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Hey all fellow bandsters!! So glad to be able to say that now. I'm going to try to write down my experiences before I forget them.

Like Eric said, take your passport with you to hospital, no-one told me to do this and the last thing you want is stress the morning you go in. Luckily I had my driving license with me and they were happy to accept this as ID.

A couple of things I wasn't aware of before I went.... The night after the op in hospital, they wake you about every hour or so for blood pressure, blood tests, clotting injections etc, so sleep as much as you get chance to, you'll be knackered through the extremely long night.

Also, you will have to inject yourself for 5 days after leaving the hospital with anti-clotting stuff. It's only a small, painless injection in your tummy, but if you are scared of needles you may need to get someone to do it for you.

I didn't know the wind and swelling would be quite as bad as it was, I look pregnant!! And the barium stuff they make you drink for the xray is a laxative, so try to empty you bowels as much as possible before the op. I struggled with the wind and stuff after because you can't tense your tummy muscles the same to erm... get it out :angry:. Still gurgling away, but hoping that will ease a bit over the next couple of days.

Ok, info part over, wooooohooooooo I'm done!! Don't regret it for a minute to all of you due to go soon. :hurray:

I'm a little sore still, mainly when getting up and down out of chairs / bed, but this is getting better by the day. Oh, one last advice bit... USE THE PAINKILLERS THEY GIVE YOU EVERY 4 HOURS!! Possibly even take some of your own. They give you pretty strong paracetamol, but I got some effervescent over the counter co-codamol which I reckon are a little stronger, they seem to help more anyway.

Jeanie, hope you are feeling better hun, thanks for letting me crash out on sunday aft!! Thanks to Eric for updating on here. See you soon no doubt.

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Thanks MiaBlue for hotel info. I don't want to sound negative but does anyone have regrets about having this done. I realise that posting doubts may not be appropriate so, even if you could e-mail me. I need to know all the pros and cons of things before I can commit to things fully. I sound a total bore, analyzing everything an really I'm not. I'm normally a fun loving person, but this to me is such a life changing decision.

Thanks again in advance


No regrets from me, I may not have lost much but I know I am heading in the right direction. Because I know I will be at target in maybe a year, I feel I have had a terrible burden taken from me. I never belived that I could lose weight and keep it off and therefore had given up on trying, and given up a little bit on me too.

I for one have regained my sense of self once more and know that I now have so much more to look forward too in life, the sky is the limit now.

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Hi Eric, many thanx for taking the time to post about jeans progress, so glad its over for her and that she's doing well.

bet you were scared when they thought it was you for the op lol.

Give jean and Jojo our love cant wait for them to tell of their experiences.

There are too many posts for me to reply to as I'm on the lappy and I hate it.

I feel a little low too, as yesterday I had to put my Mum in a home, it was getting too much for me, I did everything for her apart from breathe.

My family and even the social workers told me it was too much for me, after her living with us for 7 years, and she has deteriorated dreadfully since she broke her hip.

So I feel like a failure, i know I'm not but I feel so sorry for Mum, she was scared to be going into a home,but I just couldnt go on, it was making me so stressed out. Sorry to be a bore.

Will come back when I feel more positive.:angry:

Oh Freckles,

just think of the wonderful 7 years you have given to her, she is so lucky to have had that time with you.

I hope you feel brighter soon, may the sun shine on you!

best wishes

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The wine thing is what i have been like since before xmas, very annoying. I am not sure but i think the reflux i have been suffering with for ages had irritated my throat/stomach and the other night my body just said thats its you cant even swallow now! Although i have taken some out im actually feeling much better and although i have already notcied that i can eat/drink quite a bit more i am hoping that i will still be able to maintain. I have not had any issues with staying the same weight since my last fill but eating has ben a bit of a battle as it has been much easier for me to eat slider foods and carbs etc so that i know that at least i have eaten something. Last night i ate chicken with no problems! I havent eaten chicken or meat really for months because it was too difficult. So i think i will be eating more but with better quality Protein and food to give me more energy for the gym etc. Plus i drank white wine last night and did not suffer with any reflux! In fact i feel pretty damn good! Just going to see what happens over the next few weeks before i even consider another fill!

Thanks! xx

p.s homecare be carefull with the acid etc from wine and fruit causing you pain/burning as thats how it started with me and its taken 5 months for me to irritate my throat so much that i needed an unfill x

No dont worry Carrie Im defo getting an unfil as Im going to Egypy on the first of March anyway. I know what you mean about not eating meat etc, I was taken out on valentines day for a meal by my husband but I spent most of the time in the toilet puking it up. What a disaster and a waste of money.

Hope all you people whove just been banded are doing fine.

P.S. Was that rail crash in Brussels the one that went through the Vilvoorde station. It was so sad all those people losing their lives. Jx

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No dont worry Carrie Im defo getting an unfil as Im going to Egypy on the first of March anyway. I know what you mean about not eating meat etc, I was taken out on valentines day for a meal by my husband but I spent most of the time in the toilet puking it up. What a disaster and a waste of money.

Hope all you people whove just been banded are doing fine.

P.S. Was that rail crash in Brussels the one that went through the Vilvoorde station. It was so sad all those people losing their lives. Jx

Hi J

God i heard tht on the news about the train crash, did it go throught the vilvoorde stn, i hope no of our friends were on it.


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Hi Eric, many thanx for taking the time to post about jeans progress, so glad its over for her and that she's doing well.

bet you were scared when they thought it was you for the op lol.

Give jean and Jojo our love cant wait for them to tell of their experiences.

There are too many posts for me to reply to as I'm on the lappy and I hate it.

I feel a little low too, as yesterday I had to put my Mum in a home, it was getting too much for me, I did everything for her apart from breathe.

My family and even the social workers told me it was too much for me, after her living with us for 7 years, and she has deteriorated dreadfully since she broke her hip.

So I feel like a failure, i know I'm not but I feel so sorry for Mum, she was scared to be going into a home,but I just couldnt go on, it was making me so stressed out. Sorry to be a bore.

Will come back when I feel more positive.:)


you have been caring for your mum night and day for the year i have known you and that is a huge burden and it will have taken its tole on you, i seen my mum do the same for my dad without complaining but it definently took its tole. What you need to keep in your head is she will get better all over care there and I am sure you will still go many times a week to see her. Your still a young woman with plenty of years to enjoy.


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From what I can gather, the crash was on the same line some of the trains going through Vilvoorde use, but was slightly south of the central station, so would have been unlikely to have anyone on it we knew (Vilvoorde is to the north east of the centre). I was quite shocked to think that I had been travelling probably the same route only the day before it happened. Scary stuff, and my heart goes out to those who were on it and their families.

Freckles, my aunt was doing the same for my grandma for years before it became time for her to go into a residential home. I know she felt very guilty at first but my grandma has been in there two years now and is enjoying life far more with the expert care she is receiving. My aunt is also living a better quality life even though she spends much of her time at the home. I know it will take time, but you will come to realise that it was the best decision to make, for both of you. x

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Really pleased to hear that everything has gone well and you are now on the road to recovery.

Keep us up to date with your progress as I find it so helpful to read all the reviews etc - I am booked for 12th March and can't wait to get started.

Have started my pre-op diet this week to try and get me in the right frame of mind for starting properly. Partner is joining in with the pre-op diet to provide a bit of moral support.

Look forward to hearing more about yours and Jeanie's progress



Hey all fellow bandsters!! So glad to be able to say that now. I'm going to try to write down my experiences before I forget them.

Like Eric said, take your passport with you to hospital, no-one told me to do this and the last thing you want is stress the morning you go in. Luckily I had my driving license with me and they were happy to accept this as ID.

A couple of things I wasn't aware of before I went.... The night after the op in hospital, they wake you about every hour or so for blood pressure, blood tests, clotting injections etc, so sleep as much as you get chance to, you'll be knackered through the extremely long night.

Also, you will have to inject yourself for 5 days after leaving the hospital with anti-clotting stuff. It's only a small, painless injection in your tummy, but if you are scared of needles you may need to get someone to do it for you.

I didn't know the wind and swelling would be quite as bad as it was, I look pregnant!! And the barium stuff they make you drink for the xray is a laxative, so try to empty you bowels as much as possible before the op. I struggled with the wind and stuff after because you can't tense your tummy muscles the same to erm... get it out :biggrin:. Still gurgling away, but hoping that will ease a bit over the next couple of days.

Ok, info part over, wooooohooooooo I'm done!! Don't regret it for a minute to all of you due to go soon. :thumbup:

I'm a little sore still, mainly when getting up and down out of chairs / bed, but this is getting better by the day. Oh, one last advice bit... USE THE PAINKILLERS THEY GIVE YOU EVERY 4 HOURS!! Possibly even take some of your own. They give you pretty strong paracetamol, but I got some effervescent over the counter co-codamol which I reckon are a little stronger, they seem to help more anyway.

Jeanie, hope you are feeling better hun, thanks for letting me crash out on sunday aft!! Thanks to Eric for updating on here. See you soon no doubt.

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From what I can gather, the crash was on the same line some of the trains going through Vilvoorde use, but was slightly south of the central station, so would have been unlikely to have anyone on it we knew (Vilvoorde is to the north east of the centre). I was quite shocked to think that I had been travelling probably the same route only the day before it happened. Scary stuff, and my heart goes out to those who were on it and their families.

Freckles, my aunt was doing the same for my grandma for years before it became time for her to go into a residential home. I know she felt very guilty at first but my grandma has been in there two years now and is enjoying life far more with the expert care she is receiving. My aunt is also living a better quality life even though she spends much of her time at the home. I know it will take time, but you will come to realise that it was the best decision to make, for both of you. x


Well done on the ten pound loss im so pleased for u, my op still seems so far away:sad: booked the time off and still savin like mad to make sure everythings on track, but getting there slowly, cant come soon enough, got a bit freaked by the people mentioning not being able to swallow and the sickness lol my two worst things in the world but glad it was mentioned cause at least now i know its somethin to be aware of, i'll be messagin u for things to take and all the inside info again before i go lol just to make sure, keep up the good work and hope to hear more updates soon

Julie x

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Thanks again MiaBlue for your reply.I was really set on having this done, then once I have it booked all the doubts start.

I have another thing I hope you could all advice me on. I need to start on my pre-op diet. I know its got to be low fat, but could you give me some ideas at to what you all ate.

Well done to JeanieJinx an JoJo :biggrin:. Looking forward to your updates

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Thank you Kerry and Julie, I'm so pleased it's done now, as you both will be soon. My weight loss is from the start of the pre-op diet, not since I was banded, but glad to have rid of it. Another pound to go until I'll be the lightest I have been in 3 years!! Small goals lead to big achievements.

No problems if either of you have any questions, ask as many as you like and I'll be glad to help.

2plus4, I personally wasn't too strict with myself on the pre-op diet, I just cut out all the stuff that was obviously bad for me, though I've heard a few people say they followed a weight watchers style diet. A typical day diet for me would be porridge with semi-skimmed milk and artificial sweetner for Breakfast, low fat crisps or fruit or go-ahead biscuits for Snacks (1 morning and 1 afternoon), Soup and bread for lunch, and then a healthy-ish tea like chicken and veggies or a filled jacket potato.

I miss bread so much, I'm not feeling hungry on the post-op liquid diet (yet) but every time I see someone eating a sandwich I crave it like mad!!

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I've got a question for anyone, when I'm getting up or sitting down I'm still in a bit of pain but I expected that. I'm starting to worry a bit though because I keep getting a "popping" sensation along with the pain, around the area where the port must be (not sure which bandage is over the port and which is over the main scar where the band was inserted). I'm panicking that something has come loose, and I feel like something isn't secure, like I have to hold my hand over my bandages if I need to cough etc. I sneezed earlier and it was agony. Is this normal?

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I've got a question for anyone, when I'm getting up or sitting down I'm still in a bit of pain but I expected that. I'm starting to worry a bit though because I keep getting a "popping" sensation along with the pain, around the area where the port must be (not sure which bandage is over the port and which is over the main scar where the band was inserted). I'm panicking that something has come loose, and I feel like something isn't secure, like I have to hold my hand over my bandages if I need to cough etc. I sneezed earlier and it was agony. Is this normal?


dont worry a popping noise is the same as a lot of people explain it, ur port can take 6-8 weeks to heal, even when u think its better u then weeks later get a pain then panic but thats n ormal. i wud say as long as ur not jumping around or doing sit ups you will be fine.


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dont worry a popping noise is the same as a lot of people explain it, ur port can take 6-8 weeks to heal, even when u think its better u then weeks later get a pain then panic but thats n ormal. i wud say as long as ur not jumping around or doing sit ups you will be fine.


Thanks Garry, that's such a relief. Jumping around and doing sit-ups?? Are you having a laugh?? LOL. Thanks for your support and concern hun, it was just what I needed. :biggrin:

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