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Welcome back MMM, glad to hear that everything went well for you and that you're now back "safe & sound". Now you can start advising other's who have their dates coming up.!!! Take care, and take it easy for the first few days.....and get ready for the journey to come! Best wishes, Kath.x

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Hi shoes iv been fine after having my fill, im still on liquids and i will go back to what i was eating before my fill tomorrow.. im only having actimel, slimfast and a cupasoup all day and just dont feel hungry so i think the fill is doing something right. We went to the cinema y/day and i had a bottle of Water, my partner had fizzy pop and a big bag of M&M peanuts and it didnt bother me at all.. normally i would of wanted popcorn or a bag of sweets or both lol. this band has really changed my attitude towards food. x :thumbup:

Hi wishfull,your doing really well going to cinema only having water that's a great achievement,when i go to the cinema i have to have the works, its nice to see you dont have to have food to have a good time i think its all in our head in mine anyway i only look forward to what im going to eat at the movie that what has me the way i am i suppose, i say you felt very proud of yourself well done you ,cant wait to change my attitude with food x:thumbup:

Hi MMM glad to hear your home safe and sound look forward to hearing from you take care x

Hi Guy's whats the name of the book your talking about:confused:

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Yes Gillian you're right , I have got that book but I haven't read very much of it. I will have to get it out and start reading it again. I am eating less than before my band but I could eat larger portions than tea plate size, but I stop myself before I feel too full. I can't wait for my fill to see if I feel any different. I haven't had any bread yet but I tried a small piece of chicken today and it went down fine. T x

well what your doing is working for you anyway!..22lb well done!..it sounds like your getting your portion sizes right anyway..you will slow down as your body gets used to it..just make good choices and stick at what your already doing..the band works in a different way to a diet if that makes sense?!.i have started losing again after being stuck for a week..oh and dont forget weetabix or shreddies or summat for breakfast..it kick starts your metabolism and stops your bowels from slowing down..its important to keep some roughage going through or you can get bowel problems.go slowly and surely and weight will come off.it can take about two years in all (prob my case!), but as long as it does go in the right direction, i wont fret! anyway,best of luck!..im just going to work now thats my exersize for today, inc the walking there! x

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HI EVERYONE i'm BACK all went well I came home afew hours ago and am still a bit sore, Yes fredirick, Chris and Dr Chris are fab and the barium is a laxative but it helps to shift the wind, I think I was one of the group that recovered the quickest, I was up and dresses by 8am the day after the op.

Can I make a big suggestion Make Sure You Have A Helper with you for the return journey. I am so grateful for my daughters support and assistance. We met some fab people and had quite a good social evening on the Saturday night back at the hotel post op.

The painkillers given by the hospital are good if they put in WARM Water (no fizz) the nurofen melts went down well as well as the remegel, so thanks everyone for you suggestions.

I also took sachets of horlicks with me to mix with water and they were fab. I took tea bags as suggested and that was a great tip oopps only thing was i kinda liked dippin biscuits into it and sucked them up like a hoover (i restricted myself to only 2 a day)

I have stuck to liquids with exception of soggy biscuits and sucking a belgium choc, and of course the dutch cripbread that they give you in the hospital - lovely with apricot jam. the Soup they gave us was asparagus yuuuk did not even take a teaspoon of that because it was full of salt.

I've still got a bit of wind, but the bad wind pain has now gone, but did'nt have any shoulder pain.

Thank you all so much for you kind wishes, in the darkest and most painful moments it was a blessing to know that others cared. thank you. I'll post again soon to give more info cheers I'm now on the bandwagon. :thumbup:

Hi Mmm and welcome back. Pleased to hear you are doing so well, but you are being a bit of a rebel with the choc and biscuits! Never mind the salt in the hospital soup putting you off, it's more like the FOUL taste. I didn't really start with any of the gas/wind pain until the Monday after the surgery but hopefully you might have escaped with just the bit you've had so far. Hope lewisabbeyalyssa (and mum) also have recovered as well as you. Take care and rest and post again soon, bigsister x

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Hi wishfull,your doing really well going to cinema only having Water that's a great achievement,when i go to the cinema i have to have the works, its nice to see you dont have to have food to have a good time i think its all in our head in mine anyway i only look forward to what im going to eat at the movie that what has me the way i am i suppose, i say you felt very proud of yourself well done you ,cant wait to change my attitude with food x:thumbup:

Hi MMM glad to hear your home safe and sound look forward to hearing from you take care x

Hi Guy's whats the name of the book your talking about:confused:

Thanx shoes i think your right a lot of it is in our heads, i know it was in mine before i had my band, i would eat even if i wasnt hungry just snack for the sake of snacking, i dont any more.. i did tell frederik what i eat during the day and he said i was doing well and how well i had changed my attitude towards the food.. he said it takes some people years to change. Also i havnt had any problems going the loo, im still as regular as before my band. Bet you cant wait to go for your band especially after reading how well people are doing and how well they are recovering x :thumbup:

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Thanks for your good wishes everyone, I'm feeling fine, and only work from home so I'll get plenty of rest. Breakfast TV here I come. I slept well last night not waking up until 7.30 this morning so I did'nt need pain killers, can I suggest that those who have'nt gone for the op yet start walking regularly, The three of us who were up and about quickly with little pain were all regular walkers so it seems to have helped.

My band is a heliogast evolution which should take about 7ml as a max, others in the group had heliogast advanced or advantage (but I dont know what the difference is) and also two of the men had the Johnson & Johnson SAAg (or something like that).

Lewisabbey and mum had a bit of a rough ride I think because of arriving very late at the hotel, and then having their op times altered.

I would deff advise booking directly with fredrick, as my original time for the op was 4.30, and his other client was for 3.30, but when he came to see us in the ward he said he would try and arrange for us to be moved to an earliet slot and he did so by 4 hour, which meant I was being operated on by 12 midday. And his other client went in at 11.00. So thank to Frederick I had longer to recover.

OOPPS ive just looked at the calorie count for the belgium choc I bought they are 200 EACH so no more of them. But I really enjoy the trimlyne crispbreads from ASDA they're like the dutch crispbreads but wholewheat and only 36 cal each theyre great with philly cheese or jam. so I'm having those for breakfast. I'm still getting used to not having a drink with food, but I dont want to swish the food through too quickly, so will stick to it.

The injection are going ok I can do it myself without any trouble, they just sting slightly but dont hurt

. I've had to take the white socks off, even through you should keep them on for 5 days. My skin was dry and flaking under them, and needed moisuriser.

I was also told under no circunstances bath within the first 10 day only shower. So I had a lovely pampering Molton Brown Blissfull Templetree shower this morning and covered myself with lashing of body butter. I might look like something the cat just dragged in but I smell wonderful.

Good tip about wearing jogging bottoms or really streatchy trousers and loose tops, can I also add slip on flat shoes I wore MBT trainers and the air soles were very much appreciated, dont go out and but them specially but if you've got them or intend to get them, that made walking easy with no jolting and I would highly recommend them.

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Hi mmm you have got the same band as i had fitted, frederik told me it depends on the size of your stomach on which band dr chris gives you.. the other bands hold slightly more than the 7ml, this is why i think im not feeling hungry..its a smaller band anyway also iv got 3ml fill in it. I go walking every weekend and maybe thats one of the reasons i have done so well with the recovery, We done a 7 mile walk around alwen reservoir (n/wales) y/day.. i just love walking and being out in the fresh air. Keep up the good work with your recovery and make sure you get your rest, your doing really well x :thumbup:

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Thanks for your good wishes everyone, I'm feeling fine, and only work from home so I'll get plenty of rest. Breakfast TV here I come. I slept well last night not waking up until 7.30 this morning so I did'nt need pain killers, can I suggest that those who have'nt gone for the op yet start walking regularly, The three of us who were up and about quickly with little pain were all regular walkers so it seems to have helped.

My band is a heliogast evolution which should take about 7ml as a max, others in the group had heliogast advanced or advantage (but I dont know what the difference is) and also two of the men had the Johnson & Johnson SAAg (or something like that).

Lewisabbey and mum had a bit of a rough ride I think because of arriving very late at the hotel, and then having their op times altered.

I would deff advise booking directly with fredrick, as my original time for the op was 4.30, and his other client was for 3.30, but when he came to see us in the ward he said he would try and arrange for us to be moved to an earliet slot and he did so by 4 hour, which meant I was being operated on by 12 midday. And his other client went in at 11.00. So thank to Frederick I had longer to recover.

OOPPS ive just looked at the calorie count for the belgium choc I bought they are 200 EACH so no more of them. But I really enjoy the trimlyne crispbreads from ASDA they're like the dutch crispbreads but wholewheat and only 36 cal each theyre great with philly cheese or jam. so I'm having those for breakfast. I'm still getting used to not having a drink with food, but I dont want to swish the food through too quickly, so will stick to it.

The injection are going ok I can do it myself without any trouble, they just sting slightly but dont hurt

. I've had to take the white socks off, even through you should keep them on for 5 days. My skin was dry and flaking under them, and needed moisuriser.

I was also told under no circunstances bath within the first 10 day only shower. So I had a lovely pampering Molton Brown Blissfull Templetree shower this morning and covered myself with lashing of body butter. I might look like something the cat just dragged in but I smell wonderful.

Good tip about wearing jogging bottoms or really streatchy trousers and loose tops, can I also add slip on flat shoes I wore MBT trainers and the air soles were very much appreciated, dont go out and but them specially but if you've got them or intend to get them, that made walking easy with no jolting and I would highly recommend them.

Agree mmm, if you can't look so good, smell gorgeous! So that's a tip for bandsters to be - go and treat yourself to some lovely shower gel for after surgery, it makes you feel human. When you have your blue stitch out (next Monday I guess?), you will then be able to indulge yourself in a delicious bath, it is lovely and soothing to soak the incision sites. You may need to snip the long bit of the fishing line that goes from end to end of each scar if it feels it is pulling too much but make sure you leave enough length where the knot is in case it needs to be taken out before it dissolves. I had to take my sexy white stockings off at night once I got home as I get too hot in bed anyway and they were itching me to distraction and preventing me from sleeping properly.

Heliogast do 2 sizes of bands, both mine and sister gillian's band is the Evolution which is the smaller size - the Advanced is the larger size.

You are doing really well with your recovery so keep it up and keep letting us know how it's going, bigsister x

PS - Good tip mmm to others about the walking, would have done that myself had I known.

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Hi Everyone!

mmm Glad to hear your back and all went well, what are the injections you are talking about?

As I am plannu=ing going by myself one of the things I thought I had better have are slip on shoes, otherwise I saw myself asking the night porter to tie me laces! Are these MBT trainers slip on? Where did you buy them?

Shoes what's the name of the book that you've been reading?

Well I went shopping the other day, I bought those 'opsite' plasters from super drug, I got the bio oil, nurofen melts, mild laxitive, lucozade energy sweets for sucking, I also got 'sea kelp' this is good for Hair growth and healthy hair, I got Zinc but I can't remember what that was for and I bought arnica tablets this helps repair bruising from the inside. Anyway if I have forgotten anything p[lease let me know, I don't think you can be too prepared. I just need the joggers and sliop on shoes now and I'll be set to go!

Look after yourselves!

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Hi shoes i think you have got just about everything you need. You are given 5 injections when you leave the hospital.. you give them yourself 1 a day for 5 days, its to stop your blood clotting, they will give you a leaflet (in french) that tells you what to do, its ok they have got pictures to show you, also the nurse who comes round to do your 1st one the day after surgery will show you what to do. Just thought have you got tablets for trapped wind? x

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:thumbup:Hi everyone we are officially bandsters now!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. Hi mmm hope you are well say hi to Sian. We are a little better today (thanks goodness). We found it very hard. I don't know what I was expecting as I have never had any sort of surgery before but 3 days post op and we are getting better. I got very dehydrated and sick on the Saturday back at the hotel. So to everyone waiting to go, make sure you sip at Water frequently. mmm how are you eating crisp breads when you are supposed to be on liquids only? I would be to scared.

When can you take of the dressings as I am finding my skin is getting really itchy?? P.S Dr Chris and Dr Frederick are both very nice.:rolleyes:

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:thumbup:Hi everyone we are officially bandsters now!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. Hi mmm hope you are well say hi to Sian. We are a little better today (thanks goodness). We found it very hard. I don't know what I was expecting as I have never had any sort of surgery before but 3 days post op and we are getting better. I got very dehydrated and sick on the Saturday back at the hotel. So to everyone waiting to go, make sure you sip at Water frequently. mmm how are you eating crisp breads when you are supposed to be on liquids only? I would be to scared.

When can you take of the dressings as I am finding my skin is getting really itchy?? P.S Dr Chris and Dr Frederick are both very nice.:biggrin:

Hi lewisabbeyalyssa im glad you and your mum are on the mend, you will feel better everyday that passes. Regarding your dressings you might be better off just changing them and trying a different brand, the ones i had from the dr's surgery made me itch and my skin dry but when i used the ones from boots i was fine x :rolleyes:

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Hi Everyone!

mmm Glad to hear your back and all went well, what are the injections you are talking about?

As I am plannu=ing going by myself one of the things I thought I had better have are slip on shoes, otherwise I saw myself asking the night porter to tie me laces! Are these MBT trainers slip on? Where did you buy them?

Shoes what's the name of the book that you've been reading?

Well I went shopping the other day, I bought those 'opsite' plasters from super drug, I got the bio oil, nurofen melts, mild laxitive, lucozade energy sweets for sucking, I also got 'sea kelp' this is good for hair growth and healthy hair, I got Zinc but I can't remember what that was for and I bought arnica tablets this helps repair bruising from the inside. Anyway if I have forgotten anything p[lease let me know, I don't think you can be too prepared. I just need the joggers and sliop on shoes now and I'll be set to go!

Look after yourselves!

youve got everything except the kitchen sink!!..better to have too much of everything than not enough!! (except choc after band!)..i had most of what you have and did take the arnica tablets also..the book i had was called something like "everything you need to know before and after gastric band surgery or summat"..got it off amazon..by doctor sewell and linda rohrburg i think..youll find it if you search gastric band, there are a few other interesting ones on too like recipe books etc.. and yes that is a good tip about slip on shoes!.i had boots on that zipped up the side, wish i hadnt!..stretchy trousers and baggy tops are a must too!..good luck anyway!. gillian x

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Thanks for your good wishes everyone, I'm feeling fine, and only work from home so I'll get plenty of rest. Breakfast TV here I come. I slept well last night not waking up until 7.30 this morning so I did'nt need pain killers, can I suggest that those who have'nt gone for the op yet start walking regularly, The three of us who were up and about quickly with little pain were all regular walkers so it seems to have helped.

My band is a heliogast evolution which should take about 7ml as a max, others in the group had heliogast advanced or advantage (but I dont know what the difference is) and also two of the men had the Johnson & Johnson SAAg (or something like that).

Lewisabbey and mum had a bit of a rough ride I think because of arriving very late at the hotel, and then having their op times altered.

I would deff advise booking directly with fredrick, as my original time for the op was 4.30, and his other client was for 3.30, but when he came to see us in the ward he said he would try and arrange for us to be moved to an earliet slot and he did so by 4 hour, which meant I was being operated on by 12 midday. And his other client went in at 11.00. So thank to Frederick I had longer to recover.

OOPPS ive just looked at the calorie count for the belgium choc I bought they are 200 EACH so no more of them. But I really enjoy the trimlyne crispbreads from ASDA they're like the dutch crispbreads but wholewheat and only 36 cal each theyre great with philly cheese or jam. so I'm having those for Breakfast. I'm still getting used to not having a drink with food, but I dont want to swish the food through too quickly, so will stick to it.

The injection are going ok I can do it myself without any trouble, they just sting slightly but dont hurt

. I've had to take the white socks off, even through you should keep them on for 5 days. My skin was dry and flaking under them, and needed moisuriser.

I was also told under no circunstances bath within the first 10 day only shower. So I had a lovely pampering Molton Brown Blissfull Templetree shower this morning and covered myself with lashing of body butter. I might look like something the cat just dragged in but I smell wonderful.

Good tip about wearing jogging bottoms or really streatchy trousers and loose tops, can I also add slip on flat shoes I wore MBT trainers and the air soles were very much appreciated, dont go out and but them specially but if you've got them or intend to get them, that made walking easy with no jolting and I would highly recommend them.

Hi mmm!! glad your back and ok!..your doing really well!.wasnt that asparagus Soup in hospital the most yuck thing?!. lets hope you feel more better every day too, its just important to get the rest for a week...i watched everything id recorded on my sky+ planner that i hadnt had time to watch..one thing was 18 months old! and old films, and daytime tv that ive never ever watched before!..take it easy, and look forward to that first bath, its like heaven!! x

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Hi everyone i got banded by dr chris in november and i have lost 3 1/2 stone so far. iv been reading all the posts, goodluck to people who are due to be banded, well done to all the pre bandsters you all seem to be doing well, tc27, tamisu and wishful you all seem to be doing great with your weight loss its such a great feeling isnt it, iv got another 2 1/2 stone id like to lose but ill see how it goes.

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