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NJ October Thread

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Kat, what did they say? I'm worried about you. Please let us know asap...(((hugs)))

Patty, the job is working in the lunch room at a local middle school. I will have an answer tomorrow. They seemed really interested. It's only a few hours a day but I have all of Abi's holidays off and will be off for snow days and the like too.

Darcy, I'm sure that your baby girl will stay safe and sound with momma. I'm saying a prayer for you. Take a deep breath and remember that you are a great mom and the court will see that. ~Mandy

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OK, Kat we are all sitting on pins and needles here. We know things will be fine, but want to hear it!

Darcy - Sweetie, hang in there, I just know things will work out for you.

OK, I just walked in the door, got to get supper going.

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Darcy, hugs back to you, get ur a$$ in her more often, u pogo freak, LOL. I see you all the time, because I'm ther eall the time. Leave the leaves, they'll either blow away, or they will be covered up tomorrow anyway.

Kat, we're waiting with you.

Betty, whatcha cooking, I had fried oysters, yummmm. Some of the twice, once on the way down and once on the way back, ewwwwwwww.

Patty and Mandy, good luck on the jobs.

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Hi my friends---well it was a joke come to life, I went in to the old saying of having good news and bad news. In the end, my thyroid does have cancer cells. BUT the lymph glands checked (4) do not. They do plan to do further lymph testing to be 100% sure, but feel confident they are ok.

The plan is to meet with an endocrinologist about a radioactive iodine treatment, and whether that would work, or whether my only option is removal. Removal is preferred, but carries risk with my keloid scarring. Not only does the scar tissue form on the outside, but also in the inside, which could compromise my vocal cords, or my parathyroids----they would prefer not to introduce all the adhesions if we can find an alternate plan.

The MOST WONDERFUL, BEST, GREATEST news of all, is that thyroid cancer seldom follows with chemo.

I have had an emotional roller coaster kind of day. My results could have been sooooo much worse. I could have had better news, but I can cope with this.

I love you all, and thank you so much for being there with me in spirit, and allowing me to be honest with my fear---I do not know what I did before you guys---the weight loss with my band has been wonderful, but the friendships outweigh even that.

(((((hugs)))))) to all of you and thank you more than I know how to say!!!


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many hugs to you kat!!!! you are in my prayers

good luck on getting the job mandy!!

sorry i am not very good at remembering what is going on with everyone. My "young" mind doesnt work very well!!!

patty - i hope those fires are staying away from you!

and i must say i feel like i am the only one NOT fighting for Jack - he does nothing for me you ladies can have him!!!

I GOT MY APPROVAL TODAY!!!!! yikes less then 2 weeks to go and still so much running around to do. dont these people realize that some people have a job or in my case 2!?!?!? and i get the joy of having 2 wisdom teeth pulled on friday so that cuts my time to do some running around down by the entire weekend!!

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Woooo hoooo Jessica you got your date!!! And the teeth getting pulled will cut down on your last meal syndrome!!!

Thanks so much for the well wishes, you are a great addition to our group, I am glad you are with us!


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Kat, I just got home and came staight here. I am so glad that you got good news. We are here for you whatever you end up doing. Remember that with God and girlfriends all things are possible. God makes it possible and girlfriends make it bearable. We are here chicka, and you can't do a damn thing about it. :D

Cindyloohoo, where are you????

Jessica, getting approved and a date so soon is amazing. Congrats, I had to fight forever, and it sucked. I managed to gain another 15 pounds while fighting. Seems that insurance companies are finally getting smart and approving on the first request instead of spending the money on denials and appeals. Good luck in the teeth, I had mine pulled and worked 2 days later with no problem. Remember no smoking, and no straws for as long as the dentist says, that can cause real problems. Stock up on Soup and drink plenty of warm (not hot) tea. Take care of yourself, heal well and check in with us for support. I have posted a pre band shopping list, if you search my user name and the words shopping list, it will come up. It's a pretty good list and covers all the bases. Do you have to do a pre-op diet?

I am off to bed, I worked on the newsletter for my subdivision tonight and made dinner for 3 nights. I made a meatloaf, meatballs and a huge pan of ground beef for tacos, and spagetti. Can you tell what was on sale at the store today? Last night I made porkchops and my family loved them, they were on sale for $ .88 a pound. I don't eat pork but I also don't mind cooking it. I did the beef today and froze everything but the meatballs. They are going to be swedish meatballs for dinner tomorrownight. Then spagetti friday and tacos sat. We had a meatloaf tonight and I made and froze another meatloaf (raw) So dinner will be easy one night next week. It sounds like I am really organized but really I am just lazy and hate to have to cook everynight. I also have decided to save on the gas bill by loading the oven with several pans at one time instead of having to bake something everynight.

It has been a long week around my house. With weird weather, some days warm and others down right cold. My sister is having issues with my 14 year old niece. It's just been strange around here for the last 8 or 9 days.

I am off to bed, I'll check in again tomorrow. ~Mandy

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Morning Y'all!

I am running late but wanted to check in too!

Kat - You are right, you can cope with the news you got! I am so happy that it didn't spread. Also you couldn't get rid of us if you tried to! Unless you go in hiding and we can't find you, but then the apes could probably do that! All kidding aside, you know we are there with you, and sending prayers too!

Congrats Jessica on the date! It will be here before you know it!

Pat - I had left overs, maybe it was a good thing, mine didn't come back up! lol! I guess your fill is working huh?

Well, I have 10 minutes to get dressed and fix my hair!

Catch you all later!

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thanks for all the support!!!

i have less then 2 weeks and i am already going crazy!! I dont have a pre op diet except for liquids that day before so I am SUPER excited about that!!! I had my pre op class last night and they gave us a diet handbook so I know the food or rather liquids I need to stock up on for the first few weeks but I will definitely look into mandy's shopping list for anything else I may need.

It took less then a week for my approval and I was beyond shocked when I received the call!!! but anywho I am getting one step closer everyday to becoming a new me and I CANT WAIT. when I go on vacation in July those MEN are not going to know what hit them!!!!!! hahaha

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Morning all,

Just got my breath back from all the raking, sweeping and hosing down the car port. Man, couldn't have done that 30lbs ago -- yeah!

I'm having the twins clean up the back of our mobile home after school and check on our Christmas tree. In the middle of the storm it fell over and we had to rescue it. I've had the same tree for 4 years and it's truly a member of the family.

Jessica: To heal quicker from you wisdom teeth surgery drink pineapple juice a few days before and a few days afterward. The enzymes in the juice speed healing. Really.

Mandy: Working for a school district is just marvelous. I really miss my job, but it was not meant to be. I can't wait to hear your good news.

Kat: I am SO proud of you for just counting your blessings. Your attitude will send those cancer cells running and you will be whole and healthy in no time. Take some time to adjust to all this new information, take a breath and KNOW that you are cared for by those on this thread. How about some retail therapy? Buy something fun this weekend. Electronic Hugs :)

Well, gotta start a batch of spaghetti sauce -- yummm.

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thanks for the hint! its a little late to start a few days before I have the teeth pulled as they are coming out tmrw but I will definitely get some tonight so that I can drink it over the weekend as I recover!!

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Kat, I'm very proud of the positive attitude you've taken, here I am all upset because I've got to be put to sleep to get my eye lids and weakened eye muscles repaired. If I was there, I'd give you a great big old bear hug. You're a remarkable person, and I mean that sincerely.

Diane, (signgirl), you're getting closer and closer and closer.

I never knew that about pineapple juice, although, I did read that eating pineapple blocks fat from being dissolved.

Hugs gfriends.

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Hi all! First off....YEAH JESSICA!!!!! So happy you got approved and have a date!!!!

Hats off to you Patty for giving Jessica that tip about the pineapple juice (I'll have to remember that!)

Kat, you took the words right out of my mouth about avoiding the "Last-meal-syndrome" ( Hmmmmmm, maybe I should have seen my dentist.....LOL) Kat you made me smile in admiration of your outlook:)

Pat, you're right! closer and closer....Wednesday. Sometimes I can't tell if it's the upcoming surgery that has me on edge or the Menopause mood swings complete with a heapin'-helpin'-o'-hot-flashes!!!!

Keepin' my fingers crossed for you getting that job, Mandy!

DH just got home, so I'll see ya'll later (want to go grab some hugs & kisses)


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Howdy folks...

Kat - You truly have a wonderful outlook on what's going on with you and you know what? That's going to help you through whatever treatments you have to have. You're inspiring :) You must know Reiki ;)

Darcy - We're here for you...and routing and praying this will soon be over for you and in your favor as it should be. Don't be such a stranger girl....my shoulders are here to lean on :). We all need it sometimes.

Pat - Howdy my friend. Thank you for calling the other day :D I love hearing your voice and I truly appreciate the support and kindness you've given me. One of these days I gotta get there to visit ya :) Hmmm maybe we should make plans!

Betty - Are you totally up to par now?

Eileen - Girl....cooler weather is coming..time to cook up some good stuff for meals during the week. Do you folks like ribs? Do you have a crockpot? Ohhhh you should try that recipe I think I posted here earlier. If not I can send it if you'd like. Another great recipe is chicken Caccatore (sp?) in the crockpot. Yummmo. Hows the Water coming? I'm finally getting mine in...errr well I was until this fill. Now I'm going slower to make sure I don't have a problem.

Cindy - You must be one busy gal. Hope all is going well.

Mandy - WHEW you made me tired with all the stuff you cooked up and put together for your meals. It's actually a very good idea. I've done that myself but, not as much. One thing I do do is, If I'm cutting peppers for a meal or onions I'll cut extra since I'm at it and I'll put them in individual sandwich bags and freeze em. Saves me time later when I cook. I'll julian some, dice some etc.

Signgirl - How is ya?

Jetti - congrats on your date and approval.

Patty - So sorry you're being affected by the fires. My gosh it's terrible whats going on out there and now their finding some of the fires were started by arsonist...OMG unreal! I hope you and the boys are safe and breathing fresher air soon.

Ok I'm sure I've probably missed someone and I'm sorry for that. It's not intentional but, once again I can't see farther back and my memory stinks. Pat said I can click advanced now but, ya know ever dang time I've done that I've lost my postings. Don't want that to happen again grrrrr.

Anyone have any special plans for the weekend? I think we're headed to NH for some fleamarket. Something to do with a couple friends of ours...start some Holiday shopping.

My fill seems to have calmed down today which is cool. Although this liquid phase boooooooo, I'm hungry but, I'm really really trying to follow the 3-4 days liquids, 3-4 days mushie then solid rules.....so ice cream is a liquid right? I'll let it melt first lol.

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Sherry, 3-4 days of liquids, are you kidding me, I only have to do liquids for 24 hours after a fill. It's amazing how

differently doctors approach things. Hey, as for that ice cream, once you swallow it, it's instant liquid, (IMO).

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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