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Juno, welcome back and congrats on reaching your low spot even without trying.

Audree, I sent you a PM about the quickslim.

Sula, I'm glad you are the one that found that kitty. I read your comment about your friend that got stuck on lettuce and felt confirmation that I need a slight unfill. I have one year of free aftercare (fills and unfills) and feel like I should take care of this too tight feeling while I still have this aftercare. If they take out too much, I still have some time to have a fill added back.

Halloween was fun here in my neighborhood. We had tons of kids, by the van loads. I tried to give away as much candy as possible, and still ended up with some left over. Drats! I wasn't on my best behavior and had about 3 mini chocolate bars.

My eating problems pre-band did not concern sweets. My problems had been:

1. Eating too much at a time without Portion Control. I NEVER used to go boxes, and could usually clean my plate. (Like my parents taught me).

2. Salty Snacks were the draw. chips, popcorn, nuts, you name it, those were my weakness.

So where has this sudden interest in chocolate come from? I don't know.

Now, the bad news. I have been too tight since my last fill. I have had slimming problems several times a week, more than too many PB episodes. And I know I am stuck way too much. Once I have get stuck, I feel swollen and cannot get mushies down and feel awful.

I called my doctor's office and they suggested I try liquids and mushies for a couple days or else come in for a "deflate". I went over 2 days on mushies/liquids and was doing fine. As soon as I introduced solids, I started back with that stuck feeling.

So tomorrow I go for a slight unfill.

I'm confused because I don't have as much fill as others around here, but yet I know I'm too tight. I don't want to risk a slip or erosion even though I have some more weight to lose.

I hope I don't gain too much weight in the meantime. Maybe just a very slight unfill will help.


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Hey everyone, I haven't posted in a long time but I'm always on here reading. It sounds like everyone is doing very well! A lot of great successes. I've been having major cravings lately, mostly sweets, they have been getting the best of me. My daughter finally emptied everything tempting out of the house while at was at work today, I was so thankful. I wanted to find out more about quickslim 30 and where you can get it, any info would be greatly appreciated.


banded 1-8-07


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Yippee, Its friday!!

AND I finally hit that 50 pound loss mark..52 to be exact...when I've been struggling since August with the same goldarned 5 pounds. I attribute the shift to getting more focused on Portion Control, feeling more restriction and maybe that quickslim stuff.

I don't think it mattered where your fill is at compared to others. I think it has to do with the size of your stomach and when you lose weight, the stomach shrinks.

I don't know why I feel tighter now, than I did before...my last fill was in mid-august. But I think these bands of ours are living and breathing, have a sense of humor and sometimes just bad days!!

Kitty did fine over night. I told my DH and it got real quiet on the other end of the phone. I'm sure he is less than thrilled. He thinks the cats eat the pheasants we are trying to cultivate. He is pissed off at the declawed cat because she sits out front every morning and he is sure she is trying to get a pheasant. I don't think a declawed cat can take a full grown pheasant..maybe I'm wrong.

Hey all, have a great weekend and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!

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Sula, congrats on that 50 lb mark. And good for you for taking in that kitty. I'm a huge cat lover myself and spoil mine rotten. My boyfriend is always resistant to a new cat, but it only takes a week for him to fall in love with the newest addition. He's quite funny about it. Two years ago, I wanted to adopt a 10 year old cat I found on-line at the Texas Siamese Rescue. Here's our conversation about it, verbatim:

Me: "I want to adopt this really sweet 10 year old flame point I found on-line."

BF: "No, absolutely not." (In his loud voice.)

Me: "Well, she's 10 years old, so you know no one is going to be interested in her. I may be her last chance for finding a good home."

BF: "No, we have enough cats. You don't need anymore."

Me: "They say she's really sweet and affectionate. I think she'd make a good companion for Bailey (my male cat that loves all female cats)."

BF: "OK, fine, but 3 is your limit, so who are you going to get rid of to make room for her? Obviously you're keeping Bailey, so which one is it? The Queen (Fuzz, my self-absorbed Persian) or chicken Legs (Angel, my insane little white cat who over grooms)?"

Me: "You know I'm not getting rid of anyone."

BF: "Why do you want such an old cat? Five more years and it will be boo-hoo all over again."

Me: "She may live longer than that and if not I'd rather have her for 5 years than not at all."

BF: "Why do you even ask me? You're just going to do what you want to do and I'll come home and there she'll be." (Again in his loud voice.)

Me: "Yeah, that's about right."

He now spends more time cuddling with her than he does with me. He adores that cat but of course won't admit it. Men are so funny about things like that. So I have no doubt your husband will come around.

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Sula - yepper, Its Friday!!!! I love Fridays and hate Mondays!

Congrats on hitting the 52 lbs!!!! I have been struggling since August too to lose the same 5 lbs, I lose it, I gain it, I lose it, I gain it, vicious cycle.

I agree with you, the band is fickle, but so far Billy Bob (my band name) is keeping me comfy. It took 3 weeks for this fill to kick in to a great restriction level, I love my restriciton level I have right now. I am trying to watch my portions and food choices.

We're going out to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner tonight, We just had one open up here in Oklahoma, but I've heard they have a great salad bar....I'll probably just eat a salad.

Sula - why are you raising pheasants? My DH loves to hunt them..He is a big hunter and loves fishing. We have an English Pointer (bird dog) that loves the pheasants too. lol. I eat the phesant, and dove, quail, venison, but not the ducks - hate duck....but I don't hunt them. I don't have the heart to kill an animal, but I'll eat it.

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So where has this sudden interest in chocolate come from? I don't know.


I never was one to go for the chocolate, like I have POST band! It's strange - I used to be just a 'monthly' chocolate fan. Now...forget it! But I have to be careful b/c of my blood sugars. And Sugar Free Chocolate is for the birds.

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POST surgery, I was always warm. No socks to bed, just a sheet - no blankets, etc.

Now? I'm ALWAYS cold. I even have my heater on during the day at work.

At first, I could understand it was anesthesia after math.

Anyone else experience this?

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I'm ALWAYS cold. I even have my heater on during the day at work.

At first, I could understand it was anesthesia after math.

Anyone else experience this?

YES YES YES YES!! I told my DH how cold I am these days. I am told its from losing weight and it takes time for our bodies to adjust??? Not sure if that is true. Anyhow, I'm with ya, I'm COLD! I just bought a little space heater for my desk at work because I'm so cold.

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I'm confused because I don't have as much fill as others around here, but yet I know I'm too tight. I don't want to risk a slip or erosion even though I have some more weight to lose.

I hope I don't gain too much weight in the meantime. Maybe just a very slight unfill will help.


Terry - the beauty of the band is it can be indivualized. Everyone is different when it comes to a "good fill level". I was feeling bad because I'm at almost 4cc and FINALLY have a good restriction. I read where others are at 1.5 cc's and are tight. Some NEVER even have to get a fill and lose. So, don't compare your fill with others, you get the fill that you feel is needed for you and you only....;)

You don't wan't to be too tight, if your PBing and sliming all the time, your too tight, or you might need to take a look at your eating patters (are you chewing thoroughly?, are you taking small bites, etc).

In the 9 months I've had the band, I've slimed 3 times, (at the beginning), and had 1 PB incidents (this happened last week). From experienced bandsters, they say being too tight can cause problems, so you don't want to be too tight.

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I think I have a 'bad' slime episode once every few weeks now. I have learned how to adjust my eating habits so it doesn't happen more often.

As for PBing, I think it really only happened once as a reflux. The other times it happend - maybe 4 times - I got a 'puke' feeling, and went to the bathroom and up it came.

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Well, now that its over, I think I can talk about it...so I'm going to share my first PB incident and just how embarrassing it is (for those weak at stomach, please stop reading now - ;) )

Okay, last Friday my mother in law, my sister in law and myself drove to a small little town to look for some upholsterey material for my antique chair (we were going to discount fabric store that we heard about). Anyhow, this town has this great little Amish restruant, so we decided we would eat lunch there. By this time, its about 12:45 in the afternoon. So, we go thru the buffet line, and I pile my plate high with food (just like I would pre-band) I don't want to just get a little to draw attention to me becaue neither of the family I am with no about the band...so I try and just act like I will eat it all, knowing I will leave a lot on the plate.

Anyhooo, So, I take my first bite of the roll, smothered in a little butter, and that was the biggest mistake...But instead of stopping, I think it will just pass like an idiot, I keep on eating, I have a bite of fish or two, then a little sip of tea (thinking this will help the stuck go away). By this time, my mother-in-law is looking at me and notices something is wrong, I keep telling her I just need to burp - and I keep eating - what an idiot i am....Anyhow, so finally, the food is lodged clear up to the back of my throat and it is coming out, one way or another, so I told them I had to go the bathroom.

Well, when I got to the bathroom, (it was just a single toilet room), someone was in there and there was a line...Finally, here comes the food, it shot out like a bullet over the wall. I was totally embarrassed, but so glad only these two old ladies who didn't know me saw and my family did not.

So, I think, okay, its over so I go back to the table and start picking and nibbling at my food again...oh boy, big big big mistake, here it comes again. I didn't want to look too obvious, but I told them I had to go back to the bathroom, I had "gas", I didn't know what else to say. So back to the bathroom I go, and the poor little waitress is cleaning up my mess - and once again, the bathroom is full, but the mens bathroom is open, so I run in there and I couldn't even make it to the toilet, so I had to hack in the sink...yuck. So, I ended up paying for my food and walking outside, where I PB'd again!!!

You would think it was over, but no, we head to the fabric store and I'm walking around looking for fabric and here it comes again, so I head to the bathroom and right when I'm almost there, I see the lady who works there go in...I tried people I really did, but I couldn't get to the bathroom and this food was coming up and out it came, right there on the floor. So what do I do?? I grab a remnant piece of material and wipe it up and then throw it back in the bin. No one saw, thank Gawd. After the last PB episode, I felt great releif.

Lesson learned - no bread, and quit eating when I feel something stuck...and when I go to the bathroom, make sure everything is UNSTUCK before coming out.

Well, there you have my first PB episode, and was it ever an episode.

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...I tried people I really did, but I couldn't get to the bathroom and this food was coming up and out it came, right there on the floor. So what do I do?? I grab a remnant piece of material and wipe it up and then throw it back in the bin. No one saw, thank Gawd. After the last PB episode, I felt great releif.

OMG, how awful! What did you end up telling your MIL and SIL? I bet they were really concerned. And please tell me I misread this. You didn't wipe up the up-chuck with a fabric remnant and then put it back in the bin with the other remnants, did you? Can you imagine the poor person who finds that? PBs can truly be awful. Many times at home, I have to get up and run to the kitchen sink to PB. I've vomited as many as 10 times in a row with a bad PB.

By the way, what is Amish food like? I didn't even know they had Amish restaurants.

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Sunshine....I just lost it laughing.

I know it's not funny at the time; but looking back...give yourself a giggle!

It's all a learning curve. To me, a PB is easier than a slime. I've slimed for upwards of over an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get like a faucet!

Where do you live, that you're in Amish land???

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Sunshine....I just lost it laughing.

I know it's not funny at the time; but looking back...give yourself a giggle!

It's all a learning curve. To me, a PB is easier than a slime. I've slimed for upwards of over an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get like a faucet!

Where do you live, that you're in Amish land???

Yes, I can look back at it now and laugh, because let me tell you, the look I got from these two old ladies was hillarious, especially the way the food shot out of me and stuck to the walls - I know its a very graphic picture.

I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, there is a town about 45 minutes away called Cheteau, it has a lot of Amish community there. I went to the Amish cheese house too and bought some cheese balls they make, very good! But a little on the fattening side.....But their restraunt is good and everything is so fresh and homemade. I didn't even get to enjoy it and it cost me $8.

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OMG, how awful! What did you end up telling your MIL and SIL? I bet they were really concerned. And please tell me I misread this. You didn't wipe up the up-chuck with a fabric remnant and then put it back in the bin with the other remnants, did you? Can you imagine the poor person who finds that? PBs can truly be awful. Many times at home, I have to get up and run to the kitchen sink to PB. I've vomited as many as 10 times in a row with a bad PB.

By the way, what is Amish food like? I didn't even know they had Amish restaurants.

Well, I told my MIL & SIL i had some bug.....must have been the "eggs I ate that morning". I don't think they every knew I actually up chucked.

Okay, yes, I'm bad, I did wipe the upchuck up with the fabric remnant (price was $1.62 for the piece), and yes, I threw it back in the bin, didn't know what else to do...but here is what I did to "ease" my conscience, I Mailed - anonymously - $2.00 to cover the cost, I sent a money order. I know, it was bad of me, but I was desperate, I just did it without thinking and trying to get it cleaned up before my MIL & SIL came around the corner (they were 1 aisle away).

I promise, NEVER to do it again....next time I will be better prepared with a spit cup or bag or something - in my purse. lol.

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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