, but will add the link to the site soon.

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I have seen a personal trainer 2 times now! My husband and I are going Monday and Wednesdays for weight training. The 2nd time was so intense I almost passed out and threw up!!!

We also went on Friday. The trainer said we had to do weight training 3 times a week and 2 days of cardio.

The QuickSlim30 is also helping with the weigth training. My husband said the recovery was not as painful as it used to be and he has noticed results already!!

I am really excited to see how it works in addition to the weight training. The ingredients say it helps with body building, but I want to see for myself. So far I am impressed!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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