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Go Sis and Lischa! Glad you posted a comment in response on Daily Mail site and I rated your posts accordingly and went through rating down all the 'just eat less' idiots. You probably won't change their minds but they deserved blasting for their unreasonable, ignorant comments. Lots of people commenting on people dying or seriously ill from band complications (which we all know are tiny %age) but nothing about people dying and the serious life threatening illnesses caused by being overweight and costing the NHS shed loads of money to treat - and that must be a far bigger %age than band problems. We must be saving the NHS a damned sight more than we are costing them when looking at bandsters overall.

Oh yeah, have a great weekend everyone, new bandsters put feet up and Garry too with his spanking new tube! Bigsis xx

ha!!..just looked again on daily mail femail website about gaynor and her gastric band!..they havent put my latest blog on...not surprised!!..but have you seen the ratings!!..it seems like readers are on our side and not the "dont eat so much" smug skinny womens side!..thanks to bigsis and anyone else who rated mine and lischas comments!. x

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Hi TIN thank god for the mushies had some weetabix this morning mmmm! I got booked for 3.30 on the 15th of September with Wendy. Odge on here had 3ml first fill then only 1.5 second then something like .5ml for third so Im not expecting miracles slow but sure. Ive lost 3lb this week down to liquids only Im sure but not complaining. What time is your appt with Wendy. Jx

Hi homecare,yeh thank god as im bloody starving!!!

was playing footy tonight hardly had any energy as all i had all day was tinned tomatoes,yakult and a banana mixed with skimmed milk to drink...oh and loads of Water...:thumbup:

had Soup for tea carrot and coriander tescos light choices stuff as run out of my homemade Soup so have to get the pot on again soon!:thumbup:

im booked in for 1200 hrs on the 15th so will not see you this time,hopefully at that time and coming via the m73/74 wont be so bad traffic wise?

down another 4 Ibs since being weighed on tuesday with wendy but saying that did have clothes on with money in the pocket etc so maybe about 3Ibs would be right!!:(

im not gonna change my ticker just yet as i normally weigh myself every tuesday anyway...plus i have a night out on sat so the good loss will probably depend on how good or bad i am re drinking/eating wise???:sneaky:

P.S thanks gary for the info regarding the rowing machine i would take that as being a probable NO then!

funny thought how he now says those vibrating machines are ok because he definately did say to me, homecare and others it was a no no??:sneaky:

anyway good to have peace of mind!

catch u later


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just been on femail site voted accordingly, according to votes I think alot of people have voted negatively for the people that made nasty comments.

I went into search and there are lots more gb stories on same site. One about a woman who was hypnotised to believe she had band fitted. I haven't read any of them I'm knackered goin to bed, I'll have a look at them tommorow.

Sent email to slendertone re. belt v's gb 10 days ago and never got reply, I've also looked it up on this site last week others have asked question but no clear answer, googled it to. It's just I used it faithfully and it did make a difference.

Good night sleep tight !! :thumbup:

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Hi all,

Just wanted to thank those of you who wished all of us that got banded this week good luck. I was done on Tuesday and recovery going well. Finding it hard to know if im full because im feeling so bloated.

It was great to see so many fellow banders in the hotel and I hope you are all doing well too.

My main problem has been the wind, its fine until i lie down to go to sleep and then it kicks in. Any ideas as to how long this will last as i cant burp to get rid of it, is this natural?

Sarah x

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Hi all,

Just wanted to thank those of you who wished all of us that got banded this week good luck. I was done on Tuesday and recovery going well. Finding it hard to know if im full because im feeling so bloated.

It was great to see so many fellow banders in the hotel and I hope you are all doing well too.

My main problem has been the wind, its fine until i lie down to go to sleep and then it kicks in. Any ideas as to how long this will last as i cant burp to get rid of it, is this natural?

Sarah x

Hi Sarah, I haven't been able to burp properly since I had the band. I'm afraid you do just have to wait for the gas to go of its own accord, which it will gradually. Myself and my sister (Gillian) found it took about 10 days to go completely although each day it did improve. Bigsister x

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Hi all especially to the new bandsters. This is probably my last post before going to Florida tomorrow as Im so busy packing suitcases etc. Just a quick question to anyone who knows. Is it ok to go on the rides at the theme parks with this band. Ive heard Bobo saying his port side was sore after last week at M and D s theme park. Although Im not the bravest person especially were heights are concerned, I dont want to be the coat carrier either. Really looking forward to it so hope its ok.

TIN sorry wont see you next month at WLS but totally understand about traffic. I cant get away from work till after 2 so I have to make my appt later. Ah well maybe the next time we meet we'll see a real difference in each others weight, fingers crossed.

Gary hope you are feeling better and remember after my hols Im holdin you to that coffee. Jx

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Hi all especially to the new bandsters. This is probably my last post before going to Florida tomorrow as Im so busy packing suitcases etc. Just a quick question to anyone who knows. Is it ok to go on the rides at the theme parks with this band. Ive heard Bobo saying his port side was sore after last week at M and D s theme park. Although Im not the bravest person especially were heights are concerned, I dont want to be the coat carrier either. Really looking forward to it so hope its ok.

TIN sorry wont see you next month at WLS but totally understand about traffic. I cant get away from work till after 2 so I have to make my appt later. Ah well maybe the next time we meet we'll see a real difference in each others weight, fingers crossed.

Gary hope you are feeling better and remember after my hols Im holdin you to that coffee. Jx

hi homecare,yeh might catch up with you at another appointment with Wendy in the future...you never know we might not even recognise each other....:wub::)

have a safe trip and enjoy your holiday with the family...wish i was going as my dream trip is visiting florida and all the theme parks!:thumbup:

take care


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Hi all especially to the new bandsters. This is probably my last post before going to Florida tomorrow as Im so busy packing suitcases etc. Just a quick question to anyone who knows. Is it ok to go on the rides at the theme parks with this band. Ive heard Bobo saying his port side was sore after last week at M and D s theme park. Although Im not the bravest person especially were heights are concerned, I dont want to be the coat carrier either. Really looking forward to it so hope its ok.

TIN sorry wont see you next month at WLS but totally understand about traffic. I cant get away from work till after 2 so I have to make my appt later. Ah well maybe the next time we meet we'll see a real difference in each others weight, fingers crossed.

Gary hope you are feeling better and remember after my hols Im holdin you to that coffee. Jx

Hi J

I would just go careful with the rides as you dont want ny issues, i am sure it would be fine though, have a great time defo see you when your back.


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Hi all,

Just wanted to thank those of you who wished all of us that got banded this week good luck. I was done on Tuesday and recovery going well. Finding it hard to know if im full because im feeling so bloated.

It was great to see so many fellow banders in the hotel and I hope you are all doing well too.

My main problem has been the wind, its fine until i lie down to go to sleep and then it kicks in. Any ideas as to how long this will last as i cant burp to get rid of it, is this natural?

Sarah x

hi Maysh1...

Me n JackieM were banded on the Friday before you guys. I had exactly the same prob re the wind:bored:

I'm now exactly a week past it and the problem is getting better, especially at night:rolleyes2:

i can't really burp and haven't been able to since the op and im now thinking that this is gonna be wot life is like and its sumthin i'm gonna have to put up with:blink: However, i'd have this wind every hour if it means me now managing to lose weight....:)

hows the port pain? are you managing ok on the liquid? i can start on mushie food as from Monday, but i think i'm gonna do the full 2 weeks:mellow: coz after wot Dr C said, i'm just gonna be as safe as poss. :wub: it doesnt do any harm in the weight loss stakes either.... as from today, i've lost 9lbs since i was banded 7 days ago:thumbup: i know this is all Water, but i don't care....its a great boost. I know JackieM is doing just as well.:thumbup:

JackieM, i hope you're still doing ok..it was fantastic to speak to you the other day....gave me a real boost:lol:

let me know when u'r gettin u'r stitches out...:)


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I have had to read so many posts I'm exhausted lol.

You lot dont half natter, i remember when there was only about 6 of us!!!

I dont know if my bandf is normal or not, yesterday I ate half an oatabix drekky, 1 dutch crispbread with cheese n onion sandwich filler on for lunch (couldnt manage anymore!!!) and teatime ate 2 slices of Spam and a minute bit of lettuce and cucumber.

Is this normal?

Not much food for a whole day is it.

I miss you Gillian and Big sis, we dont seem to be on at the same time anymore.

Garry hope you're feeling ok after your op hunny xxx.

Have a fab holiday in Florida HC, and eat what you can lol. Last time I went I came back 7lbs lighter. I was craving for all the steaks and burgers, but had to stick to Soup as my band had tightened with the flight.

Maggs when do you go to France?

Sorry Wishful I always seem to miss you too.

Laters guys xxx

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I have had to read so many posts I'm exhausted lol.

You lot dont half natter, i remember when there was only about 6 of us!!!

I dont know if my bandf is normal or not, yesterday I ate half an oatabix drekky, 1 dutch crispbread with cheese n onion sandwich filler on for lunch (couldnt manage anymore!!!) and teatime ate 2 slices of Spam and a minute bit of lettuce and cucumber.

Is this normal?

Not much food for a whole day is it.

I miss you Gillian and Big sis, we dont seem to be on at the same time anymore.

Garry hope you're feeling ok after your op hunny xxx.

Have a fab holiday in Florida HC, and eat what you can lol. Last time I went I came back 7lbs lighter. I was craving for all the steaks and burgers, but had to stick to Soup as my band had tightened with the flight.

Maggs when do you go to France?

Sorry Wishful I always seem to miss you too.

Laters guys xxx

Hi Freckles. Sorry, have got all sorts going on at home and at work so even tho I do check in on forum, I haven't time to post much these days.

Is that all you can manage cos you're full or cos you have discomfort? I don't seem to be able to get restriction right for some reason. I got it for the first time in June and then lost 6lbs but it was uncomfortable to eat much so at July appt, had .2ml taken out which made things a lot easier but when I went to Aug appt, had not lost anything at all! So had .25ml put back in and am back to feeling bit uncomfortable when eating again with a burning sensation in my chest/bottom of throat, especially when I first start a meal and then I get the bad 'gurgling'. I dream of getting to the stage where I am feeling stuffed after having eaten a small amount like a lot of bandsters on here do but am fearing that will never be the case and that restriction for me will just be discomfort rather than the satisfaction of fullness. I am still glad I had band but it is hasn't come easy for me, feel as if I have had to fight hard for every lb lost.

Maybe you need to ask when you next go for a fill or consultation if you are getting sufficient to eat as it doesn't sound like much at all you're having at the moment? Keep yourself well, love Bigsis xx

ps Have a fantastic holiday Homecare/J x

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Ahh thanx Bigsis.

I get the same sensation, dont really think I get the full message just that uncomfortable choking feeling.

I also find it very hard to drink for about 2 hours after eating, and vice versa.

I am loathe to get any taken out in case I stop losing, but I dont feel wonderful. Is it sposed to make you feel a bit under the weather?

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Ahh thanx Bigsis.

I get the same sensation, dont really think I get the full message just that uncomfortable choking feeling.

I also find it very hard to drink for about 2 hours after eating, and vice versa.

I am loathe to get any taken out in case I stop losing, but I dont feel wonderful. Is it sposed to make you feel a bit under the weather?

I don't get a choking sensation, just the burning soon as I have eaten a mouthful at the beginning of a meal and don't have any problem with the drinking either. Not feeling under the weather either but then again haven't been losing much either! Don't know if it's to do with being older too as I know it is harder to lose with each decade. Little sis Gillian has loads more treats than I do and her weight loss has been consistently better than mine which is so disheartening when I am exercising self discipline for most of the time and not getting as good a result as I'd hoped for. You really ought to consider having the tiniest amount taken out if you are not feeling good, it's no good having a great weight loss if you're not feeling great yourself. You need to stay well for a number of reasons too not least that new baby who will soon be here!

Wishing you better days to come, do take care, Bigsis xx

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PS sorry you are so stressed, darling that will make your band pretty tight. I hope things smooth out for you pdq xxxx

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