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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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Hi all

Best of luck to all those who are goin for their bands and getting fills. Im really jealous, as i am only starting to save now and on top of that saving for a mortgage. :smile2:

Im 20 odd stone, i did manage to get down to 17 stone but put up 3..so sad, worked at it for a year and once i ate, normally, well what i call normal is prob not too healthy.

I would love to be able to just book it and get it done and not have to wait months..

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Hi wannabeslinky, yes I am when we checked flights it was either going from Belfast £250 or Dublin £63... you can guess which one, I am worried though as if I am in pain the last thing on my mind will be a train journey!!!

thanks for your advice I know there are so many people out there like me and its just nice when someone listens and are able to comment and know what they are talking about!! xx

Oh and I am not telling my doc he doesnt agree with bands!!

dont worry about the train hun,after my op we drove home from brussles to scotland,then from stranraer to belfast lol i was fine honestly,and the fills are done in belfast too,dont worry corkgirl and dubgirl your time will soon come:tongue_smilie:

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oh bloody hell Lemma, I bet you feel like crap you poor thing.

Its strange how these things happen, but dont regret having your band chick, like Laila says the worst is over, and now every day will see you feeling better and more positive.

DONT DESPAIR!!!!! You will soon be pain-free, and if you want to moan, go ahead, we all do it.

Just get plenty of rest and dont overdo it.

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Oh Lillie, dont fret hunny, Freddyboy is so busy he's slow to reply to mails, everyone will tell you that.

Seems like maybe you should get rid of your gorgeous fella lol, its his fault you've gained weight.

Seriously though, you will still feel like you can eat the same as before but after a few fills, its impossible.

We have such a small pouch that Michael Van den Bossche has cards printed for his bandsters to carry with them, like an identity card and it says on that, that the holder of the card can only eat a 3rd of a cupful of food at any one time, and its so true.

My band is so tight atm that I cant even manage that amount.

I had 2 cream crackers for Breakfast with Marmite on, and I was bloated, but bear in mind it changes every day.

Good luck with your op sugar, you wont regret it.

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For all that have been banded and on the path to losing weight - u are all truely an inspiration for those of us that are not banded yet - absolutely glued to this forum

Myself and a friend, I'll call her Daisy are being banded on 2nd Nov - flying from dublin. If there is anyone out there being banded at this time, get in touch as we would love buddy or two!

Well done to all, :smile2:

Rosie Cheeks x

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Hya Rosie Cheeks, nice to see you again.

Thats exciting news, wish you were going when my daughters going on 29th October, nobody seems to be going then :smile2:

But good luck to you and Daisy xx

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Its 2.33am and I'm in the hotel. After an ultrasound i was told I had a haematoma on the muscle which they think caused the bleed.

I'm not ashamed to say that it has scared me.

I feel rubbish and I am in a lot of pain from where the port is and the extra stitches. The trapped gas is god awful and feels like my stomach is about 3" from my throat.

I keep asking myself "what have I done?"

Be prepared everyone who is yet to go - this is quite a big op.

I need to try and sleep but it hurts to lay down and I can't get comfortable.

I didn't want this to be a moaning reply but I can't fib cos this is no easy option.

I hope I feel better soon. Nite nite x

You poor poor thing! I think the fact your are out of UK and away from family makes situation worse?!? Aw bless you honey - hope you#re feeling a little better? Peppermint tea helped me - i beleive - with the gas. that trapped gas is sheer horrid as unfortunately cos not contained you cannot burp or fart it out - you have to wait for body to absorb; but when you can pass it you will feel hundred times better. Everyone seems to differ as to where it goes for me it was neck and chest. I felt the same sensations as you (the stomach feeling 3" away from mouth)- but it DOES die down - as you say it is a MAJOR bariatric op.

Something that isn't repeated on here enough. It is not a simple 'lunchtime' makeover- despite how celebs casually refer to it - and must lie.

Hopefully a week from now it will feel more like a distant memory?

Please make sure you have help with luggage etc and when you get home - you will feel sore for a good week yet - you are doing so well chicken - try keep positive xxx

Edited by angelfizz

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good evening all..

thanks for your replies, they are all so lovely and reassuring, keep them coming it makes me feel so much better!! Frederik got back to me and I am definately booked in for the 20th October, yes got my hubby with me.. we were very lucky as we had money saved and even though we need a new van for work my husband let me choose the band instead!!! Im gonna repay him though later on with size 10 saucy undies!!!! :)

If anyone else is going on that date it will be great to hear from them.....

Wannabe Slinky.. is it Bangor for the refills? x

You are all doing amazing xxxx :smile2:

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Hi guys

I'm back home now - thank goodness.

I'm not quite sure what to make of the whole experience. Other than the fact that I am in a lot of pain and still recovering from yesterdays complication, a few other thoughts have gone through my head and i want to share them. You won't ll agree but each persons experience is different.

1. The hospital was spotless, the nurses generally nice and very efficient.

2. Frederik was younger than i expected and i was also a little surprised that he saw 3 of us together in the hotel the night before the op for a general talk. I'm not sure i like that approach and it it means confidentiality is an after thought. He did ask to speak to each of us alone those to sort out "the financials" and ask some personal health questions.

3. The whole admissions process was quite simple once you have negotiated which blasted button to press to get your ticket. You then sit at a desk and have a lady look at your id, check you in and give you your file stickers and wrist band. You are then left to find Floor 1 section A - not as easy as you would think.

4. Once the nurses are ready for you they take you to your bed (fully electric beds - a MUST - than goodness). There is plenty of cupboard space for you and only 3 to a bay. I was in a bay with another 2 english ladies who had come through Professional Beauty (??). One of them had paid over £6k!!!!!! and still had her hotel and taxis to pay for. Go direct is the moral of that tale.

5. The nurses came and asked me to strip off my top half so they could do the heart trace, and then someone came and took 11....yes 11 viles of blood!!!! They are nothing if not thorough with the testing.

6. Dr Chris then came to talk to all 3 of us - he seems pleasant enough but speaks almost fluent but still slightly pigeon english. He talks at a million miles an hour and you cannot always makes sense of what he is saying. You get the general drift though.

7. You then get into your lovely hospital gown and wait. I went down at about 11am. I remember seeing the anaesthetist who was frankly a waste of space. In the UK you see the anaethestist and have a detailed talk with him/her before you have your surgery. The anaes. is your pain man. They tell you how they are going to manage your pain etc etc. NONE OF THAT. The first time i met him was when he just appeared with a syringe of anaethestic and put it in my canula. And that hurt too...so be warned.

I will take a breath for part 2. :biggrin:

Edited by lemma1968

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lemma please dont stop writing!! Im sitting waiting for the next bit!!! I hope you feel just a little better xx

Hi guys

I'm back home now - thank goodness.

I'm not quite sure what to make of the whole experience. Other than the fact that I am in a lot of pain and still recovering from yesterdays complication, a few other thoughts have gone through my head and i want to share them. You won't ll agree but each persons experience is different.

1. The hospital was spotless, the nurses generally nice and very efficient.

2. Frederik was younger than i expected and i was also a little surprised that he saw 3 of us together in the hotel the night before the op for a general talk. I'm not sure i like that approach and it it means confidentiality is an after thought. He did ask to speak to each of us alone those to sort out "the financials" and ask some personal health questions.

3. The whole admissions process was quite simple once you have negotiated which blasted button to press to get your ticket. You then sit at a desk and have a lady look at your id, check you in and give you your file stickers and wrist band. You are then left to find Floor 1 section A - not as easy as you would think.

4. Once the nurses are ready for you they take you to your bed (fully electric beds - a MUST - than goodness). There is plenty of cupboard space for you and only 3 to a bay. I was in a bay with another 2 english ladies who had come through Professional Beauty (??). One of them had paid over £6k!!!!!! and still had her hotel and taxis to pay for. Go direct is the moral of that tale.

5. The nurses came and asked me to strip off my top half so they could do the heart trace, and then someone came and took 11....yes 11 viles of blood!!!! They are nothing if not thorough with the testing.

6. Dr Chris then came to talk to all 3 of us - he seems pleasant enough but speaks almost fluent but still slightly pigeon english. He talks at a million miles an hour and you cannot always makes sense of what he is saying. You get the general drift though.

7. You the get into your lovely hospital gown and wait. I went don at about 11am. I remember seeing the anaesthetist who was frankly a waste of space. In the UK you see the anaethestist and have a detailed talk with him/her before you have your surgery. The anaes. is your pain man. They tell you ho they are going to manage your pain etc etc. NONE OF THAT. The first time i met him was when he just appeared with a syringe of anaethestic and put it in my canula. And that hurt too...so be warned.

I will take a breath for part 2. :biggrin:

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I can't remember waking up but i do remember 99 Red Balloons being on the radio as i was put under. I also remember seeing frederik briefly.

8.Back on the ward - i drifted in and out of sleep for most of the day. Nothing much to report there.

9. The nurses came and did some obs, blood pressure etc.

10. You are given your painkillers (paracetemol) via the IV along with saline to keep you hydrated. You are not allowed to drink at all in that first day but you are given a swab that you can dip in Water to refresh your mouth.

11. Now i would normally expect to see the anaesthetist again to see how I am coping with the pain, checking my obs etc but that never happened. Having had 5 previous surgeries i do think that is a grave error on their part. I cannot understand it. You don't see Dr Chris again until the next day. You are in the care of the nurses. If you need to pee, its a bedpan.

12. My first night was awful - its hard sleeping in a room with strangers, but with strangers who are also in pain - expect a sleepless night.

13. The following morning the nurses come in and like a tag team they efficiently do your obs then remove your wound drain. That hurt. It took my breath away. They also give you an injection of heparin and want you to observe how they give it to you cos you will be injecting yourself once you are discharged.

14. The nurse then said i could freshen up. I did that, walked back to the bed and saw that i was drenched in blood. It was soaked through my gown, pouring down my leg. One of the other ladies shouted at me to lay down whilst she pressed her buzzer. I then had one nurse, then 2 nurses then 4 nurses, then the nurses and Frederik and a sand bag trying to stop the bleeding. Then Dr Chris turned up, gave me a local anaesthetic and stitched up the wound. Then i had to wait over 3 hours before i was seen in ultrasound to check if it was an internal bleed. I was terrified. To be honest the staff were not good at the reassurance bit and Dr Chris went almost as quickly as he came.

15. One of the nurses - Fatima - would come and see me and crack the odd macabre joke to me - i actually appreciated the effort.

16. I was wheeled down to radiology on my bed. Dr Chris appeared, asked me how i was feeling and squeezed my knee in a sort of reassuring fashion. He then explained in some detail (well, it sounded like it) to one of the nurses what he wanted doing. The radiologist who did the ultrasound was lovely. She said it looked like a haematoma that was disrupted when the wound drain was removed. She advised me to stay in another night for monitoring. I then went to take part in the table tipping exercise - that was unexpected and hurt as a result of my new stitches etc. But all was ok. The staff at radiology were very pleasant.

17. Dr Chris and one of my roomies got into a bit of a todo about some information that Dr Chris gave to her about her liver. She wanted him to explain it to her in more detail so she could discuss it with her GP - he said it would be in her notes, she said please give me more detail he said "stop pushing, you are pushing" clearly unhappy at being questioned. The patient was unhappy cos he had said she had this liver problem in front of all of us - no quiet confidential talk. She gave in and he left.

18. Back on the ward - my roomies were getting ready to leave. A nurse came in with a bag of injections and soluble paracetemol for them to take with them. My roomies thought that meant they could leave...and they did. About 1 hour later Dr Chris waltzed into the room saying "hello ladies..." and stopped mid sentence when he realised that i was the only one there. He asked me where they had gone - i said they'd left and he was out of the room in a shot. Not a happy man at all. He came back and spoke to me alone - again at a million miles an hour in his matter of fact tone. He said i had to take it easy, look out for infection etc and seek medical attention if my temperature goes up and i get severe abdominal pain. He then voiced how annoyed he was that my roomies had left as "you should never leave without speaking to your surgeon" - he's right.

Even though the radiologist said i should stay another night Dr Chris said he did not think i needed to but if there was a problem i had to come straight back in. So i got dressed and went back to the hotel.

Last night at the hotel i slept very little again - i was and i still am in a lot of pain. I would recommend that you see your GP when you get back for some more painkillers and maybe some anti-inflammatories. I know that would really help me so i am going to try and get to see my gp.

One final thing - none of us had brought towels - the hospital do not supply towels as matter of routine so remember to take them.

i'm off to bed now. I'm not sure what i can and cant have now. My mind is all over the place.

I'm also not sure how long the dressings are to stay on for - anyone know please?

Sorry its been a tome but i wanted to get it all out whilst it was reasonably fresh in my head.

Night night everyone x

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Hi Leema

Gosh you've been through he mill but it will get easier every day now. In the info I was given at the hospital, it said that the dressings should be changed every 2 days. I cleaned the wounds with the blue liquid stuff the nurses left on my locker at the hospital (if they didn't mean me to take it, I obviously nicked it) I kept the wounds covered with dressings I bought from the chemist here until day 12 when the stitch in the drain was to come out as I was told to avoid getting the wounds wet. The nurse at my GP took out my stitch on Tuesday and cut off the ends of the dissolving stitches(although she did say it was the first time she had seen them finished left on the outside of the skin like that - must be how they do it in Belgium). I feel great now, although I keep getting awful hunger pangs.

I will be 2 weeks post op tomorrow so hopefully you will soon be feeling well again.

Shaz x

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good evening all..

thanks for your replies, they are all so lovely and reassuring, keep them coming it makes me feel so much better!! Frederik got back to me and I am definately booked in for the 20th October, yes got my hubby with me.. we were very lucky as we had money saved and even though we need a new van for work my husband let me choose the band instead!!! Im gonna repay him though later on with size 10 saucy undies!!!! :)

If anyone else is going on that date it will be great to hear from them.....

Wannabe Slinky.. is it Bangor for the refills? x

You are all doing amazing xxxx :biggrin:

hi hun it is bangor but bangor /belfast lol its the same distance to me im cookstown so it just over an hour anyway lol,take care:thumbup:

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Hello All

I had my 1st fill today in London at Upper Wimpole Street. I went early and then had a little treat doing some retail therapy (only bought 3 gingerbread men in John Lewis for the children and Mark) and had lunch there as well. That was lovely I had Tomato and basil Soup and then walked out onto Cavendish Square and up Harley Street and then cut across onto Wimpole Street and then Upper Wimpole. Very easy and quick, although the rain was dreadful!

Very professional service at the Vein Clinic. It was lovely to meet other band clients and share. I had my fill done by Chris Dupres - very pleasant and exceptionally professional. Fill didn't hurt just took a while to get in. But fine. I could feel the Fluid going in (bit odd) but all ok. He was impressed with how much I had lost in terms of weight and inches.

So I had fill today and am booked again for the 28th October and then I will go again on the 25th November and then wait until January as we are away.

Will post tomorrow as it's weigh day. Not holding my breath as I have had an awful week and felt really poorly with this horrible virus! Don't think I will have lost anything at all.

Anyway take care.

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hello, lemma you sound like you had an awful time! i gald your all safe and sound now.it will all be worth it in the end,the weighs starting to come off me already and only had the band a couple of months!:biggrin:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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