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Hi everyone I'm back!

It's been 4 days, I've been to two countries, been in 4 airoplans, seen inside a hospital and a hotel, I only saw Brussels from the inside of a taxi.

On the low fat diet I lost 8lbs4oz, I weighed myself today and I've lost a further 11lbs10oz, 20lbs altogether!

I suffered really badly from the gas in the shoulder, the first 24 hours after surgery I felt as if I had an elephant sitting on my chest, my breathing was very laboured. For the last 2 days I have been wondering what the hell I have done the pain with the gas has been terrible, every time I breath in it's worse, which means I have been taking short breaths which I don't think is good for you. Yesterday I spent 8 hours in airports or on an airplan, I kept thinking that I night faint or have to ask for a wheel chair! I just took it slowly and I made it. I am just so happy to be home again, the last 4 days have been surreal! Today I have woken bright and early, feel great after my weigh in, now I understand my faintness, and no gas in the shoulder....but I'm sure it'll be back, I was told it lasts 3 days.


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Hi gaz when i went for one of my fills i had to stand up to get it and i went all dizzy and quesey and had to lie back down as i thought i was going to faint so your not alone there.Good to hear he got most of the Fluid out.I doubt you will get any restriction from your first fill but you never know .What size band have you?

hahaha yeh i thought i was going to keel over now that would have made a noise and god help the one tht would hve picked me up.

Dr says i have a new johnson band which can take up to 15ml so a long way away but we will see how i get on this week.

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Welcome back fatpants, im so glad your back safe and well.. what fantastic weight loss so far you must be buzzing. Hope you will get plenty of rest which will help with your recovery x

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wow 2 stone in 9 weeks thats great, have you still got lots to loose? im glad its working out for you and hope i have the same results as you all on here. When are you having your next fill? does it hurt? xx:eek:

Hi tanya i have been stuck on the 2 stone mark for weeks.. i cant wait to get into another stone, my next fill is april 6th in manchester and you dont feel any pain, you can feel the Fluid going in, it doesnt hurt its just a bit of a weird feeling. Im 14 stone now so probably another 4 stone would be nice to lose. x

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hahaha yeh i thought i was going to keel over now that would have made a noise and god help the one tht would hve picked me up.

Dr says i have a new johnson band which can take up to 15ml so a long way away but we will see how i get on this week.

I also have the johnson and johnson band it is a (sagb).I asked him what size it was and Dr chris told me its 14cc but when i checked the white booklet he gave me it says max capacity 11cc.Just check it out to make sure he has not said the same thing to you.The only thing was the bands length is 14cm so i dont know if this is what he meant.

Edited by bobobaldy

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Hi everyone I'm back!

It's been 4 days, I've been to two countries, been in 4 airoplans, seen inside a hospital and a hotel, I only saw Brussels from the inside of a taxi.

On the low fat diet I lost 8lbs4oz, I weighed myself today and I've lost a further 11lbs10oz, 20lbs altogether!

I suffered really badly from the gas in the shoulder, the first 24 hours after surgery I felt as if I had an elephant sitting on my chest, my breathing was very laboured. For the last 2 days I have been wondering what the hell I have done the pain with the gas has been terrible, every time I breath in it's worse, which means I have been taking short breaths which I don't think is good for you. Yesterday I spent 8 hours in airports or on an airplan, I kept thinking that I night faint or have to ask for a wheel chair! I just took it slowly and I made it. I am just so happy to be home again, the last 4 days have been surreal! Today I have woken bright and early, feel great after my weigh in, now I understand my faintness, and no gas in the shoulder....but I'm sure it'll be back, I was told it lasts 3 days.


welcome back fatpants!!..your now officially a bandster!..your post seemed to reflect exactly how i was!..i had it all like you, but my gas pain lasted about 10 days, it got a bit better every day tho, occaisionally i still get it in my left shoulder after fill and when i dont make good food choices too!..youve had a great weight loss already, and are doing great x

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Hi everyone I'm back!

It's been 4 days, I've been to two countries, been in 4 airoplans, seen inside a hospital and a hotel, I only saw Brussels from the inside of a taxi.

On the low fat diet I lost 8lbs4oz, I weighed myself today and I've lost a further 11lbs10oz, 20lbs altogether!

I suffered really badly from the gas in the shoulder, the first 24 hours after surgery I felt as if I had an elephant sitting on my chest, my breathing was very laboured. For the last 2 days I have been wondering what the hell I have done the pain with the gas has been terrible, every time I breath in it's worse, which means I have been taking short breaths which I don't think is good for you. Yesterday I spent 8 hours in airports or on an airplan, I kept thinking that I night faint or have to ask for a wheel chair! I just took it slowly and I made it. I am just so happy to be home again, the last 4 days have been surreal! Today I have woken bright and early, feel great after my weigh in, now I understand my faintness, and no gas in the shoulder....but I'm sure it'll be back, I was told it lasts 3 days.


Nice to have you back Fatpants! After surgery, I yo-yo'd between feeling perfectly fine to being absolutely wretched with sickness for a few hours and this ended after about 3-4 days. I had the discomfort of gas pain in chest/rib area and shoulder for about 10 days, gradually improving each day. You will be over the worst now but take it really easy and grab any help you can get. You must have felt a real boost after seeing your loss, well done!

Garry - glad you got your unfill & fill yesterday, you're on your way now!

Hope everyone else is doing fine, bigsister x

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Hi everyone I'm back!

It's been 4 days, I've been to two countries, been in 4 airoplans, seen inside a hospital and a hotel, I only saw Brussels from the inside of a taxi.

On the low fat diet I lost 8lbs4oz, I weighed myself today and I've lost a further 11lbs10oz, 20lbs altogether!

I suffered really badly from the gas in the shoulder, the first 24 hours after surgery I felt as if I had an elephant sitting on my chest, my breathing was very laboured. For the last 2 days I have been wondering what the hell I have done the pain with the gas has been terrible, every time I breath in it's worse, which means I have been taking short breaths which I don't think is good for you. Yesterday I spent 8 hours in airports or on an airplan, I kept thinking that I night faint or have to ask for a wheel chair! I just took it slowly and I made it. I am just so happy to be home again, the last 4 days have been surreal! Today I have woken bright and early, feel great after my weigh in, now I understand my faintness, and no gas in the shoulder....but I'm sure it'll be back, I was told it lasts 3 days.


Hi Fatpants - glad you are back safe and sound! I did keep my eye open for you on Monday at the Campanile hotel! We left about 1pm but you probably arrived later.

Shame you got the gas in the shoulder. I had it the other end after that barium meal!! I am one week post op now and feel so much better. Everyone is right you feel so much better everyday after about day 4 so you are on the home straight now.

Gary - I'm glad you got sorted and managed to get a fill too. I hope you aren't feeling too battered and bruised!

Flirtylass - I hope you get some restriction at your next fill. That's not good is it to have non at all after all your fills? You are doing really well though :tongue_smilie:. When you have a bad day try and make the next day a fresh start and remember how good it felt buying clothes in River Island!!

I tried some french onion Soup a little while ago. I think the pieces of onion were a bit big - it hurt gonig down so my husband can have the rest. I will pretend I made it for him and not me :thumbup:

Got to go to doc's later. The baby has been vomitting for 2 days now and won't eat/drink anything much. I am just glad hubby is here and I hope we don't get it! Poor ickle thing, he's not happy and he's been banned from his bouncing/jumpy toy thing until he's better!

Happy Friday afternoon to everyone else - Freckles, Tanya, Gillian, Bigsis, mmm, Wishful, bobobaldy, Can't Weight and anyone I have missed!! xxxxx

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Hi Fatpants - glad you are back safe and sound! I did keep my eye open for you on Monday at the Campanile hotel! We left about 1pm but you probably arrived later.

Shame you got the gas in the shoulder. I had it the other end after that barium meal!! I am one week post op now and feel so much better. Everyone is right you feel so much better everyday after about day 4 so you are on the home straight now.

Gary - I'm glad you got sorted and managed to get a fill too. I hope you aren't feeling too battered and bruised!

Flirtylass - I hope you get some restriction at your next fill. That's not good is it to have non at all after all your fills? You are doing really well though :tongue_smilie:. When you have a bad day try and make the next day a fresh start and remember how good it felt buying clothes in River Island!!

I tried some french onion Soup a little while ago. I think the pieces of onion were a bit big - it hurt gonig down so my husband can have the rest. I will pretend I made it for him and not me :thumbup:

Got to go to doc's later. The baby has been vomitting for 2 days now and won't eat/drink anything much. I am just glad hubby is here and I hope we don't get it! Poor ickle thing, he's not happy and he's been banned from his bouncing/jumpy toy thing until he's better!

Happy Friday afternoon to everyone else - Freckles, Tanya, Gillian, Bigsis, mmm, Wishful, bobobaldy, Can't Weight and anyone I have missed!! xxxxx

Hi Sammy. Pleased to hear you are feeling good now. Your poor baby hasn't had the best of weeks has he? Being dropped on the floor and now chucking up and being banned from his toy! Very wise choice about the bouncer being out of bounds, I remember from past experience about projectile vomiting from such pieces of equipment. Not the best look for the carpet!

Yes, happy Friday afternoon to you and everyone. My weekends start early now since I gave up working Fridays a few weeks ago, hurrah! Thursdays are now my new Fridays! Just need to ditch the other 4 days now!

It's going to be a good weekend apparently so enjoy it everyone, Bigsis x

ps How about everyone coming round to sister gillians tomorrow for a barbecue, or are you all gonna wimp out again like last week? She can use those out of date burgers n sausages she was going to bin off. Anyone interested?

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Hi Sammy. Pleased to hear you are feeling good now. Your poor baby hasn't had the best of weeks has he? Being dropped on the floor and now chucking up and being banned from his toy! Very wise choice about the bouncer being out of bounds, I remember from past experience about projectile vomiting from such pieces of equipment. Not the best look for the carpet!

Yes, happy Friday afternoon to you and everyone. My weekends start early now since I gave up working Fridays a few weeks ago, hurrah! Thursdays are now my new Fridays! Just need to ditch the other 4 days now!

It's going to be a good weekend apparently so enjoy it everyone, Bigsis x

ps How about everyone coming round to sister gillians tomorrow for a barbecue, or are you all gonna wimp out again like last week? She can use those out of date burgers n sausages she was going to bin off. Anyone interested?

Thanks for the offer. The food sounds very tempting but there's enough vomit going on in our house thank you very much!! :tongue_smilie:

I agree - ditch the other 4 working days and have that Friday feeling everyday!

Edited by SAMMY77

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Nice to have you back Fatpants! After surgery, I yo-yo'd between feeling perfectly fine to being absolutely wretched with sickness for a few hours and this ended after about 3-4 days. I had the discomfort of gas pain in chest/rib area and shoulder for about 10 days, gradually improving each day. You will be over the worst now but take it really easy and grab any help you can get. You must have felt a real boost after seeing your loss, well done!

Garry - glad you got your unfill & fill yesterday, you're on your way now!

Hope everyone else is doing fine, bigsister x

thanks for that I am getting the feeling that there is no much restriciton however its only the first so shut up garry and stop moaning

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Hi Sammy. Pleased to hear you are feeling good now. Your poor baby hasn't had the best of weeks has he? Being dropped on the floor and now chucking up and being banned from his toy! Very wise choice about the bouncer being out of bounds, I remember from past experience about projectile vomiting from such pieces of equipment. Not the best look for the carpet!

Yes, happy Friday afternoon to you and everyone. My weekends start early now since I gave up working Fridays a few weeks ago, hurrah! Thursdays are now my new Fridays! Just need to ditch the other 4 days now!

It's going to be a good weekend apparently so enjoy it everyone, Bigsis x

ps How about everyone coming round to sister gillians tomorrow for a barbecue, or are you all gonna wimp out again like last week? She can use those out of date burgers n sausages she was going to bin off. Anyone interested?

cheers again bigsister!..but yeah, come round! theres nowt up with outa date burgers...and well all lose some weight then!..the outside settee will have dried out for you after last weeks rainfall, just smells a bit musty now prob!..lovely day here today too and i just walked all the way to the shops instead of taking car!..and gonna walk up to school now to get kids!..all this exercise, i better have lost weight !. have a nice weekend everyone x

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Hi sammy hope everything goes well at the dr's, let us know how the little one gets on wont you.. my nephews (age 1 & 2) have just had a sickness bug so fingers crossed its nothing to serious. Hurts like hell when food gets stuck doesnt it.. i had Pasta bolognese y/day and didnt chew it properly omg thought i was going to die, the rest went in the bin lol, just let your hubby finish the Soup x

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Sorry gillian as nice as the food sounds i wont be able to make it, daves off all weekend so we'll be out walking x

you can always walk your way to here?!..not that far! x

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