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hey niki

still laughing about your big knickers.when did you get banded and how much is in your band.Ainsley Harriet Soup where do you get that I might try some.I'm not eating much cause i'v no hunger there so thats somthing new for me to try.some days I bring up everything I eat,soups that have peas in it Iv got to pick them out cause I can't swollow them at all. Iv never had the pain yous all talk about when you get somthing stuck.gets stuck I be sick and thats it. Beeboo x

Hi Beebo, is it your birthday today? Many happy returns if so and congratulations on getting restriction, it's been a long time coming for you too, Bigsis x

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Hi everyone, dont know why I am bothering writeing this, I have enjoyed reading all your messages, it has been an insperation to me along my travels, but each time I post a messagage on here, I am totally ignorned, You just need to look bk at the last 3 postings of mine. Dont be affended, I know that people like to talk to certain people, I understand all that, so in future I will not post on here. I hope each and everyone of yous carrys on with you great weight lost, thanks for all the help and advice in the begining of my weight lose challenge, you were all great, keep up the good work. Mandy

Mandy please dont feel that way, nobody has purposely ignored you darling, I will apologise for not speaking to you lately, had other stuff on my mind, but I know its inexscusable to make you feel like an alien.

We are not cliquey on here at all, its just that we just pick up on a post and reply to it, usually if its something that has happened or is happening to one of us.

Please come back and dont feel that we are ignoring you.



So good to have you back babe and that you are not too poorly.


Cant wait to see the pics of your beautiful bod.

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Evening all...

I have a quick question for all the bridget jones, nip tucking, waist sinching, massive knicker wearing ladies - when wearing said knickers has anyone had any further restriction?

Had mine on at work on friday and struggled with all solids - ended up with cup a soup... got home took them off and was no problem...

anyone else had this?? it actually was the husband who pointed it out - I thought i had something stuck...

thanks :)

Niki x

Geez girl how high up are your knickers???:skep: Not doing a Simon Cowell are you, thats hilarious...well go commando in future eh :thumbup:

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Seems like my doggies have stopped running....they were running yesterday and they're not now.

Garry I will be thinking of you sweetheart, dont worry too much, it may be something and nothing.

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Seems like my doggies have stopped running....they were running yesterday and they're not now.

Garry I will be thinking of you sweetheart, dont worry too much, it may be something and nothing.

Don't worry, the doggies are still excercising for Britain!

Good luck Garry, I'll be following your trip with great interest and wishing you the very best all the way!

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Welcome back Flirty, you're a scream and I wish you all the best!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody know how Wishful is? I've not seen her posts for a while and was just wondering....

As for the bridget knickers saga, they helped support my wounds but didn't make diddly squat difference to restriction, of which, I have none btw (read last post lol)

Oh Gary, Gary thinking of you, got fingers n toes n all other crossable extremeties, well......crossed XXX

Homecare, make the most of your restriction, I'm kinda jealous really, had a huge bowl of mushroom risotto for lunch. I totally forget I have the band and am just my usual old piggy self!! Won't be long until I can get a fill though.

Sounds like you had a ball in "the toun" bigsis. I'm so gald coz its a braw place.

Mandy, I'm sure most of us have felt that way at some time. I know I have. I've had lots of unanswered posts and there was really only one person who reliably answered me from the start, but stick with the forum, I don't think anyone means to ignore anyone else but some have there regular chats and thats just the way it is, like in "real life" I suppose. I believe reading others posts, even if you're not interacting, will undoubtedly be of benefit so hang around for a while and see how you feel about it later. Good luck

Edited by fatduck

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~Freckles its a lot of work running to visit in a hospital everyday I do hope your mum picks up as up to now she seems like a true fighter.

Gary is it this week you see CDB I do hope he can solve the problem. Was it his colleague in Glasgow who did your last fill?

Fatduck youve done really well so far wont be long until your fill.

Big sis Edinburgh is great and if you go again for longer you have to come through to Glasgow where the shopping clubs and resturants are fantastic. Jx

Hi Homecare. Yes, a return visit is definitely on the cards and would like to visit Glasgow then as we would stay for longer. You do seem to be struggling with getting some foods down but it is still early days for you and I wouldn't worry. If something doesn't go down well, just leave it for a while and try later. Having said this, I have never had any sort of problem bringing any food back up and have only experienced things getting 'mildly' stuck so I have been lucky and not the best person to advise on this. I'm sure it will sort itself out before long even if it is a nuisance for you, Bigsister x

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Welcome back Flirty, you're a scream and I wish you all the best!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody know how Wishful is? I've not seen her posts for a while and was just wondering....

As for the bridget knickers saga, they helped support my wounds but didn't make diddly squat difference to restriction, of which, I have none btw (read last post lol)

Oh Gary, Gary thinking of you, got fingers n toes n all other crossable extremeties, well......crossed XXX

Homecare, make the most of your restriction, I'm kinda jealous really, had a huge bowl of mushroom risotto for lunch. I totally forget I have the band and am just my usual old piggy self!! Won't be long until I can get a fill though.

Sounds like you had a ball in "the toun" bigsis. I'm so gald coz its a braw place.

Mandy, I'm sure most of us have felt that way at some time. I know I have. I've had lots of unanswered posts and there was really only one person who reliably answered me from the start, but stick with the forum, I don't think anyone means to ignore anyone else but some have there regular chats and thats just the way it is, like in "real life" I suppose. I believe reading others posts, even if you're not interacting, will undoubtedly be of benefit so hang around for a while and see how you feel about it in later. Good luck

Hi Fatduck. I seem to remember Wishfull saying she was off on a holiday around the time Flirty was going for surgery and so that is probably why she hasn't been posting in a while?

I know what you mean about unanswered posts and like you say I'm sure it has happened to us all (it certainly has to me at times). But we should try not to take it personally as we don't know everyones circumstances in respect of work/home life or caring responsibilities for instance. It's good that some people have more time on their hands than others to devote to the forum and are more available than others to answer questions/give advice or info or just to lend an ear. Bigsis x

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thanx bigsis for my birthday greeting.well it has been a long time comming for me to get restriction but not to worry it's here now.going to a wedding 17 oct so hopefully I'll have lost a wee bit by then,don't want to buy anything to wear just yet so i'll wait till nearer the time and see what I can get into.(size 12)in my dreams.Todays been one of those days that everything I eat comes back up,porrage this morning(up) crackers and houmous at lunch(up) 2 croquettes at dinner(up)I used to say that I was a absent minded balemic,I fogot to throw up,but now I feel iv paid all this money to become one.it's not that bad i'll put up with anything as long as im loseing weight.at least I dont have the pain some of you do so thats good.

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thanx bigsis for my birthday greeting.well it has been a long time comming for me to get restriction but not to worry it's here now.going to a wedding 17 oct so hopefully I'll have lost a wee bit by then,don't want to buy anything to wear just yet so i'll wait till nearer the time and see what I can get into.(size 12)in my dreams.Todays been one of those days that everything I eat comes back up,porrage this morning(up) crackers and houmous at lunch(up) 2 croquettes at dinner(up)I used to say that I was a absent minded balemic,I fogot to throw up,but now I feel iv paid all this money to become one.it's not that bad i'll put up with anything as long as im loseing weight.at least I dont have the pain some of you do so thats good.

I have been sick again today only ate a small piece of haddock in breadcrumbs done in the oven. First pain and tightness then sick. Im a bit worried as I am due to pay for my fill package and at this rate I can only eat mushies. I know people say it will slacken off but its 5 weeks come friday since Ive been banded and still have a problem with solid foods. Any Ideas?

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hi homecare

have you not had any fills yet.when I just got banded at first I was on liquids for a good few weeks because I was so impatient trying to rush things along I took some of my sisters home made lentel Soup and I thought I was going to die.The lentels all swelled up in my pouch and made me ill for about 2 weeks.even when I was'nt being sick I still felt sick.I was told that the swelling in my stomach had'nt went down yet from the opp and I had filled it to the brim with thick soup.If mushies are all you can get down and your not hungry don't get a fill this month.some people take longer than others for things to settle back down and the swelling to go away.

beeboo x

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hi homecare

have you not had any fills yet.when I just got banded at first I was on liquids for a good few weeks because I was so impatient trying to rush things along I took some of my sisters home made lentel Soup and I thought I was going to die.The lentels all swelled up in my pouch and made me ill for about 2 weeks.even when I was'nt being sick I still felt sick.I was told that the swelling in my stomach had'nt went down yet from the opp and I had filled it to the brim with thick soup.If mushies are all you can get down and your not hungry don't get a fill this month.some people take longer than others for things to settle back down and the swelling to go away.

beeboo x

Thanks beeboo. The problem is I am quite hungry and I did follow DrCDB advice 10days liquids and 2weeks mushies but its almost 4 weeks mushies and what Im worrying about is its easy to eat soft food goes down too easy but the more solid food keeps you fuller for longer. Believe me Im not trying to rush it but everyone else seems to be able to eat NORMAL food at this stage. Jx:mad2:

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Thanks beeboo. The problem is I am quite hungry and I did follow DrCDB advice 10days liquids and 2weeks mushies but its almost 4 weeks mushies and what Im worrying about is its easy to eat soft food goes down too easy but the more solid food keeps you fuller for longer. Believe me Im not trying to rush it but everyone else seems to be able to eat NORMAL food at this stage. Jx:mad2:

Think it would still be worth you taking out the package (presume with WLS) as you will still need fills even if you are struggling at the moment and the clock won't start ticking until your first appt. I think WLS recommend being on liquids following band surgery for 6 weeks if I remember the info correctly which is in contrast to the info we were given after surgery. If you take out the package, see if it is possible to speak to Wendy and ask her advice but still think it is early days yet for solid food to be an issue even if everyone else seems to be managing it! Bigsister x

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Been on a camping trip in Northumberland this weekend. Definately need a fill because this weekend I've managed to eat a 9" pizza & some chips, filled rolls, a fish supper ( ate half the chips) biscuits, ice cream, blah, blah. No wonder I'm in the state I am and hang all about the place like a pound of mince in a poly bag!!!!!!:smile::crying::tt1::thumbup:

Hi Fatduck feel for yeh.. gotta agree is really hard especially when away on a trip or something special and everyone else is tucking in to goodies!

maybe try this if you can...the way i am handling food until i get my first fill on 11th august (and i can do with the support from it now) is to try to stick to good foods during the week...then come the weekend i dont go crazy but have a treat for tea ....ie chicken curry/boiled rice/a handful of chips...only managed half the amount i used to eat but was genuinely full up.

later on watching a dvd i had 2x kiddies small bag of maltesers to quench my chocolate thoughts!

these treats give me things to look forward to as i have been good during the week so it might work for you??

eg on sundays i have two crispy rolls with very lean bacon and poached eggs for brunch...its lovely!:mellow:

then back to good foods for tea chicken and veg with gravy plus small pot of custard.

we cant deny ourselves everything as this is a marathon not a sprint so just try and give yourself little treats every day and keep this going until you get your first fill then hopefully you will get the help you need with the restriciton of some sorts?:drool:

plus try and think of the weight you have already lost which is brilliant so even maintaining your weight or losing a pound a week which i seem to be down to is at least going in the right direction until the fill.

plus DONT punish yourself too much if you have treats etc all part of the learning curve whilst dealing with our eating habits i think:rolleyes:

best of luck:wink2:

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Thanks beeboo. The problem is I am quite hungry and I did follow DrCDB advice 10days liquids and 2weeks mushies but its almost 4 weeks mushies and what Im worrying about is its easy to eat soft food goes down too easy but the more solid food keeps you fuller for longer. Believe me Im not trying to rush it but everyone else seems to be able to eat NORMAL food at this stage. Jx:mad2:

hi Homecare,

try to not let this get you down...as a few folk have already mentioned enjoy the restriction while you can.

a good thing will be when you go for your first fill with WLS, from what i have read on here about wendy etc she will be able to set your mind at ease re answering all your questions.

as for me yes i can eat some solid foods but thankfully not in the quantities i used to be able too plus i think i am basically using mostly will power at the moment and can def do with some help from a fill or two:unsure:

im only losing about a pound per week just now...so im stepping up my excercise this week as i want to lose at least three pounds b4 wedding on saturday!!

keep fighting the good fight!:crying:

p.s Mandy just to repeat what others have said sleep on your decision as IT IS MOST DEF NOT PERSONAL plus the forum is here to help everybody!

i would just pass on some advice which i did ..if you have a question you really need answered actually put it to a specific bandster who you think can maybe help??

good luck

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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