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Hi Freckles & everyone. Just wanted to let everyone know what has been happening with me lately just in case anyone else were to have the misfortune to be in the same position. I have been suffering with pain around the stomach area since last summer and it was put down to being over production of stomach acid & I was prescribed Omeprazole. After having a couple of severe attacks, I went back to the GP last week where I was advised to double up on the tablets and go back if not any better. I ended up in hospital in early hours of last Sunday morning after being in agony for hours and 4 days & an ultrasound scan later, gallstones were diagnosed & I am now on the waiting list for my gall bladder removed. Apparently this is not an uncommon problem for weight loss surgery patients or when weight has been lost very quickly and so if you get pain in the central area around the bottom of your ribcage (can be slightly to the right hand side) and can also go into your back, bear it in mind & don't necessarily assume it is excess acid. I had also been worrying it was something wrong with the band like slippage or erosion. Hope none of you do get this as it is truly horrible and you probably won't but wish I had been aware of the symptoms & could have gone to the drs sooner & told them the full list of problems which I now know are typical of the problem but hadn't mentioned cos thought weren't connected at the time.

Any fairly new bandsters who are feeling a bit disheartened/experiencing problems, don't worry, you will learn about living/eating with your band. Everybodys band is different and it is a learning curve you need to go through and be patient about even though we all want to be at our targets as soon as possible, a steady loss is best overall.

Hello to all my old bandster friends - mmm, freckles, bobo, garry, carriejess (big congrats by the way!) etc (sorry if I've missed anyone out - its been a while).

Freckles - your Gabrielle is just so gorgeous!

Take care everyone, Bigsister xx

(sorry, not meaning to scare anyone about this - just sharing info just in case!)


Poor u i suffered with my gall bladder last year the pain was the worst thing ever constantly bein rushed off to hospital for morphine inj, eventually had it wipped out but suffered for months i thought it was Constipation to begin with until it got worse and worse keep to a low fat diet it really helps trust me, the sooner they get it out the better for u the pain will only get worse i literally was screamin the house down at my worst couldn't stand sit or bend hope they do the op soon for u hun

Julie x

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hi julie im not booked till july,cause were in holland and belgium on hols so going at the end of my holiday lol cant wait and poor july u go for it baby get it done and tell your hubby to stop embarrasing you by telling everyone you will be the town clown i would kill my trevor if he told anyone,have to say im dreading the warm weather comming and having to take my coat off but i have a cardi on standby to take its place i actually put my weight on after showing off to all the kids i could do a sommersault on the trampoline not realising it's not as bouncy as the old school ones and broke my ankle and had to get metal pins in it so was off my feet for months so i ate all the pies and hardley moved and the weight piled on,and every time i tried to loose it i would gain more so band here i come i wanted early july but dr chris is away from the 4th till 26th july so im booked for the 27th yay im doing a jig here lol:tt2:

Hi Slinky

So glad ur booked up u'll settle down about it and time will fly by i was the same but then its only been last 2 weeks i ve really thought about it non stop again and diet is the worst thing cause all i wanna do now is eat eat and eat but trying my hardest to abstein lol, only next week at work then im off on the monday im so EXCITED now poor July pity she cant go same day as me but maybe she could book for same time as u give her someone to give her a little support, bless her, and just think this will be ur last summer with ur coat or cardi strapped to u constantly, im not expectin miracles but if i could lose a stone by the summer i'll be well chuffed but im happy for next summer to be my skinny one lol

Julie x

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Hi Julie..

Thank you very much for such nice msg.. Make me really happy see i have that support..Pitty you will go for this surgery in few days and not time enough to me do it together you if i had some more time i would be so glad to enjoy you in the big day.(well sad for me but i am sure you look forward to do it) .I dont know what is wrong with me but i start eat a lot and get so nervous in the night time i guess i am ready nervous about that surgery.I never had any surgery in my life before i am very scared.Will be little hard be in Belgium with not perfect english and not lot of french too but i know i can do it and i will do it..

Ooh i know exactaly what you talk about people bring diet to you and says you dont need that.. that start happens with me everyday and drive me crazy..

So are you ready for your big day?? what the diet you are in at the moment???

Take care and talk with you soon.


Hi July

Ur very welcome hun thats what were here for i know people have helped me so much on here we all just help each other, ur time will come hun but please dont let anyone talk u out of it if u feel its right for u, i really hope ur hubby comes round for u and u get some support but if u dont then u do it alone empowerment is an amazing thing and u will be so happy u took the plunge, try and buddy up with someone on here and book to go the same time as them give u a little support whilst ur there i wish u all the best in ur journey hun keep us informed of how ur getting on

Julie x

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hi julie, i know the whole thing is really scary isnt it?i think do take your jim jams to hospital with a tootbrush and hair brush. dont forget a cup for the hotel cause they only have plastic one there i am told and if you can get your hands on some diclofenac for the first few days that might be useful.



Hi Geri

Thanks for that hun i'll have to keep looking back to make sure i got everything lol, cant believe the times nearly here think my hubbys sick to death of hearing me go on about it lol

Julie x

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Hi and thanks Freckles. I'm afraid I'm not in Benenden - decided not to be as I was in the local Westfield scheme (which is cheaper but not as good benefits) but kinda regretting that decision now! May look into joining when I go back to work - shame you start looking at it seriously when it's a bit late innit?!

Thank you Julie also - don't worry, I'm def sticking to the low fat stuff - anyone who has had the horrendous pain would want to do anything they could to avoid it occurring. Perhaps apart from my sister (bandster Gillian on this forum - her of the turkey dinosaur incident within a week of banding!) who is so addicted to choc, curry etc and would just have to risk it to see if she could get away with it! She just never learns - but is fine Freckles thanks for asking - she is not losing too much at the moment as she says she is still in 'Xmas mode' which has lasted since November 09! This will prob end next month when she will then go straight into 'holiday mode'! She is the Amy Winehouse of bandsters and should be permanently on the forum's naughty step!

Really feel for July - it must be hard enough at times not being in your home country but to feel you need to take this big step seemingly without any direct support is so sad. Even if your husband doesn't agree with your choice, feel it was out of order to tell others who he knew would share his opinion and join in the condemnation. I so hope that you do the right thing for you and that the result is a much better life for you. Do try and get a date which is the same as someone else on here so that you won't feel so much on your own but even if not, all people going for banding bond straight away once they meet over in Belgium and really look out for each other.

Take care all, love Bigsis xx

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Hi and thanks Freckles. I'm afraid I'm not in Benenden - decided not to be as I was in the local Westfield scheme (which is cheaper but not as good benefits) but kinda regretting that decision now! May look into joining when I go back to work - shame you start looking at it seriously when it's a bit late innit?!

Thank you Julie also - don't worry, I'm def sticking to the low fat stuff - anyone who has had the horrendous pain would want to do anything they could to avoid it occurring. Perhaps apart from my sister (bandster Gillian on this forum - her of the turkey dinosaur incident within a week of banding!) who is so addicted to choc, curry etc and would just have to risk it to see if she could get away with it! She just never learns - but is fine Freckles thanks for asking - she is not losing too much at the moment as she says she is still in 'Xmas mode' which has lasted since November 09! This will prob end next month when she will then go straight into 'holiday mode'! She is the Amy Winehouse of bandsters and should be permanently on the forum's naughty step!

Really feel for July - it must be hard enough at times not being in your home country but to feel you need to take this big step seemingly without any direct support is so sad. Even if your husband doesn't agree with your choice, feel it was out of order to tell others who he knew would share his opinion and join in the condemnation. I so hope that you do the right thing for you and that the result is a much better life for you. Do try and get a date which is the same as someone else on here so that you won't feel so much on your own but even if not, all people going for banding bond straight away once they meet over in Belgium and really look out for each other.

Take care all, love Bigsis xx

hi big sis i read about your all from the begining hope u and ur sis ok how has your weight loss been for the last year are you happy with it well done :biggrin:

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Hi bigsis hope your feeling better.My partner michelle had gallstones and she was in agony every time she ate anything fatty especially cheese.So i know the pain your going through.Thats the only thing that helped her was staying on a low fat diet before she got them out.So hope you get it done soon.

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Well, second fill was Thursday... was lovely to meet Paul and Angie and to see Freckles again.

Finally I feel like I have a little bit of restriction! I've been eating, but very small quantities, which is great because I was starting to worry a bit as I could eat literally anything in as big quantities as I felt like.

Happy that my restriction even seems to be happening with the stuff that's bad for me too (crisps and biscuits) because it definitely wasn't before the fill. I know I'm nowhere near the "sweet spot" yet, but even if I can lose a bit, so long as it's going in the right direction.

How are you feeling a couple of days post-fill Paul? Still on liquids? I didn't even manage a day on liquids!! lol

Freckles, has the reflux died off a bit? I know you said you are happy to cope with it being that uncomfortable to achieve your goals, but it can't be pleasant! Also, I couldn't imagine the cider vinegar helping anyway, isn't that acidic? I suffered from heartburn for years (thankfully the band has got rid of it, amazingly!) and I couldn't think of anything worse than vinegar when my heartburn was bad.

p.s. What was that lippy woman like??? lol :biggrin:

Edited by jojo33
Can't spell!

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Hey thank you!

Did your daughter have Fluid taken out of her band? How does it work when the baby is bigger, can you still find the port? I dont think i have a problem with my fill level at the moment but i am worried that i am not getting enough Water in comparison to how thirsty i am! I do my own fills which i know alot of people dont agree with but its my choice to do. Do you think i am better off taking everything out and just leaving it empty until after the baby is born?

Thanks for all your help xxx

Hi Carriejess, my daughter was seen monthly by her band surgeon and monitored quite closely having extra scans under nhs as well to ensure baby growth rate was normal.

My daughter had most of her fill taken out (not all) during the first 4 months of pregnancy, (3ml left in) then at months 5 6 and 7 was topped up a bit another 1.5 taking her to 4.5. Then for months 8 and 9 went back to have only 3ml in.

She breast fed so did'nt have any more put in untill 2 months post baby then went back and had 1.5 taking her to 4.5. Now she has 6ml and is fine.

The baby was a very healthy 7.7lb and born naturally with no problems at all

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Hi Bobo - feeling better than I was thanks but altho I'm absolutely sticking to low fat foods, the little buggers are still rumbling! Have been told it will be about 2 months before surgery so hoping I won't be bothered too much within that time. Apparently its usually women that develop gallstones - we get all the good stuff eh girls?! By the way, you have done so well with your weight loss and surely are down to target now? Congratulations, you're looking great!

Slinkygirl - I am not one of the big losers on here, in fact I am still the same weight I was in October after gaining a bit over xmas and then losing it again. I have lost 2st 9lbs up to now and need to lose just over another stone to be at a normal BMI. It is really hard now to lose every lb but even if I stayed at the weight I am now, I still feel it has been worth it for me. Hopefully staying on a particularly low fat diet cos of these stones will help to shift a bit more - a bit of a Brucie bonus I suppose but would rather go without the pain thank you very much!

Best wishes to everyone, old and new, Bigsis xx

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Hi bigsis thanks very much.Im just sitting under 15 stone but for me to be in a healthy bmi i have to be 14 7lb as im still classed as obese so about half a stone to go.But its not bothering me to much if i had to stay this weight i would be happy too.You have done great too they say the last stone is the hardest but stick with it you will get there.Hope everthing goes well and you get the op soon.

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p.s. What was that lippy woman like??? lol :confused:

Ole colly lips, looked dreadful didnt she lol.

I told my daughter about her and she said you should have told her to ask freddyboy cos he did her defill before she had the baby....I'd forgotten. She said he would remember that her port was in between her boobs.

big Sis, I've not lost since October either, but the last fill on thursday gone has got me back on track I hope....

Jo the acid reflux, doesnt happen if i dont eat anything after 9pm.....well it didnt last night anyway lol.

Will keep you posted and so glad you have some restriction.

Big sis, Sammy text me today, she is going to try to get on here at some point, but is so busy with her new baby.

It was a little girl btw. A sister for Harrison.

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Well, second fill was Thursday... was lovely to meet Paul and Angie and to see Freckles again.

Finally I feel like I have a little bit of restriction! I've been eating, but very small quantities, which is great because I was starting to worry a bit as I could eat literally anything in as big quantities as I felt like.

Happy that my restriction even seems to be happening with the stuff that's bad for me too (crisps and biscuits) because it definitely wasn't before the fill. I know I'm nowhere near the "sweet spot" yet, but even if I can lose a bit, so long as it's going in the right direction.

How are you feeling a couple of days post-fill Paul? Still on liquids? I didn't even manage a day on liquids!! lol

Freckles, has the reflux died off a bit? I know you said you are happy to cope with it being that uncomfortable to achieve your goals, but it can't be pleasant! Also, I couldn't imagine the cider vinegar helping anyway, isn't that acidic? I suffered from heartburn for years (thankfully the band has got rid of it, amazingly!) and I couldn't think of anything worse than vinegar when my heartburn was bad.

p.s. What was that lippy woman like??? lol :confused:

Hi jo

it was lovely to meet you and Angie thought so too. I am doing great since my fill

I have literally just had my first solid food since Thursday and it's now 930 Sunday morning

and that was a whole ounce if special k, I can feel a full feeling already. It's had a good effect

on my weight too another 2.5lbs off since then! I am happy to say the least.

My bmi has gone down over 3 since my op a month ago too.

Keep going honey we all will get there sometime no too far away I hope x Paul

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I can second the allen carr book weightogo i read it nearly five years ago in one day and stopped the next so did my partner.It was the best money i ever spent apart from the band.
Indeed, it's a £1 on Amazon well spent for me!
Bless all you newly banded folk, you wont regret it.

I didnt have any restriction really until my 3rd fill, so dont worry that its not working.

The cider vinegar was only just over a quid in Hollands and Barretts:lol: you crank.

My appointment is at 2pm on thursday, I think I only need .5 ml in to get me to my sweet spot, so here's hoping.:tongue:

WTG your hubby is a star, thats what everyone needs, is he for hire?:cursing:

I dont know why you needed bedpans, I managed to go the loo and I'm an old lady:laugh: and dont foget it was my second band.

I gave up smoking the day of the 'op and stopped until June, then stupidly started again.

I didnt lose any weight at all and blamed that.

I think I will be buying that book, thanx so much for the info.

Hope to see you 2 on thursday:biggrin:

Jasmine we all worry like that, it will be over before you know it babe xx

hehe he is a star indeed. He took the last 10 days off work to look after me, we didnt know how laid up I'd be.

He's been in that kitchen every morning, afternoon and evening making me special liquid/mush grub. Weighing stuff and whizzing stuff. He was there one day making all kinds of Soups from scratch so I woudnt get bored with tinned stuff.

He's done my injections for me, changed my dressings, rubbed my back when I've been burping and farting like mad hahha, he's kept the house spotless too (he's always been good at this though lol).

He's looked after my every need so far (we're both back to work tomorrow :sad: though I work in Pharma sales so am at home working most of next week so can take it relatively easy).

He's taken me out a few times too so I didn't get bored at start hunting for donuts haha, we went to The Royal Albert Hall the other night and saw Paulo Nutini, and we've had dinner out, gone to the pub or out for the day etc.

He's done everything for me (and he wasnt completely 'for' having it done in the first place). :thumbup:

Plus I'm 8lbs down, there's some restriction but not an awful lot, I can take about 200ml per sitting, so far brown rice/brown bread is fine, and hubby makes me a dinner of soft fish/mash/soft veg etc and all seems to be ok.

but my only real problem is my temperature control:

9 days post op, and oh boy I am utterly freezing!

I am having the most insane temperature swings. I feel so cold that even the other day which was lovely 20 degrees C I was wearing a pile of clothing, covered up in bed shivering and had piled on 2 blankets.

I'm like this almost all of the time, I'm wearing thick clothing in bed at night and also a thick wool fleecy dressing gown.

Then occasionally I feel steaming hot, and throw all the bedding and clothes off. Only to be freezing again 10 minutes later.

My other half feels my skin and tells me I am red hot, and that the room is red hot too.

Anyone else experience this? Is it a post op/GA thing?

I don't feel unwell so I'm not sure I have a post op infection.

I'm fooking freezing to death!! :confused:

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Indeed, it's a £1 on Amazon well spent for me!

hehe he is a star indeed. He took the last 10 days off work to look after me, we didnt know how laid up I'd be.

He's been in that kitchen every morning, afternoon and evening making me special liquid/mush grub. Weighing stuff and whizzing stuff. He was there one day making all kinds of Soups from scratch so I woudnt get bored with tinned stuff.

He's done my injections for me, changed my dressings, rubbed my back when I've been burping and farting like mad hahha, he's kept the house spotless too (he's always been good at this though lol).

He's looked after my every need so far (we're both back to work tomorrow :tongue: though I work in Pharma sales so am at home working most of next week so can take it relatively easy).

He's taken me out a few times too so I didn't get bored at start hunting for donuts haha, we went to The Royal Albert Hall the other night and saw Paulo Nutini, and we've had dinner out, gone to the pub or out for the day etc.

He's done everything for me (and he wasnt completely 'for' having it done in the first place). :thumbup:

Plus I'm 8lbs down, there's some restriction but not an awful lot, I can take about 200ml per sitting, so far brown rice/brown bread is fine, and hubby makes me a dinner of soft fish/mash/soft veg etc and all seems to be ok.

but my only real problem is my temperature control:

9 days post op, and oh boy I am utterly freezing!

I am having the most insane temperature swings. I feel so cold that even the other day which was lovely 20 degrees C I was wearing a pile of clothing, covered up in bed shivering and had piled on 2 blankets.

I'm like this almost all of the time, I'm wearing thick clothing in bed at night and also a thick wool fleecy dressing gown.

Then occasionally I feel steaming hot, and throw all the bedding and clothes off. Only to be freezing again 10 minutes later.

My other half feels my skin and tells me I am red hot, and that the room is red hot too.

Anyone else experience this? Is it a post op/GA thing?

I don't feel unwell so I'm not sure I have a post op infection.

I'm fooking freezing to death!! :confused:


I was also freezing but it is to do with the reduction in energy - because you are now putting far less fuel in then your body needs that energy for the main functions and cannot afford to let any excess be wasted on things like keeping your outer body warm - once your body gets used to the reduction in calories it will stabilise itself and gradually start heating the extremeties again

I find I am ok now but it did take a few weeks to stabilise - its nothing to worry about - infection would be the opposite way round - you would have a fever/temperature

Have you started on solids yet, I am able to manage most things if I eat slowly however bread has caused me a lot of pain so trying to avoid it and stick with crisp breads and they dutch cakes

I go for my first fill on 22nd and really need it now - trying to limit my intake to around 1000-1200 calories a day until I get restriction sorted out properly and have just bought a x-trainer and an exercise bike so gonna start them this week too and try and get the weight shifting a bit

Take care


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