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Best wishes to those banded this week for speedy recovery. I made a boob today we went to see tall ships and they were given out lucozade, It was so hot (sun does shine very occasionally in Belfast) I took a big slug of drink before remembering it was fizzy, I have avoided fizz for the last 5 wks it was lovely but,and so far no adverse effects but will continue to avoid fizz as burping comes very naturally without it.

The ships were great walked for miles took 6+hrs feel 2ft shorter.Had a look around a huge royal marine ship 150+ steps to be climbed, the sights were great especially the guys in uniform whether it's combats, or the captain in his whites (like an officer and a gentleman) it certainly worked for me !! One of the marines asked if I would like to try his fireman's hose :biggrin: I pushed my daughter forward. I found the energy to struggle round ship, the heat would have melted u and of course i had to keep coat on to cover jelly belly I really need to get back into excercising daily !!!

For those with gas pains I find gaviscon dual action very effective for wind. Gentle excercise is also recommended as it disperses trapped gas.Thankfully I didn't have gas pains but general aches did improve each day.

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Hi Everyone

I have been reading through the posts and have made a decision that I would like to go to Belguim after my holiday at the end of September. I have been dieting on and off all my life but just seem to get a stone heavier after each diet!! A couple of years ago I lost 3st on the Lighterlife diet but as usual it all went back on, the same thing happened to my friend!! I have 3 1/2 stone to lose, could lose 4 but my husband would moan. I am only 5ft and my BMI is 34, I am 50 years old Female suffering from High Cholestorol, High Blood Pressure and now it looks like I am getting problems with my joints and pains etc. I have been trying to find someone with similar problems as I am not sure if Dr Chris would let me have a band at this level, I am taking the Oristat but it doesnt seem to be working...... Can someone give me some advice it would be very much appreciated, thanks

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Im on this site for a quick peek as Im waiting for taxi to go to airport. Thanks all for wishing me a nice holiday will talk when I get back. Good luck to all new bandsters and happy losing to my fellow bandsters. Jx

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Hello Everyone

Well done to all those recently banded, look forward to seeing those pounds start to drop!

I am so totally bored, plus i just split up with my boyfriend and i have really bad acid reflux which is affecting my wine intake! Does anyone else have any experience with acid reflux, i cant decide if i am too tight or not?

Freckles, you need to start eating more...or eat the same amount but choose foods with a higher energy value which will make you feel better. When you first get banded its fine to not eat much but if you keep on eating like that you will store calories because your body thinks you are starving yourself and you wont lose, especially with all the other pressure in your life. I did that for ages and felt rubbish for ages.

Lol do what i am doing and eat treacle sponge pudding with cream to help your emotional problems! Oh dear i think i may regret this day tomorrow!


Carriejess sorry to hear about relationship, however I believe whats for you wont go by you and you must have someone better around the corner. So keep your chin up, your a lovely looking girl and Im sure youll be beating the men off with a stick soon. Jx:tt1:

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:) homecare!..hope i havent missed you!? have a great holiday! carriejess..you prob wont be thinking this now, but sometimes these things happen for the best, your young and learn something from all relationships along the way, even bad relationships or good ones that dont last...you will find another relationship soon..you deserve some good luck after all you have acheived...good luck, theres someone special out there for you! x:thumbup:

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Hi oliverdog, welcome to the forum...your in the right place for an understanding ear..were very supportive and were all at different stages and have all been thro all the questions ourselves..so whatever..ask away, well talk about anything..im not on much at the mo but someone will answer your questions. good luck, youve made a great choice with doctor chris..im only 5 foot too with other probs and i have about 3 to 3 and half stone more to lose..im halfway there now..i never thought id get this far as like you tried every diet..lost..put more back on etc..but this REALLY does work, sometimes its hard and its not a miracle,but basicly, it makes you stick to a diet!..it gives you no choice this band! x

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Hi Everyone

I have been reading through the posts and have made a decision that I would like to go to Belguim after my holiday at the end of September. I have been dieting on and off all my life but just seem to get a stone heavier after each diet!! A couple of years ago I lost 3st on the Lighterlife diet but as usual it all went back on, the same thing happened to my friend!! I have 3 1/2 stone to lose, could lose 4 but my husband would moan. I am only 5ft and my BMI is 34, I am 50 years old Female suffering from High Cholestorol, High Blood Pressure and now it looks like I am getting problems with my joints and pains etc. I have been trying to find someone with similar problems as I am not sure if Dr Chris would let me have a band at this level, I am taking the Oristat but it doesnt seem to be working...... Can someone give me some advice it would be very much appreciated, thanks


Contact dr chris via email, there is a small waiting list tho, so do it asap if u want a quick date... Do a search on europe surgery or ecfs.... He'll ask for ur medical history and let u kno if ur a suitable candidate ..... Just remember people who are overweight quite often have medical issues so that is taken into account... Theses issues tend to improve after banding...

I'm just back a week and feel great with no regrets ... It's defo not the easy option, but if uv done ur research and think its for u, GO FOR IT:)

Dr c was fab and the hospitals n staff excellent:) I would, without reservation recommend him.

This site is excellent for askin any questions, regardles how small or embarrising the issue may feel.. There are new and experienced bandsters to brain pick and we're all a really decent bunch ( even if I do say so maself:)

Good luck wit ur decision...

Homecare, I hope u have a great hol.... Am lookin forward to hearin how u get on as am goin in Oct , 3 weeks after ma first infil:-/

G'Morning to everyone else :) x

Edited by shellangel

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Welcome oliverdog, your in the same position and age as a lot of us on here, your borderline bmi, Dr Chris critia is 35 min 50 max but there is a little room for negotiation, or you can add a few pounds to come within the range, like weighing at night with all your clothes coat and boots :):redface:.

E.mail Dr Chris or Fred first, and ask about the package its the cheapest and most convient because you get all taxi, hotel, and operation cost and arrangements done for you. You only have to arrange flights into Belgium INTERNATIONAL airport. good luck, mmm

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Your date is almost here SP, you getting excited/nervous?

Bigsis xx

Thanks Bigsis, I'm getting really nervous. Keep wondering if I'm doing the right thing, been hassled to reconsider by my younger daughter CP who knows (elder one doesn't as she lives abroad and only comes home to lecture me on my poor self control).

I've told only hubby, one daughter and 1 friend at work (who I grew up with) but have said to other people that a) I'm on another diet and :) hubby and I are off to look at boring battlefields in Belgium for a few days.

We have booked a narrow boat holiday to follow on immediately afterwards so that will give me a week with most of the comforts of home, but no chores, work or telephone to recover.

It's really difficult at work as I work for my brother in law, my sister's his wife and she likes to lord it over me and call in frequently to give her "husband's secretary some little jobs" It really p****s me off.

My parents, in laws and brother all live very close by and none of them would approve (Oh and my sister used to be an anorexic cat-walk model) some I'm really having to hide away for a while.

I've started dieting in earnest now and had to laugh wryly as I passed my Orlistat enhanced poo about all the poo talk you lot have had recently! Low fat diet = Orlistat and Milk Thistle!

I'm so grateful for evryone's support, you're the only people in the world who know what I'm doing and feeling. Thank you.


My heart goes out to you, I too am in a similar position to you with my family, fortunately I don't work for any of them! Every decision I have made in my life, according to them, has been the wrong one! If they knew about my band it would be used as ammunition against me - and NO I'm not joking. I would be the butt of every joke going and laughed and sneered at for the rest of my life. They of course have no weight problems. So I told my husband, my grown up children and my very best friend (they can all keep a secret!) I have had nothing but positive support from them. So I guess what I am saying to you is you are doing the right thing not telling them - it will be wonderful for you when you too are slim and they don't know how you did it!!

I would also try and find another job to get away from your sisters dreadful attitude. Families eh...

On another note I am going for my 3rd fill on Thursday, I hope to get some restricion this time as at the moment I can eat whatever I want albeit in slightly smaller quantities. I haven't lost any weight since my first fill, agh...

Glad to hear from all the newly banded peeps, I wish you a happy losing life.

Also good wishes goes to all of you that are about-to-be-banded - you are doing the right thing, by the best surgeon going.

Sorry, it was a bit of a ramble for a Sunday morning wasn't it?

Westie x

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My heart goes out to you, I too am in a similar position to you with my family, fortunately I don't work for any of them! Every decision I have made in my life, according to them, has been the wrong one! If they knew about my band it would be used as ammunition against me - and NO I'm not joking. I would be the butt of every joke going and laughed and sneered at for the rest of my life. They of course have no weight problems. So I told my husband, my grown up children and my very best friend (they can all keep a secret!) I have had nothing but positive support from them. So I guess what I am saying to you is you are doing the right thing not telling them - it will be wonderful for you when you too are slim and they don't know how you did it!!

I would also try and find another job to get away from your sisters dreadful attitude. Families eh...

On another note I am going for my 3rd fill on Thursday, I hope to get some restricion this time as at the moment I can eat whatever I want albeit in slightly smaller quantities. I haven't lost any weight since my first fill, agh...

Glad to hear from all the newly banded peeps, I wish you a happy losing life.

Also good wishes goes to all of you that are about-to-be-banded - you are doing the right thing, by the best surgeon going.

Sorry, it was a bit of a ramble for a Sunday morning wasn't it?

Westie x

Hi Westie. Any time can be ramble time on here, there's always someone to listen. I'm so pleased to hear that you have those closest around you to support and be happy for you. But also sorry that your family can't do that as well, they are missing out on sharing your new happier, healthier life. Altho my close family were supportive, my partner did not want me to have this done and even now if I show I am experiencing any discomfort i.e from food getting a bit stuck etc, he just says 'Well you wanted it doing, I've got no sympathy'. Altho a few people have commented and remarked about me losing and looking good, he hasn't said anything at all and I do wonder why that is.

Hope you get some restriction with your next fill. It took until my 6th fill and 5 months after band to get any but that is unusual I think. Don't know if you use WLS but Wendy aims to get it for most people in 3 fills which was certainly true of my sister and most others I think. Will keep my fingers crossed you fall into the '3 fills' category as I know it is hard work keeping the weight off when you're not getting the help from the band. Take care, Bigsis x

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Thanks Bigsis

Yes, what is it they say "you can choose your partner but not your family", I would have thought by my age (I'm 55) I would have got used to it - but no, I can't grow thick skin like I should.

Perhaps your husband is afraid he will lose the "old you"?

I know I had all sorts of question from mine before I had it done as we know someone who had it done several years ago and as soon as she lost the weight and other men were giving her the glad eye, she then left her husband and family. She is alone and very unhappy now, although slim! So I suppose these husbands do worry! Lots of re-assurance works wonders...

Thanks for letting me ramble, I don't know what I would do without this site. I don't post very often but I always follow the threads, we all need each other.

Westie x

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Thanks Bigsis

Yes, what is it they say "you can choose your partner but not your family", I would have thought by my age (I'm 55) I would have got used to it - but no, I can't grow thick skin like I should.

Perhaps your husband is afraid he will lose the "old you"?

I know I had all sorts of question from mine before I had it done as we know someone who had it done several years ago and as soon as she lost the weight and other men were giving her the glad eye, she then left her husband and family. She is alone and very unhappy now, although slim! So I suppose these husbands do worry! Lots of re-assurance works wonders...

Thanks for letting me ramble, I don't know what I would do without this site. I don't post very often but I always follow the threads, we all need each other.

Westie x

Oooh, bring on the 'glad eye' - I'm ready for it!! At 52 it may be my last chance before I hang up my dancing shoes and retire to the rocking chair to knit blankets while rattling a mint imperial round me false teeth!

I don't know about partner being worried about losing the old me, altho he is 5 years younger than me, he has very old fashioned ideas about things and not much empathy. He seems to think all the problems of modern living and the youth of today have been caused by the invention of the mobile phone! He should have been born a generation earlier I think 'when men were men' and went to work down t'pit!

Bigsis x

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Oooh, bring on the 'glad eye' - I'm ready for it!! At 52 it may be my last chance before I hang up my dancing shoes and retire to the rocking chair to knit blankets while rattling a mint imperial round me false teeth!

I don't know about partner being worried about losing the old me, altho he is 5 years younger than me, he has very old fashioned ideas about things and not much empathy. He seems to think all the problems of modern living and the youth of today have been caused by the invention of the mobile phone! He should have been born a generation earlier I think 'when men were men' and went to work down t'pit!

Bigsis x

Ha, id like to see you in the rocking chair rattling that murray mint around your false nashers!!!..and id like to see glyn down t'pit...without a mobile phone!...mind you the signal would prob be better 100 feet underground than at your house?

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Ha, id like to see you in the rocking chair rattling that murray mint around your false nashers!!!..and id like to see glyn down t'pit...without a mobile phone!...mind you the signal would prob be better 100 feet underground than at your house?

Eh, you're not that far behind me little sister! And yes, would like to see Glyn down a pit too - but well you know that his mobile phone is for emergency purposes only i.e when you have an unexpected day off work and need to call around/text to see if anyone wants to play golf (man code for knock ball round for half an hour then go and drink/play pool in clubhouse til closing time)!

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Eh, you're not that far behind me little sister! And yes, would like to see Glyn down a pit too - but well you know that his mobile phone is for emergency purposes only i.e when you have an unexpected day off work and need to call around/text to see if anyone wants to play golf (man code for knock ball round for half an hour then go and drink/play pool in clubhouse til closing time)!

You sure have brought a big smile to my face today, made me pick myself up, dust myself off and start all over again - was that a song?

I've decided to grow old disgracefully, bu***r the knitting and chair - bring on the fun ...........

Westie xxx

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