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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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hi slinky,

thanks for ur reply earlier on. I have my flights booked, deposit paid. now just waiting for the D day. I keep thinking alot about it sometimes having second thoughts but I think it's normal.there is so many Q in my head and really no one to talk to. But I try to deal with it different ways. I was thinking, could u tell me if the rest of the money can be paid by credit card or it has to be cash...?maybe u know anybody who did it by credit card, I know u transferred all ur money to the account but was just wandering.Its a bit scary to carry all that cash.

thank u

hope u r ok

all the best and talk to u soon.


hi blondy i was like you,happy one min worried the next and eat like a horse and put anothe r20lb on waiting to get done lol,but no hun they dont take cards it has to be cash and alothough it seems a bit cloak and dagger when you meet up in the hotel to pay it's ok honest,just be careful with the cash but as soon as you get to hotel frederik meets you and take it off you well aroun 6ish and dont worry about asking questions that is what were all here for so ask away but pack light lol xx

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Hi All

I was banded back in Macch last year (2010) and I've a great weight loss, just over five stone, which is wonderful, and I havn't had a fill since August - all good so far!

Until this week I got a bug from my son and for a few days at the start of week was feeling very unwell with an upset stomach which lasted no more then 48 hours but since I've hardly been able to keep anything down, even today some Water came up all I've managed to eat today is an M&S fish cake and even that I could only eat half, I feel really tired as I'm not getting much at all into me.

Has anyone had this?


sorry hh didnt see your post till now i would put it down to stress,when you get a bug or illness it can sometimes make your band automatically tighten if i were you just try cup a Soup or just soup and see how it goes,or sometimes it's the opposite cold things like an ice lolly or really cold drink let us know how you get on hun. blondy forgot to ask what date have you got xx

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Most of you probably dont know me! I used to be on here alot, got to goal then had a baby who is now eight weeks old. So after just having my band filled pretty tight im back to lose the three and a half stone of baby weight i need to shift! So back for bandster support and of course to answer any questions as i have had my band for years now!

Cannot believe how much the format has changed!!!

GOAL WEIGHT - 9 stone

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Most of you probably dont know me! I used to be on here alot, got to goal then had a baby who is now eight weeks old. So after just having my band filled pretty tight im back to lose the three and a half stone of baby weight i need to shift! So back for bandster support and of course to answer any questions as i have had my band for years now!

Cannot believe how much the format has changed!!!

GOAL WEIGHT - 9 stone

hi carrie i remember you hun and well done,congrats on baby what did you have?The format is horrible isnt it i dont like it anyway was use to the old one lol,it shouldnt take you long to lose your baby weight bet your glad to have band to rely on,is your mum still doing your fills hun xx

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Most of you probably dont know me! I used to be on here alot, got to goal then had a baby who is now eight weeks old. So after just having my band filled pretty tight im back to lose the three and a half stone of baby weight i need to shift! So back for bandster support and of course to answer any questions as i have had my band for years now!

Cannot believe how much the format has changed!!!

GOAL WEIGHT - 9 stone

Congratulations on your new arrival, hope you are enoying your babymoon.

I am sure that it won't take long for you to lose the weight and you have had a lot of experience with your band.

Was your band completely emptied when you were pregnant? How much have you had put back in? Sorry loads of questions which I know the answers will be very relevant as I am sure that sometime soon I am going to meet a future client (I am a Doula) who will have a band and I will want to be as fully informed as possible.

Take care and look after yourselves.

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Hello all

We have a local fill centre here in Northampton with Northampton Radiology email: lagb@northamptonradiology.co.uk

They quoted me £150.00 for a fill (supposed to be a one off) and they fill it using ultrasound to see that they have the right amount of restriction. I am not considering going to them for my fills as I do not want to affect the warranty on my band. But I find it interesting that they do just one fill and then that's supposed to be it as we all know that restriction can just suddenly ease up.

I have enquired if they can do the annual x-ray aswell? They have quoted me £76.00 and will burn this to a CD for Dr Chris to have a look at.

Frederik has recently quoted me Euros 500 for a package for the check in Brussels including hotel, x-ray, appointment with Dr Chris. So I shall gather some more information and add to this post to let you know if there are other types of x-ray available.

Or if anyone has had one done and can advise what I should be asking for.

Ohh another quickies aswell while I am here, can we keep the band for life or just for the 15 years? I am hearing lots of different tails and would like to know.



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Hello all

We have a local fill centre here in Northampton with Northampton Radiology email: lagb@northamptonradiology.co.uk

They quoted me £150.00 for a fill (supposed to be a one off) and they fill it using ultrasound to see that they have the right amount of restriction. I am not considering going to them for my fills as I do not want to affect the warranty on my band. But I find it interesting that they do just one fill and then that's supposed to be it as we all know that restriction can just suddenly ease up.

I have enquired if they can do the annual x-ray aswell? They have quoted me £76.00 and will burn this to a CD for Dr Chris to have a look at.

Frederik has recently quoted me Euros 500 for a package for the check in Brussels including hotel, x-ray, appointment with Dr Chris. So I shall gather some more information and add to this post to let you know if there are other types of x-ray available.

Or if anyone has had one done and can advise what I should be asking for.

Ohh another quickies aswell while I am here, can we keep the band for life or just for the 15 years? I am hearing lots of different tails and would like to know.


i think you should just go and see fredrick or chris, they are the people who fit the band and they have loads of experince. when i talked to europe surgery they said that the band last about 15 years but there is no guantee because they are new bands and no one knows they may even last for life. so i am thinking that even if it only last 15 years thats long enough to get yourself thinner and learn not to eat too much


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i think you should just go and see fredrick or chris, they are the people who fit the band and they have loads of experince. when i talked to europe surgery they said that the band last about 15 years but there is no guantee because they are new bands and no one knows they may even last for life. so i am thinking that even if it only last 15 years thats long enough to get yourself thinner and learn not to eat too much (not the case from this end just a complete lack of inactivity due to a knee injury)

I don't think I would need 15 years not based on how everything has gone so far in 23 weeks, I have been very lucky to have lost so much weight and inches. But I know that things can change and I am not about to count my chickens. I bought a couple of pairs of size 16 trousers for work today so can officially recycle my 18's.

I would always refer to Dr Chris or Frederik as they were the ones who did the procedure. I was posting for those that may not have started thinking about this and perhaps wanted the information I had been given by Frederik or to know of alternatives.

I for one would rather not have to travel back to Belgium just yet and would like to know my options. Dr Chris did say during the meeting the evening before that he was happy to have a copy of the film and use this. So I am sure that he would be happy to accept a CD of the film.

Anyway, just a heads up for anyone starting to think about their annual check up.

Have fun and enjoy.

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hi carrie i remember you hun and well done,congrats on baby what did you have?The format is horrible isnt it i dont like it anyway was use to the old one lol,it shouldnt take you long to lose your baby weight bet your glad to have band to rely on,is your mum still doing your fills hun xx

Hi Slinky, Congratulations on your weight loss! I had a baby girl, 6 lb 2oz on 11/11/10 her name is Rose. I am not worried about losing the weight....thats why i love my band, although its very weird to be on liquids again. I do my own fills, although i dont recommend for anyone else too!

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Congratulations on your new arrival, hope you are enoying your babymoon.

I am sure that it won't take long for you to lose the weight and you have had a lot of experience with your band.

Was your band completely emptied when you were pregnant? How much have you had put back in? Sorry loads of questions which I know the answers will be very relevant as I am sure that sometime soon I am going to meet a future client (I am a Doula) who will have a band and I will want to be as fully informed as possible.

Take care and look after yourselves.


I left about 1 ml in but its a personal choice i think, you can still have fills when you are pregnant as long as you are able to get the right amount of nutrition. I was really surprised that i didnt put on more weight, especially with my sweet things cravings and the fact that i pretty much had no restriction. It gives me hope that if i suddenly couldnt have my band that i would be able to maintain a normal weight. I think i could probably lose the weight naturally now but i am impatient and seeing as it cost me alot of money i think i should still use it! I had no problems with my band at all while i was pregnant. It was only the poor midwives the kept thinking that my port was the babies foot!

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hi slinky, thanks for quick reply regarding payment methods. I laughed when I read ur reply, I am so much like u, eating, eating like horse but what about low fat diet recommended by CDB.I will try my best I am not sure how well I am going to manage.I really would like to do better and I am still have 18 days to go but should start very soon.Every day I tell myself today is a day, I am going to start that diet today,doing well till tea time and thats it ... no will power.I really hope that band will help me motivate myself and stay stronger, be able to say no to forbidden food.my biggest fear is if I still will feel hungry, I really hate that feeling and than start eat , eat alot until I am so so so full and cannot move... :mad4:

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hi slinky, thanks for quick reply regarding payment methods. I laughed when I read ur reply, I am so much like u, eating, eating like horse but what about low fat diet recommended by CDB.I will try my best I am not sure how well I am going to manage.I really would like to do better and I am still have 18 days to go but should start very soon.Every day I tell myself today is a day, I am going to start that diet today,doing well till tea time and thats it ... no will power.I really hope that band will help me motivate myself and stay stronger, be able to say no to forbidden food.my biggest fear is if I still will feel hungry, I really hate that feeling and than start eat , eat alot until I am so so so full and cannot move... :mad4:

if i was you hun i would eat some of the things you really like and feel like your gonna miss out on and eat normal and start your diet 10 days before and just put it in your head your doing the eating good thing for your surgery to shrink your liver,i also took milk thistle tablets to help too( freckles idea) a good one too felt they did help cause i couldnt do the low fat diet i was stuck in holland and the food was awful so i had to eat mcdonalds and pizza hun i dont eat meat so found it very hard to eat their food lol.when you have had the surgery you wont want to eat hun believe me i didnt for 10 days then i started getting appetite back,first fill dosnt do nothing other than fill your band the second one starts to restrict but as you lose weight it still needs tightened,because i didnt know you lose weight on the inside as well as the outside so your band gets loser as you lose weight so try and get your first few fills each month xx

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Hi Slinky, Congratulations on your weight loss! I had a baby girl, 6 lb 2oz on 11/11/10 her name is Rose. I am not worried about losing the weight....thats why i love my band, although its very weird to be on liquids again. I do my own fills, although i dont recommend for anyone else too!

Congrats carriejess, I've been wondering how the pregnancy went and what you had girl or boy so its all great news for you now, well done darling.

Hi freckles, nice to see you back, I've been lurking in the side wings, reading posts but not responding, I like you have had a gain after having some taken out because of reflux.

Just a quick update I went to Belgium between christmas and New year to see Dr Chris regarding my reflux he told me that the band wont work for me unless I also reduce my calories very low and cut out liquid fat (chocolate) and the only other thing would be to have a by-pass but at a bmi of around 30ish its not going to happen.

I went to his house and had a xray for which he charged me only 50euros which included a small fill but the taxis also cost around 50 euros. It was reasuring to know the band was in a good position, so now I've had 2 xrays one at bupa Cardiff and one in belgium both show all is well, and theres no obvious cause for the reflux. The advise from both surgeons has been keep taking the omeprazole, sleep propped up dont eat after 6pm eat low calorie food and do strenious excercise to use up calories.

I have now ordered pre calorie counted meals from diet chef to hopefully get down to 75kg (Dr Chris gave this as appropriate for me). Its a constant battle but I am remotivated so although I can have only about 4ml in my band it may still help me from getting quite as hungry.

Slinky your doing a grand job of keeping everything going whilst we pop in and out, keep up the good work.

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Thanx Slinky for your vote of confidence, God i know it will take me ages to lose what I've put on, but thats my own fault :(

Carrie, congratulations on the birth of your little baby girl!!!!! hAVENT SEEN YOU FOR AGES, or Garry, but I often see him on Facebook, swearing his head off lol.

Maggs, how nice to see you here, its been a long time and I agree Slinx is doing a great job!

I only had 3.5 left in and it wasnt enough, I could eat for England.

my eldest daughter had 4mls in and now she's pregnant again, so she'll have to get some more out soon as the baby is expected in June.

She has put on loads of weight and she cant eat much at all, pretty weird as last time she didnt put hardly anything on at all.

Good luck to all the pre-bandsters you wont regret it, it changes your whole life.

I am eating far too much and like Annie am getting hungrier each day, roll on thursday. I think I'd rather have the reflux than the weight.

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Hi Everyone

I have been wanting to wish you all a Happy New Year but could not for the life of me remember my username or password. I have just managed to reset it.

Well I had a good Christmas and went off to Belgium on 28th December and was banded on 29th Dec. Everything went smoothly and I am so pleased I took the decision and I am so happy with my progress so far.

I am still on liquids and enjoying the delicious homemade Soups. I have about 150mls and cannot eat anymore. Am I having too little?

Carrie congratulations on the new addition!!


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