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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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Hi TC27 yeah u get to keep ur knickers on thank god it was first question i asked i was chatting to another girl who got banded by a different surgeon in belgium she had to take hers off and another girl woke up and they had taken them off for her and put them in a bag under her pillow well i would die but i know ur safe with dr chris i wore the biggest pair of knickers more like bloomers haha just to make sure i was well covered nothing hanging out lol

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Hi TC27 yeah u get to keep ur knickers on thank god it was first question i asked i was chatting to another girl who got banded by a different surgeon in belgium she had to take hers off and another girl woke up and they had taken them off for her and put them in a bag under her pillow well i would die but i know ur safe with dr chris i wore the biggest pair of knickers more like bloomers haha just to make sure i was well covered nothing hanging out lol

Ooh im glad someone asked that question!!..knickers!.. Im gonna wear a big pair of pink ones with 'I love dr chris' on the front then...or 'do not remove these knickers' or summat ill get some printed up!...i would hate not to have any knickers on!

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Ok gang, this time next week it will all be over for me, well, the op anyway and now I am terrified :smile2:

The reality has kicked in, and thanks to watching videos on YouTube, I know what to expect as the operaton is on there in full graphic detail. I just wish I hasn't seen them. They have totally freaked me out. I only went on there to see the before and after stories and the video diaries and stumbled across the surgery, including the fills too. I am so squeamish, I don't know how I managed to have 2 children, and I can feel myself squirming now at the thought of what's to come.

On a more positive, cheery note and the thing that is spurring me on, so to speak, is this time next year, I will be dressed up in a little black dress about to go out and party and not the big balck dress I have this year, lol.

It's me and Miss Flump off on the same day, so we have agreed to meet up in the hotel the night before so at least we will have eachother for moral support.

Guess we'll have to keep you posted. My son intends to take his laptop, but I'm not sure how much the hotel charge or anything, so I may be able to report back hours later or not til I get home.

Just like to say it is lovely to know you guys are here with your support and encouragement. Not sure I could have gone through with it if it wasn't for this lifeline of likeminded poeple. Many thanks :biggrin:

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Just want to let u know the fills on youtube are horrific and nothing like fills with dr chris they really dont hurt same as the injections u give urself for 5 days if u do them really slowly i was just afraid to jab them in haha trust me u wont feel them if i could do them myself anyone can cos i get physicaly sick when it comes to needles and faint lol if they were bad i would say but their nothing and tiny needles so please dont worry bout them and scribe a fill the same as them so dont panic girlies

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Ooh im glad someone asked that question!!..knickers!.. Im gonna wear a big pair of pink ones with 'I love dr chris' on the front then...or 'do not remove these knickers' or summat ill get some printed up!...i would hate not to have any knickers on!

Damn! You've just spoiled your Christmas present surprise! Bigsister

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Hi TC27 yeah u get to keep ur knickers on thank god it was first question i asked i was chatting to another girl who got banded by a different surgeon in belgium she had to take hers off and another girl woke up and they had taken them off for her and put them in a bag under her pillow well i would die but i know ur safe with dr chris i wore the biggest pair of knickers more like bloomers haha just to make sure i was well covered nothing hanging out lol

Thank you for that flirtylass - what a relief. I was picturing myself naked with just the support stockings and hair net on and it wasn't a pretty sight:laugh:. It was bad enough for the lady who was told to takes hers off but OMG I would die of embarrassment if my knickers had been taken off during surgery. Way to go Dr Chris !!. Gillian's idea of a message printed on her knickers telling them to leave them on is a fab plan and would give them al a laugh in the OR too. She sounds like great fun and her, bigsister and wishful will be lucky to be in the same ward in the hospital. I feel so sorry for you that you had no one to talk to - that's my dread too, but at least it is only for one night. Hopefully my husband will be able to stay for most of the day - do you know anything about visiting arrangements? Thank you for all the info and well done on your excellent weight loss, almost 4 stones is brilliant:thumbup: T x

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Hi TC27 visiting times umm not 100%sure but i think if i remember they finish early enough but i think there would be no prob in ur hubby being there all day i must say i shouldnt complain the anastetic took alot out of me and i was dosin for most of the day my mum was there about a hour after surgery and i cant remember she had to go off then hunting for big bottoms for me cos she seen how swollen i was and knew i wouldnt get into my normal track bottoms but she didnt get back til near 9that night cos her and her friend had to go into brussels and do a search for them and it wasnt a easy task lol but they had to leave within a few mins lights and everything was off i can remember thinking damm its early for lights out... And to everyone i would suggest getting nurofen melts for pain relief cos those disolvable ones they give u are discusting and after op u may not be up to battling that horrid stuff down the nurofen melts are just great and handy after being banded as they just melt on ur tongue

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Ok gang, this time next week it will all be over for me, well, the op anyway and now I am terrified :smile2:

The reality has kicked in, and thanks to watching videos on YouTube, I know what to expect as the operaton is on there in full graphic detail. I just wish I hasn't seen them. They have totally freaked me out. I only went on there to see the before and after stories and the video diaries and stumbled across the surgery, including the fills too. I am so squeamish, I don't know how I managed to have 2 children, and I can feel myself squirming now at the thought of what's to come.

On a more positive, cheery note and the thing that is spurring me on, so to speak, is this time next year, I will be dressed up in a little black dress about to go out and party and not the big balck dress I have this year, lol.

It's me and Miss Flump off on the same day, so we have agreed to meet up in the hotel the night before so at least we will have eachother for moral support.

Guess we'll have to keep you posted. My son intends to take his laptop, but I'm not sure how much the hotel charge or anything, so I may be able to report back hours later or not til I get home.

Just like to say it is lovely to know you guys are here with your support and encouragement. Not sure I could have gone through with it if it wasn't for this lifeline of likeminded poeple. Many thanks :biggrin:

Hi TropicalLagoon. I just want to wish you and Miss Flump good luck for next week, I will be thinking of you both. I'm sure you will be fine but I think it is only natural to be nervous; I know I am (due to be banded on 27th January).

I will look forward to your first post after the op. Take care. T x

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Hi TC27 visiting times umm not 100%sure but i think if i remember they finish early enough but i think there would be no prob in ur hubby being there all day i must say i shouldnt complain the anastetic took alot out of me and i was dosin for most of the day my mum was there about a hour after surgery and i cant remember she had to go off then hunting for big bottoms for me cos she seen how swollen i was and knew i wouldnt get into my normal track bottoms but she didnt get back til near 9that night cos her and her friend had to go into brussels and do a search for them and it wasnt a easy task lol but they had to leave within a few mins lights and everything was off i can remember thinking damm its early for lights out... And to everyone i would suggest getting nurofen melts for pain relief cos those disolvable ones they give u are discusting and after op u may not be up to battling that horrid stuff down the nurofen melts are just great and handy after being banded as they just melt on ur tongue

Thanks again flirtylass - Before I go I will stock up on nurofen melts and try and find some smart looking XXXL track suit bottoms:laugh: T x

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Hi TropicalLagoon. I just want to wish you and Miss Flump good luck for next week, I will be thinking of you both. I'm sure you will be fine but I think it is only natural to be nervous; I know I am (due to be banded on 27th January).

I will look forward to your first post after the op. Take care. T x

Thank you :smile2: x

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Hey Miss Flump

Hope your not checking our grammar !!!!!,( or our grampa for that matter )

listen all you will need for the hospital is knickers,cos they give you a gown,there is a hand towel in the washroom,and they will clean your stitches while you are there,

you will need toothbrush ,toothpaste,deodorant,hair brush and if hairs long a scrunchie or hair clip to tie it up,

i took loose joggers and a dark t shirt with a pattern on the front,trainers and a plain black hoody,i couldnt have possible worn a bra if my life was dependant on it,and im a 46ff,!!!!!!

Before you leave you will pick up a pack at the nurses station which contains, painkillers,anti nausea tabs( 3 of ,so use sparingly)pink antiseptic wash ( to use when changing dressings on day 3, tho i had to do mine sooner,cos of a reaction to the dressing )and your lovely last but not least injections for preventing blood clots,the needle is very sharp so very little pain there,small sting for a second,thats all

your wounds will be covered,oh and you will also get anti embolism stockings,so leave yours at home,im just mentally trying to tick off your list what you said you are taking,and as this is not a regular holiday where we all take loads of stuff we dont need or even use,leave as much as you can at home!!!!!!

any way good luck and any more questions ,just ask,:confused:

Hey Fox,

LOL. I'm a secondary school music teacher, so you needn't worry about me checking out your grammar!!..!!!..,,,,,,,:shades_smile:

I really want to say a big massive thank you to you for all the info that you have given us band virgins. You've been really helpful and as others have said, I definitely feel more at ease knowing about what I'm about to go through.

I'm glad to hear we get to keep our knickers on. It's bad enough getting my stomach out without the prospect of having to show off anything else!!!

I've another couple of questions for you, they won't put me on a catheter will they? I hope not, only I've seen other lapband patients (from USA) on Youtube who mentioned they woke up with a catheter attached. That would really alarm me if I didn't know it was gonna happen.

Well anyway, today I stopped at Superdrug on my way home from work and bought lots of dissolvable painkillers, Remegels and waterproof wound dressings in preparation for coming home. I also bought a few Protein Shakes from Asda the other week in preparation for the liquid diet. All this prep is really making it sink in now.

How long does Dr Chris insist on a liquid diet afterwards? Does he give you any documents with all this info on? When and how do you go about booking your first fill?

I apologise if I'm asking questions which have been asked before. I have read the whole thread, but it was a while back now and I can't remember everything that's been said, so any more advice you can give would be great.

ALSO, just a massive thanks to everyone who has sent their good wishes to me and Tropical Lagoon about our ops next week. I think the support on here is absolutely brilliant and although I'm nervous as hell, I'm also really excited because of how well everyone on here seems to be doing. Your glowing reports about Dr Chris have all played a really, really big part in my deciding to go along the surgical route.

I hope I'll be able to log on again before I leave for Brussels, and I'll definitely be back on after my op, so hope to speak to you all soon.

Miss Flump x x x

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Ok gang, this time next week it will all be over for me, well, the op anyway and now I am terrified :ohmy:

The reality has kicked in, and thanks to watching videos on YouTube, I know what to expect as the operaton is on there in full graphic detail. I just wish I hasn't seen them. They have totally freaked me out. I only went on there to see the before and after stories and the video diaries and stumbled across the surgery, including the fills too. I am so squeamish, I don't know how I managed to have 2 children, and I can feel myself squirming now at the thought of what's to come.

On a more positive, cheery note and the thing that is spurring me on, so to speak, is this time next year, I will be dressed up in a little black dress about to go out and party and not the big balck dress I have this year, lol.

It's me and Miss Flump off on the same day, so we have agreed to meet up in the hotel the night before so at least we will have eachother for moral support.

Guess we'll have to keep you posted. My son intends to take his laptop, but I'm not sure how much the hotel charge or anything, so I may be able to report back hours later or not til I get home.

Just like to say it is lovely to know you guys are here with your support and encouragement. Not sure I could have gone through with it if it wasn't for this lifeline of likeminded poeple. Many thanks :w00t:

OMG!...im trying my hardest not to go to youtube to watch those videos...that would freak me out!...but its one of those things that you wanna,but dont wanna watch!..ill go behind a cushion and watch it, like i used to scooby doo!..no ill watch em when i come back!!.

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Damn! You've just spoiled your Christmas present surprise! Bigsister

Oh no!...i hope your still getting em for me tho?..have you seen them at meadowhall on the lanes?!..only seen little thongs that can be printed though..can only fit one word on em...you could fit the whole of war and peace on the size id need!..so dont get me a thong cos it would get lost and id have to have an op to get it surgicly removed first anyway. oh, and can you get me a big selection box too please

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CONGRATULATIONS 2 ALFIE858 AND BYTHESEASIDE, You are both doing great..keep up the good work x

Thanks it's really appreciated, i have booked my 2nd fill for 8th Jan and 3rd for 29th Jan. Hopefully not many more after that i guess :ohmy: Finally then i wont be so hungry but it is not to much of a drama as long as it keeps coming off :w00t:

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I'm glad to hear we get to keep our knickers on. It's bad enough getting my stomach out without the prospect of having to show off anything else!!!

I didn't know i could keep them on and after being shaved by 2 nurses on my belly and top of pubic area i had no shame left :ohmy::D:D:thumbdown:

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        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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