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Hi Tropical Lagoon. I would like to say a big thank you for emailing me a copy of your journey so far. It was a great read and full of useful info which is much appreciated as I think it's the not knowing that makes you more nervous before hand. I hope you have a fab weight loss in 2009. T x

Edited by TC27

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Hi TC, our Mum (mine & gillian's) seemed to be all for our surgery, we didn't need to convince her it was the right thing for us - I think it's because once we are banded, her shopping bill will halve as we will not be raiding her fridge and pantry like vultures! In fact, I'm surprised she didn't suggest it before we thought of it!

Many thanks to TLagoon for the e-mail of her experience as echoed by everyone else who has received it - think we will all nominate you for the forum's award for 2008 - it was full of useful and much needed info, a great support reference. Take care everyone and have a fantastic 2009, bigsister x

Hi bigsister - you and Gillian are very lucky to have such an understanding Mam. My Dad knows how important this is to me and he is trying to talk her round for me, bless him. I will have to test the fridge theory out with my Mam, she is a chocolate and biscuit fiend and the fridge is always full of goodies but she never gains an ounce - lucky thing. Tx

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Hi TC!..yes arent they doing well!..that will be us soon!..im sure you will find someone on the same day as you..if not on the forum, there is bound to be someone else in your room. i bet some unlucky pre banders havent even joined this forum!!..they dont know what theyre missing do they!. when you get TLs memoirs, you will see its a bit more than we probably imagined,but i am gratefull to her being honest. I just want it over with now.and you have told your mum!!.well done, she will come round im sure..shell just be worried for you..anyway have a great and slimmer new year!! Gillian x

Hi Gillian. I'm sure I read somewhere on here that someone was in a mixed ward - hopefully I just dreamt that as I would want a bolt on the toilet door, never mind leaving it open. :Yawn: TLs story was really informative and very well written, I don't think I could explain things so well. I am very grateful to her for sharing her journey so far. I just want it over now too, but it will be here before we know it. When are you starting your low fat diet ? T x

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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely new year with much sucess, Tropical Lagoon could I read your story please, it does sound jam packed with detail. my mail is licia1234@yahoo.com

I've finally managed to have my stitches out today and I'm 1lb under 13st. I'm in the 12's it's feels unspeakably good. yey. Have a fab evening everyone!

Well done you - that's brill:thumbup:. I cant remember the last time I was under 13 st. Such an excellent weight loss makes it all worthwhile. I cant wait to have my band fitted. Keep up the good work! T x

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Happy NY everyone, i'm sure its going to be a fab year for all of us:thumbup:. I was banded 2 weeks ago by dr chris and i just want to share some of my experience;

Kanoo and Eurochange foreign exchange shops had better rates than M&S and the Post Office, and they were prepared to negotiate (the board rate was 1.07 but they gave me 1.10 as I was changing up 4K.)

Book a hotel with high beds:smile: I was in the Holiday Inn Express and the beds are only a foot from the ground; I was on my own so it was impossible to get up without pain. I saw the Campanile hotel and it looked great and as long as the beds are ok I would stay there.

Be prepared for the cost of taxis; 27 euros from airport to hospital, 20 euros airport to surgeons house. I'm not sure if i was ripped off but it was more expensive than I thought.

Get to the hospital earlier and get a seat whilst waiting to register. Registration took 1.5 hrs to clear the queue.

If you're male, be prepared!! lol Women have a much better tolerance of pain :thumbup: All the blogs I have read by the girls dont really mention the pain after the surgery, but as Dr Chris said to me, I had surgery on my stomach under general anaesthetic and I have to expect some pain. Make sure you ask the nurses for pain relief and anti nausea through the drip; once I did this I was fine but they weren't volunteering it. A few people I spoke to afterwards didnt ask for it and they felt really rough. You can certainly feel the air they pump into you during the op, but if was gone in a couple of days.

On day 2 and 3 I couldnt manoevre myself in bed so I slept in an armchair. Days 4-6 the bruising comes out so its a little painful when you move in bed but bearable. Days 7-9 the wounds were driving me mad, but I found it was the sticky from the dressings causing a reaction. I spoke to the doctor and he said I could remove the dressings after 7 days anyway (the wounds had stopped weeping on day 6.) I changed the dressings 3 times in the week. Day 10 I had the stiches out and the only discomfort I feel now is around the port when I bend, but that will be expected for a few more weeks. Anyway, above all, it may seem like a lot of pain etc for a week or so, but it soon goes and you're back to normal pretty quickly. I went back to work on day 10, but could have been back on day 7 (if it hadnt been Boxing Day.)

Day 1-2 = Water. They tried to give me a meal to eat in hospital but I refused it. Perhaps you can eat the Soup but the solid stuff? I would ask Dr Chris about that if you are having surgery soon...

Day 3-5 = water, tea, jelly pots and boillion (tesco sell it in the stock section)

Day 6-10= slim fast shakes for nutrition, clear yoghurt, cream of toato Soups, petit filou, custard

Day11 til now = organic baby food (started stage 1 now on stage 2)

Tomorrow I'll start on my own pureed diet and I hope to be eating mashed potato by day 18 and taking small soft meals by day 21.

I can definitely feel that I have a 'new' stomach and although there isnt much restriction yet I have to go really slowly with 'new' foods or I get instant trapped wind under the ribs and the stomach is churning. This should be avoided as the op area needs to repair.

Other useful tips; get a 'picker upper,' one of those things you see street cleaners grabbing rubbish with.

Dont worry about the injections you have to give yourself in the stomach; I hate needles but they are so fine you barely feel it

Guys; shave your stomach and chest; you cant have any hair there at all for the op and I had a last minute panic with a dry razor!

I felt some pain in taxis as they bounced along roads but I felt absolutely nothing whilst flying.

Book your 1st and 2nd follow up appointment ASAP as slots run out quickly. They must have extended the 22 Jan schedule in Bristol as I managed to get 3.20pm, but I was told it was the last one.

Don't be tempted to try and return on day 2; if you are not staying in Belgium after the op then Dr Chris wont operate. It doesnt matter what anyone else says; he will refuse. Fredrik comes round to check on you.

I hope some of this is useful. I'm so pleased I had the op, Dr Chris and Fredrik and the hospital staff were great. I started at 18'7 and already I'm 17'4. Yes its mainly water but it still feels GREAT!

Days 1-7 you will feel hungry and in some pain and you may sometimes think 'was it worth it.'

But never doubt that it is worth it and that 2009 is going to be the best and healthiest year of our lives. :Yawn:

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Happy NY everyone, i'm sure its going to be a fab year for all of us:thumbup:. I was banded 2 weeks ago by dr chris and i just want to share some of my experience;

Kanoo and Eurochange foreign exchange shops had better rates than M&S and the Post Office, and they were prepared to negotiate (the board rate was 1.07 but they gave me 1.10 as I was changing up 4K.)

Book a hotel with high beds:smile: I was in the Holiday Inn Express and the beds are only a foot from the ground; I was on my own so it was impossible to get up without pain. I saw the Campanile hotel and it looked great and as long as the beds are ok I would stay there.

Be prepared for the cost of taxis; 27 euros from airport to hospital, 20 euros airport to surgeons house. I'm not sure if i was ripped off but it was more expensive than I thought.

Get to the hospital earlier and get a seat whilst waiting to register. Registration took 1.5 hrs to clear the queue.

If you're male, be prepared!! lol Women have a much better tolerance of pain :thumbup: All the blogs I have read by the girls dont really mention the pain after the surgery, but as Dr Chris said to me, I had surgery on my stomach under general anaesthetic and I have to expect some pain. Make sure you ask the nurses for pain relief and anti nausea through the drip; once I did this I was fine but they weren't volunteering it. A few people I spoke to afterwards didnt ask for it and they felt really rough. You can certainly feel the air they pump into you during the op, but if was gone in a couple of days.

On day 2 and 3 I couldnt manoevre myself in bed so I slept in an armchair. Days 4-6 the bruising comes out so its a little painful when you move in bed but bearable. Days 7-9 the wounds were driving me mad, but I found it was the sticky from the dressings causing a reaction. I spoke to the doctor and he said I could remove the dressings after 7 days anyway (the wounds had stopped weeping on day 6.) I changed the dressings 3 times in the week. Day 10 I had the stiches out and the only discomfort I feel now is around the port when I bend, but that will be expected for a few more weeks. Anyway, above all, it may seem like a lot of pain etc for a week or so, but it soon goes and you're back to normal pretty quickly. I went back to work on day 10, but could have been back on day 7 (if it hadnt been Boxing Day.)

Day 1-2 = Water. They tried to give me a meal to eat in hospital but I refused it. Perhaps you can eat the Soup but the solid stuff? I would ask Dr Chris about that if you are having surgery soon...

Day 3-5 = water, tea, jelly pots and boillion (tesco sell it in the stock section)

Day 6-10= slim fast shakes for nutrition, clear yoghurt, cream of toato Soups, petit filou, custard

Day11 til now = organic baby food (started stage 1 now on stage 2)

Tomorrow I'll start on my own pureed diet and I hope to be eating mashed potato by day 18 and taking small soft meals by day 21.

I can definitely feel that I have a 'new' stomach and although there isnt much restriction yet I have to go really slowly with 'new' foods or I get instant trapped wind under the ribs and the stomach is churning. This should be avoided as the op area needs to repair.

Other useful tips; get a 'picker upper,' one of those things you see street cleaners grabbing rubbish with.

Dont worry about the injections you have to give yourself in the stomach; I hate needles but they are so fine you barely feel it

Guys; shave your stomach and chest; you cant have any hair there at all for the op and I had a last minute panic with a dry razor!

I felt some pain in taxis as they bounced along roads but I felt absolutely nothing whilst flying.

Book your 1st and 2nd follow up appointment ASAP as slots run out quickly. They must have extended the 22 Jan schedule in Bristol as I managed to get 3.20pm, but I was told it was the last one.

Don't be tempted to try and return on day 2; if you are not staying in Belgium after the op then Dr Chris wont operate. It doesnt matter what anyone else says; he will refuse. Fredrik comes round to check on you.

I hope some of this is useful. I'm so pleased I had the op, Dr Chris and Fredrik and the hospital staff were great. I started at 18'7 and already I'm 17'4. Yes its mainly water but it still feels GREAT!

Days 1-7 you will feel hungry and in some pain and you may sometimes think 'was it worth it.'

But never doubt that it is worth it and that 2009 is going to be the best and healthiest year of our lives. :Yawn:

Hi mattyllew and welcome. Thanks for the info, it's all welcome and everyone has something useful of their own to add, particular thanks for the advice about taxi costs and would have been about the exchange rate if I hadn't arranged mine a couple of days ago (damn!), it would have made quite a difference. No doubt others will benefit from your tip about this though who haven't exchanged yet. Glad to hear you are doing so well and look forward to hearing about your progress - won't be long before myself and sister are adding our own soon after 16th Jan. Take care and keep posting, bigsister x.

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Wow Mattyllew

Sounds like we had two totally different experiences. You really do seem to have suffered with the pain. I am totally fine and have been since about day 5. I have taken no painkillers since and the only pain I suffer is mild and bearable - mainly laughing, coughing and bending over (tie shoes, load dishwaser, washing machine, etc)

Well done on following all the dietry advice too. No wonder the weight is flying off. I actually cooked a roast chicken dinner for the family today and took great pleasure in putting a selection of veg, together with some mashed potato, a couple of slithers of chicken and gravy and mushing it all up like baby food. I enjoyed every tiny mouthful I took and felt no restriction at all. was only expecting a few tablespoons equivalent, but managed the lot, and still felt hungry after.

I will resort back to liquid foods tomorrow though. I don't want to do too much too soon. I don't want to risk stretching my stomach pouch after all. Maybe it's too late and that's just what I've done. We shall see on 22 Jan I guess. I may just hang around after my fill at 2.45 to say hi to you.

Good luck with it all - ncie to have a guy's perspective.


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mum did suggest it to me!..she kept me some magazine article to show me..cos i was always on about my weight and diets not working etc and she was watching me get bigger and bigger..mind you, it will save her money me having it done wont it!..I am that fridge raider! I have changed my cash to euros today..and it made a very surprisingly small envelope!..i bet i count it over and over again to make sure!....anyway going up to bigsisters in a bit....so happy new year everyone...its the year of being slimmer for us all! x

Hi gillian where did u change ur money and what rate did u get? i'm not sure if i should do mine here or wait till we get 2 belgium.. 2 wks 2day we will b there.. having my last supper round a bwt now. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2 EVERYONE, HOPE WE ALL HAVE A SLIMMER ONE XX :Yawn:

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Welcome 2 mattyllew, thanx 4 ur post its always good 2 read everyones experiences.. and well done on ur weight loss ur doing great.. keep up the good work x

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Hi Everyone, just wanted to wish you all a very happy (and slimmer) new year, and to say "good luck" to everyone who has their op coming up in the next few weeks! Also, if you're reading this Tropical Lagoon, I would love to read your story too....my email address is maximooster@hotmail.co.uk

Take care everyone, and a very happy 2009 to you all. Kath.:confused:

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Hi gillian where did u change ur money and what rate did u get? i'm not sure if i should do mine here or wait till we get 2 belgium.. 2 wks 2day we will b there.. having my last supper round a bwt now. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2 EVERYONE, HOPE WE ALL HAVE A SLIMMER ONE XX :confused:

Hi wishfull, I changed mine on Weds at M&S at 0.9942 (no commission) but my son informed me later that day I could have got just over 1 euro to £ at Thomas Cook. However, not sure if this would have cost commission which is a consideration -particularly if charged as a % on the amount you are changing? The rate seems to have been going down daily and I think it may be best to change sooner rather than later if you can as the situation is not likely to improve until after March at the earliest (according to son who follows these things with a keen interest, but not a financial expert I hasten to add).

One question I have for recent bandsters is about the electricity supply in Brussels - will I need a 2 pin adaptor for phone charger etc in hotel? Thanks, bigsister x

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Hi Bigsister, yep you'll need an adaptor for the plugs as they use two pin plugs! Goodluck.

Thanks for a quick reply lilykay, much appreciated. Hope you are doing well after your brilliant recovery, bigsister x

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:cursing: WOT!. nearly a whole page gone and i havent posted yet!..cant let that happen!.. Welcome Mattylew!!..thanks for all your advice..us prebandsters are absorbing every little bit of info like sponges!..and had some great advice the last few days!...I changed my money at M&S like bigsister, and only the day after it had dropped from 99 to 98...it seems like this is happening every day...and aparantly its going down til march, so id get some changed if your going soon!. anyone who has already been banded, can you tell me if you have to remove your rings? cos if so i had better get to the firestation for em cutting off! cos i have put more weight on and dunno if they will come off!. hopefully i will get them made smaller for next year!..I reckon Dr Chris is off for couple of weeks as i wanted to be banded this week but no surgery, and was originally booked in for next week, but it was cancelled til week after...unless anyone else is getting done?..he prob deserves a break, he sounds like a busy man!..hope hes all refreshed and ready for us then on 16th!:confused: Gillian x

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Thanx 4 info on money exchange i think i will go and change some 2moro. I finally went 2 get my joggers 2day :biggrin: thats it now im sorted and ready 4 the off. I told my 3 children 2day.. my son said r u and that was it(typical lad). my 2 girls asked ?s and r supportive and i was thinking my eldest wud ov been against it, i feel much better now iv told everyone who is important 2 me x

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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