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Im so confused went to a resturant tonight had kids chicken with potato and peas and yorkshire pud. Could only eat half of it but so glad I managed to eat my first solid food for 22 days. Does anyone have the same. I dont understand this band as I havent even had my first fill yet but can only eat either really mushy or very very slowly when the rest of my food is cold and give up. Jx

hiya Homecare glad to hear that you are able to eat some solid food now as eating mushies and crispbreads does get a bit boring!

i think that possibly the reason behind struggling with solids is that your healing process could be slower than say mine as everyone is different,plus i have religously been taking the arnica tablets pre and post op.

i had my first very lean bacon/poached egg butties at the weekend as a treat after a night out..... was bliss just made sure i spent more time chewing them than would normally and no probs.

can also eat pitta bread sandwhiches, fresh fish(no batter/crumb)vegetables, and i had a chicken breast with some Pasta for tea last night again no probs but i do tend to really chew hard before i swallow the food.

saying that i still feel satisfied after eating much smaller amounts than i did before having the band fitted so it could be psychological or im just not fully healed yet internally??

cant wait to get my first fill though as it is getting more difficult to abstain from certain foods that are of no use to me but do tend to taste and look lovely:unsure:^_^

keep up the good work Homecare and just keep experimenting with different foods:thumbup:

catch u later

p.s just finished making another massive pot of homemade veggy soup..lovely!

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Hi mmm my symptoms have not been as severe as yours and i would probely put up with them but i have a wedding to go to in 11 days and im realy worried about that i dont want to be the only one not eating or having problems drinking.

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hiya Homecare glad to hear that you are able to eat some solid food now as eating mushies and crispbreads does get a bit boring!

i think that possibly the reason behind struggling with solids is that your healing process could be slower than say mine as everyone is different,plus i have religously been taking the arnica tablets pre and post op.

i had my first very lean bacon/poached egg butties at the weekend as a treat after a night out..... was bliss just made sure i spent more time chewing them than would normally and no probs.

can also eat pitta bread sandwhiches, fresh fish(no batter/crumb)vegetables, and i had a chicken breast with some Pasta for tea last night again no probs but i do tend to really chew hard before i swallow the food.< /p>

saying that i still feel satisfied after eating much smaller amounts than i did before having the band fitted so it could be psychological or im just not fully healed yet internally??

cant wait to get my first fill though as it is getting more difficult to abstain from certain foods that are of no use to me but do tend to taste and look lovely:unsure:^_^

keep up the good work Homecare and just keep experimenting with different foods:thumbup:

catch u later

p.s just finished making another massive pot of homemade veggy soup..lovely!

I am able to eat a bit more varied food but no bread, pasta or egg. I feel more comfortable still eating mushies and things like cauliflower cheese which I chew forever before swallowing. When I was out on Friday I was a bit embarrased ordering the kids meal but was so glad I did as I didnt even eat half of it, dont know if this was because I was full or I had taken so long to chew it was cold. Today my port side is like a red hot poker and is really sore. Im sure I havent done anything but it feels just like it did straight after operation, and if I bend down wow the burning pain is intense. Dont bl**dy know whats going on. This is one long learning curve.

My sister and partner are really interested in the band now and I think they may be going over in September to have it done.

Good luck to anyone going to be banded this week. ps Glad to hear about your mum Freckles and glad flirty is doing well. Jx:scared2:

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TIN I still take the arnica and the multi vits and the milk thistle. I know usually Im a very quick healer. My scars on my stomach have healed really well and 2 of them have all but disappeared the rest is like a fine red thread. Hope you are doing fine and wont be long until the first fill. I have to remind myself to phone and pay for package on the 30th of this month. Jx

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hi everyone!..not been on for 4 days, and had some catching up to do!!..its moved fast this weekend...glad that mmm and freckles are doing better after a scary overfill!..i had my sweet spot for about 5 weeks but it has loosened of a bit now after good weight loss last month, which i know happens..there are still stuff i cant tolerate esp potatoes and bread, but what i can eat has increased. someone was saying that they were suprised that duck went down well?..well i also have found out that greasy meats go down easier..i can have lamb and duck..but struggle with beef and even chicken sometimes. ..it must be able to slip thro easier cos of grease lubricating it?!. i was at a music festival this weekend "splendour in nottingham" 10 hours i was stood in mainly rain..waiting for my favourite band of the line up...madness!..but it was cold dark and miserable by then so couldnt get into the mood so came away half way thro even tho we got near to front of stage.. flirty is doing so well!! she was up and walking this morning, but the 4 drains she has are bothering her..i hated those drains, but they are essential i suppose. so better having em than not.

freckles ,so pleased to hear your mum is doing so well, shell soon be home!

garry i hope your band hasnt come undone and its just playing silly buggers!..mine has a bit..bigsister gail was scared hers had come undone after not getting any restriction.so wendy did a "fluid challenge" and drained it then topped it up to capacity..she had to wait around at the hosp a bit, but was relieved to know she had got the restriction..and she even had some took out next appointment..its really fine tuning, but shes happy shes losing well now, cos if that hadnt worked wendy was gonna arrange a fluoro x ray. so dont despair..you just may need to have a capacity fill like she had, just to test it..cos youd have no restriction at all if it had come undone...lets hope not, ill keep my fingers crossed for you

everyone else, your doing great!..we will get there! x

Her favourite band - Madness eh - hands up anyone who's surprised!! Thought not, Bigsis x

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Hi everybody and a huge thank you for all the help you've given me so far - without even knowing it!

Thanks to you all, I've decided to have the surgery, read the American book on AGB, got my GP's approval, decided to go to Dr Chris, booked through Bridget, unbooked through Bridget, booked directly with Frederik, seen Miss Flump's youtube videos, laughed greatly at Gillian and BigSis, paid my deposit, booked my train tickets and convinced my husband it is the best thing I could do. ^_^

I'm booked for surgery on Tuesday 8th September, anyone else out there going at the same time?

I have one question to which I cannot yet find an answer; if I got a "tummy bug" and just couldn't help vomiting, what happens? :crying: Does it come up past the band, can it damage the placement?

BTW, I lost a lot of weight once before and had an abdominoplasty but it's creeping back on - hence the band. So if anyone has a question about abdominoplasty (or breast reduction!) I may be able to help.

Really looking forward to being part of that ever shrinking community of bandsters!


Hi and welcome Singing Parrott! Glad you've joined us and the made the 'big decision'. And glad that mine and sister Gillian's sibling bickering entertains some folk! Think someone has already answered your question about 'tummy bug'. I am interested in abdominoplasty as I will be considering it possibly early next year and will be looking for a good surgeon - so at moment I'm very interested in Flirty's recovery and results.

Bobo - I have never had the 'slime' thing or brought anything back up since having the band and didn't experience it even when I was slightly over-filled. Think overfill is different for everyone, altho it seems that for most people it does seem to loosen off over 1-2 weeks but mine didn't and on reflection I wish I'd have been able to get the slightest amount I had taken out after 4 weeks, a little earlier. Don't think you should be putting up with it for much longer than a couple of weeks tho if it means you can't get much Fluid or food down.

Freckles - would absolutely expect you to be there if there was a get together in Belgium - it would be totally rude of you not to come!

Sammy - yes, naughty Sammy indeed with the chocolate. You will have to be an adopted 'naughty sister' too like Flirty! But you may have your very own naughty sister(s) tho I suppose? Your handbag buying brother can't be described as naughty tho can he (ooh, that sounded a bit wrong didn't it?!) - he's definitely very nice.

Garry - keeping everything crossed that there is nothing serious wrong with your band and that all this talk of leakages and coming undone is an unecessary over reaction. I was convinced that one of these scenarios had happened to mine and was very pleased and relieved to be proved wrong, sure you be will too.

Take care everyone, Bigsis xx

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Glad I took your advise big sis, and had some taken out it was only .3 of a ml but what a difference, who would have thought such a minute amount could make such a difference,

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Glad I took your advise big sis, and had some taken out it was only .3 of a ml but what a difference, who would have thought such a minute amount could make such a difference,

Hi Mmm, I had only .2ml taken out and it was sufficient to stop the discomfort and side effects I was having so am very pleased that you are feeling more comfortable now too. Hopefully it won't stop the weight loss, I may not have as big a drop this next month but as long as it's a loss, I can live with that. I'm sure you will be fitting in your dress for the wedding and that you and Freckles have a good time when you meet up - wish I could be there too! Love, Bigsis xxx

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Welcome singing parrot, you sound such good fun, I'm sure you'll soon be one of the regulars on here.

Freckles, what a silly question, of course you can come, and if you need to you can have a double fill with Dr Chris whilst your there. I'm glad the zantac are working for you it must be a relief to get a good night sleep.< /p>

Garry I'm still feeling cross on your behalf about your naughty band, but you still put me shame, I've a fully functioning one and you've still lost more than me.


I telephone Wendy from WLS group at about 8am this morning and left a message, but still no reply, so I telephoned the office on the free phone number at 9.30 and still no reply there either so left another message. By 12.45 no one had phoned me back, so I telephoned Mr Wong the BUPA/SPIRE surgeon who did the fill for me and his secretary asked me to come in right away.

He was in surgery today and wanted to see me asap, He was most apologetic about the over fill explaining that it often happens when filling near the maximum capacity, but he said he should have been firmer with me and made it clear that I should go back if there was any difficulty what so ever. I did know this but it was just vanity over the quick weight loss I was having that stopped me from doing so.

I explained that I was happy putting up with not eating, but was getting very tired with not being able sleep much. I also told him the reason I had come for an unfil was because I had read on here that several people who had had a band slip had reported this night acid reflux as being the first symptom, and that their inaction to rectify it has resulted in the band slipping.

His view on this is that it is not a pre-slip sign but more of a post slip sign, but he said he though mine was fine by what I had told him and that there was no other pain.

The result was that we agreed he take .3ml out, which leaves me with 6.66ml (all the sixes, I told you I had a naughty band), and the good news is, is that there was no charge at all for the consultancy or the unfill.

It leaves me now to see if this has worked at all, I must say I now feel hungrier now than I have for a week, and feel I can eat something again, which is good and bad news. I'll report tomorrow on how this has affected the ruflex at night.

Thanks Sammy, Bigsister, and Gary for you pms over this episode.

mags thats good news, dissapointing about wls, incidents like that really change your view on future fills. good luck i think you are there now, come on the weight loss.


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thanks everyone for there kind wishes, i am just hoping it aint serious but will just have to wait.


you always said to me to hold off a few days and see if it loosens anymore as you know it will, as long as your gettn Fluid in eh.


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Good morning everyone. Has anyone experienced the return of burning, nippy like feeling like just after getting band. I had the return of this yesterday and its back with a vengence. I could hardly put my knickers on this morning because even when I bend slightly BAM ! the pain shoots right through me on my port site. The only way I can describe it is like someone puting a red hot poker into my side, I also have slight stitch back. I had to take pain killer and I have a really high pain threshold. ANYONE have any Ideas. Jx

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Good morning everyone. Has anyone experienced the return of burning, nippy like feeling like just after getting band. I had the return of this yesterday and its back with a vengence. I could hardly put my knickers on this morning because even when I bend slightly BAM ! the pain shoots right through me on my port site. The only way I can describe it is like someone puting a red hot poker into my side, I also have slight stitch back. I had to take pain killer and I have a really high pain threshold. ANYONE have any Ideas. Jx

i had this exactly homecare..its a good description you gave..it really bothered me so much that i thought i was gonna have to have surgery again to adjust port..i kept asking if other people had had it like you are...but no one had at that time..even getting up off the settee was really painfull and i was feeling like i had to hold it in all the time, it was awfull..i got it about 2 weeks post op and it lasted about 8 weeks in all, maybe a bit longer..i did have one week inbetween where it disappeared, then it returned bad like yours. maybe its because we have heavy lifting jobs?..and when bending or stretching the muscle its not healing..i wondered if it was a torn muscle or summat?..i dunno, but i took anti infammatorys, and found hot water bottle helped.. i also bought one of those heatpads..its like a big plaster that warms up..and that did seem to help a bit..also..have you got some very tight high waist nipper support pants..cos they can help, esp when at work. but all i can tell you otherwise is that it will go..i woke up one morning and it had gone..i thought it would come back, but it didnt! i could then wear normal clothes as i was wearing sloppy stuff as owt else hurt.. and it stopped hurting when i had lost the most weight in a month after a good fill. wendy said it would loosen off with weight loss...so keep going!!.hopefully it will be gone soon for you too...but i do know how your feeling..get some of those heat pad plasters and big tight corset or summat! it will help x

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Good Morning Lisa, Michelle and Michela. I am glad to hear you are all doing well. I was laughing my head off a the thought of michelle coming out of the Xray that was brilliant!!

I have so far lost 1st 8lbs I cant beleive it!! At the moment I am on half mush and half liquid diet!! I started on mush on saturday I had scrambled egg and yesturday had some mash potato and Beans its strange chewing beans!!

I had my stitches taken out on friday and they are healing nicly. I was freaking out last night because I can feel a lump under on the the incissions. Is this the port?

I have got arnica cream to use when the incissions have healed. I am with you on the bikini Michela cant wait to have to body for it!!!

Lisa I have not tried the dutch things yet but I will keep and eye out for them!!

So delighted to hear how you are all dong

keep me posted

Take care

Clara xxx

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hay there guys. last week i had my 1st band fill. with 6ml. i dont think its working for me as i can eat anything i like,, ..

Same here Allan, it took 3 fills before I had any kind of restriction I could eat anything and in any quantity, I even put on 7lb during this time, try to be careful that you dont, although if you do, it isnt the end of the world because when the fills start to work it'll soon come off.

Where are you having your fills and when is the next one due.

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