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Just another quick note.

I was at my daughters until 6pm tonight, then called in Asda for a few bits and when we got home my Mum was laying on the floor in the living room in the dark.

She had fallen trying to answer the phone.

I just dialled 999 and went to the hospital and it seems she has broken her hip.

They are keeping her in for 7 - 10 days.

Poor thing.

Dear God does it ever stop, I've only just got back from the hospital and am ready to drop.

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Hi Gillian so glad your back to give me my daily dose of the giggles, I did miss it so.

My news is that I had my stitches taken out today, apparently not everyone has a blue stitch it sometimes get removed when the drain comes out, someone on here, maybe it was wishfull, said they could'nt find theirs, so we now know why.

My first fill had been booked with Chris Deprez pronounced DUPRAY (and yes I will be there- hands together eyes closed) on the 27th March, in Newport South Wales, so I've got ages before my first fill.

Can I ask a very unusual question - if there is titanium in the bands will we be able to get cremated. I know its a stange question, and I hope to live for a very long time I just wondered if its occured to anyone else, or if anyone has asked the question and got an answer.


How you doing, did your nurse take out the clesr ones as well, i have 5 clear and one blue. I am feeling good and being a good boy eating a sloppy diet however i still have that large orange/small melon swelling under my skin around port and other 4 incisions, not worrying too much as its i feel fine, i guess its just op swelling as they told me, think i will give it another week and if its not went down i will go back to GP. I have my first fill booked for 19th March. I done feely any restriction but i am eating sloppy however maybe 15 mins after i have had say my dinner which is prob the largest meal of the day i eventually get the slight chest pain, no doubt that has something to do with it, but it is delayed. Hey ho we are living and learing.

Take it easy.



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Well thats me going for my third fill tomorrow with wendy at wls and it cant come soon enough.It was my sons 13th birthday today and i have stuffed myself.We also had a party for him on sat were we had a buffy and loads of alcohol so i was not very good then.Today i took him for a mcdonalds for lunch and had one my self then my mum took us all out tonight for a chinese .So im sitting here disgusted with myself i realy hope i get some restriction after tomorrow as i feel as im eating as much as i used to before i got the band when i have a blow out.Most of the time i can eat small portions which does not bother me but lately it has been hard so roll on tomorrow.

Hi there, I also live in glasgow and heard about WLS fills and I seems to be cheaper if you have the 6 month package and use it. Can you give me any more details, how often can you go and is it set dates.




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Hi gillian my 1 pancake went down ok, i did take my time tho.. i had a bit of vanilla ice cream and lemon on mine, it was delicious but i did limit myself to just one, im going out sat night for 5 course meal, i think ill just have to have a taste of each course and let dave finish them lol, he wont mind x

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Just another quick note.

I was at my daughters until 6pm tonight, then called in Asda for a few bits and when we got home my Mum was laying on the floor in the living room in the dark.

She had fallen trying to answer the phone.

I just dialled 999 and went to the hospital and it seems she has broken her hip.

They are keeping her in for 7 - 10 days.

Poor thing.

Dear God does it ever stop, I've only just got back from the hospital and am ready to drop.

Poor you as well, just when you have everything sorted for her to go into a care home for a short time during you op, you must be stressed out of your mind.

No doubt she'll be well looked after, but that wont stop you worrying, I'm sure, and you'll only be away from home for a short time and you can be up and about within a day or two and be back to visit her.

It might be a comfort to you to know that others care about your prediciment, and wish you all the best for the coming op and to wish your mum a speeding get well. xxxmmmxxx

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Hi garry yes wendy from wls is realy nice and explains alot to you .I tried twice to get my fills with dr chris in edinburgh once after my op in oct and was told i would need to wait till dec as there was no appointments for nov left and when i had my first fill with him in dec i tried to book for jan only to be told there was no appointments left and i would have to wait till feb.So for me that was the final staw.Flirtylass had told me about wls group and i booked up with them.It is also easyier for traveling as it is only 15 min drive instead of 1 hour going to edinburgh.The package gives you peace of mind to know once you have paid you know you will get the restriction inside the six months.The lady michelle that runs wls group is realy freindly and she will make sure you get booked in for a fill which are once a month at the nuffield next to great western road.And yes they are set dates.Any other questions just ask.

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Just another quick note.

I was at my daughters until 6pm tonight, then called in Asda for a few bits and when we got home my Mum was laying on the floor in the living room in the dark.

She had fallen trying to answer the phone.

I just dialled 999 and went to the hospital and it seems she has broken her hip.

They are keeping her in for 7 - 10 days.

Poor thing.

Dear God does it ever stop, I've only just got back from the hospital and am ready to drop.

poor you and your poor mum, i hope shes as comfortable as she can be in hospital,and has a good quick recovery, you must be feeling upside down at the moment, you have so much going on. let us know how your mum is wont you. x

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Yeah gillian il do what ever it takes at this stage 25isnt exactly young i know but its still in good time to get myself sorted and im looking forward to a new life just wish this weight would move a bit faster its a torture the way it stalls so much but glad ur doing well and back on forum i dont be on too much myself anymore or id be stuck to it all day lol

thats what everyone says when theyre 25 lol!!..they think its not young!..wait till you get to your 40s!..youll understand!..OMG, if i could go back to 25!!..Id be doing all your doing, and more..wish i had helped myself more like you have, imagine getting to your 40s and being morbidly obese, and thinking ..IF ONLY id done summat about this when i was 25!...you have done absolutly the right thing...now go and do whatever else it takes to enjoy your life...that way your not gonna look back with regrets when your older!..you cant get those years of your life back! (and you are very young!) x

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Hi Gary, the nurse took out the blue drain stitch and trimmed the dangly bits of the disolving cat gut ones, did'nt feel any of it, on the actual cuts I have some pinkness at each end, and lovely yellow and brown bruising marks inbetween, but the really wier thing is - if I put my fingers each side of the port cut I can easily feel the port, Its right on top, I expected it to be right under the skins by at least a few cm's, and if I look in the mirror I can see it outlined through my skin, its really wierd.

I have no feeling whatsoever when I eat, and I can eat anything there is no sensation or discomfort even with the items the other girls have found uncomfortable such as bread and potatoes, in fact last night I ate fresh garlic bread with toasted cheese, in the same quantity that I would have before the op, so I am just concentrating on not putting on weight until I have a band fil on the 27th March, It seems such a long time away.

On a brighter note all the post operation swelling has gone down and I can wear all my clothes again without looking like Uncle Fester (which is what I felt I looked like after the op).

Take care keep up the good work now that your returning to work.


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Well thats me going for my third fill tomorrow with wendy at wls and it cant come soon enough.It was my sons 13th birthday today and i have stuffed myself.We also had a party for him on sat were we had a buffy and loads of alcohol so i was not very good then.Today i took him for a mcdonalds for lunch and had one my self then my mum took us all out tonight for a chinese .So im sitting here disgusted with myself i realy hope i get some restriction after tomorrow as i feel as im eating as much as i used to before i got the band when i have a blow out.Most of the time i can eat small portions which does not bother me but lately it has been hard so roll on tomorrow.

Hi boboboldy..its torture isnt it going to mac donalds!!.and we still have to treat our kids when its birthdays too!..like you i went for a chinese at the weekend it was the buffet food so just tried a bit of everything to test how it went down..im going for my first fill with wendy at WLS next tuesday..Im scared stiff, not cos of any pain but cos of the thought of the needle..i can imagine myself coming out with no fill cos im scared of flinching or that she wont get the needle in cos im shaking or too tensed up..i wonder if anyone else is/was like this??. i know its not gonna be that bad cos of the way people cant wait for their next fills..but im full of dread!..does she do everyone the same? are you laid down, stood up or what?..im sure shes lovely but i have visions about her having blood dripping fangs and a blood splattered white coat on!!..im sure im worrying for nowt and will tell you.."Oh it was nothing at all!" next tues!..im going for my fills (unlimited 6 month plan) in sheffield 10 mins drive away, but you can attend other venues so im going to the leeds one on tues cos really need that fill and then 2 weeks later going again to the sheffield one and then just once a month after that.. i hope you have a good fill anyway and hope you get the restriction you need to start your weight loss off again..good luck! gillian x

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Hi gillian my 1 pancake went down ok, i did take my time tho.. i had a bit of vanilla ice cream and lemon on mine, it was delicious but i did limit myself to just one, im going out sat night for 5 course meal, i think ill just have to have a taste of each course and let dave finish them lol, he wont mind x

wishfull, glad you have tested the pancake for me, ill be having one little one tonight!, hope its slips through ok!..dont worry about your meal, just eat a bit of what you know is ok and goes down well off each plate, hopefully youll have plenty of time in between courses for it to go down, push some onto daves plate and i bet no one even notices..i know your not to drink for 15 mins after meals, but make sure you have some still drink available if you feel owt getting stuck to help it down. summat got stuck when i went for chinese, and i ended up grabbing davids lager (much to his disgust!) and although it helped it down, i then got trapped wind hurting me cos of the fizz!..enjoy your circus tonight,hope dave has a great birthday x

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Thanx gillian and bigsister, i have passed on your birthday wishes, dave said thankyou, he is finishing work early so we can spend time together,bless him. He doesnt know where we are going tonight but im sure he will enjoy it x

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Hi freckles, i do hope your mum a quick recovery, she probably thought she was helping you when she tried to get too the phone. Try not to worry too much (easy for us to say) im sure everything wiil turn out ok in the end. Wishing you both weel xx

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Hi boboboldy..its torture isnt it going to mac donalds!!.and we still have to treat our kids when its birthdays too!..like you i went for a chinese at the weekend it was the buffet food so just tried a bit of everything to test how it went down..im going for my first fill with wendy at WLS next tuesday..Im scared stiff, not cos of any pain but cos of the thought of the needle..i can imagine myself coming out with no fill cos im scared of flinching or that she wont get the needle in cos im shaking or too tensed up..i wonder if anyone else is/was like this??. i know its not gonna be that bad cos of the way people cant wait for their next fills..but im full of dread!..does she do everyone the same? are you laid down, stood up or what?..im sure shes lovely but i have visions about her having blood dripping fangs and a blood splattered white coat on!!..im sure im worrying for nowt and will tell you.."Oh it was nothing at all!" next tues!..im going for my fills (unlimited 6 month plan) in sheffield 10 mins drive away, but you can attend other venues so im going to the leeds one on tues cos really need that fill and then 2 weeks later going again to the sheffield one and then just once a month after that.. i hope you have a good fill anyway and hope you get the restriction you need to start your weight loss off again..good luck! gillian x

Hi gillian thanks for that.Well thats me back and i got 1.25ml in this time thats me got 7.75ml in a 9-11ml band so hopefully in a few days time i will have some restriction.Thats good that you can get it done fortnightly if you want. If it was me i would be going fortnightly untill i had restriction.I am apprehensive every time i go for a fill but realy there is nothing to worry about.My first time i went for my fill with wendy she could not find my port lying down so i had to stand up .She then found it straight away and asked me if i wanted to have a look to see how much was in it .But when i looked down and seen the needle sticking out my belly i nearly fainted the colour totaly drained out of me.lol.This time i got it lying down i was on the table and off agiain inside a minute.She said right thats you i did not even feel the needle going in.I did not even need a plaster as there was no blood at all.All in all it was a bad month for me and i only lost 2lb but she said i have lost body fat and gained muscle.So i will just have to get my head down and do better this month.

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Hi gillian thanks for that.Well thats me back and i got 1.25ml in this time thats me got 7.75ml in a 9-11ml band so hopefully in a few days time i will have some restriction.Thats good that you can get it done fortnightly if you want. If it was me i would be going fortnightly untill i had restriction.I am apprehensive every time i go for a fill but realy there is nothing to worry about.My first time i went for my fill with wendy she could not find my port lying down so i had to stand up .She then found it straight away and asked me if i wanted to have a look to see how much was in it .But when i looked down and seen the needle sticking out my belly i nearly fainted the colour totaly drained out of me.lol.This time i got it lying down i was on the table and off agiain inside a minute.She said right thats you i did not even feel the needle going in.I did not even need a plaster as there was no blood at all.All in all it was a bad month for me and i only lost 2lb but she said i have lost body fat and gained muscle.So i will just have to get my head down and do better this month.

Hey bobobaldy, 2lbs off is better than putting it on, especially if you have been indulging yourself lately so don't be so hard on yourself, you have still done well. Bigsister x

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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