FindingCarrie 244 Posted January 27, 2017 I went back to work yesterday, and made it through ok. Today was a bit tougher. Physically I don't have a ton of energy, and I am still sore. Wearing actual "work" clothes is difficult because my pants rub on my incisions, and my bra rubs on the one near the breast bone. It is just uncomfortable all around. I would say that going back to a desk job is doable after 1 week, but I think it is best to stay out at least 2 weeks if you can. The good news is that I still have not really had any complications. I am getting in all of my liquids, and Protein, and I am actually averaging about 500 - 600 calories a day already. I have lost 11lbs in the one week pre-op before the surgery, and 7lbs since the surgery. I was not going to weigh myself, but I had to at my one week follow up appointment. I have decided that I want to only weigh myself once per month so I don't drive myself crazy with stalls and whatever may happen on a day to day basis. Attached is a picture of how my incisions are coming along 9 days out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites