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I am on day 9 and doing great too. This has been really easy except for the GAS! I am starting to be hungry but when I eat/drink something the ravenous hunger goes away. I am on full liquids - mushies and I have found a new love for hummus. I have cottage cheese for Breakfast, Soup for lunch and some hummus for dinner - I have also just had a sugar free popcicle for the first time which was good.

All in all this has been great- wish I was not hungry - and really cant believe that I have to wait until NOV 20th for my first fill. I have to wait longer than most becuase I am travelling for business around the world (literally -India and Asia) and my doctor wants me to take that trip before I get my first fill. I will be on food by then.

I have lost 12 pounds and hope that I don't gain any back before the fill.

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Your experience sounds pretty bearable. I was very happy to report on the day of surgery that mine went well too. Hope you are still feeling well and that the gas pain has subsided. Are you having any trouble getting liquids down? I am surprised but I am not at all!! I got in all that I was supposed to today! Slowly...LOL but I got it all in. Glad we can all share our experiences, I know I definitely wanted details before I went. How is your port site? Mine is very very painful, oh well the end result will be beautiful!! Keep us posted on how you feel!!

Hello All!

I survived my surgery yesterday with no problems. I was home by 4:00 pm yesterday afternoon, and that includes an hour drive each way to and from the hospital.

For those who are wanting details, here we go:

My DH and I left the house at 4:45 am to arrive at the hospital at 6:00 am. I was called back about 6:30 to change into a gown, take a pregno test, an get an IV started. I was given some medicine that was a "cousin to valium" according to the doctor to "take the edge off" right before I was wheeled back to the OR. Everything passed that is kind of a blur until it was over. I remember bits and pieces, but I was pretty out of it. I remember the mask being put over my face and I think I counted to like 2 before I was out! The next thing I knew I was in recovery and it was done. They did a chest x-ray while I was still out of it. I really just remember them saying they were going to do it. I have no idea how they did it because I was still in and out of consciousness.

I was in the short-term stay unit and aware of the time at 9:50 am. I did have a severe pain in my right ribcage like I had been kicked by a horse, plus I had that nagging gas pain in my upper back. OUCH! Besides that, I didn't even feel my other incisions. I had to pull up my gown and look to see that I actually had 5 incisions. They got me up about 11:30 am and after walking around for a few minutes the pain was much more manageable. Then I had to drink 1 oz of Water over 1 hour, then 2 oz of water over the next hour. Once I kept that down and went pee, I was released from the hospital.

I was exhausted last night, but woke up several times during the night. I'm naturally a stomach sleeper, so every time I would try to roll to my stomach, I would suddenly be woken up by a stabbing pain in my belly. I was stiff getting up this morning and took 2 of my pain meds, Ultracet, a non-narcotic pain medicine. The Ultracet makes me really tired, so I crashed this morning after my DH and kids were out the door for the day. When I woke up I was ready for some more pain relief, but didn't want to sleep anymore, so I went to liquid Tylenol. It is working just fine. I'm sore, but it is not unbearable. I am passing some of the gas today, so the gas pains are letting up greatly today. I get up about every 45 to 60 minutes just to keep the circulation going. I ate some egg drop Soup (eventhough I wasn't hungry, I felt weak and needed some nutrition) and it was wonderful and stayed down just fine. My stomach is making lots of noise, but I know it's just all the trapped gas in there trying to find it's way out. Oh, and I've been using the Gas-X strips ever since I got home yesterday and they've been a lifesaver with the gas pains.

Sorry for the long post, but I know I wanted details before my surgery, so hopefully this will help some of you cope with the pre-op anxiety. I've had 2 c-sections, a tonsillectomy, an appendectomy, all 4 wisdom teeth cut out and this lap band surgery. I can honestly say, by far, this has been the easiest procedure with the least amount of pain out of all of the above procedures.

Good luck to all the upcoming TENS to have surgery, and congrats to all who are done!

You all have been a wonderful support group and I really do appreciate all your posts.:)

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Hi Melissa and all!

I'm still feeling pretty good today. Most of my gas pain is gone, thank God! I woke up in the middle of the night last night feeling really clammy and nauseous. I suspected that I had accidentally rolled to my stomach while drifting off to sleep and that caused the nausea. I moved to the recliner in the living room and held real still and the nausea went away. That was pretty miserable.

Other than that, I'm doing great. I've quit taking pain medicine and seem to be able to stand the pain. The port incision is quite sore, especially when I move. I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday, which will be 6 days post-op, so hopefully that should be doable.

I am working on my fluids. I'm not getting my full 48 oz in, maybe about half of that is all I did yesterday, but I'm working on it. I'm not hungry at all which is a crazy feeling after starving myself to death on the 10 day pre-op liquid diet I had to do! How's everyone else doing?

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I was banded October 12 and I guess I'm very lucky. I have had no nausea, no pain, haven't taken one pain pill, no gas (lots of farts) but not the gas pain that I've heard about. My incisions are all good no pain, no bruising. I've slept on my stomach the other night and have slept on my side since the night I got home. The night I got home from the clinic I cleaned the fridge. The worst thing that has happened is my throat is very very sore from the tubes. If it wasn't for that I would think that nothing has happened to me. I can drink fine just started full fluids and that is going well.

I must say though I am experiencing quite a bit of hiccups not sure if this is normal or not, not to fun especially with a sore throat. I do feel great:). I am so happy right now. I'm looking forward to mushies soon, not that I'm hungry, I just think after 3 weeks of liquid diet and then these weeks of fluids my craving is to chew and taste food more than anything else.

Any way just wanted to share that I've had a great experience so far. :) Wishing all those coming up next to have the same. See you on the band side! Remember to think positive and keep focused...


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Hi All...

I was banded on Monday the 15th. I have been having a lot of trouble with gas. I can't figure out if it is from the gas they injected or the fact that I haven't eaten anything solid for two weeks. When I get up and move around, it helps alot, but then come right back when I sit down. I feel like I can feel the lap band.....do I?????? The pain is pretty much what I expected and am not on any pain meds. I am so happy to be on this side of the banding process!


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I was banded on 10/1 and started mushy food on Monday- tuna, egg salad, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, potatos, fish etc.- everything tastes delicious after three weeks of liquids- I haven't tried bread or Pasta, though I am tempted because everyone says that after your first fill you can't eat them at all-

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Can you folks give me an idea on what you are eating. I attemped to have shredded chicken yesterday and had my first PB. Yuck, so gross. I put mayo in it today and will try again. I have some garden veggie baby food on the side and some other stuff.. Interesting, i had a piece of pepperoni stick and string cheese as a snack. That went well.

Share your food choices... thanks.


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I never thought I would be sooo happy to be on "full liquids!" That clear liquid diet was the worst- I was feeling so run down and weak. Today I started full liquids. I had a little of a smoothie, a little vanilla yogurt, a few bites of fat free/sugar free pudding, and tonight I am going to have a little cream soup! Yeah!


I feel sooo much better now I have some nutrients in me. I thought I had to do the full liquids for two weeks, but found out I only do them for a week and then on to mushies. Can you tell I am happy? Ha!

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Hello everyone... Thought I would check in... I am on my 3rd day after banding and feel pretty good... I have been tired, but I think that is from the pain meds I am taking.... The incisions hurt a little bit, especially where the port is... I have been doing lots of Clear Liquids, like Swanson's chicken broth, Water with Crystal Light, Special K Protein Water and diluted Cranberry Juice.... So far I haven't been too hungry and have been up and walking around alot to get the gas out of my system... I have been having bouts with hiccup's and I take a sip of water and that seems to help...

My Dr said that all went well and my liver looked good since I had lost 10 lbs on the pre-op diet.... The Dr was thinking about keeping me overnight because of my low oxygen levels caused from my emphysema, but he sent me home with oxygen and wants me to stay on it 24/7 for the next couple of days.... I really feel pretty good and feel a lot better than I thought I would... The surgery was breeze and everyone at the surgery center treated me like a Queen.... The Dr and his staff are the greatest people, I very highly recommend him....

Good luck and get well soon to all of the others that are banded and to all that are still waiting, Good Luck to you and many blessings....

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Nick - wow you are doing great considering your surgery was just tues.

Hope - you and I are in the same boat - I did have a sore throat and maybe more gas than you but I continue to wonder if they even put the band in - I feel great.

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Hello everyone... Thought I would check in... I am on my 3rd day after banding and feel pretty good... I have been tired, but I think that is from the pain meds I am taking.... The incisions hurt a little bit, especially where the port is... I have been doing lots of clear liquids, like Swanson's chicken broth, Water with Crystal Light, Special K Protein Water and diluted Cranberry Juice.... So far I haven't been too hungry and have been up and walking around alot to get the gas out of my system... I have been having bouts with hiccup's and I take a sip of water and that seems to help...

My Dr said that all went well and my liver looked good since I had lost 10 lbs on the pre-op diet.... The Dr was thinking about keeping me overnight because of my low oxygen levels caused from my emphysema, but he sent me home with oxygen and wants me to stay on it 24/7 for the next couple of days.... I really feel pretty good and feel a lot better than I thought I would... The surgery was breeze and everyone at the surgery center treated me like a Queen.... The Dr and his staff are the greatest people, I very highly recommend him....

Good luck and get well soon to all of the others that are banded and to all that are still waiting, Good Luck to you and many blessings....

It's so good to hear from you Nic. I was watching for your return. I had my surgery the day before you and I can tell you one of the first posts I managed contained a cuss-word LOL. I can't believe the difference between yesterday and today. I even had some Golden Spoon frozen yogurt: I let it liquify in my mouth...see! no cheatin'! :mad:

My husband has a naval reunion this weekend in San Diego...I got lots to entertain myself in the hotel room whilst he's off caterwallin' with the old guys. I'll be on the board quite a bit so if you need some cheerin up or just to shoot the breeze..i'm yur gal!

Rest up and don't chinz on the pain meds. It will help you sleep better.


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Fluffyinks, welcome to the band side! The gas is a pain isn't it? I found a heat pack really helpful when I wasn't up and walking around. It seems to soothe the pain and help move the gas.

Carrot, have fun with the free fluids, it really is fun trying out all the 'new' flavours :)

Nic, you sound like you're doing so well! Hope your recovery continues to be fuss free. Glad you had such a good experience with your Doc, I know it makes me feel really safe that my Doc is so lovely, we have a long journey together so it makes a difference to feel comfortable with him.

new me, that sore throat sure reminds me I had surgery. I didn't have much wound pain, and have been able to manage the gas pain pretty well, but the sore throat .. I'll be glad when it goes away!

I'm day 4 now and feeling good. Am able to get more Fluid in today, although still not hungry really. The gas has settled down a lot and I'm really excited to have started my new life! Struggling to stay away from the scales, but I know I'm not supposed to be weighing at the moment so I'm being good :mad:

Congrats to all the new bandsters and wishing you a smooth recovery

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I was just banded on the 17th. I was in a lot of pain yesterday(18th). It was from all the gas in my chest. They got worried b/c they said the gas pain is usually in your sholders not your chest, so they sent me to the ER to get a cat scan to rule out a blood clot in my lungs. They said lungs are fine but tons of gas in my chest. I have worked a lot of it out through the night and I am feeling much better!

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Hi everyone! I haven't been keeping up on all the posts and just spent the last half hour reading. Sounds like everyone is doing pretty good... except for the gas pain. When does the gas pain happen if it's going to? I haven't had any yet but it's been less than 24hrs since my surgery. That is my biggest worry.

Other than that things went good. I got some medicine right after surgery for the nausea. And then took some more of that when I got home because I didn't want to risk experiencing that again! I am taking the pain meds still. I feel like I was someones personal punching bag! Still wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

How exciting to finally have this done! Congrats and big pats on the back to all of us October bandsters!:clap2:


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Tina- I didn't have much gas pain. You may be one also who doesn't really get it. Keep getting up to walk around to get any out if there is some in there. I had the nausea too, so I know how miserable it is. But I had extreme nausea for 5 days! But I am better now. I am glad to hear you are doing well. Keep us posted. :(

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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