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Ok back...ran a few errands and spent money on stuff I didn't expect to..hmmm I should stay home lol

Jetti/Jess - I hear ya on the edit stuff in here. Man I tried to edit a word and screwed the entire post up so I've learned forget about the misspellings because ya know what....we're not that fussy in here :rolleyes: Hope you hear from your insurance soon.

msmary - Welcome to the group. I'm 43, married and have one son 17. I live in Massachusetts...gold Ole' New England :( I landed in here I think because a "new post" was posted and I asked a question or answered one not realizing it was the NJ thread. These wonderful ladies and gents (sometimes we have them here but, they don't post much heh heh) accepted this Bawwwwstin gal and I've been chatting mostly in here ever since. I find this thread far more friendly than most and never have to worry about being ripped to shreds. Sure we have our differences in opinions but, ya know we allow them :) Right gals?

So....I may of missed someone but, you can blame that on this killa headache that started to come on about 30 min ago....gonna have to go lay down I think.

Have a wonderful, peaceful day my friends. Hugs!

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Hey Pat....the chick is in her 40's! I can't even believe she's an assistant manager with the stuff she's pulled. The store manager wanted to make my son an assistant manager but, the district manager said he wasn't old enough, has to be 18. So if that gives you any hint as to how well he does there with the exception of her. I'll PM ya.

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Helloooo Everybody!!!!! hope ya'll are doing alright, hopefully all finished with the stomache crud and put the boob back....no hats here! LOL I've missed All of you guys...I mean it! I had the weirdest feeling the other day after completing the pre-op tests, when the gal told me where to report to and to take the elevator up, I suddenly had a twinge of fear? anxiousness? Kinda surprised me. I posted on another thread that I feel like a very pregnant woman having nesting syndrome...been cleaning and painting and feeling like it all HAS to be done right now, before my life changes! ;) I think I'm startin ta get the jitters! LOL. Did anybody wake up in recovery and think: what have I done? Or was it more like: alright! let the games begin!!! Well anyway.......found out my surgery time. They want me there at 5:30am for the 7:30 slot. I have to travel about 35 miles to get there. Yep, be gettin' up with the chickens, er, wait....I'll be wakin' up the chickens! LOL Yeah, definitaly getting nervous! Not about the surgery.....I just hope I can DO this! Mary, nice to meet you. Hope the bruises are fading and that all is well. Pat, party a bit for me would ya? I still have too much to do! LOL, Betty, Sherry,Cindy, Mandy, Jessica....EVERYBODY, Hope you have a relaxing weekend!!!!!!! :)

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LOL Pat, believe me your mentioning it is not the first time I have had that thought!!!

We went and looked, and bought a keyboard, then it is a USB plug, and ultimately not what I wanted....so going to go get this one exchanged tomorrow! And yes, DH was there, adding his opinion....he is such a man though, if it costs more it must be better!!!

I can work around everything on this one except the question mark....so I am just going to have to be a know it all, and ask no question....just have all the answers!!!

I just did not feel good today, the swelling is making swallowing difficult. I know without a doubt I am headed for some sort of treatment, whatever it is, I cannot sleep on my back without the weight of it cutting off my air, and now it is interfering with my swallowing. I really think that is just connected to the swelling, at least I am hoping...

I had cold sweats all day. I don't know what to relate to it, and what to just call a crummy day---I am so ready to have some answers. I have been dreaming about horrors now, so that doesn't help! Hell usually sleep is my escape!

Anyone wanna come help me Shampoo carpet tomorrow....oops...need that damn question mark!!! LOL

How exciting for you---signgirl---forgive me, but another name, escapes me, if I knew it, I have lost it.....I suffer from early onset Oldtimers disease. I woke up wondering what I did, I was so groggy, but within an hour I was just totally psyched that my liver had not been too big, and I was banded, and was going to have a way to lose some weight. It is very normal to have some nerve issues though!!

OK, I need to go brush out my hair, I just got out of the shower, and I need to cut Ricks hair so he can get in the shower, will check in with y'all later!!!


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signgirl, I was out of it for about 12 hours after surgery. I had to spend the night and since I was bi*ching about the catheder the nurses kept me pretty sedated. The next morning I was up and ready to go. I had walked on and off all night. (they took out the catheder just after dinner) Day 3 was my worst, and then I was back to my old self by day 4. I could have easily gone back to work on day 4. I was caring for a 4 year old by day 3, with no problem. My doctor was conservative and did not allow me to drive for 10 days, but I could have been driving in 4. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Ladies,


Lets see, this morning I'll be doing some errands. We bought a "smart globe" and the dang thing ain't so smart... it doesn't work so back to the store it goes (100.00 bucks !!!!) and then we are off to an October Fest with some friends. In between is cleaning and laundry of course LOL...ya didn't think I'd get away without some sort of labor today now did yah lol. Oh and I'm making a big ol batch of tuna salad for the week... (for the gals that don't know me, I usually cook something for dinners during the week on Sundays so I'm not caught totally off guard when I get home at night).

Signgirl, the only thing I remember when I woke up from surgery was thinking .........CRAP, I'm hungry and where's the nearest cheese burger...boy was I hungry. BUT when I got home and didn't have my pain meds b/c dh was getting them at the pharmacy... I did think OMG what the heck did I do to myself. ... but don't worry that "thinking" passes quickly. Its normal to be scared. Your going in this Tuesday?

Kat...geeze girl, feel better will yah ;)

Sherry I feel bad for your son too. This is the first of many lessons / trials he will have to go thru in the work field...sad. The only good thing is it will teach him not to treat people like the witch is treating people.

Cindy how's DD today? Its odd, Im in the same situation as you are with the band...not tight but figure I'm ahead of the game. Why are we losing restriction after all this time ? hmmmmm.

Pat, yep if ya wouldah whipped it out you might have tripped him but you definitely would have gotten the hat :faint:.... watcha doing today?

Mandy cute Disney picts..... he's got some funny expressions....what are you grabbing of his thats making his face do that :guess

Betttttttttty boop ! whats going on at your end of the world? :cry

Patty, Crispy.... whats shaking toots?

Where's Beanie ???? Darcy ??? Mary ???? Donna ????

How about you guys...watcha all up to today?

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Ohhh one more thing..... EDITING POSTS

If your going to edit your post... copy the post before hitting the edit button....

Copy Post

Hit Edit Button

Delete all those dang nasty freakin smilies ;)

Right click and paste your post


Ta Da !!!


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Just dropping in to offer a quick good morning.

Eileenie, glad you reminded me, we have a local seafood fest going on this weekend. They sell a lot of crafts, which I'm NOT into at all, been there done that. I use to collect ducks, OMG, my DH went out and got me dishes, pots, bowls, glasses, cups, platters, and silverware with freaking ducks, all the same pattern. When I opened it all I said, "wow, that sure is a lot of ducks". I think that was the last year we exchanged Christmas gifts, cause I took everything back, everything. He was so pissed because he'd spent all this time buying this stuff. Oh well, one of the best decisions we ever made, no more trying to find something for a man that either already has it or can go get it if he wants it ;) AND, I don't have to spend all that time taking the chit back yea!

What is a smart globe? What was wrong with it, wasn't smart enough for ya?

Kat, my DH's middle name is "more", as in more is better. If he's putting down grass seed and it calls for 100 lbs, he'll use 200, it gets in the flower beds, the mulch, what a pain in the a$$.

Diane, I didn't have the "oh what have I done" until day 3, my son was eating a big plate of chicken chow mien and it smelled so good, I almost cried, then I logged in and someone reminded me, it's only temporary, you will be able to eat again.

The pig pickin was awesome last night, I have to share with y'all, I happened to observe, everyone had pretty much eaten and was pretty heavy into the drinking and dancing, then I looked around the food tables, and there was the heaviest lady at the picking, still pickin. I thought, that would have been me three years ago, instead of partying, I'd have been concentrating on the food. It felt so good to walk by most of the food (couldn't resist the clam chowder, all the good stuff was on the bottom, so I got all the broth I wanted).

Ok ladies, I've rambled enough.

As far as editing, I use the google tool bar, which includes the spell check and use that before I make a long post like this one. It always lets me know what a dumb a$$ I am. OMG, would u believe I just tried to spell until with two l's, LMAO.

Hugs everyone!

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Good Morning Y'all!

Well, I am finally feeling better! I missed work on Friday, but I was just too sick to go. I had a terrible sore throat, a bad headache and a fever. Then the sitting on the pot came and life was miserable.

Welcome to the newbies, I need to catch up and find out what is going on. I read some of the posts, but not all of them.

Kat - I hope you are feeling better! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Pat - Mmmmmm seafood! I love seafood! Like you, my boob would trip them or flatten them!

Cindy - I am like you just staying the same, I go up 5-10 pounds and then down 5-10 pounds. If I go crazy with the food/drinks, then I am up and if I am nice I go down. It's crazy!

Eileen - Hope you enjoy your day out! Like you, I have laundry to do. I don't have as much house work to do as I did a lot yesterday. My DB and family came over and we had a cookout so I did some cleaning before that. Now I get to clean up the mess, then do the laundry.

Sherry - Hopefully they will see through that lady! It seems like there is one in every office or place of business that thinks they own the business. Someone needs to put her in her place instead of tiptoeing around her!

Well, I am going to get moving, I really need to check out the board a little bit as I haven't been on there either.

I'll catch you later!

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Feeling more human today, the throat is not so sore, I got up and did my work before I allowed myself to even look at the computer!!! But I can now say my LR carpet is freshly shampooed! Looks so much better! We have family coming in next week for my FIL's 80th birthday, and I was ashamed of how many spots there were on the carpet, never again will we go so light with a carpet. DH keeps mentioning hardwood floors, and I fight it. I grew up with natural hard wood, maybe the new laminates would be better, but I like my carpet!!!

Betty, glad you are feeling better. I just saw an ad in one of the flyers in the paper, and they now make Immodium in the strips, like the listerine strips, or the Gas X strips....I know I don't have enough restriction to be unable to swallow the small pills, but thought it was a nice addition to things bandsters in general can now have to use as needed.

Have fun at your festival Eileen!

DH and I are likely going to be battling!!! His parents want to rent out these POS places, and be slum lords---I swear---they just don't think they are that bad. Well things break ALL the time, so guess who they call. THEY get the rent, THEY choose the renters.....and Rick gets to deal with them. It pisses me off more than I can even say. Those people are getting on my list more and more lately!!

I wanted him to go with me to get the correct keyboard, so I can type normally again....but they will not quit calling. They know it pisses me off, so they won't call the house, they call his work cell phone to avoid me. Now if they are smart enough to figure that out, they need to get smart enough to get rid of the rat trap rentals!!! We have 2 out there, fully restored, and rented without issue...they are enough work, without the extra they always add. Now his brother was here for a day last week----will they ever ask him to do anything Oh hell no!!! He is visiting! AAArrrgghh!!!! Sorry guys---it just infuriates me, and I just found out, so I am seriously steamed. Rick knows it too....I do understand I am putting him in the middle, and shouldn't do that. It is his parents, and he hates doing it too, but feels like he should or if his Dad gets hurt, he will feel bad....oh well, it will not change until they are gone....and I am not wishing that, I just wish they were different and had some consideration for their only kid who does anything for them.

I am going to go so I quit my bitching!!! Thanks for listening guys!!!


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Kat hon, that's how some people are, there's no changing them.

I have a great way to kill some time: http://dedge.com/flash/hangman/hangman.swf?a=300


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Hi all

Finally just relaxin'. been busy all day. DH went fishin with a friend and since they took the boat out, I knew I'd have hours to get things done.

Kat, hope you got your computer keyboard fixed. Wish I could get this one fixed! I swear I spend just as much time backspassing as typing...this laptop's keyboard doesn't always recognize when I hit a key! GRRRRRR. Anyway thankx for the encouragement ;) . Wishing you restful nights, comfortable days and the answers you need.

Eileen, too funny! (cheesburger) Tuesday is when I have my pre-op meeting with the surgeon ( it'll be the first time I'veever talked to him one-on-one). My band date is Wed. the 31st (halloween).

Pat, was that the Poquoson seafood fest? my son went to that one with his girlfriend. I appreciate your surgery story, thanks for sharing.

I gotta tell you guys, this morning I was reading some real old posts and OMG! I came across that whole thread by StrawartS! I'm sure all you veteran banders know the one I'm talking about....the really descriptive PBing post. Geez! readin' that pre-banding gave me a really creepy feeling....like: why am I getting ready to set myself up for that!!!!!! Some of you are probably ROTFLYAO :)

g'nite all

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Morning Y'all!

Why isn't there ever enough weekend? lol

I am going to try to get out of here early, the rain/storms are on the way and I hate driving the freeways when it's like that. There are so many accidents then. I don't want to be in one of them.

Today I get to start training my girl, then in a couple of days the training will start with me. I am excited and nervous too!

Signgirl - Its good that you are reading all the threads, you'll learn a lot from them, good and bad things. Just remember that everyone doesn't go through some of the things you will read.

Kat - Your DH just needs to tell them he is not in good enough health to do all that anymore. For goodness sakes, you would think they would realize that. He just needs to say no, he can't do it. Why won't men stick up for themselves! Well, like they say, "behind every man is a good woman." My DH would never make it without me! Once he said in front of a party here "I don't know what I would do without Betty," and everyone said at the same time, "We know it Bill!" It was so funny!

Well, going to run and get dressed and see if I can get out the door a little early. I hope it doesn't hit till I am at work!

Morning to all you sleepyheads that haven't checked in!

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Good Morning--

Betty, I actually think that IS part of the problem. I think Rick is a combination of 2 things....being sooooo glad he is healthy again, he overdoes it, and also trying to show everyone he is not still weakened etc. so he goes overboard. That does not have any effect on how they expect him to do things. His siblings will discuss with his parents how they will do something and not tell him so he doesn't try to get involved---this summer for instance---he had the ablation on his heart, and the other kids made arrangements to get the hay baled and bucked, and no one was supposed to tell Rick they were doing it. So what happens (lack of question mark is irritating me!!)---his MOM calls him on his work cell phone and tells him that she and his Dad are getting it done, it will likely take them a month, but he is not to worry. Can anyone say Martyr---!! So of course he is stressing, so we went out, and he drove, and I bucked bales with his Dad. His Mom tries to make it sound like it is his Dad needing all the help, and while it is his Dad that has always done the work, it is her that manipulates people and words, to get the things done she wants done. Then she cries to everyone how worried she is about him---all the while she is working him into the ground.

But it is very hard to tell your parents no----there is a time between adolesence and where we are, that it is not such a big deal. But if he doesn't go out and help--it leaves an 80 year old man tottering around the farm, doing it in slow motion. His Mom constantly tells us when we have to do things---"he really needs to quit raising cows, and alfalfa, but the day he quits is the day he'll die." Which irritates me to no end!!! So of course he won't quit, he keeps working it---piddling all day, and Rick comes in and picks up the slack, as well as our son who lives out there, and works a LOT for his grandparents.

I wish it were different, but it isn't, and I don't see it getting better, so I guess, I better accept it, and not let it work me up so.

We are going to have a battle with his siblings this weekend when they all come for the 80th birthday. They want to buy the folks a big screen TV for Christmas. We wanted them to help bring wood in, we suggested each child buybring a cord of wood, but they all prefer Rick to take care of that!!! They want to spend way beyond our allotted budget to buy the TV. But then they get the TV in the box, and they are done! Leaving us with getting it in the house, the old one with the entertainment center out of the house, and setting the new one up, and figuring out where to put her DVD player etc, because the entertainment center no longer works. I intend on voicing these opinions this weekend. I am truly going to be the BLACK sheep when it is all said and done!!! Gee see how much that bothers me!!!

Today I am going to make myself go buy the keyboard! It is so cold though! It is about 20 out right now---cold! Only supposed to make 50 today. I am not ready for winter!

OK Betty, Cindy, Beannie---- it looks like we will be leaving here the morning of November 1st (provided I am able---depending on my results tomorrow) to head to Texas. We will be there for a week. The pecan trees are loaded we are told---so will be a back breaking week!!! But I am in much better shape to do it this year than I was 2 years ago! Last year the pecans didn't do real well, we have actually had a few slow years, so hoping this year does well. Well kinda hoping, it is a lot of work!!!

My Kinsey is here in full Princess dress up already!! Tutu and high heels! She is such a girlie girl! Her Mama could never make up her mind whether she was girly or tomboy. She actually had to be rescued by Grandpa out of the apple tree she climbed up, because she refused to let go of her Cabbage patch baby! Not so with this one, she is going to be girlie through and through I think! She is 2 and likes her nails painted, and her clothes pink!!

Well, she is finished with her waffle, so I better go clean up the Syrup face!!!

Thanks again for the safe place to vent!!


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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