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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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This is exactly how I have been since my October fill the first week after it all I could manage was warm Water nothing else, then I managed to have lucozade (defizzed!!!) and managed to keep that down for a day then lost the contents of my stomach that evening with lots of bile!

I spoke with the emergency defill number and she advised to stick with what worked i.e. the hot water! Cold just wouldn't do anything if anything it made it worse for me.

Anyway after 7 days I was able to keep cuppa Soup down and since then have teied proper food but it wont stay and so I resort to cuppa soup! I look at it that yes I have had good weightloss since this fill (16 pounds) but I am so concous of what I am now having and not having. I have doubled up on my Vitamins etc and have a double cuppa soup if I feel that my energy levels are completely depleted and have herbalife shake added to anythign that will stay put. Drinking yoghurt has been good too and more recently yoghurt.

See how you feel and then decided whether you need to perservere or go for a defill.

HTH - I know not really an answer but it's nice to know there is someone else out there who is also going through the same. My family are quite worried but I have to keep reassuring them this is ok and this is what I signed up for!!

I had a clothes trying on session today and have had a wonderful time recycling my size 20+ clothes. I had a wonderful shock that I can get back into my beautiful black Jaeger suit (16 skirt and 18 jacket) and I was wearing high heels which I haven't done since my knee op in 2008!

Hope you can work through this and restriction gets less or allows more things to go down.

Keep us posted and message if you want any support. From the same boat take care.....

Thank you Claire, glad I am not the only one, I really want to persevere and not have a defill but I am worried about doing damage by throwing up so much.

Eating is the last thing on my mind at the mo, finally after 34 years!!!! So yes will defo stick with liquids only for quite a while yet.

Hubs has been quite concerned too, and thinks I know everything that should or shouldn't happen with this band, but I'm trying to educate him that this is all new to me too! Thanks god for this forum to ask questions and get advise although it is very quiet on here lately, where is everyone I wonder???

Fingers crossed things will continue to improve in the next few days, will try hot water instead of cold and carry on with the Protein Drinks, I defo signed up for not being able to eat much but its the vomming and heartburn I struggle with. I'll report back on how I get on.

You have done amazingly well by the way, well done you, and thanks again for replying xx

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thanks Slinky.. so far no bug but of course not holding my breath (touch wood), I also have another problem my port side is very sore and sticking out quite a bit, I havent done anything different a part from helped my hub with some work, it involved lifting and alot of walking, does anyone think this is why or should I get it checked. I am 5 weeks post op so didnt think I should get anymore pain. It seemed to have been swollen now for 2 days... thanks everyone

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thanks Slinky.. so far no bug but of course not holding my breath (touch wood), I also have another problem my port side is very sore and sticking out quite a bit, I havent done anything different a part from helped my hub with some work, it involved lifting and alot of walking, does anyone think this is why or should I get it checked. I am 5 weeks post op so didnt think I should get anymore pain. It seemed to have been swollen now for 2 days... thanks everyone

dont worry hun my port stick out a fair bit to and i still sometimes get a niggling pain in my port oi think it is the norm,how is the weightloss going x

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dont worry hun my port stick out a fair bit to and i still sometimes get a niggling pain in my port oi think it is the norm,how is the weightloss going x

Thanks Slinky, I think sometimes I need a bit of reassurance.... weightloss has stopped, I am on 1 stone and 8 lbs so am really happy with that, I know its because I am not eating enough as everytime I was eating something it was getting stuck... omg it hurt!!!! I have now slowed down completely whilst eating and eating the smallest sizes, I have cut out potatoes totally and they did not agree with me and am just sticking to meat and veg. Think I should start exercising now! lol how yours doing? I am going for next fill in January what about you? xx

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Thanks Slinky, I think sometimes I need a bit of reassurance.... weightloss has stopped, I am on 1 stone and 8 lbs so am really happy with that, I know its because I am not eating enough as everytime I was eating something it was getting stuck... omg it hurt!!!! I have now slowed down completely whilst eating and eating the smallest sizes, I have cut out potatoes totally and they did not agree with me and am just sticking to meat and veg. Think I should start exercising now! lol how yours doing? I am going for next fill in January what about you? xx

you have to remember you have done really well and lost a lot before your first fill,it slows down for us all now,and we have to rely on our fills to help kick start us again hun,my weight loss has stopped but im not that bothered,i will get christmas over me then worry about the weight then lol,i will see you at the next fill im going defo this time for my third fill,im annoyed i cant get out because of the snow for my walks,but i got to a spinning class once a week lol

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Hi All, and Slinky and Scooby thank you for replying.

Well I have lost 6lbs since having the fill on Thursday, but it has not been the most pleasant experience!

So after posting in the early hours of Friday morning I continued being ill and bringing up slime and any sips of Water I took and could not lie down, was up all night and went to work for 7am and proceeded to be ill another 5 times before I could speak with Julie at 9am.

I queried that after the fill it felt tight drinking the water which did go down but made me burp alot (which I also queried at the clinic and was told this was normal at full restriction) and she again said that was normal, and that because I was getting over a cold and was very gunky that was probably why I was bringing up slime and bile as that would struggle to pass the band. She said continue on liquids only and if after 3 days had issues then to come back for emergency defill.

Now I also had a fever yesterday so thought that perhaps I had the sicky bug as I seemed to be bringing up way more than I was actually drinking. I have manged to sleep in only 20 minute bursts and have woke choking a few times, but last night and this morning managed a tiny amount of ice cream which I thought I should try in case I had swelling. I have also had wicked heartburn which has caused some pain at times.

Today Ive only been sick 3 times, and have felt alot better and managed half a cup of hot chocolate Protein Shake Meal Replacement (from Tesco, not bad tasting actually) and a sip of water at a time, however hubs just made me a cup of tea, had a couple of sips, waited a while then got heartburn which took my breath away and made me leap up and I just made it to the loo and I bought up the hot chocolate which I had over an hour ago.

So, clearly now that the band is so tight anything I drink stays in my little tum above the band for ages, so I need to learn to space out the drinking and sipping. But is the heartburn normal or because its too tight?

I know I still need to leave it another day or so for everything to adjust as its not been this tight before, and I am trying not to worry about things but going from hardly any restriction to full on restriction is quite scary I have to say, but the weight loss is fabulous ;)

Has anyone had this and it has settled on its own, or is a defill the only answer?

Many thanks for the advise xx

Hi there

I had a similar problem on I think my 3rd or 4th fill. It was a real shock to the system!! I felt awful for getting on for a month but I decided to sit it out. I did go to the docs as I'd been recommended some suppositories to help with swelling but it wasn't my usual doc and she was very unsympathetic and I came away empty handed and in tears!! Anyway I phoned WLS for advise and that was to suck ice cubes, lollies etc to reduce swelling. Also nurofen (melts or the liquid stuff for children) will also help take swelling down. As you lose weight you'll also loosen off. But it's up to you what to do, don't make ur self ill. It's hard to know what to do esp like you say when fills are so expensive!! i was in a right dilemma, I wouldn't want to go through it again. Look after urself.

My internet has been down and it took me ageeeeeeeeeeees to find this thread!! Grrrr!!

Well I'm starvvvvvvvvvvvvving!!!!!, I feel slightly out of control. I loved the way my band took that feeling away. With restriction I felt like I was in control for once not food. Fill is a week on Saturday. I've put on about 6lbs in 3 weeks. Bad eh? It's like I have no band at the moment. I'm looking forward to some restriction just hopefully minus the acid. On the plus side I've barely eaten any fruit in 18 months as it just doesn't go down but I've been able to the past few weeks. Good job it's cold outside so I can wear baggy tops :-)

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Hello All

Well 5 weeks and a few days I managed yesterday to finally eat some porridge and a few small pieces of chicken and about 4 baby carrots. Truly lovely and magical! As soon as I felt that I had reached my limit I stopped as I didn't want to push my luck.

I managed to relax over the weekend and spent lazy mornings in bed and on Sunday I was lying on my tummy and I felt a pop and gurgle. After this it felt easier to eat so not sure what that was all about but hoping that I can manage some more again today. I have only had a cuppa Soup and some yop yoghurt. So family are having sausage casserole and I shall have homemade pea and mint soup - delicious!!

Booked for another fill on the 17th January if I need it. Away from the 14th for a few weeks in the States and so looking forward to this!

Will do a little retail shopping for some new clothes and not go to mad! Particularly as I am now half way there and have another 50 lbs to lose so I am going to chunk it up into two lots of 25 lbs and see how I go.

So if you are having restriction issues I perservered and have got through it but do what is right for you. The weeks since the last fill haven't been fab and at times I have felt like I was spaced out through lack of energy etc.

Take care


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Evening All

I am absolutely delighted to announce that after 4 days of hell since my fill on Thursday I have now lost 12.5lbs!!! Woo hoo!

I cannot beleive it, and today I feel absolutely fine, and have managed to keep down sips of tepid Water, cool coffee and 3 mouthfuls of a ready made slim fast shake. I was still being sick up to 5pm last night so think it was a mix of a bug and the tight restriction because I felt rotten and have never had heartburn and pain in my chest like it.

Fot those of you that have seen my posts and panics over the last few days, thank you so much for all your advise. I am so glad I stuck it out and didn't rush off for a defill.

I actually got a reply back from Freddie this morning, bless him, who again just reassured me that the full restriction is the big learner, tiny portions for my egg cup belly, only sips and not gulps of drink, but he also said no Hot Drinks if swollen and vomitting as hot will make the swelling worse, yet funnily enough after Claires advise it was hot water I could keep down rather than cold.

Any how I am now going to attempt a little savory offering of cup a Soup, fingers crossed, and must stop jumping on the scales everytime I pass the bathroom!

Thanks again and good luck to all x x x

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Another week and still no weight loss - totally fed up - now been nearly 2 months since last fill and I have only lost 3lbs in that time - I am booked for another fill on 17th December so hoping that will take me too the illusive "Sweet Spot" - this band is the most frustrating thing ever!!

FP glad to hear your back to normal and fab weight loss - fingers crossed I will be joining you with that soon

I fly out on holiday this Friday (weather permitting!!) off to Egypt with my best friend for a week of 5 star luxury and pampering - can't wait

Hope everyone is doing well

Kerry xx

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Another week and still no weight loss - totally fed up - now been nearly 2 months since last fill and I have only lost 3lbs in that time - I am booked for another fill on 17th December so hoping that will take me too the illusive "Sweet Spot" - this band is the most frustrating thing ever!!

FP glad to hear your back to normal and fab weight loss - fingers crossed I will be joining you with that soon

I fly out on holiday this Friday (weather permitting!!) off to Egypt with my best friend for a week of 5 star luxury and pampering - can't wait

Hope everyone is doing well

Kerry xx

Hi Kerry

Totally understand your frustration, I had 5 months of that before this fill. How much have you now got in your band now, I cant remember? Hopefully next time they will fill you to the max like they have done me.

I still can't tolerate anything more than liquid. Slim fast ok but again only managed 3 mouthfuls and 1 cup of coffee taken in sips all day. Tried baby food last night and sloppy mash tonight and its not having it.

Need to find me a good liquid Vitamin, if anyone has any recommendations pls?

Go and have a bloomin good holiday, eating, drinking and enjoying yourself hun as I am sure that next fill will do the trick.

Take care

C xx

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Hi Susanlondon.

I have booked my gastric band with Dr DeBruyne, I am getting it done this friday, ill let you know how it goes.


hi hun welcome to the forum ,you will be fine it all runs smooth hun,let us all know how you get on xx

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i think it is so annoying alot of the members that were on here,prob cant find the site again,cause i found it hard,,and so they are missing out on getting advice of all the people they knew,hope you all find your way back and aredoing well xx:blink:

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i think it is so annoying alot of the members that were on here,prob cant find the site again,cause i found it hard,,and so they are missing out on getting advice of all the people they knew,hope you all find your way back and aredoing well xx:blink:

I know I struggled to find it after my computer crashed!! Then I remembered reading how you'd found it so I did the same! So much for improvements! Still no change here, starving all the time and eating anything and everything. Thankfully fill is a week on Saturday. I realise just what an amazing tool this is as in effect I feel like I don't have it at the moment and I soooooo want it back!! I've put on best part of half a stone. Yes I've eaten a lot more but also have been able to eat a lot of fruit and veg which I often struggled with inc clementines which are usually very hard to get down because of the skin. Roll on a week Saturday before I regret getting rid of my bigger clothes!!! :lol:

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hello all,

back and BANDED!

flights were chaos with the weather but got there and had my op on tuesday, 30th Nov. Sore and stiff but not chucked up yet. I'm now back at home with my lovely hubby and daughter.

7lbs down from monday.

Good luck to everyone else going out to dr chris, great team.


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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