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Haven't been on in a long time. I was banded June 18, 2007 and doing great! Lost 68 lbs. Saw the Nutritionist today and she said that I wasn't eating enough Protein and shouldn't have crackers. Should be eating 4 small meals a day. I find it hard to fit all that in. Lately when I eat meat or chicken I PB, but anything else I can eat as much as I want. I thought that if I wasn't hungry I shouldn't eat. I drink a Protein shake in the morning which is about 40 grams of Protein and then eat lightly the rest of the day. Crackers and cheese, vegetables, fruit etc. What do the rest of you eat?

Personally, I can't usually tolerate crackers, but my nutritionist has never denied me them. I am very tight in the morning, so if I eat anything at all before noon it is usually yogurt or a Protein Shake. lunch would be salad or some kind of hearty chili or Soup. I try to incorporate some Beans for protein here. Sometimes I can handle some ground meat. By dinner time, things are more open, so I can do almost anything. We made homemade chicken pot pie this week and turnip gratin. Anything goes at dinner meat-wise. The wierd thing is, it seems the longer I'm up, the looser I get. Last week DH wanted to go to taco bell at 1am, and I was able to eat a Gordita no problem. Man was that good! I would never attempt it during the day though. Hope that helps!


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Haven't been on in a long time. I was banded June 18, 2007 and doing great! Lost 68 lbs. Saw the Nutritionist today and she said that I wasn't eating enough Protein and shouldn't have crackers. Should be eating 4 small meals a day. I find it hard to fit all that in. Lately when I eat meat or chicken I PB, but anything else I can eat as much as I want. I thought that if I wasn't hungry I shouldn't eat. I drink a Protein shake in the morning which is about 40 grams of protein and then eat lightly the rest of the day. Crackers and cheese, vegetables, fruit etc. What do the rest of you eat?

Did you mean you were banded January 18 instead of June 18th? If so, we're band sisters! Thats the day I was banded too.

I wish I would have to slow down eating and take smaller bites, but so far there is NOTHING that I cannot eat. I just can't eat much of it. I eat steak, chicken anything.

I am slightly tighter in the morning, but not so much that I cannot eat anything.

Here is my menu from yesterday -

Bfast - frozen protein/coffee drink - love them

lunch - salad

dinner - more of my salad

midnight snack - more of my salad - I was up at the hospital until almost midnight with my nephew, came home and was hungry. I still have enough salad for today.

I don't put my dressing on my salads and just dip my fork in the dressing before I take a bite so I don't ruin my salads since I know I can never eat them all.

I try and eat a lot of fish, tuna and ground lean beef, turkey, chicken usually.

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Hi All January Bandsters :)

Haven't posted in a while, glad to see this 'shortened' thread for us approaching our 1 year bandiversaries! Glad to see everyone is doing so well...it has really been a journey, hasn't it? Didn't think I would ever feel like a seasoned bander, and stop going thru all the newbie panic stages. Actually, I still have them occasionally!

My update: I am doing well, and everyday is still a learning experience. I have the VG 10cc band, and have lost near 85 lbs since January 19, 2007. I've tried to hit the 10lbs. a month mark, but it is definately slowing down. I've been in for 10+ fills, and one unfill due to reflux. I'm at about 8.1 in my band, and really have only felt 'good' restriction this past month. It has been frustrating using self control all this time, but I am now of the opinion that that was the plan all along...to get me to make wise decisions, and learn new habits. I lose in fits and leaps...up 2, down 1, down 1, up 1, down 3...so strange! I eat like a horse some days, the next I push food away. I have only experienced 1 PB, totally my fault. Never again! Exercising has been a joy, I've always enjoyed it, but know that it does not make me lose weight, just keeps me motivated. I have a long way to go, and I look forward to the day when I don't think of being banded. Tend to obsess over it!

Lately, some mild reflux has returned at night, and I feel like there might be something stuck in my band...air movement (that helpful little burp) is not as easy, feels like food is sitting too long in pouch. I do not want another unfill, as restriction seems good, and weight loss is steady. I go in tomorrow, and will have them pull all fill out, drink something (washing it down), then refill. If any reflux returns, I'll go in for a slight unfill.

At times, I wish it there was more help from the band, and less willpower from me, but I know that changing my head will be more beneficial in the long run.

Sorry for the rambling...my fault for not posting enough...now I've got too much to say!!

Best wishes to all, let me hear from you!!

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Cindi - your doing GREAT! 10 lbs a month is great, I haven't been able to maintain the 10 lbs a month.

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today makes 9 months with my band!

Weight today was 170, I'm down 78 lbs and only 25 more pounds to go to reach my goal! (92 days until my 1 year Anniversary with the band).

I can't wait to get back into the full swing of exercising, I'm still having to take it slow with my knee.

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Hello im rosemary I got banded 1-11-07 and I have lost 32 lbs .....Im frustrated that I have not lost more ...I feel like i hardly eat any more ....and yet I am still at 210 lbs.....does any one get fills in Albuquerque New mexico ????

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Glad to see we are still around.

I can't get below 203 lbs and into Onederland. I need to get back into the gym but I can't get re-motivated. I have never had this problem with my exercise. Not sure what the deal is but I can sure tell with my moods too. I need exercise as a stress reducer.

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Yes, 10 lbs a month is great. I wish I could have achieved that goal, but it gets harder the closer you get to goal. Yesterday was my 9 month anniversary. I'm down exactly 70 pounds. Only 30 to go. Yay!

I'm so excited about my appt with the plastic surgeon next week. I can hardly wait.

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rns...I hear you about the getting below the 203 mark. I'm at 215 and it isn't moving. I'm not exercising but I'm active...not the same thing for me, tho. I gotta exercise, but again, I can't get motivated either. I've had some projects to finish that I can actually get done if I get up early and there goes the time I exercise. I'm going to work on my self-talk...that usually works for me.

Cindi...you are doing great!! Way to go. I think I've only lost 10 pounds in a month the first month!! But we are all losing at our own rates..so each of us take our own journey.

Tonya...you are always an inspiration! Thanks for posting and keeping me going.

Enterprise...ditto...that is terrific...70 pounds. I am stuggling to get that gol-darned 50 mark...I think I can I think can!!

I got some Quickslim30 today...hopefully that will jazz up the metabolism and help motivate me!!

You guys ROCK!

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Well I'm finally returning. I've been away mainly becasue of my failure. I was banded on january 5, 2007 by Dr.Spivak. I have only lost 30 pounds so far. i haven't had much restriction at all. I was just filled to 2.3 yesterday. This is my 3rd fill. I can barely get drinks down today. is this normal? Will it loosen a little. I tried to drink a slimfast today, and it wouldn't go down. Since I've never had much restriction I really don't want to get an unfill. I'm ready for results. Any advice? Please Help!!:cry

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Thanks, Sula and Sunshine...I agree it gets harder! Good going, Enterprise & Sunshine! :clap2: So close to goal! Guess I had/have so much more to lose, it will probably take 2 years, but that's OK with me.

Roses, keep at it. Think of it as NOT gaining, right? RMS & Roses, exercise is hard to get in the habit of, and when you can get a pattern going, the guilt is enormous for me when I miss a workout.

Enterprise, what's happening with the PS???

Fiya, what size band do you have? Are you getting enough solid Protein in? Unless your fill is near the sweet spot, it can be a frustrating struggle...of that willpower we all seem to have issues with.

I went today, did the complete unfill, drank a glass of Water, put fill back in. Then did the standing barium swallow under flouro. Bam! I have been dealing with a bit of tightness! I say a bit, but actually the barium would not even trickle down. They were surprised I'd even been able to eat or drink for the past month! Luckily, no pouch stretch, and band is set right and ready to go...they took out a small (0.1cc), and I'm on liquids/mushies for a few days. Trying to stop the reflux. Hope it works :mad: Was glad not to have too much taken out!

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Hi everyone,

I too have been discouraged lately. I had been filled to 3.0. Thought I should get a little tweak so went up to 3.3. I was suffering for 2 weeks, I had acid reflux like you wouldn't believe. Then I was pbing and couldn't keep Water down. I went in for a slight unfill. The dr. insisted he had to take out at least .5 ccs. So now I'm down to 2.8 ccs. Well, it's been more than one month and I have gained 7 lbs. Some of it was Fluid because I was dehydrated. The good news is I'm going in Monday to get some put back in...I'm just down I have gained!!! I too would like to be close to goal by my one year anniversary, Jan 18th. I exercise Monday through Friday for one hour but I still gained. Hopefully, this fill will do the trick.

Good Luck to all,


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Well I'm finally returning. I've been away mainly becasue of my failure. I was banded on january 5, 2007 by Dr.Spivak. I have only lost 30 pounds so far. i haven't had much restriction at all. I was just filled to 2.3 yesterday. This is my 3rd fill. I can barely get drinks down today. is this normal? Will it loosen a little. I tried to drink a slimfast today, and it wouldn't go down. Since I've never had much restriction I really don't want to get an unfill. I'm ready for results. Any advice? Please Help!!:cry

Hi Fiyagirl ~

I just responded to you on Dr. Spivak's thread . . . I say call his office and see what they say.

Good Luck!

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At this point, I would love to even PB but I don't. I seem to have restriction, but then lose it. Each fill I gain a little more restriction. I have 3.8cc's and have some restriction, but I don't think I have enough still. I'm 2 weeks from my last fill and have my 8th fill scheduled for 11/21. I think I just need .1 or .2 cc's more and I will be perfect.

I can still eat regular bites of food, and still eat a little more than I should I think, so we'll see what happens in the upcoming months. If I continue to lose, I might cancel my fill, but I wanted to go ahead and make the appointment since it takes so long to get in to seeing the fill doc.

I weighed this morning and I'm up 5 lbs, but TOM is here and I am probably holding a lot of Water so I'm not going to get discouraged.

I am also a little down because I can't exercise. I woke up this mornig with my knee swollen and pain, so I'm really fed up with dealing with this surgery. I am sick of being on a crutch and leg brace and the doc tells me I still have a long way to go. grrrrr. I'm in such a pissy mood today, I'de like the cram this crutch up the docs you know what. lol

Well, sorry to be such a downer........happy Monday everyone.

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At this point, I would love to even PB but I don't.

I can still eat regular bites of food, and still eat a little more than I should I think,

Hang in there Sunshine2 - we are all rooting for you!

I know what you mean about being able to eat . . . I'll have a few days where I can barely get anything down, and then a couple where I can eat like I am not even banded - ??? No wonder we are confused!

I woke up this morning planning to call and beg to go in today for a fill, and then my coffee wouldn't even go down - ???

I spend most of my waking hours it seems wondering if I need a fill . . .

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
      Elevate your space with Stone Art By SKL's decorative wall claddings & panels. Explore premium designs for timeless elegance.
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