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Hi fox you are doing brilliant.. you are an inspiration 2 all, just hope we do as well... keep up the good work x

Hi wishfull, Fox is doing great isnt she!..it will be 3 weeks and 4 days for us now!..its gonna zoom!. I hope we do as well as her...and what about lilykay!!..she seems to have had a good recovery if you read her post ! hope were like that! think i have got my xmas shopping done now, just been down town and it was empty, expected it to be buzzing!..going out for curry tonight, will have a good stuff!...i love curry with a passion and cant give that up..me and bigsister will have to share a korma i think on saturday nights after banding. hope youve had a nice weekend..and by the way, i never did find that mag you said about with the band story in it..bet its too late now, youll have to take it to belgium with you, ill read it on plane! x

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Hi everyone, Just to let you all know. I was banded on Friday, it's Sunday now and everything went really well. I don't remember much about the day of the op (apart from trying to rip the oxygen mask off in ICU!!!!!) But By 5 the following morning I was awake and doing a bit of study! Hospital was beautifully clean and all where really helpful. Apparently Fredrik keep coming to give my husband updates while I was under. If anyone has any questions then please feel free, I got so much good advice off this site, it'd be nice to give something back. Finally I just thought I'd add that before they will take your IV out they make you try and eat some Soup and strange biscuits! I really didn't expect that. Oh and the Barium you drink for the x ray is a laxative!!!!!!

Hi lilykay, how was u on the flight home, did u find it ok? u avnt really mentioned pain so i take it ur ok or r u keeping that bit from us :tounge_smile:.. This time in 4 wks i will b home after being banded,yippeee. i cant wait 2 go and start the journey of my new slimmer life. Hope everything goes well 4 u wiv ur weight loss x

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Hi gang

Thanks for the good wishes :tounge_smile: Well I'm all packed now and ready to go to the airport for a 11 am flight tomorrow morning. Still as nervous as hell, but keep reminding myself why I am doing this.

Catch you on the other side........

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Hey guys, good luck to Tropical lagoon she's being banded today isn't she? Thanks for all your good wishes! The pain really isn't top bad, since I lft to hospital I've had 2 pain killers but that's no nausea or the like. I hurt a bit when I laugh, which is a bit had when the visitors turn up.LoL. one of my friends knew I was going into hospital but not what for, and turned up last night with a box of chocolates! Poor girl you should have seen her face when I told her. My 3yr old daughter is outraged that someone has stuck plasters all over her mummy, but she's being very good and has crash landed on my stomach once. Hope everyone is looking forward to a very merry christmas. I really looking forward to a day where I won't eat my self into a coma, may it be the first of many for all of us. best wishes LilyKay.xxx

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Hey guys, good luck to Tropical lagoon she's being banded today isn't she? Thanks for all your good wishes! The pain really isn't top bad, since I lft to hospital I've had 2 pain killers but that's no nausea or the like. I hurt a bit when I laugh, which is a bit had when the visitors turn up.LoL. one of my friends knew I was going into hospital but not what for, and turned up last night with a box of chocolates! Poor girl you should have seen her face when I told her. My 3yr old daughter is outraged that someone has stuck plasters all over her mummy, but she's being very good and has crash landed on my stomach once. Hope everyone is looking forward to a very merry christmas. I really looking forward to a day where I won't eat my self into a coma, may it be the first of many for all of us. best wishes LilyKay.xxx

thanks lilykay..you really have done brilliant!..glad youve not had too much pain..and its hard work keeping a 3 year old from using you as a trampoline!, hopefully the new slim you and her will be bouncing about together come the summer!.take care and a happy christmas and slimmer new year to you! x

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Hi gillian/bigsister hope ur both well and getting excited bwt our bands x

yes, im well thanks just busy with christmas at moment..I am starting to get nervous about the band, and i keep having dreams about missing the plane or losing the money/suitcase/passport etc etc!. me and sisters and blokes went out for curry (mmm) then pub quiz last night..kids were at my brothers and wifes out in the sticks for the night, they get a lot of attention there and can feed animals on the farm, so its nice they are going there when i go for op...just dont know what im gonna do with my naughty dogs yet!..were going to pantomime tonight in town..its Alladin. sisters,neice and their grandkids and my youngest Sam who is 5..should be lovely and christmassy! got to get some last min stuff today and tomorrow..fox and lilykay are doing so well, im so pleased for them..hope we are the same! ill be thinking of the two being banded tomorrow, and looking forward to them reporting back!..I really hope theyre not too bad for christmas..especially as they are flying back a day earlier than they should be too..hope theyre ok. Im worrying more about getting the money together now than the op..Im looking forward to it and am excited..but still nervous..I hope i wont chicken out at last mo...dont let me will you!?..Ill be fine until it comes to going down to the op and anaesthetic...bet ill be bricking it then!!..Gillian x

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Yeah, but they look much better on me. Big curry night tomorrow, we should start counting down how many curry nights to banding - 4 to go I think. We should be doing low fat diet but maybe if we are good rest of the week we can have a bit of a splurge on a Saturday night if we don't go too mad and are careful what we pick? Hoping that I recover as well as Fox as I have been invited to a 50th birthday party of an old friend and it will be 8 days after banding and really wanting to go to that if I can.

Hey TC - for our office xmas party next year, if I am down to target, then I will be wearing a bikini! Don't care if its 0 degrees with ice on the ground, my smug self satisfaction will keep me warm!

By the way Fox, gillian doesn't need the 'mum' look - she used to (and still does) scare our Mum with her own version! And she is usually a big fog horn herself, so her husband/boys are well trained and will soon be jumping to attention to a temporary replacement one. G x (the quieter sister!)

Nice curry last night wasnt it...well be sharing a little one after the op!. hope we do as well as fox...and lilykay has done extraordinarily well..and you can go to your party 8 days after and no one will suspect.. I am going to tell em at work that i am going on a weekend booze and tobbacco trip to belgium with you and friends, then that i am having a small op on the monday to repair a hernia..and ill be back to work in a week but have to be carefull with lifting....do you think that sounds believable!!..I know if i tell em it might get round pub and to Brian...who i def dont wanna know! I prob will have to tell em in 6 months or so,but dont wanna tell em yet esp with money and work situation at mo..you know what theyre like they will think im selfish..what you telling work?

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HI Gillian and all, the work question is a quandry isn't it? I didn't have a problem telling my family and some of my friends but work is a strange one. I'm a postgrad social work student and my final placement starts on the 6th of Jan. I didn't want to mention it at the interview as its at CAFCASS and the placements there are like gold dust. So I just keep quite hopefully hey won't notice my uber strange eating habbits! I'm guessing it will be ok as my first week will be purely court work so not a lot of dashing about me thinks. What do you do Gillian and everyone else? Hopefully no one has massively strenous jobs that really require heavy lifting or the like!:biggrin:

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yes, im well thanks just busy with christmas at moment..I am starting to get nervous about the band, and i keep having dreams about missing the plane or losing the money/suitcase/passport etc etc!. me and sisters and blokes went out for curry (mmm) then pub quiz last night..kids were at my brothers and wifes out in the sticks for the night, they get a lot of attention there and can feed animals on the farm, so its nice they are going there when i go for op...just dont know what im gonna do with my naughty dogs yet!..were going to pantomime tonight in town..its Alladin. sisters,neice and their grandkids and my youngest Sam who is 5..should be lovely and christmassy! got to get some last min stuff today and tomorrow..fox and lilykay are doing so well, im so pleased for them..hope we are the same! ill be thinking of the two being banded tomorrow, and looking forward to them reporting back!..I really hope theyre not too bad for christmas..especially as they are flying back a day earlier than they should be too..hope theyre ok. Im worrying more about getting the money together now than the op..Im looking forward to it and am excited..but still nervous..I hope i wont chicken out at last mo...dont let me will you!?..Ill be fine until it comes to going down to the op and anaesthetic...bet ill be bricking it then!!..Gillian x

Hi gillian, i dont think ul drop out its ur chance 2 get u back.. an if u do i think bigsister will drag u 2 the airport an we'll just fasten u 2 ur seat lol. the only thing thats on my mind is the anaesthetic.. and thats only cos of the way i am after it, i hope they use a different 1 an i'll b ok. I'm not worried bwt surgery at all. Lilykay seems 2 b doing amazing.. hope we r like that. enjoy ur panto (its behind u) X :biggrin:

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Hi gillian, i dont think ul drop out its ur chance 2 get u back.. an if u do i think bigsister will drag u 2 the airport an we'll just fasten u 2 ur seat lol. the only thing thats on my mind is the anaesthetic.. and thats only cos of the way i am after it, i hope they use a different 1 an i'll b ok. I'm not worried bwt surgery at all. Lilykay seems 2 b doing amazing.. hope we r like that. enjoy ur panto (its behind u) X :biggrin:

Oh no its not!!... I cant chicken out, I would never forgive myself, but its a once in a lifetime thing that will be lifechanging..and yes the anaesthetic worries me too cos of how i am after it..hopefully they can control that though, sounds like good care in the hospital from what i hear though so thats reassuring,hope language isnt a barrier too much though. X

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Nice curry last night wasnt it...well be sharing a little one after the op!. hope we do as well as fox...and lilykay has done extraordinarily well..and you can go to your party 8 days after and no one will suspect.. I am going to tell em at work that i am going on a weekend booze and tobbacco trip to belgium with you and friends, then that i am having a small op on the monday to repair a hernia..and ill be back to work in a week but have to be carefull with lifting....do you think that sounds believable!!..I know if i tell em it might get round pub and to Brian...who i def dont wanna know! I prob will have to tell em in 6 months or so,but dont wanna tell em yet esp with money and work situation at mo..you know what theyre like they will think im selfish..what you telling work?

Me - on a tobacco n booze trip? How believable do you want that to be cos anyone who knows me will suss straight away and know that I would never do a trip like that! Think the story for work sounds fine, as long as you get husband to stick to it as well

Lilykay has got to be our ideal benchmark now for an ideal post op, well done to her for recovering in lightning time. Would have thought you would be fine to start your placement on 6th Jan as that is 2 weeks away and you seem to have come so far in just a few days.

I am taking annual leave and due to go back to work 10 days after banding, I was hoping that would be sufficient if no real problems. Not sure what I will do if not as don't have any more leave left!

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Me - on a tobacco n booze trip? How believable do you want that to be cos anyone who knows me will suss straight away and know that I would never do a trip like that! Think the story for work sounds fine, as long as you get husband to stick to it as well

Lilykay has got to be our ideal benchmark now for an ideal post op, well done to her for recovering in lightning time. Would have thought you would be fine to start your placement on 6th Jan as that is 2 weeks away and you seem to have come so far in just a few days.

I am taking annual leave and due to go back to work 10 days after banding, I was hoping that would be sufficient if no real problems. Not sure what I will do if not as don't have any more leave left!

Ha! I will say its a cultural sightseeing trip then...when david will get tobacco!!..cos I know he will be getting loads anyway...I would love to look round brussels, so what will people say when they see no photos?!..Ill have to send david out with camera..but hed just take daft photos of sports cars and tool shops and stuff!. Yes was thinking of saying i was going for day surgery to the hallamshire like what david did...the big plaster and stitches are all in the right place to be a kosha keyhole hernia op..I hope!.. I think we ought to pre book appointments with doctor Babs for as soon as back for getting stitches out etc too?..still giggling to myself about the thought of you on a booze cruise!! Brian would be so proud of you!!

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Hi Lilykay!!...well done, you seem to have had a good recovery!! thats great, im sure im going to be a big mardy bum for days or even weeks after!...see how long i can get away with it for anyway!..are you home now?..thanks for the tips you have given, and ill be looking forward to that barium x ray drink!!!. I hope you are able to have a bit to eat at christmas?..or at least a turkey smoothie!..and wish you the best with your weight loss! Gillian x

just to let you know u shud be ok for work as i went back after 3 days and was ok and even managed to bend!!!

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just to let you know u shud be ok for work as i went back after 3 days and was ok and even managed to bend!!!

Thanks by the seaside for answering that, I feel much more confident that having over a full week should be sufficient. Have a good xmas and new year - how's the weight loss going? Bigsister x.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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