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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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G'day everyone!

Well im home after having the op on tuesday and although feeling a bit sore and achy and lots of wind, im doing ok.

It was fab to meet Sue (Singing Parrot) and the other two ladies Wendy and Sheila who i hope pop along and join the site too. I also met Starsky (Susan) last night and she's lovely - loads of luck to her today xxx

Ive not felt hungry at all since the op and have had to force some cup-a-soups down me to make sure that ive got some energy. Drinking plenty of Water too and about to start using the juicer now im home.

Sue - I hope you're feeling a bit brighter chuck and the hiccups have gone.

Just a query though - did any of you fellow banders have a hernia? Dr Chris told us that all 4 of us English patients he operated on that day had them to a greater or lesser degree - i wondered if anyone had one too and if there were any after-effects of it being repaired?

Im off for a relaxing break away now until sunday evening at a spa, so although i wont be able to do the spa thing i really am looking forward to laying about doing nothing except a soothing facial!

Happy burping new banders :()

Bev xxxxx

Hi Bev Sheila Here, how are you.

I have a bit of a problem last week I sneezed realy hard , and since then I have had some pain where the port is. There is also a bit of swelling but hoping that is just the result of having a foreign body in me. Could you or anyone else let me know if they have had pain after nearly three weeks of surgery. Other than that I am fine and looking forward to my first fill, Take care Bev and good luck. Luv Sheila

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Hi Chapamar, nice to meet you, all the way from the USA!!!

Gillian have a fab holiday hunny, nice to see you again.

Lynxie, I had pain and tenderness in my port area for a long time, maybe 5/6 weeks, and sometimes it does get tender even now.

Fatpants, what I have started doing when I have that horrid feeling in my chest is drinking something fizzy, like diet coke or soda Water, if there is something that needs to come up, this always does it for me, and if its only wind, which I find hard to get up, it brings that up.

Just a little tip, which works for me.

When I had my first band and flew long haul, I couldnt eat hardly anything for the whole 2 weeks, my band was so tight, but I didnt feel hungry but was drooling watching the others tuck into their lovely meals, not nice.

I am hoping that Freddy boy will take out 4 and half mls for me as I have 6 and half in now, and still have acid reflux most nights as we go to the far east and Oz in 5 weeks, and I have to be able to eat and sleep and we are doing a lot of flights. My appointment is on 8th October, I cant wait!!!!

I have been taking Zantac which work great for me most of the time, for the acid.

Fatpants enjoy your holiday girl!!

Edited by Freckles

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Thanks for ur support !

I went out last night with girlies for meal and to see "fame". We went to an American diner the food looked and smelt lovely, I asked for a kiddies meal the waitress said "sorry they are only for children and the elderly" u can imagine the laugh we all had. As I only had 2nd fill on Tues I had hoped to get bowl of Soup but ended up sucking on a couple of shoestring fries (I know, I know). My friends had dime bar and sticky toffee pudding, they said they felt bad and kept asking me if I wanted share, I some how found it in me to say No, no thank u. I honestly did not want any which I was amazed at.

ps. preferred the original 'FAME' I didn't eat any sweets during flick. Well impressed !!

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Hello all. I was lucky enough to meet Kaka this week as we were banded the same day along with two other lovely women. I hope to see them on the board as well. Again, I can't express my gratitude for having this thread and the information it has provided. Thank you all.

Hi Chapamar, was I banded the same day as you on the 23rd Sept. How are you??? How was the concert today?. I still have the awful pain going between under my left breast to my left shoulder. Its so sore!! I also got really bad news about my mum when I got home so trying to get more mobile to be a support for her. It was lovely to meet you and the other girls and hopefully you will keep in touch and let me know how things are going. Take Care Debby xxx:unsure:

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Hi all, I am just new to this so please bear with me. I was banded on 23rd Sept 09 and have terrible pain especially at my left shoulder. I am supposed to be going to Oz on 29th Oct (but had bad news about mum so don't know if definitely still going) and assuming I am still going Frederick said to have a fill prior to going when in Glasgow on 16th Oct. Can I ask what you think and if you have any advice. I am in Oz for nearly 6 weeks. Thanks Debby x:unsure:

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Hi fatpants when I went on holiday to Florida the band did tighten for the first 4 days and then slackened off so I agree with you about not having a defil. Be prepared for the first few days and you should be fine. Have a great time. How much have you lost now? Jx:tongue2:

Hi Homecare,

Ye I think I'm doing the right thing, especially now after stuffing my face with pretzels, I really wanted chocolate but there's none in the house so I ate horrible salty dry pretzels, then my hubby appeared with a turkish delight that still went down a treat! Do I feel bad? No, just full!!!

I have lost 44lbs since March 17th, not as much as some of the others on here, and not as much as I would have liked by now, it is my own fault though as I still treat myself quite often.


Fatpants :(

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Hi all, I am just new to this so please bear with me. I was banded on 23rd Sept 09 and have terrible pain especially at my left shoulder. I am supposed to be going to Oz on 29th Oct (but had bad news about mum so don't know if definitely still going) and assuming I am still going Frederick said to have a fill prior to going when in Glasgow on 16th Oct. Can I ask what you think and if you have any advice. I am in Oz for nearly 6 weeks. Thanks Debby x:unsure:

Hi Debby,

I know what the pain in the left shoulder is, I had it for several weeks after the op. When you have keyhole surgery the surgeon pumps air into the cavity, this way he can see what he's doing, when the op is finished they can't get all the air out so it's trapped in there. In fact the pain can travel into the chest and the top of the back, just above the shoulder blade. It was very painful for me, I took pain killers, but the best way for me to get rid of it for a while was to lie down on my left side with a pillow tucked right into my neck, after a while I could get up and the pain would be gone. Unfortunately, occasionally I still get it but only very mildly, I asked Chris about it he said it was to do with my diaphragm. I think that you should do as Frederick advises. I had 4 fills before I got any kind of restriction, however, remember that the flight is supposed to cause the band to tighten.

Take care


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Hi Chapamar, nice to meet you, all the way from the USA!!!

Gillian have a fab holiday hunny, nice to see you again.

Lynxie, I had pain and tenderness in my port area for a long time, maybe 5/6 weeks, and sometimes it does get tender even now.

Fatpants, what I have started doing when I have that horrid feeling in my chest is drinking something fizzy, like diet coke or soda Water, if there is something that needs to come up, this always does it for me, and if its only wind, which I find hard to get up, it brings that up.

Just a little tip, which works for me.

When I had my first band and flew long haul, I couldnt eat hardly anything for the whole 2 weeks, my band was so tight, but I didnt feel hungry but was drooling watching the others tuck into their lovely meals, not nice.

I am hoping that Freddy boy will take out 4 and half mls for me as I have 6 and half in now, and still have acid reflux most nights as we go to the far east and Oz in 5 weeks, and I have to be able to eat and sleep and we are doing a lot of flights. My appointment is on 8th October, I cant wait!!!!

I have been taking Zantac which work great for me most of the time, for the acid.

Fatpants enjoy your holiday girl!!

Hi Freckles,

How's your ma doing, I read that you had her on a home visit, she must be well? Thank you for all your tips, the thought of taking fizzy with food stuck frightens me! It's bad enough taking water as I feel as if I'm drowning! Anyway I'll give anything a try!

Thanks, have a great trip in OZ and don't be having too many Barbies and beer!



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Thanx Fatpants, I know exactly what you mean about the fizzy drink on top of a full tum, it scared me to death, and the first time it was awful, I thought I was going to faint, but it works, and now I look forward to it.

My Mum came home for good on Monday and she's settling in nicely. We have a carer who comes in every morning to give her a shower, and things are really looking up, she seems to be walking, albeit slowly, a lot better cos at one time she couldnt even weight bear, thanx for asking xxx.

Hi Debby, firstly i am so very sorry about your bad news and pray everything will work out for you both.

Your pain may be wind a lot of us got it after surgery, mine was sorted out with Remegel, but i know some ladies suffered for a long time.

How funny you are going to Oz a couple of days before me, but how lucky are you that you are staying for 6 weeks!!!! I hope you get to go anyway.

Where in Oz are you going? I am going to Broadbeach on the Gold Coast, but am doing a bit of the far east first, we fly to the Gold Coast on 8th November from Kuala Lumpar.

My band is so tight I can hardly eat anything again, so am having a de-fill on 8th October with Freddyboy.

But being as you havent long been banded you will prolly be fine with having a bit in.

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Hi Just wondered if anyone could post the costs of getting the procedure done in Brusseld with Dr Chris, and also how much the fills etc are afterwards. I am still saving, but hoping to have enough money by August 08.


Hi ,

i paid £4000 = 700 euro deposit then 4000 euors final payment which equals around £4000 then flights to get there were separate i paid around £240. for flights although if you are in london it may be a lot less.

the reason i booked the flights was it was so much hassle to go by train for instance i couldnt get to the hotel in time for the preop consultation, and i was thinking of the return journey so although it was a little more expensive it will be less of an inconvinience.

i am being banded october 2009 :thumbup:will let you know how it goes although i have to admit i am suffering :scared2:pre opp nerves and anxiety grrrrr thought the hardest part of this journey would be raising the funds what a shock.

wish me luck please :seeya:

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thereikiroom where did you find that post from Jiggy, cos she says 2008? Was it at the begining of the thread?

Sorry I dont have time to look back.

I dont seem to have lost any weight at all this week, and I've thrown up nearly everything I have eaten.... think my body is in denial.

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Hello all. I was lucky enough to meet Kaka this week as we were banded the same day along with two other lovely women. I hope to see them on the board as well. Again, I can't express my gratitude for having this thread and the information it has provided. Thank you all.

hi k

hope you're ok? i'm getting there although i still think i've been hit by a truck! still quite swollen & don't know what i'll be able to wear to work tomorrow...somehow can't think of wearing my trackies. can you believe i was reading my book on the way home and there was a reference to jimmy buffet...how spooky, having never heard of him until i met you. i had real bad nausea for the first couple of days but not today so hopefully this has passed. haven't been hungry just looking for taste (odd really). still wanted a cooked brekkie this morning tho when i smelled it!! are you home yet or still in Paris and pass on my bestest wishes & thanks to julie for looking after my stuff.


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Hi Chapamar, was I banded the same day as you on the 23rd Sept. How are you??? How was the concert today?. I still have the awful pain going between under my left breast to my left shoulder. Its so sore!! I also got really bad news about my mum when I got home so trying to get more mobile to be a support for her. It was lovely to meet you and the other girls and hopefully you will keep in touch and let me know how things are going. Take Care Debby xxx:unsure:

hi debby, sorry to hear about your mum..hope everything turns out ok for her. i had a chat with steph about the pain you've been experiencing and she said that it does ease but can take some time (the worst over in a few days) but it does come and go. i've been virtually pain free, well apart from the obvious wind.....having never "sparked" in front of john ever i now found myself sounding like a trumpet all day and night...mortified but he was very understanding.....well it's not reciprocal i said so never do it anywhere near me - ha ha.

what kind of stuff are you eating....i have been doing Soups, which i've liquidised & have had an ice lolly, which went down quite nicely. i hope max got on alright with her flight home!!

speak soon.....off to have some soup!

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Hi everyone sorry not been on for so long its mad how time flys. How is everyone doing? does big sis and gary still come on here??

well its been a bumpy few months with the weight going up and down like a yo yo going for another fill on tuesday hoping this will get it moving a lot quicker x tc all x x

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im trying to get that thing on the bottom to say when i had my band fitted and weight loss etc can anyone help with it? i set it up but when i get to the end there is no save button or next once its done so everytime i come out and wright something new it never shows x please help lol x

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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