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Hi bigsister` well done on your weight loss, isnt it a great feeling when you have too buy smaller clothes, well done again and keep up the good work x

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Hi Cant- Weight, Very welcome to this site its fab the guy's here are great, after Freckles i think im next then Fat-pants and yourself,will all be posting our progress soon, the count down is on for us all happy days :(

Thanks shoes for the welcome,,,,,, Our time is fast approaching lol wont be long now....

We will be bandstaars soon lol ;)

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Hi peeps!!

I am back from my week at the in-laws!! I am home now until we leave for Belgium a week on Friday. 19 days until the big day!! I am very excited especially after seeing myself on a video my father-in-law took of my baby and I! I could've cried! I probably would've done if I wasn't having the band fitted.

I am going to try and read the last 15 pages which have been posted since I went away!

I hope everyone is happy. :hurray:

Lots of love xxxxx

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Hi sammy and welcome back, you have got lots of reading to catch up lol, never mind about the video.. it wont be long and you wont even recognise the lady in the video. Your time to get banded will be here before you know it x

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Thank you for the good wishes, time is going so fast now, we leave for Southampton on Wednesday.

This time next week it will be all over and done with.

I am proud to be a member of this board and love you all, you're all so nice.

Dont forget, you can put weight on if you dont have any restriction, just look at me. I still have a band albeit its not very tight, its still not allowing food to pass normally into my stomach.

I have been known to 'PB' at night even without any saline in it. So it is sensible to chew like mad to get the food small enough to pass through the band.

I have to go to my daughters soon, she has a lady coming today who is going to teach her to do acrylic overlaying (nails) and will apparently stay all day, or until my daughter has proved she can do a good job. Its a condensed course, and Sarah will get a certificate at the end of the day.

I am to be the model, so had to soak all mine off last night in preparation for today.

I will be leaving one finger without though for when I go into hospital.

Did anyone have acrylic overlays and tips? I am thinking about when they put that little clamp on your finger, I think its to test how much oxygen is in your blood.

Also, can anyone remember when they give you the sexy stockings? I have a feeling its before surgery.

I am taking my lappy to Southampton with me, so if I feel up to it will log in while I am recovering.

Note to self...remember to put link on lappy.


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Hi freckles they give you your sexy stockings before you go for surgery i had mine on by 8 o'clock and was down theatre at 12, I had acrylic nails and the nurse wasnt happy and asked could i take them off :hurray:, i told her they were solid and no way could i get them off.. once she had a tug and was satisfied they wasnt going to fall off she said it was ok x

Edited by wishfull

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Right Gillian come on, I am into week 2 of being banded eating baby food and your going on about chinese, hahahahaha i am joking glad you could get to sample eveything.



sorry Gary!!.youll soon be there!..you can make some very good choices with chinese though, and a good place to start is a buffet restaurant with your family, you can test a bit of everything then!..but it is only a treat for me, only go maybe once a month if that. you sound like your doing great..isnt there a chinese type Soup you could have, if your fancying?!..gillian x

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Hi Gillian,

Sounds like you had fun at the chinese! What I am inquisitive about is: do you feel the food getting stuck quite soon after eating it? Or, does it take a while? Have you ever been sick since getting the band. I remember seeing a documentary about someone getting the band fitted and they were sick cos they ate too much!? Just wondering.

This is me just getting my last FIX of the day!


Hi fatpants, i eat one thing at a time, and it only seems to take about one minute to start to know its gonna be hard work..you get a pain in your chest first (this is your muscles as they start spasming as trying to push food past the band) your mouth may start to Water (this is your body making saliva to either help ease "blockage" through your band, or to help you bring it back up...it does hurt for a few minutes, if it is really bad then drink a little bit too that will help it down..or up. (normally you dont drink anything for 15 mins after eating as it washes it through band, and you can eat more)..if you have small enough amounts, then you shouldnt be sick, but if there is a big blockage then it is best to maybe just throw it back up, as it will hurt...i have only been sick a tiny bit once, i had about half a small yorkshire pudding(wont eat that again!) and it hurt like mad, so i had a drink to try and push it through but it was that stodgy, and painfull,and the water stuck behind it too, that it was gonna be better out.. i hate being sick and aviod it at all costs, but it really isnt like being sick, its more like what they call a productive burp(PB), it comes out easy and doesnt taste horrible cos its only been stuck in your throat so its not mixed around in your stomach..so just the mouthfull you got stuck on comes up, it doesnt hurt your tummy muscles either like when your sick normally..Its a bit like if you got some bacon fat stuck in your throat and you just heave a bit..you do get warning,so can get to the bathroom if your out!..hope this answers your question?!.Gillian x

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Thank you for the good wishes, time is going so fast now, we leave for Southampton on Wednesday.

This time next week it will be all over and done with.

I am proud to be a member of this board and love you all, you're all so nice.

Dont forget, you can put weight on if you dont have any restriction, just look at me. I still have a band albeit its not very tight, its still not allowing food to pass normally into my stomach.

I have been known to 'PB' at night even without any saline in it. So it is sensible to chew like mad to get the food small enough to pass through the band.

I have to go to my daughters soon, she has a lady coming today who is going to teach her to do acrylic overlaying (nails) and will apparently stay all day, or until my daughter has proved she can do a good job. Its a condensed course, and Sarah will get a certificate at the end of the day.

I am to be the model, so had to soak all mine off last night in preparation for today.

I will be leaving one finger without though for when I go into hospital.

Did anyone have acrylic overlays and tips? I am thinking about when they put that little clamp on your finger, I think its to test how much oxygen is in your blood.

Also, can anyone remember when they give you the sexy stockings? I have a feeling its before surgery.

I am taking my lappy to Southampton with me, so if I feel up to it will log in while I am recovering.

Note to self...remember to put link on lappy.


Hi Freckles! sure your nails will be fine if they are well stuck down..dont think you can wear nail varnish though?. my friend was doing a course in nails like your daughter and wanted me to have mine done..I said id leave it til after op just incase, but i think they would have been fine, as long as they are not like talons!.maybe it is for the finger monitor fitting?..anyway, im glad your op is sorted and your going very soon!..wish you all the very best and, hope you have a great weight loss after the dissappointment you suffered before..looking forward to hearing how you go on, as only heard from belgium patients up to now!. if you can take your laptop in then do, and keep us up to date with your progress!. Gillian x

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Hi fatpants i hope your hubby does go with you itl be a massive help, my partner was brilliant, i felt awful him sitting in the hospital all day when i was more or less out of it, i did say for him to go but he wouldnt. The food, i feel the pain as soon as i swallow if i eat too quick or dont chew my food properly, it bloody hurts actualy. You have got a busy family, im glad mine are all grown up lol. Me and my partner went out today for our normal sunday walk and ended up watching RAF SEARCH AND RESCUE in action, some young kids (age 10 or 11 with no parents with them) had been playing on high rocks on the coast and one of them fell and had to be air lifted to hospital, the tv cameras were there but i havnt seen or heard how he is, i'll look out on the local news tomoz. it was good to watch but sad at the same time. Hope you dont stay away from forum x

hi wishfull!..well your day was eventfull yesterday!..let us know how the children are if you hear wont you..its boys just being boys,they arent scared of anything, and dont see the danger like we do...but where were the parents!?. my boys are in my sight at that age..but come to think of it i used to go places i wasnt allowed and tell my parents i was going somewhere else.so was exploring the woods nearby when they thought i was playing horses in my friends back garden, and her parents thought she was in my back garden! we should know where they are at that age though.. anyway, hope your doing well?..im doing ok, albeit slowly!..just gonna be a bit more strict with myself this week to help it along..need that fill next week!..pancake day tomorrow, thats gonna be a hard one as i love pancakes...altho after my yorkshire pudding incident, i might just rip a corner off one of the kids, as its batter and thats hard for me to get down..i cant take bread in any way shape or form, and potatoes in any way shape or form...whats your "no go" food?..i know everyones different. x

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Thanks shoes for the welcome,,,,,, Our time is fast approaching lol wont be long now....

We will be bandstaars soon lol :hurray:

Hi and welcome cant weight!..love your dancing hippo!!. it reminds me of someone i know?..oh, its me!!..but it wont be for long i hope!..your op will be here sooner than you know, and youll have to put another dancing animal on..maybe a whippet?!. Gillian x

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Hi everyone, I know the feeling of being a thread addict, it acts like a type of safety net for me, where if things go pear shaped I can get remotivated and feel that everyone cares about what the other team members are going through, so thanks everyone.

Its great posting on weekend to give weight progress, but I know I wont be showing a loss every week and may like you big sister have the occasional gain, but its the overall that will matter in the longer term, so thanks for being brave and saying about your gain.

WHERE IS GILLIAN i miss her wit and banter, please big sis sort her out and send her straight back here ASAP.

Now for the moan, why is it that I'm only 1 week post op but can eat anything, there is nothing that makes me feel uncomfortable, my appetite is normal, and my intake has gone back to normal, I did'nt expect to feel restriction until after my fills, but if I had'nt seen the band on the xray, i could make myself believe that they must have forgotten to put one in. Did anyone else feel like this

Hi mmm!!..its nice to be missed!!. i think the way you are feeling is because like someone else has said, that you are a very quick healer!..i felt like you in about the third week..when your band is first put in, your stomach is all bunched up in it ,like its being strangled!..as the swelling subsides, the stomach starts to "re-mould" itself around the band, if you know what i mean (do i make sense?! i dunno if i do!?) so it appears that your band gets looser..its good that you feel like this in one way cos you know your healing, but you do think.."is there a band in there? what have i paid thousands for?! the first month is really about healing, when your band is "activated" with a fill, you should start noticing a difference (mind you, having said this, it can take a few fills)..but dont worry you will feel restriction and will lose, some people lose it in first six months, some it happens in second six months, but nearly everyone has lost it within a year to two, everyone is different. dont lose hope!..i know its frustrating cos we wanna lose it NOW when weve had the band..but its a big big change in our life, and we do need to get used to it...this is the hard part, the changes we have to make forever..Hey!,well all get there, if its quick or slow...i am gonna be a slower one!, but, thats ok, ill just be patient, i know it will be a different story next year...its not a race its a change of life, and its a big thing!..small positive steps..and just think even 1lb a week is 52lb a year..which is going on 4 stone!.. gillian x

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Hi gillian, dont know about boys being boys the police where trying to find the little lads mum but it turnes out she had gone out for the day with her boyfriend!!! i havnt heard anything yet but ill let you know when i do. We are having pancakes today, its daves birthday tomorrow and we are going to see the chinese state circus so i wont have time to do them, i am going to try one, my daughter has vanilla icecream, sliced banana in hers, roll it up then put a trickle of golden Syrup on, its so low fat, not. but delicious x

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Hi peeps!!

I am back from my week at the in-laws!! I am home now until we leave for Belgium a week on Friday. 19 days until the big day!! I am very excited especially after seeing myself on a video my father-in-law took of my baby and I! I could've cried! I probably would've done if I wasn't having the band fitted.

I am going to try and read the last 15 pages which have been posted since I went away!

I hope everyone is happy. :hurray:

Lots of love xxxxx

Hi Sammy77,

I know ecactly what you mean! We went away for Christmas and had a great time, I didn't care or think about how I looked....until we got home and what's the first think my husband does put the video he took on for us to watch, on Christmas day we were all dressed up, I felt good I was dancing with the kids at the dance and didn't I just look like a right barrel!!!! It's when I saw that video I decided enough is enough and started the ball rolling for the bansm my date is the 17 of March!

you take care now!


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Hi fatpants, i eat one thing at a time, and it only seems to take about one minute to start to know its gonna be hard work..you get a pain in your chest first (this is your muscles as they start spasming as trying to push food past the band) your mouth may start to Water (this is your body making saliva to either help ease "blockage" through your band, or to help you bring it back up...it does hurt for a few minutes, if it is really bad then drink a little bit too that will help it down..or up. (normally you dont drink anything for 15 mins after eating as it washes it through band, and you can eat more)..if you have small enough amounts, then you shouldnt be sick, but if there is a big blockage then it is best to maybe just throw it back up, as it will hurt...i have only been sick a tiny bit once, i had about half a small yorkshire pudding(wont eat that again!) and it hurt like mad, so i had a drink to try and push it through but it was that stodgy, and painfull,and the water stuck behind it too, that it was gonna be better out.. i hate being sick and aviod it at all costs, but it really isnt like being sick, its more like what they call a productive burp(PB), it comes out easy and doesnt taste horrible cos its only been stuck in your throat so its not mixed around in your stomach..so just the mouthfull you got stuck on comes up, it doesnt hurt your tummy muscles either like when your sick normally..Its a bit like if you got some bacon fat stuck in your throat and you just heave a bit..you do get warning,so can get to the bathroom if your out!..hope this answers your question?!.Gillian x

Dear Gillian,

I'm just having my first fix of the day! You do make me laugh with your discriptive manner on how or not to be sick, my husband is working away in the back ground asking me what I'm laughing at!



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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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